Sep 21, 2017

The Daily Caller | Sep 21, 2017 | Report: Former UN Ambassador Attempted To Unmask More Than 260 Americans | .. Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, tried to reveal the identity of more than 260 Americans in 2016, according to a Fox News report published Wednesday. The ex-public official allegedly averaged more than one unmasking request for each formal working day, even continuing her spree towards the final days of the Obama administration .. | Blogger: More and more revelations to backup Trump's attempt to 'Drain The Swam' in mob-infested waters.. President Donald Trump said he felt "somewhat" vindicated by House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes' Wednesday revelations that the intelligence community had "incidentally collected" information about the Trump transition team.. Also, Trump vindicated. Manafort wiretapping report lends credence to claim... |

U.S. President Barack Obama holds a bilateral meeting with Ethiopia's Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn (not pictured) in New York September 25, 2014. With Obama from left are Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power and Secretary of State John Kerry.

Daily Mail | Sep 21, 2017 | The damning evidence Cuba's launched a sci-fi sonic weapon at America: How 21 US diplomats were hit by hearing and memory loss - and even mild brain damage - after suspicious attack |

One diplomat described being jolted awake in a Havana hotel room by a grinding,
blaring cacophony. When he moved a few feet across the room, the noise stopped (stock photo)
The attacks have usually come at night. Many victims say they never noticed anything amiss. Others insist they have definitely felt or heard something — either vibrations or any number of odd sounds including a loud ringing, a scraping noise and a high-pitched chirping like the noise made by crickets or cicadas. Several said the noises came in minute-long bursts.

One diplomat described being jolted awake in a Havana hotel room by a grinding, blaring cacophony. When he moved a few feet across the room, the noise stopped. When he got back into bed, the agonising sound hit him again — as if, he told doctors, he had walked through some invisible wall cutting straight down the middle of his room.

Whether they heard anything or not, the consequences have been unmistakable — symptoms ranging from nose bleeds, nausea, dizziness and severe headaches to mild brain damage and permanent hearing or memory loss. Oddly, as soon as some of the victims left Cuba, they stopped hearing noises.

Read more:

DR | 21. September 2017 | Familiepsykolog Ulla Dyrløv: Nødvendigt at gå hårdt til forældrene i familiekonflikter | .. Hun er blevet kritiseret for at gå for hårdt til forældrene i DR1-programmet "Aldrig for sent". Men det er sådan set med fuldt overlæg, understreger Ulla Dyrløv .. | Blogger: Jeez🙀 Denne artikel, sidder lige i skabet! Fik helt kuldegysninger, da jeg overhørte samtalen mellem psykolog Ulla Dyrløv, mor og datter.. Ulla Dyrløv har min fulde støtte.. For mig, ville det være en identisk situation, som kendetegner forholdet mellem min egen datter og hendes mor, hvis hendes mor blev konfronteret, ligeså... Startede faktisk min blog i 2014, da jeg mistede min datter og skrev et langt indlæg omkring 'den grusomme virkelighed, hvordan kvinder og mænd bruger børnene som våben i skilsmisser'. Senere blev det til Narcissistiske, dominerende mødre og deres døtre og 8300 andre blogindlæg. Dyssocial personlighedsstruktur (DP), Borderline, fornægtelse, udnytte uskyldigheden i børn, for egen vinding skyld. Har altid følt at min datter skulle nurse og pleje sin mor, beskytte, koste hvad det ville og være voksen 'veninden', som var alene og forladt, fordi det oplevede hendes egen mor, da hun var barn.. Noget, jeg kalder for 'Spirituel Terrorisme' - den altødelæggende indre stemme, "underbevidstheden" som angriber os og forgifter vores tanker, væremåde, evne til agere og vise medfølelse, omsorg, forståelse, tilgivelse og i den grad vores evne, til at acceptere, vi selv er en del af problemet.. Har været HELE maskineriet igennem, også personligt. Har selv benyttet mig flittigt af Foreningen Far, dengang kunne man også få hjælp hos kommunernes børnesagkyndig rådgivning og konfliktmægling, men især via Københavns Overpræsidium (Statsforvaltningen). Har endda være forbi Foreningen til Støtte for Mødre og Børn ved et uheld, trukket på lærer og pædagoger i min datters skoler, parterapeuten, vi tog endda en noget følelsesladet tur hos en anerkendt clairvoyant/healer. Og været forbi Fogedretten m.m... Intet syntes at hjælpe. For mig, føles det som 13 års slåskamp, inden jeg måtte give slip på min datter, som løsrev sig fra sin elskede far, til fordel for en indebrændt, hævngerrig, forsmået og narcissistiske dominerende mor og hendes familie. Sådan oplevede jeg det helvede, mens der altid, er to sider af samme sag (Hak ved det). Blev politianmeldt for ca. 3 år tilbage, et forsøg på at skræmme mig med en 'forfølgelse, chikane eller stalking' og eftersom min historie lå på min blog og min x-kæreste fik nys om den. Det viste sig efter aktindsigt, at min x-kæreste og politiet havde set min kærlige hilsen via et 'lukket' FB opslag, hvor jeg helt neutralt fortalte jeg savnede og elskede min datter. Min x var ude på advarsel/tilhold. Politiet brugte omvendt psykologi for, at få mig i en fælde, men sagen blev droppet, fik en formaning og kunne se min x-kæreste brugte ufine tricks, men ville bestemt forsøge, at chikanere min blog.. Om jeg nogensinde ser min datter igen er uvist, men dette er historien om en fars kærlighed til sin datter, som aldrig forsvandt. Hun sidder derude et sted og lider langsomt ligesom mig. Den manglende forståelse, sorgfølelsen, låste skæbner - uløste traumer - hvordan kommer man videre... |

