Jan 26, 2017

Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd -- Rapporten, som altid får mig til at smile!: Danmark er stadig verdens mindst korrupte land!! (Blogger: Vekselkontor får bøde på 111 millioner kroner for hvidvask | 14.000 virksomhedsejere tog ulovlige aktionærlån i 2012. Kendisser som Anne Fabricius-Bjerre, Frank Hvam | Anders Bircow svindler for tredje år i træk med samlet at have lånt 2 millioner i sit anpartsselskab | Kendt café-kæde sælger billig supermarkedssuppe til overpris | Politiet slår til mod kendt københavnercafé | Kunde opdagede falsk bacon: Fynsk restaurant tvunget til at ændre menukort | Afsløret: Lagkagehuset fylder kemi og margarine i kagen | Danske brødpriser på himmelflugt: 61 procent højere end i resten af EU | Danskerne bliver flået i supermarkedet | Ny skandale kan være på vej i Skat: Momssvindler taler ud | KMD og samtlige offentlige IT lader ledelsen køre tingene i sænk med vijle | Skat vælger KMD til nyt it-system trods kæmpe stævning | Kommunerne har fået nok af KMD’s milliardforsinkelse: Nødplan aktiveret | Ansat i ministerium idømt samfundstjeneste for bestikkelse | Rapport: Danske pensionskasser og København har investeringet milliarder i Vestbreddens bosættelser som er i strid imod FN's, USA, EU's og Danmarks politik | Region: ‘Menneskelig fejl’ at opkald om treårigs død er forsvundet | Staten scorer millioner på fejlskøn af asyltal | Flovt: De er Danmarks rigeste og de gider ikke besøge de ældre | Sagde regeringen havde 'købt en grønlænder': Nu nægter han at svare på spørgsmål | Politifolk fik klar besked: Læg alt fra jer – I skal ud på gader og stræder og dele bøder ud | Kvinde fik erstatning for lægefejl: Nu skal hun betale pengene tilbage | Forsker tiltalt for seksuelle krænkelser af børnebørn | Skandale: Læge, Stig Gerdes, der har reddet utallige HPV-ofre, er blevet frataget sin autorisation for at hjælpe en patient ud af tvangsbehandling | Sundhedsminister kaldes i samråd om bedøvelse af patienter i Køge | S til Thyra Frank: "Det er jo total sort tale" | Danske firmaer politianmeldt efter flere klager: – Kom som lyn fra en klar himmel | Ole Stephensen vil i Folketinget: Her er fem andre berømtheder, der også ville | DR-boss taget i løgn om Langkildes hest | Selv koncerthusets chef er millionær : DRs lønfest større end først antaget | Fyret bureaukrat står til to års ekstra løn på 172.485 kroner om måneden – "helt normal kontrakt" siger borgmester | Bank-analytiker: Nordea har travlt med at få kundetilfredsheden op, men bundlinjen stiger med tre procent til 3.766 mio. euro. | Eliten lærer menigmand at blæse på fællesskabet | Lange ventelister giver millioner til boligorganisationer | Skylder du kommunen penge? Nu skal 262 millioner betales ved kasse ét | På rekordtid har 3F skaffet 176.000 underskrifter mod regeringens plan om at hæve pensionsalderen | Minister vil have reformer trods kæmpe 42 mia.kr. BNP-opjustering | Forsker afslører: Donald Trump har samme forfædre som Dronning Margrethe | Danmark er stadig verdens mindst korrupte land, men der er også overraskelser på årets liste over korruption – tag bare Tyskland )

Er du enig med historiker, Mette Frisk Jensen, til en ny Tænkepause-bog og TP i, at Danmark er et af de mindst korrupte lande i verden? Hvordan definere du korruption? Transparency International definerer korruption som: “misbrug af betroet magt for egen vindings skyld“...
”Kært barn har mange navne, og korruption hedder også bedrageri, underslæb, mandatsvig. Mange tror, at det kun dækker over bestikkelse, men det er mere end det, og korruption er også, når embedsmænd tager af kassen, når politikere laver underhåndsaftaler eller placerer opgaver hos medlemmer af familien,” siger Mette Frisk Jensen.
Da Frederik den Tredje i 1660 indførte enevælden, indførte han samtidig en stærkt hierarkisk administration, hvor embedsmændene alene administrerede i kongens sted, og hvor magten kun var til låns. ”Det var i styrets interesse at få etableret en effektiv forvaltning. Derfor blev der slået hårdt ned på korruption, som kunne erodere det system indefra. Det var et spørgsmål om at indkræve skatter til at finansiere de mange krige, Danmark førte i 1500-, 1600- og begyndelsen af 1700-tallet, og det var embedsmændenes ansvar.”

