Feb 28, 2019

🔴 RT | ~ Israeli PM Netanyahu to be indicted in corruption cases, pending hearing – Justice Ministry ~ | .. Israel’s Attorney General has indicted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in several corruption cases. The charges include bribery, fraud and breach of trust, and the PM will be given the chance to appeal before they are filed.. | Blogger: [🚨84,908 SEALED | 8,184 UNSEALED | 165,625 NON-SEALED- Justice is best served cold⚖️] ...Oh man... Finally!? For so many, many years, we heard about these charges, even his wife, Sara Netanyahu, has been charged with fraud and breach of trust... Perhaps this time, there's no way to make a deal, avoiding the slammer... in 2016, Danish PM, Danish People's Party, Lars Løkke and his wife, Sólrun, visited Netanyahu in his private Easter holiday in Israel. The Danish Prime Minister gave an indirect recognition to Israel, according to the newspaper, back then... Sooo you see, all leaders are dirty... As children, most of us are taught to obey authority, and some continue to submit too easily and blindly follow as adults.. It's a telltale sign of bad leadership - another cheap psychological trick... 💬 PS: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books... |


Shockwaves (Part III) - Flashback 1990: Bibi Netanyahu the KGB Agent, hard core Bolshevik and Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia - March 13, 2015 CET

VT Today - Shockwaves (Part I) - Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World - January 1, 2014

VT Today - Shockwaves (Part II) - Khazarian Mafia.

Operational head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM), Bibi Netanyahu. This is the monster who ordered the 9-11-01 attack on America which killed 3,000 Americans outright with 39,000 dying from radiation caused cancers afterwards with 70,000 now fighting for their lives with radiation caused cancers. This man is evil beyond imagination and represents an the Worldwide Organized Crime Cabal known to Intel insiders as the Khazarian Mafia (KM). Unless these Parasitical Psychopathic Monsters are stopped cold, America will soon be destroyed economically, and up to 90% of all Americans will be mass-murdered in DHS run FEMA Camps, or by their KM engineered nuclear WW3. This interview with Gordon Duff by Mike Harris is now sending shock-waves around the world and when you consider the content that Gordon Duff disclosed for the first time anywhere publicly, you too will be shocked. 

Englemagi v. Sofie Rose | ~ Lær at lave spirituelle ritualer ~ | Blogger: Ganske gratis... Tak til Sofie Rose 😇💕... |

Steve Nobel | Archive | Oct 9 - Dec 18, 2018 |~ The Star Shamanism Transmission: Opening a Door into the Spirit Worlds ~ | Blogger: [⚕️Dreaming of a shaman or medicine man shows you have pierced the bubble of the rational world we often live or are trapped by and have entered a more basic and extended world of ancient people📜] ... Had a shamanic dreaming a year ago, solving others emotio- nal problems, showing the male energy symbolic to life’s force.. Been through the grinder, reincarnation machine, 5 generations back was fighting white folks 🤠as a Shaman - true native american spirituality...🔮🙇😇 |

PS: ... 💭 After the many visualisations (and initializations) in 'Italy', but after Brazil, (under COBRA's supervision) i'm dreaming like crazy...

Let me share something really wonderful of my latest dream stage in the Astral plane, something, that was exactly identical to what my dearest friend, Emy had, AT THE SAME TIME... 3 days ago, in December of 2018, i've asked Lord Michael, to shine on me, for protection and to lead me save into the Astral (projection), the world of lucid dreaming...

I dreamt it was a meet-up with an old ancient Master... Somehow we got initiated and he had a enormous power field, like a cloak or blurred facade, so it was hard to look at him, directly... I was not allowed to take picture, but did anyway and showed them to friends, but they didn’t believe me because the Master, was unrecognizable...

My sister was with me, very young and the Master gave me some crystals to keep in a small back, while I explained everything to her...

One of the crystals was a HUGE Cintamani stone with carved spikes to hold a large transparent crystal...

When I woke up my left hand was all warm and tickling like I had activated REIKI..

Later, i told my female friend, and she had EXACTLY same dream that night and told me, she got the message, we ACTIVATED something in inner Earth, together with Lord Sanat Kumara, in Shamballa. Sanat Kumara is Lord of The World, Angel Esoteric God King Of Inner Earth.. The founder of the Great White Brotherhood, composed of Masters of the Ancient Wisdom... The message was to maintain the pillar of light...

The Truth About Cancer | ~ TTAC Webinar #3 | The Benefits of Hydrogenized Water Feat. Paul Barattiero ~ |

Wow! We were so thrilled to connect with over 2K people during our last webinar. For the first two weeks of our new webinar series, Ty & Charlene Bollinger spoke with our TTAC community in a live Q&A format to answer questions from folks all over the world.