LÆS VIDERE:!/00:20

Activist Post | Sep 20, 2017 | UK Supermarket Becomes World’s First To Offer Cashless Checkout With Finger Vein Scan | .. The march toward a cashless society has now moved from the theoretical to the phase of widespread adoption. This is primarily due to developments in the tech sector that now enable the easy use of biometric recognition systems, as well as the increasing acceptance from a public who is becoming familiar with turning themselves into a password for their personal devices .. | Blogger: Researchers connect a human mind to the internet for the first time in history. FB has its own living driving AI on the Internet. Autonomous robots and artificial intelligence (FARAI). Microchip implant (RFID chip). Biometric Recognition Systems. Facial recognition payments. Cashless agenda denialists. As AP mentioned in this article, soon, smartphone payments would eventually seem outdated overtaken by The Vein Scanners.. The Impact of Digitalization and Robotization is all about control, surveillance and submission. Did you know, for the first time in danish history, our kids requires NemID to enter the doctor? My sister just told, she has 3 children and angry like hell, because nobody can help her!! (NemID (literally: EasyID) is a common log-in solution for Danish Internet banks, government websites, used, almost everywhere in Denmark now). Who owns NemID?? Nets A/S - specialise in powering digital payments, has just made a fortune. Just seconds before it got quoted on the Danish Stock Exchange, they bought Stocks & Shares. 70 executives in the management group, got their money, 131 times back, after one year employment in the company. Denmark's richest press officer will gain DKK 35 million, NETS director, Bo Nilsson, to be paid DKK 600 million on his share program (many say, their knew, illegal Insider trading and greed). EQT director, warns against inflated stock listings like in NETS A/S and OW Bunker... So, cashless society (blockchain fintech startups), major player in getting us all digital dependent towards the AI transhumanism algorithm. Next, we are able to 'connect' to everywhere, by our embedded chip in the hand or through the Nanotechnology-Based chip from vaccines and Vein matching.. Sound like the movie 'Minority report'... |

The march toward a cashless society has now moved from the theoretical to the phase of widespread adoption. This is primarily due to developments in the tech sector that now enable the easy use of biometric recognition systems, as well as the increasing acceptance from a public who is becoming familiar with turning themselves into a password for their personal devices.