”Det var ikke et spørgsmål om at have en højere moral, men et spørgsmål om at bevare den enevældige magt ved at gøre administrationen mere effektiv. De færreste tænker over, hvor stor en gevinst for samfundet det er, at vi ikke har problemet med korruption.
Det, at vi har fået opbygget en effektiv administration og dermed en ikke-korrupt forvaltning allerede i 1800-tallet, har en væsentlig betydning for, at vi kan finansiere en velfærdsstat. At man har fået folk til at betale høje skatter, kunne man kun gøre, hvis folket havde tillid til staten, og at pengene blev forvaltet ordentligt,” siger Mette Frisk Jensen. Men hun peger også på, at det kræver arbejde at fastholde Danmarks førerposition på verdensplan. Og at der har været små skred i samfundet i de seneste par år, der måske kan føre landet i den forkerte retning.... læs hele artiklen: https://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/etik.dk/den-korrupte-dansker-findes-ogsaa

3rd Eye Awakening: How to Recognize If Your Sixth Chakra Is Open - Jan 26, 2017

When the 3rd eye awakening happens, there are some remarkable effects on your thinking and feeling. 


Andreea V.Andreea V.
Andreea is a child of God, a newly freelance writer who is deeply passionate about the wonders of life, emotions as well as psychology and astrology. Her motto is, "What comes easy won't last long and what lasts long won't come easy."

The third eye (also known as the mind’s eye situated between your eyebrows) is the sixth chakra with powerful abilities. Usually, this area or chakra becomes active when the person has reached a certain level of awareness and consciousness. Once that the individual possesses compassion, love, integrity and responsibility, then the third eye opens and reveals new ways of self-development.

If you want to know if your third eye is awake, here you have 4 signs that will help you recognize it:

1. Intuition

If your sixth chakra is opened, the first skill you will earn is intuition. You will be able to tell what, how or when something will happen before it actually does. It is a subtle feeling that will guide you and which will develop more and better with time.

2. Different thinking

You look for self-improvement and you start adopting a different thinking. You start giving up on old habits, old attitude and you want a mental and spiritual evolution. You start reflecting on your life or life itself, you start questioning what you know or what you hear/see. You start analyzing and searching for new ways of development – either society development or personal development. You no longer accept a version of an answer, but you seek the truth and want to know more.

3. An open mind

Your 3rd eye awakening allows you to understand complex situations or concepts which before might have been too complicated for you. You start seeing a situation from many angles and you are able to understand its numerous aspects. You are also able to communicate your feelings and thoughts with ease.

4. Seeing outside of the box

Your thinking is no longer shaped by what people or mass media tell you. You see through words and you are able to pick up the real meaning/reason behind actions. You are in touch with your senses, with life, with nature and you can understand the hidden messages you receive from them (i.e. synchronicity).

If you feel that you have reached or you are experiencing the 3rd eye awakening, then it means that your third eye is opened. Feel free to share your experience with us!

Jammy Soul
Sivana Spirit

Copyright © 2016 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

Arcturian Message ~ We Are Your Galactic Family ~ Dr. Suzanne Lie

Billede af Arcturians iflg.
Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer.  

Kanaliseret af Marilyn Raffaele
©2017 onenessofall.com

Published on Jan 24, 2017
We Are Your Galactic Family ~ We Are YOU & You Are US
Arcturian Message through Suzanne Lie & Shawnna Donop
*Featured Event (Saturday, Jan. 28): http://www.multidimensions.com/energe...

Sue Lie: Hello everyone. I decided today, or maybe I heard today. I’m not sure. Sometimes when we hear from our Higher Self or the Higher Beings, we’re not sure if it’s coming from us, or if it’s coming from them. Actually, that is good, as that is a form of merging – right Shawnna?