This week, we interviewed Paul Barattiero of Synergy Science on the benefits of molecular hydrogen and how to upgrade your tap water.

We learned that chronic dehydration is a significant issue in the world today... and how hydration is critical to life. Chronic dehydration can sure take a toll on our organs and digestion.

Paul shares the history of alkaline water... and the common misconception of its healing power. Find out which crucial molecule is missing from most alkaline water.

Paul gives us a history of how he became a water expert. His wife of 24 years had suffered from gynecological issues, anemia, and more. He quickly learned the powerful role that water plays in both digestion and elimination.

Be sure to watch the video to learn more about his powerful echo® Ultra H2 Machine. How can hydrogenized water help? Go here for more info: http://bit.ly/echo-water-machine

Be sure to tune in to our next webinar! We'll be updating the Community tab on our YouTube page with the link each week to sign up: http://bit.ly/yt-ttac-community

See you next time!

About Paul Barattiero

SeogHoer.dk | Arkiv | 19. Nov 2017 | ~ Uffe Ellemann-Jensen: Frygter ikke døden ~ | Blogger: [🤲verdensalt, kan simpelthen ikke lade være med, at gengive latter- vækkende memoirer fra andres kulørte gengivelser, da politikere er per definition "verdens" mest selvoptaget og klogeste mennesker, på jorden📑] ... (uddrag fra politikerlede R.I.P. som er nedlagt og censureret) ... ".. Uffe- manden -- I mange år oplevede verden dette bizarre fænomen på TV. Uffe-manden, alias »den rumænske hønsetyv«, alias verdens klogeste mand, alias Gud for Hellerup, førte sig først frem som bedrevidende selvsmagende journalist. En arrogant højpandet smagsdommer, der altid forsøgte at fremføre egne meninger i et hvilket som helst interview. Men så blev han politiker for Venstre. ""Så gik det helt galt i fuld offentlighed""". Hans beskedne karriere toppede som udenrigsminister i 1980'erne. I den periode førte han sin helt egen hemmelige sikkerhedspolitik blandt de andre europæiske kolleg- aer i NATO. Adskillige gange fremførte han synspunkter i strid med folketingsfler- tallets beslutninger. Han mente som sædvanligt, at være klogere end hele Folke- tinget. Det indbragte ham mellem 30 og 80 »næser« (irettesættelser) fra tinget. ""Det er verdensrekord"". Men det standsede aldrig hans amokløb. Tværtimod. Til sidst begyndte hans egen næse at vokse. På et tidspunkt var han statsminister- kandidat. Men statsminister blev han aldrig. Han var simpelthen for »klog« i egne øjne. På et tidspunkt forsøgte han at blive generalsekretær for NATO. Den gik heller ikke. Verdens klogeste mand taler hverken engelsk eller fransk. Den rum- ænske hønsetyv hævede livslang ministerpension fra 1993 på årligt 275.835 kr. (2014). Dertil kommer folketingspension samt folkepensions grundbeløb. En mindre formue for aldrig at have udrettet noget som helst i dansk politik. Bortset fra at have spillet klog og givet os andre et godt grin. Sidstnævnte er selvfølgelig penge værd. I øvrigt er Uffe-mandens søn af Jens Peter »døgnbrænder«. Som folketingspolitiker for Venstre sejlede faderen det meste af sit liv rundt i solid brandert i 'Snapstinget' på Christiansborg. Uffe-mandens datter (Fars pige) blev også politiker. Hendes politiske mærkesag gik ud på at rode rundt i andre menneskers skraldespande (Karen skrald).." ~ Slut på citat fra politikerlede.com... |

LÆS VIDERE: http://www.seoghoer.dk/nyheder/uffe-ellemann-jensen-frygter-ikke-doeden