Behind the scenes, governments and corporations have been building the political and economic enticements via the Better Than Cash Alliance to ensure that the world eventually gets “de-cashed.” We’re now witnessing the full roll-out of an architecture that has been in development for many years.

China’s high-tech KFC recently made headlines when it began testing facial recognition payments in its KPRO store. Cashless agenda denialists, however, could readily point to China’s authoritarian government to ease any fears about an impending technocratic takeover occurring in the (supposedly) more democratic West.

Well, today’s cashless agenda news does come from the West, and it’s a world’s first. As reported by The Telegraph, London’s Costcutter supermarket has announced that its shoppers can now pay by finger vein scan....[READ MORE]

InPower Episode #2 | WATCH FREE: InPower Docu-Series (2017) Take Back Your Power | ~ Episode #2: Notice of Liability Walkthrough ~ | .. The InPower Docu-Series illustrates a powerful new method to restore social justice and accountability.. InPower Episode #2 dives into the Round 1 — the Notice of Liability. Get detailed insight as you walk through this process paragraph-by-paragraph with co-founder Cal Washington, and hear compelling testimony from several ‘seed’ group participants. Then, send in your Notice of Liability, squarely addressing the ‘smart’ meter problem .. | Blogger: Highly recommend... Facts, please: What are the health risks? Smart meters worldwide use conventional cell phone networks to transmit their data, among other things embedded in these devices. All around the world people are reporting wireless is affecting their health. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies wireless radiation as a 2B carcinogen, based on studies linking cell phone radiation to brain tumors! Even so, every single of the world's Telecommunications industry (corporations) says; ".. But even if some minute health risk is ultimately found for heavy cell phone usage, microwave exposure from smart meters is only a microscopic fraction. Smart meters only transmit data for roughly 1.4 seconds per day, at very low wattage. Exposure to radio frequency during a 20-year life span of a smart meter is equivalent to the exposure during a single 30-minute cell phone call. Even this reckoning is exceedingly generous, since the typical cell phone is held to the ear, whereas smart meters are typically many feet away from humans, and thus microwave exposure is tens of thousands of times lower. etc. etc. etc... ". That's the industry talking, True or False? Check this video out.. Denmark is the next country in Europe to set out its smart meter ambitions – and all homes in Denmark are to have smart electric meters recording hourly consumption by 2020, according to Climate, Energy and Building Minister Martin Lidegaard announced in 2013... |

The next installment of the InPower Docu-Series is now available to you on our website!

Watch Episode 2

Here's the direct link:

Episode #2 dives into the 1st Round of the Liability Action — the Notice of Liability. Walk through this document paragraph-by-paragraph with Cal, and hear compelling testimony from several 'seed' group participants.

After you watch the episode, there are 3 simple action steps for you outlined on the website.

Josh, Cal & the InPower team

InPower Movement - Official website

Divine Frequency | Sep 20, 2017 | Conscious Media News | ~ GaiaTV is NOT an Authority! ~ | Blogger: Absolutely true... |

Teresa discusses authority and the conscious progression of refining belief systems and vetting information. ---- 
Sign up for Spiritual Coaching with Teresa: See our Specials NOW:

Folkets Avis | 21. September 2017 | Universitetsprofessorer: Drenge får uretfærdige fordele i fysik fordi de får lov at stå op når de tisser | .. Hold nu kæft hvor er det dumt. Feministerne skal dælme have mere modspil og færre penge at "forske" for, 'Playful urination practices – from seeing how high you can pee to games such as Peeball (where men compete using their urine to destroy a ball placed in a urinal) – may give boys an advantage over girls when it comes to physics'. Så bliver det ikke dummere! .. | Blogger: Homophobia-Transgender-Artificial-Intelligence-Transhumanism-Inorganic-Consciousness-Escapism-Feminism... |

