Feb 28, 2016

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Increases 25% from Drinking 1 Soda a Day (Coca-Cola Life: Critics say the new drink still contains more than four teaspoons of sugar, one quarter of a child's recommended daily intake)

Posted: 26 Feb 2016 10:00 PM PST
by Elisha McFarland N.D., Wake Up World

Pretty much the entire population knows that drinking too much soda is bad for you. But at what point, will soda begin to have a negative impact on your health?

I was surprised to learn that even drinking 1 or 2 sodas a day can negatively impact your health. While some debate the benefits of diet soda over regular soft drinks, studies show that neither is worth the health risk.

Here are 21 surprising (and not-so-surprising) soda facts that might make you re-consider your soft drink intact:

Thrive, More Murdered Doctors - Feb 28, 2016 CET (Clinton's Scam & very Powerfull Globalist Controllers/Hidden Hand Who don't want the truth coming out)

These murdered doctors found the cure for cancer yet they also found a more sinister event unfolding. The tainted innoculations that cause the cancer and the genocide carried out by big pharma. On Ted talks Bill Gates said the over population problem would be dealt with by the inoculations. There were 12 cases of polio in India when his foundation began forced inoculations. Now there are 45,000 and counting. The nagalese in the vaccinations destroys your immune system making it impossible to fight cancer. They are now focusing on chemtrails, forced vaccinations by air. These are psychopaths, gencidal maniacs carrying out these plans. It is time to see them for who they are not what their press wants you to see.


Also Read: BREAKING: Murdered Holistic Doctors Had Discovered Autism/Cancer-Causing Enzyme Intentionally Being Added to All Vaccines (Several Videos) - Nov 22, 2015

Also Read: POWER OF BIG PHARMA!! The 'only' reliable European company that manufactured GcMAF had been shut down in July 2015 (Remember the anonymous & well-known alternative medicine/holistic doctors that has been reported missing or dead due to a coincidental discovery of the enzyme "Nagalase" which Inhibits the Power of GcMAF to fight Cancer and Autism...)

CNN Asked Bernie Sanders About His Religion: Here’s His Breathtaking Response (Cabal's håndlangere "CNN" forsøger at fælde Bernie Sanders, en såkaldt lakmusprøve om hans "religion". Var det derfor han tabte seneste South Carolina-primærvalget? Samtidig storhylder Danmarks Radio - "Clinton sejrer stort over Sanders i South Carolina" - "Clinton sender svada mod Trump efter storsejr: Vi skal nedbryde barrierer – ikke bygge mure")

Hillary Clintons kampagne sigter i høj grad på at tiltrække afroamerikanske vælgere - dr.dk
Was it a evil-intentioned move four days ago when Bernie Sanders was asked about his "spirituality" LIVLY on CNN Town HallThat, of course, was meant to be a trap, a litmus test. Americans like their presidents Christian. In fact, we haven’t had a non-Christian president since Thomas Jefferson (Abraham Lincoln was raised Christian and kept quiet about his un-churched status), let alone a not-particularly religious Jew.... Read more: http://reverbpress.com/politics/bernie-sanders-cnn-sc-spirituality/

CNN town hall: Clinton, Sanders make pitch to minority voters

Bill Clinton blasts Marine protesting Hillary on Benghazi: ‘His mind has been poisoned by lies’ 

Fox's Fact-Free Accusation That Hillary Clinton Was Bribed By Unions 

All False statements involving Hillary Clinton

Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections

Hillary Clinton og vennerne fra Wall Street - 6. Feb 2016

"The Day Beyonce Turned Black" 'SNL' Sketch Nailed The Ridiculous Outrage Behind The "Formation" Controversy (Sorry, But I'm a Sucker for SNL, but not The illuminati Music Industry & CIA MK-Ultra Program...)

Published on Feb 14, 2016
It's the day white people never saw coming: when Beyoncé turned black. Subscribe to the SNL channel for more clips: http://goo.gl/24RRTv

NY Times Reporter Found Dead After Exposing MKUltra


Illuminati & The Music Industry 2016: Celebrities Expose Hollywood! (MUST SEE)

2016 ILLUMINATI Superbowl Halftime Show - Beyonce, Katy Perry, Madonna & Coldplay