David Icke | ~ Local Journalism - Devoured By The Corporations ~ | Blogger: [🎭DKR: "Medlidenheds-standoff" - Go' aften danmark: Hvordan har du det Henrik-Sass? Jeg har det OK! Øhhh.. fin form, men lidt 'utryg' ved det her... 🤣] ...{Præsidium om Sass-sag: Alle journalister skal overholde regler. Allerede i 2018, skar Folketinget ned på antallet af journalister på Christiansborg og man har altid været trætte af aggressive journalister, hed det fra Mogens Lykketoft, med mindre han slås os alle ihjel - Pernille Schnoor fra Alternativet}.. Undskyld, tror ikke en meter på Henrik-Sass' historie eller bortset fra det, Morten Messerschmidt. Ihvertfald, er det særdeles påfaldende, at 'depressionen' sker under den VÆRSTE shitstorm, nogensinde for Socialdemokraten a.k.a. Ironman-the-outlaw-mened-om-Pengeskabelsesprivilegiet!... Må verdensalt gerne tilknytte en kommentar til Kirsten-Birgits indskydelse om Henrik-Sass' 'flinte' eller 'medie-stunt', ikke alene er smedet sammen af spindoktorer fra 'Kartellet' fra Khazad-dûms ovne, Tolkien's dværgeborg og en god ide, hentet fra Messer-shit's depressionscyklus. Det kunne jo også være, at Borgen, gør sig parate til at smide SAMTLIGE journalister ud af Borgen, fordi, enslydende didaktisk ekkokammer fra robotter, skal erstatte skribe- nter i Folketinget... Messerschmidt, var i forhold til Sass, klog nok, til at sygemelde sig fra Lapland med fuldskæg, mens Henrik-Sass, tilsyneladende kan gå frit omkring med 330.000 kr. ekstra på lommen, udeblevet fra en række møder hos statsrevisorerne😾Overfølsomhedssygdomme og Narcissistisk personligheds- struktur: den politisk korrekte magtelite og patriarkatet, vinder igen:) .. elito- meter.dk, jeg-fortryder.dk og holddinkæft.dk er lukket grundet GDPR (trojansk hest) ... MASSER af YouTube med politikere, er censureret væk ... 'Pengeklub- berne.dk' , 'politikerlede.com' (403 Forbidden), pist forsvundet og højst sandsyn- ligt, censureret af Google og Staten. Videoen: 'Pengeklubberne - Den skjulte partistøtte' som blev lavet i samarbejde med Enhedslisten, også censureret ... politikerlede.com - var én af de ALLER bedste sider, om kritisk politisk journal- istik i Danmark... Som det ser ud i dag, er eneste medier; EB.dk og BT.dk, men de er jo en del af større mediehuse, som får mediestøtte af det politiske system og ejes af udenlandske mediehuse... Ja, og så er der jo, 'Kisser's troldehaeren.dk findes stadigvæk (med fejl og mangler), mens onlineposten.dk, ikke er opdateret siden 23. November 2017... Heldigvis har vi folkets.dk samt journalista.dk... |

Alex Myles | ~ G1 Solar Storm Causing Major Energy Shift - Happening Now Until March 1st ~ | Blogger: TAKE A 👁️ at today and this weeks epic white and noisy peeks on the SR scale.. Up to 74Hz... Wooow... Also check out, Alex Myles' take on solar storms... |

Schumann Resonance Today 2/27/2019 We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us! RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:
  • 2/27 – We cannot say it has been a day of massive activity but surely it has been quite strong, After the yesterday’s pillar the movements restarted at 19 UTC with few hours on the 30 Hz. average peaks and gradually decreasing the amplitude. A sudden spike took place at 9 UTC this morning reaching 64 Hz. after that no more peaks above 20 Hz.
  • 2/26 – The last 24 hours has shown a “warm-up” peaks at 30 Hz. yesterday UTC at 23. Today, at 7:45 am, 2 hours hours on major activity that peaked twice at 74 and 70 Hz.
  • We added a new chart below, we’ll try to post it daily to show the actual peaks above 40 Hz.
  • Frequency means how many wave cycle happen in a second, 1 Hz. means 1 cycle per second, 40 Hz. means 40 cycles per second, Amplitude is the size of the vibration, how big is the wave, the chart shows the frequency variation in Hz and the amplitude using the white color.

The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC +7 Source

Source: https://www.disclosurenews.it/en/schumann-resonance-today-update/


Dustin Nemos2 | ~ How to Block Smart Meters, Wifi, And 5g - At least in your Home - fixed ~ | Blogger. [SHUNGITE IS THE STONE OF LIFE] ... The Shungit pyramid is a revolutionary shielding device for harmful electromagnetic radiation from computers, microwave ovens, TV sets, mobile phones and other creations of modern civilization ... From Russia with Love?💜 ... |

Anonymous Official | ~ They're Preparing Us For Something! (2019-2020) ~ | Blogger: Wow! Oh my! 😮🛸 .. Something that not even Hillary Clinton, that promises to share government info on U.F.O.s or "unexplained aerial phenomenon", could explain... Remember the Eerie blue glow above New York City caused by electric arc??... It’s a widespread phenomenon: In parallel to Queens, more myster- ious electrical sky events over Dublin, Ireland and amazing explosions in Kenner, Louisiana and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Are they all linked? Like to a geomagnetic storm or something similar going on in space? Or are these phenomena all more grounded like the mystery behind “Project Blue Beam.”. Perhaps pleiadians having a show of force and presence close to Earth or Northern lights seen in weird places, is this a result of a poleshift... Anywho, I truly believe that Directed-energy wea- pons (developed by Lockheed Martin) has caused much mayhem and were in fact, deployed in California and other places in the world and DEW's are also used as Electromagnetic Weapons towards human body & brain, directly to disable or kill... You be the judge.. |