Foto: Pixabay

Avisen | 20. September 2017 | Chok-melding: "Working poor er kommet til Danmark" | .. Fænomenet med arbejdende fattige er nu kommet til Danmark, vurderer fagformand. Inden for rengøring, hotel og restaurationsbranchen findes der en stor gruppe, der er nødt til at have to eller tre jobs for at kunne klare sig. Mange af dem arbejder under 15 timer om ugen. Det viser en ny artikel, publiceret i går af forskere fra FAOS - Forskningscenter for arbejdsmarkedet- og organisationsstudier ved Københavns Universitet .. | Blogger: Ja, sådan har det altid været, udlændinge påtager sig arbejde, som ingen dansker ønsker. Det bliver alt sammen anderledes, når de intelligente robotter kan servicere kunderne. Robotter i pleje- og sundheds- sektoren er allerede indført. Rengøring af transportvogne til grise udføres af vaskerobotter. Desinfektionsrobotten på hospitalerne. Robotter skal supplere hjemmeplejen. Robotter deler medicin ud til ældre - robotten som fremtidens hjemmehjælper, så vi skal måske ikke være så bekymret... |

- Mange kan ikke leve af deres løn og er nødt til at have to eller tre jobs for at kunne klare sig. Foto: Søren Bidstrup/Scanpix/Arkiv

RT - Russia Today | Sep 19, 2017 | Millions of Western dollars meant to save ‘lost generation’ of Syrians vanished – HRW | Blogger: Another proof that NGO's payouts and humanitarian aid, disappeared into pockets of corrupt dictators, warlords, primarily as a consequence of a blend of Western enterprise tax evasion and illegal redundancy of natural resources from corporations and perhaps, funding of ISIS etc. It's all a money laundering scam. As an example, Denmark's national humanitarian aid organization (Danmarks Indsamling), has publicly displayed, that Danes have contributed to more than DKK 957 million since 2007, just think about how much of that enormous amount of money, disappears outside Denmark, before it actually reaches the refugees, distressed people who needs it? Besides the 15-20 percent which goes to administration cost inside the NGO's... |

FILE PHOTO: Syrian children play outside their homes in the Ismetpasa neighbourhood in the Turkish capital Ankara © Adem Altan / AFP

Millions of dollars pledged by the international community to pay for the education of Syrian refugee children has gone missing, according to an investigation by Human Rights Watch (HRW).

In 2016, a conference in London attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as well as David Cameron and John Kerry, then-UK prime minister and US secretary of state, respectively, pledged $1.4 billion to help over 1.5 million displaced Syrian children go to school to prevent the emergence of a “lost generation.” The six largest donors were the European Union, the US, Germany, the United Kingdom, Norway, and Japan, and the money was due to go to Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon – the three countries hosting the most Syrian refugees.....[READ MORE]


The third director of the post-World War II United States Central Intelligence Group (CIG), the third director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and the very first director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, once told the world, via the New York Times in 1960, that, “behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs,” and that, “through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”

The keywords are here are “official secrecy and ridicule,” which is why, for so many years, you were perceived as a crazy person at the slightest mention of UFOs, let alone intelligent extraterrestrial life.

Today, however, it’s a much different story. Hundreds of thousands of pages of de-classified documents show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that intelligence agencies and global militaries have an extremely high interest in the UFO phenomenon, and have had this interest for a very long time.
For example, just go to the CIA’s Freedom of Information Act electronic reading room, and type in the word “UFO,” and you’ll see for yourself. There is no shortage of interesting documents that span not only the CIA’s website, but on a global scale.
“Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.” – General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979).

VT Today | Sep 15, 2017 | 9/11 truth goes mainstream in New York and London…and rocks SF Bay Area |

(Watch this week’s False Flag Weekly News above; click HERE for links to stories we covered, and HERE to support the show)

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

A big-circulation London newspaper covered 9/11 honestly. Another London paper exposed new examples of 9/11 predictive programming. And the New York Times published a ferocious op-ed charging that the mainstream media’s 9/11 narrative was “totally false, literally from the first minutes.”

Was the 16th anniversary of 9/11 the historical moment when truth finally hit the big time?

