Apr 19, 2022

🌌🌱🌎 ~ (Who is the Pleiadian High King of Atlantis, liberated & incarnated into a physical body living here on Earth ~ SoTW) PLANETARY UPDATE (14.4.2022) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Long time since we heard from "Teilen". And I would add a Cobra-friendly site, like so may others, "respawning" or "recalibrating" (only some) of the intel or esoteric information given by Cobra, the only (Pleiadean) spokesperson for The Resistance Movement, (so he claims) in a more "lighter" way to swallow the red pill. That is how SoTW interpret this stuff, but I could be very wrong... However, I disagree, about Teilens negative COVID timeline, Cabal's general compulsory vaccination plans, have been put to a stop for the time being, to returns in EU. NO WAY that is going to happen. And honestly, to my best knowledge, the (hoax) that leader Cobra RM's pet-project, started up, called, Islands of Light, is closed down (forever). And the €150.000 he got out of Brazil, when I went there, nobody knows, where that money is.. PS: Not to say anything bad about Cobra or Simon Parkes, but where are the BILLIONS Simon said, he would get to his Humanitarian projects, that would also pay for his CC organization and salary for his CC Coordinators?. And i'm not trying to sound so negative, but there is some hard questions to be answered, with all due respect, and hand on my heart... |


The operations of the Light Forces regarding the stabilization of the Ascension Timeline are in full swing. As of now, the effects of the negative COVID timeline have been contained to the extent that the Cabal's general compulsory vaccination plans in the anchor point of Central Europe have been put to a stop for the time being:


This shows that public awareness, resistance on the streets and energetic operations/meditations do have a positive effect. Nevertheless, it is now important not to rest on this success, but rather to use it to push further, in anticipation that the Cabal could make new attempts in the autumn.

Of course, there are still some problem areas, for example China, which has completely sealed off the city of Shanghai due to the country's draconian COVID policy. A humanitarian catastrophe is currently taking place there, which is why it is advised to include the city in Mass Mediations:


And of course, all crises and war zones around the world should be constantly covered in Light, like Ukraine, where the Light Forces removed an etheric spider being that had formed over Eastern Europe a couple of weeks ago.

✨ ~ 💗 ('The Solar Eclipse blueprint on April 30th initiates more hope, optimism and infinite possibilities.'') Solar Eclipse Gateway (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Nomatter what you believe in, Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses, affects, HUmans... As I understand on SoTW, April 30th of 2022, is one the big ones... Whether it's your sun, rising, or moon sign, you’re poised to feel this seismic shift most directly. In particular, the dates to look out for are April 30 and May 15 (the first set of solar and lunar eclipses, respectively), and October 25 and November 8 (the second set) - though the out-with-the-old, in-with-the-new theme could ripple throughout this entire time...|


As the New Earth Timeline has risen in strength and stature since the bifurcation on December 12, 2019 (12:12:12), the stark contrast between the two distinct world systems is being revealed. While Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in Pisces we are seeing what was previously hidden come up for resolution, healing and transmutation. We are becoming aware of old, outdated habits, routines, and egoic behavior that does not originate from divine soul presence - the residue of fallen unconscious entanglement with the old, top-down power structure.

As we peel away the false layers of ego control, the purification of our energetics intensifies. The heart-centered timeline is calling us home. The heart-healing supplies what we need to adjust to the ascending timeline. The 5D earth plane pulses in the Love vibration, with empathy and compassion for all life on the planet. The journey home involves entering the heart space with self-love and compassionate healing, so that your Light Body vessel can activate in Love frequency.