Shawnna Donop: That’s true, and I suppose that as we expand our consciousness, we aren’t really separated anymore. Instead, we become ONE consciousness with a constant stream of guidance.

SL: Yes, and of course that constant stream of guidance was always there, but the frequency of our consciousness was not able to catch it all—yet! Therefore, we have to meditate and raise our consciousness to be able to turn up the volume of the messages that were going on all of the time, but we just didn’t know. However, we’re starting to know it NOW. People are really, really tuning in, aren’t they?

SD: I think we can all feel the heightened energies, frequencies, and streams of information, guidance, and Unconditional Love coming through.

SL: Yes, and maybe that’s why I got a message from the Arcturians to give you a call Shawnna. They have something that they need us to pass on.

And, first I want to talk a little bit about getting a message. When we first started to get inter-dimensional messages, we would have to meditate and do different things to re-calibrate ourselves to somehow receive the message. But, NOW the messages are coming in fast and furious, aren’t they?

SD: Absolutely, and it’s just as simple as taking a moment to tune in. It definitely feels like the connection is stronger then ever.

SL: Yes, it’s definitely very strong. In fact, now I’m going to pull in the Arcturians. Shawnna if you would just ask a couple of questions? We will just have a quick conversation, and a hello to everyone from the Arcturians.

(Marker 2:18) Arcturians: Hello everyone, we are the Arcturians. We are so happy to see how you are waking up. From our perspective, it’s already spring, and you are millions of blooming flowers. Within your consciousness, you are just like a bouquet of lotus blossoms, and you’ve sent your roots all the way down deep, deep into the soil of Mother Gaia.


Lee Harris har månedlige prognoser via 15 minutters intensive videoer og han arbejder med energier som er rigtigt givende og meget reelle bud på hvordan vi bliver påvirket af de energifelter og energistrømme som eksistere overalt i naturen og omkring os. Lee Harris beskriver de nærværende situationer som alle mennesker og børn skal forholde sig til og hvordan vi genopretter balancen på ny.

Personligt syntes det er en opløftende oplevelse og faktisk meget rammende. Vil også sige, Lee Harris er på et bevidsthedsniveau jeg også deler, mange ting han fortæller os, er stort set mange af de emner, jeg beskriver på min blog........

ECETI Reflections and News Update ~ Trump Inauguration from a Higher Perspective (Wooow... I feel so good, so light, so energized, so happy, so purposeful after this.. Thanks to James Gilliland..)

Published on Jan 25, 2017
James Gilliland, spiritual teacher and author, shares his higher dimensional insights on the Trump Inauguration. There is a transdimensional war going on far beyond most people's ability to perceive. From an enlightened perspective, Trump is the right person for the job and has the backing of the Higher Dimensionals.

Dr. Michael Salla Update: Visit to Antarctica Confirms Discovery of Flash Frozen Alien Civilization

Written by Dr Michael Salla on

In early January 2017, secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode says he was taken to Antarctica to witness the first scientific excavations of ruins from an ancient flash frozen civilization buried under two miles of ice. While the discovery of the ruins date back to the first Nazi German expedition in 1939 according to Goode, it is only since 2002 that excavations by archeologists and other scientists have been allowed, The archeologists have allegedly prepared documentary films and academic papers whose release will astound the scientific community.

In a December 11, 2016 update, Goode describes how he had been earlier made aware of the Antarctica excavations from multiple sources, and then had the excavations also revealed to him by a senior officer within a USAF led secret space program he dubbed “Sigmund”, Sigmund led a covert mission involving multiple abductions and debriefings of Goode who was being tested for the fidelity of his information.

After being satisfied about the accuracy of Goode’s information and sources, Sigmund unexpectedly shared some of his knowledge about the Antarctica excavations. It involved a civilization led by 10-12 foot tall “Pre-Adamites” with elongated skulls.

Three oval shaped motherships about 30 miles in diameter were discovered nearby revealing that the Pre-Adamites were extraterrestrial in origin, and had arrived on Earth about 55,000 years ago. One of the three ships has been excavated and found to have many smaller spacecraft inside. The Pre-Adamite civilization, at least that portion of it based in Antarctica, had been flash frozen in a cataclysmic event that had occurred roughly 12,000 years ago.