Not quite. The loathesome lies still outnumbered the instances of truthful reporting. The New York Times and Time Magazine, for example, both published stories about the 1,112 people who were apparently completely vaporized on 9/11 — leaving behind not even a fingernail or a bone fragment for DNA analysis — without bothering to ask how a gravity-driven collapse from relatively minor office fires could possibly do such a thing.
For one possible answer to the question of “what could vaporize 1,112 bodies” check out the Veterans Today Nuclear Education Series.
But when a mainstream Alaska newspaper and a big-circulation alternative health and spirituality publication — alongside the aforementioned New York and London papers — see fit to print blistering 9/11 truth pieces, it does seem that progress is being made.

Bob McIlvaine lost his son Bobby on 9/11…and is pushing the 9/11 Study and Bobby McIlvaine Act in the US Congress

RT - Russia Today | Sep 20, 2017 | EU trade pact with Canada comes into force amid GMO concerns | .. Greenpeace International has warned the deal can hurt European food standards .. |

© Vincent Kessler / Reuters

Stage2omega | Sep 19, 2017 | RED CROSS FRAUD, A NEVER ENDING STORY | CHARLES ORTEL | Blogger: FRAUD ALERT💥Vrede er sundt! """ MEN""" - Facebook er blevet en offentlig ydmygelsesplads, hvor danskerne uden at blinke hænger folk ud og beskylder dem for diverse lovovertrædelser. I virkeligheden bryder de selv loven og risikerer fængselsstraf... Jeg benytter mig ikke af de sociale medier... går aldrig efter enkeltpersoner (hånddukkerne), eller bliver personligt engageret i andres drama, uheld og ulykke. Dog, stiller jeg spørgsmål hele tiden. Det er lederne, som bærer ansvaret for tusindvis af de mange gange, uskyldige medarbejdere, som ikke aner hvad der foregår? (compartmentalization). Hvem er de enkeltpersoners sponsor (dukkeførerne), arbejdsgiveren bag facaden, personer med fine underspillede titler, gøremål og handlinger, som repæsentere et lyssky foretagende. Bag det maskeret forklæde, hvorfor påtager vi os jobs og gøremål, som viser sig at være i strid med de fundamentale menneskelige hensyn, uden at tænke og handle moralsk? PENGE, er altafgørende.. Dernæst: Egoisme - Egalitarisme - Altruisme?... Som jeg har nævnt en del gange før, min mavefornemmelse fortæller mig (med bevisførelse), at de 'fleste internationale' nødhjælp, katastrofehjælp NGO og humanitære organisationer er korrupte (især hvis de har et international afsæt). Røde Kors og Red Barnet, samme sag, hvor Helle Thorning fik en toppost og årsløn på 2,5 mio. kr., (plus bonus, aftrædelsesordninger, tillæg, sponseret fri rejseaktivitet og overeksponering i medierne m.m). Man hører gang på gang, at de danske topledere er alle millionerne værd, men hvad nu hvis de arbejder for 'The Khazarian Mafia (KM)', herhjemme - 'DJØF Mafiaen og deslige', uanfægtet om lederne kender deres virksomhed, eller ej - Penge siver ud af virksomhederne, det er en kendsgerning.. Har du læst Socialdemokratiets mærkesager?.. Red Barnet med flere, er en kompromitteret virksomhed som arbejder for statskapitalismens fem industrielle komplekser. Alle de mange penge som skrabes ind via indsamlingsshows, private raslebøsser samt forskellige landes donationer, her i blandt danske virksomheder der er fradragsberettiget, forsvinder ned i korrupte diktatorers lommer, warlords, administration, lønninger, bestikkelse, 'TDC fejlfaktureret SMS donationer' samt naturligvis, elitens pengetank.. vores 'establishment', som styrer verden. Det er en fornemmelse, jeg ikke sidder alene med. 'At tage folk ved næsen, siger medieordfører Morten Marinus (DF)'. 