🤗 ~ 😧 ('Queens dead is WhiteHats 'secret window' for G/NESARA. ~ Mahoney') Todays Vitamin C Energy Booster or Shock and Awe (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: They never thought people who filmed the attacks on 9/11 with their JVC handycam would post it to social media years later. There were never any planes, share the heck out of this (NESARA news).... |

🤬☪️️🔥 ~ (Hardcore Racist, Drengesexsnak og Koran- og voldsprovakatøren Rasmus Paludan: ”Jag har inget ansvar”) Det hele er politisk: Som Troldehærens general Kirsten Birgit plejer at sige (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Hvor kommer al vores fremmedhad fra som ikke er Ukrainere? Er der ingen næstekærlighed, omsorg for andre mennesker, ikke engang os selv, kan vi tage os af... Solen brager ned fra himmelen, i Gøteborg og ind i koøjet på Fyrmasterbarken Viking Hotel, ligesom vandet, der er næsten lige så azurblå som det hav, den spejler sig i (næsten). Det er største Danske sejlskib, der nogensinde er bygget i Norden og af Burmeister & Wain skibsværfter. Nærmest naturligt, for en dansker skal bo her - ikke 5-stjernet, men rent og hyggeligt med overdådigt morgenmad og midt i byen og shopping. Et andet Hotel er Kviberg Park Hotel & Conference, hvis man er til fjeld, skov, og elsker fodbold og sport, med gratis, 4-etages fitness... Nåmen, det skal vi desværre ikke snakke om. Til morgen kaster Rasmus Paludan, igen (igen) en mørk, mørk skygge over, hele Sverige (og Dannevang). Er det et politisk bestillingsarbejde, for at opblusse og fremme Muslimsk had, igen (igen)?? HVEM sidder i så fald og bestemmer og tillader at den kraftidiot til "Paludan" udøver psykisk vold og respektløshed, mod, andres tro? Moderaterna, kalder på Svensk TV, volden og de mennesker som udfører det, for "terrorister" mod politiet og den vågne ved, at det svenske parti, er identisk med den mest korrupte mand i Danmark, Moderaterne, LLR. Så her, har vi med en mand-med-et-lem at gøre, som bejler til MÆND og lige pludseligt, er Svensker, og flyttet sine politiske aktiviteter over på kommunikations-platformen Discord, hvor han ud over politik taler om analsex og 'cock-spanking', viser billeder af penis-torturredskaber og fortæller grove sex-historier til unge drenge. Der må der sidde nogle i frimureriet og politiske system og godkendte, Koranafbrændinger og sexismen. Er det hele en "forestilling", for at opvågne, andre???. Eller det rent had og frygt, som styrer vores hverdag, skal blive ved med at bære os hen i evig fortabelse?... |

Den store opvågningstid er over os. Vi har så hårdt brug for et gigantisk nyt spirituelt paradigmeskift, væk fra alle NWO, Frimueriet og alle satanisterne og deslignede. 80'ernes CIA's involvering og AB Bofors (BAE Systems) snigmord af Olof Palme. Dannevang er en STOR medspiller og samarbejder med Engelske BAE Systems i dag. Golfkrisen og den nye verdensorden, i 90'erne. Terrorangrebet den 11. september 2000'erne. Alle de falske flag muslimske terror begivenhederne i 2010'erne. Mørk-Mette altoverskyggende magt-nedlukninger, mink-slagtning og toksisk og DNA-ændrende masse-vaccinationerne i 2020'erne. 2022 Ukrainekrigen, som Dannevang og USA, som de går hele vejen med. Lange næser og løgn og latin, som får trædukken Pinocchio-næsen, til at vokse ind i himmelen. Lige indtil, ønsket, om 3.verdenskrig, bliver realitet (men kun i medierne). Er du ikke vågen endnu?...PS: Lige nu (tvinger) regeringen 400.000 husejere, væk fra naturgas. Kan du høre det inde i dit hoved "NATUR"-gas. Kun fordi, man påstår i dag, at  russisk gas er politisk bestemt, dårligt, men når krigen er slut i morgen, så bliver det okayet igen, samt andre fossile brændstoffer + KlimaDan' atomkraftværker, tillades... Står der idiot på ryggen af mig?... NOTE: tror ikke selv på Fransiska's Dommedagsprofetier - Coronakrisen - kommer ALDRIG igen... |