Goode has also been told by his contacts that the most advanced technologies, and the remains of Pre-Adamites themselves have been removed from one archeological site that will be made public. Teams of archeologists have been working with what is left, and told to keep secret what else they had seen.

Artistic depiction of ruins found under Antarctica. Permission: Sphere Being Alliance

Clif High on David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford and Drake (Blogger: Condescending videos by Clif High got me a little bit upset! Targeting WikiLeaks, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Thrive movement, Drake and many others, as fake and phony baloney informants!!. So what! (let me come back to this).. One of the reasons i've started blogging was to put myself in the line of fire, not being the “almighty wizard” who knows it all, but avoiding getting shot for being the messenger of bad and false news! NOBODY has the overall picture of universal truth.. Everytime i run into ex/military personnel/military roots, i'm both excited and alerted.. Why?.. Well, I'll ought to be careful what I say here!.. In Denmark, might be the same all over the world, when you're givin order to kill another human as a foot soldier or alike, traumatised by war, survivors of intensively systematic mind control or just been submitted to this hierarchical heavy system which attracts stereotyped or immature, lower end of the intelligence scale people, we all know the outcome (you've changed forever).. No one in their right mind would enlist for officer programs, undercover informant, secret spy or woking in the Defence Intelligence Services as "blackhat-specialist" in Cyber Devision, if they knew, they were killing and lying for this evil, extreme power of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).. People in the military, are being promoted on the basis of cronyism and seniority rather than competencies. Illogical and near insane decisions are implemented with the greatest truism. Nobody questions the authorities. Military bosses are always right. If you claim the opposite, you can never be promoted.. Young soldiers arises and 'thrive' for impossible missions, where there is a high risk of being killed, according to a new danish report. The desire for adventure, an experience for life, challenges and new companions. It is the paramount drivers when Danish soldiers go to war and enroll in both peacekeeping missions and tough military combat missions abroad.. However, to me, all who served their country, are all heroes, whether returning with Vietnam Syndrome, PTSD or just had enough of the system, going all-in as whistleblowers or regain a normal life span.. Perhaps Corey Goode, Benjamin Fulford(Cabal journalist) , Alex Collier, Drake (higher-ranking NSA official than Snowden) and so many others, former ex military guys are still working as informants for the Cabal.. So what?.. "The simple truth is that everyone has an opinion, everyone has the right to voice it, and they should if they want to." - George Clooney quote.. In order to understand absolute or universal truth, we must begin by defining truth. Some people would say that there is no true reality, only perceptions and opinions. Others would argue that there must be some absolute reality or truth. My take on the matter -- follow your intuition is crucial in leading a happy and fulfilling life. Sometimes it is referred to as gut feeling, sixth sense, innate wisdom, inner sense, that can cut through our defense systems, ego and allow a deep truth to be revealed.. Always ONLY take the info which resonates with you're inner cut feeling and leave the rest for scrap.. Go into your heart and submit the love energy, after you processed the inner dark core issues that comes forward, at this time..)

(American KabukiThis is a fascinating interview by Red Ice with Clif High on January 16th. He discusses at length his misgivings with the information coming from David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford and Drake. Many of the points he makes are very salient ones.

Source - Deus Nexus

by American Kabuki, January 18th, 2017

Clif’s take on Ben Fulford is interesting in the regard that he has a martial artist background for most of his life, he’s trained in Judo, Karate, and Akido at many dojos.

I had a banker compliance officer contact me a few years ago who had both martial arts and Yakuza connections tell me Ben didn’t know what he was talking about when it came to the martial arts societies and the Yakuza, and he even expressed those views directly to Ben in a telephone call. I learned from another source that one of the Yakuza sidelines is to laundry dodgy financial paper.

Clif goes into some details in his own personal history, such as his grandfather shooting himself with a shotgun when the bankers took the family farm in Missouri during the 1930s depression. His father was lifer in the military, eventually promoted to a White House Aide, and then when confronted with some covert details about the Chicago democratic convention riots in the Johnson administration volunteers to leave a cushy DC job and go to Vietnam. All this history I have not heard mentioned before.