'Troværdighed er alt, Karin Aaen, Talsmand for Danmarks Indsamling og informationschef i Unicef Danmark'. År efter år bliver der slået rekord, når danskerne velvilligt støtter velgørenhedsshow som DR’s ’Danmarks Indsamling’. Her får vi danskere ”flankeret topunderholdning og kendte danskere”. Sidste år blev der samlet lige over 100 millioner kroner ind til verdens mest udsatte områder. Regnskabet for sidste års ’Danmarks Indsamling’ er ikke offentliggjort endnu, men i 2014 var der udgifter for 13,5 millioner kroner (I perioden 2007 – 2016 var den gennemsnitlige omkostningsprocent 14,16 % - DET TAL ER FUP). Et beløb, der altså blev taget fra de indsamlede 87 millioner. I 2013 gav danskerne 76 millioner, hvoraf de 15 millioner gik til regninger. Det vil sige, at mellem ca. 15 og 20 procent gik til at dække omkostninger (HVER GANG). Knæk Cancer 2016 sætter rekord på 163 mio. kr. og knap hver syvende indsamlede krone ved TV2 og Kræftens Bekæmpelses kampagne bliver ikke brugt til kampen mod kræft... 'Vanvittigt, siger DF'... Indsamlinger til udviklingslandene og de fattige børn i den tredje verden "Afrika, Asien, Syrien" - TV-shows og internationale donarkonferencer. Jeg bliver ved med at stille samme spørgsmål; hvor i alverden er tv-indsamling til fordel for hjemløse, kvoteflygtninge, ensomme og udsatte familier i Danmark?? (det er ikke aktuelt, fordi INGEN tjener penge).. Vi ønsker ALLE at hjælpe verdens fattige til at få bedre levevilkår. Tag bare et land som Afrika, hvor de fleste danskere aldrig har sat sin fod. Vi aner i princippet ikke en fløjtende fis om udviklingslandene, end det vi bliver stopfordret med, af selv samme nyhedskanaler, som også driver diverse indsamlingsshows😱Tænk lige over det! Måske er vi bare en lille smule for blåøjet og naive og blevet forledt til at tro, at vores medlidenhed og godhed kan hjælpe Afrika, fordi kontinentet mangler kapacitet til at hjælpe sig selv. Men realiteten er en anden. For selvom rigtig mange mennesker i Afrika er fattige, er kontinentet et af de rigeste i verden, når det kommer til naturressourcer. Tal fra et nyligt studie foretaget af 12 britiske og afrikanske udviklingsorganisationer viser, at imens Afrika hvert år modtager i omegnen af 198 milliarder kroner i udviklingsbistand, overføres der mere end seks gange så meget, eller hvad der svarer til 1.200 milliarder kroner, fra de afrikanske lande til multinationale selskaber og lande i den rige del af verden. Disse penge forsvinder ud af Afrika primært som konsekvens af en blanding af vestlige virksomheders skatteunddragelse og ulovlige udplyndring af naturressourcer, multinationale selskabers profitjagt og udgifter forbundet med klimaforandringer forårsaget af den rige del af verden.. Her er én, af mange beviser... Har en del beviser på bloggen, søg selv viden🙏... |

If you want to help the tens of thousands of victims of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, then “AVOID the American Red Cross”, so says fraud investigator Charles Ortel. Although Hollywood celebrities are working hard to channel MILLIONS to the Red Cross, the charity’s track record for getting funds to the people who need them is abysmal. Look no further than Haiti, where just like with the Clinton Foundation, many tens of MILLIONS in donations are completely unaccounted for. Thanks for tuning in. PLEASE support our sponsor! Buy PHYSICAL silver (and gold) from SD Bullion:… Thanks for tuning in. For REAL news 24/7:'

Anonymous Official | Sept 20, 2017 | A SHOCKING MESSAGE FOR AMERICA... (2017-2018 TRUTH) | Blogger: Q: Does The Latest Manafort Bombshell Vindicate Trump’s Wiretapping Claims?...Anonymous video is about: Totalitarian government, Snowden leaks, NSA Spying, Wiretap etc... |


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