It’s a widespread phenomenon: In parallel to Queens, more mysterious electrical sky events over Dublin, Ireland and amazing explosions in Kenner, Louisiana and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Age Of Truth TV | ~ ESEN SEKERKARAR ~ "Mindfulness - UFO´s & Aliens and Quantum Love Spirituality [Age Of Truth TV] [HD] ~ | Blogger: Esen Sekerkarar is a Mindfulness & MBSR teacher, NLP practitioner, international speaker and organ- iser in the areas of Mindfulness, spirituality and consciousness. She participated in and completed the MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) Teacher Training Pathway of the University of Massachusetts Medical School Center for Mindful- ness which is founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Born in Izmir, Turkey, she got highly inv- olved in Ufology in 1998 and she worked at Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Centre from this date to 2002 as the secondary leader of the organisation... Leav- ing Denmark soon and her groups and settle a new Mindfulness Hub, in London... |

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI.ORG | ~ 📰 ECETI News 📰 ~ | Blogger: [🙇Spiritual Campers, listen up! Don't Blindly Follow ANY Guru! Take ONLY What You Need to Spiritual Survive and Leave the Rest, unchecked and unbalanced, until You're ready for the next stage of evolution🙏] ... As always profound, honest and no flim-flam... James, sharing a whole life of experience, a spaciousness and endowment within the spiritual world that I haven't seen before. At a time when there are so few sources of information you can really trust, this is vital as it enables someone like ECETI news, to give a voice to those less heard, challenge the powerful and hold them to account... Recently, or it has been a escalating factor all along, that 'attacks', has become a 'norm' even in the 'alter- native community' and thank god, the frontiers in Spiritual Leadership has been steadfast and determined, to stay the course.. Prayer of Love, Peace and Light, the universe would be filled with harmony... Seeing flashes of light and then receiving the light metaphysically, of our spirituality, within the universal Toroidal Field, is a red-pilled fearful experience and verdensalt, for one, is getting impatience, that good people, like Cobra, Gilliland, Wilcock, Parkes and hundreds of others, who are just doing a great job, mindful 'forcing' the awakening process into others, has become de facto 'trumpsters', because they think and act differently, towards a NEW and BETTER world, that makes more sense (i'm not talking NWO)... You know what, it would be soooo nice, for once, that, humanity would be so open minded, leaving the egocentric & fear monster at home, and collectively, adapting the same Unity consciousness or Christ consciousness, to be ONE; instead of running in circles of thousands of directions; seeking ONE path, to same principle and same goal - Ascension and Spiritual Healing and LOVE.. 👀🙈💑 (I see you!🥰) ... |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

The Latest From ECETI& James Gilliland

Latest news

While in meditation I was told a very large Galactic Federation ship will be here in the first week of March. It has 49 shuttles each 220 feet wide. It is part of the changes rapidly unfolding on Earth. Most of your leaders are aware of and working with the Federation, the Orion Council of Light and Pleiadians. I have not been told as of yet their mission. The Earth has been under siege for thousands of years by darker forces which have infiltrated, almost all agencies, institutions and powers. You have been under a very suppressive Draconian or what some would call an Archon grid. This is coming to a close. The electromagnetic light spectrum on all levels has increased exponentially. The Central Sun connected to all other Suns has increased its flow of consciousness and energy. Consciousness, Light, Energy and Mass are all connected as frequencies of the same force. Due to free will and a lot of negative influence there has been a lot of miscreation outside of Universal Law. This solar system is in the boondocks on an outermost arm of the Milky Way. There are differences of opinion on whether we are even in the Milky Way none the less we have been left alone, some might say abandoned until the time is right. 

NASA has released the charts on the increase of incoming energies, the Schuman Resonance is off the chart Tuesday it went from 7.8 to 74 which is one reason people are feeling out of sorts. This is all part of the awakening and healing or liberation of Earth. You can see it playing out on every level. The increase in social, economic, political, changes, severe weather, increase in earthquake and volcanic activity all are byproducts of these incoming energies. People are choosing between the upward spiral engaging their own higher consciousness and energy making their own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection, or the downward spiral leading to social, economic and environmental collapse. The days of tyranny are coming to a close, yet this will happen in stages. We are here for soul evolution, to gain the wisdom through experience learning from the past. This is where the wisdom from the Elders come in. There are Elders from Earth and Elders from the stars. The Elders of the Earth if awake are connected to the Elders in the stars. Your ancient ancestors are returning. They know the real history of Earth, the origin of your religions, and have a more expanded version of God far beyond the bearded images of the past.