Jan 24, 2018

Verdensalt | 24. Jan 2018 | ~ Hvad giver man en politiker som ikke kan stoppe med at bedrage befolkningen? førtidspensionering ~ | Blogger: 50.000 underskrifter kan sætte dagsordenen i Folketinget (tror du selv på den limpind?🤣🤣🤣).... PIO (2010:) Ole Birk olesen: politikere vil bare have ministerposter og høj løn (er der noget om snakken??)... Lad os se ranglisten af DAGENS bedrag: -- | 1. TV2 NYS: Statsrevisorernes kritisere salget af statens vaccineproduktion for at være 'helt usædvanlig dårligt' forberedt | 2. BT: Anna Mee undersøges: Nu ændrer hun pludselig forklaring om sin 'gode' ven | 3. EB: Lars Løkke vil kun svare på ét ud af seks spørgsmål (om #Kvotegaten) | 4. Radio24syv: 12 embedsmænd fremhævede dom et år før Støjberg reagerede | 5. Information.dk: Klimaminister: ’Jeg er nok ikke personen, der tænker på, hvad der skal ske i Danmark om 100 år’ (DK - uden grønne omstilling?) | 5. Berlingske: »Arrogant« debatindlæg fra S-profil vækker vrede hos Enhedslisten: »Det hører ingen steder hjemme« | 6. FinansWatch: Minister anerkender kritik: Chef for Bagmandspolitiet kommer måske på korruptionsliste | 7. journalista.dk: I kø til eftervederlag : Selv genvalgte byrådsmedlemmer scorer mange hundrede tusinde kroner | 8. DR NYS: Naivt, tåbeligt og ekstremt uansvarligt: Oppositionen nedsabler peberspray-forslag | 9. Politiken: Amatøragtigt og pinligt: Løkke skylder en undskyldning til de tusindvis af beboere i områder, han fejlagtigt har sat på ghettolisten | 10. kristeligt-dagblad: Danmark risikerer at blive part i spansk konflikt |

Folkets Avis | 24. Jan, 2018 | Meld jer selv til Detektor, DR – for Fake News | .. Danmarks Radio kører ukritisk kampagnejournalistik for FOA. Dennis Kristensen og FOA har i Danmarks Radio fundet en ""fuldstændig"" ukritisk mikrofonholder. Det ser vi i dag i en artikel som i den grad bør få enhver til at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved DR's journalistiske integritet og troværdighed. Jeg har sjælden set en mere ensidig og løgnagtig omgang .. |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.folkets.dk/node/2519

SPACE | Jan 24, 2018 | The Best Places to See the Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse of Jan. 31 | .. Skywatchers in Alaska, the Hawaiian islands and the western part of North America will have the best view of the rare "Super Blue Blood Moon" in the early morning of Jan. 31 .. |

READ MORE: https://www.space.com/39458-super-blue-blood-moon-eclipse-best-viewing.html

The GoldFish Report No. 186 | Jan 24, 2018 | ~ 30 minute Coffee Break w/ Louisa & Steve: Q ANON, AI, Cern and MK Ultra ~ | .. On the GoldFish Report No 186, Host and co-host Louisa and Steve stop for a 30 minute casual coffee break to discuss the possible connection between Cern, Artificial Intelligence and MK Ultra mind control and the impact it is having on us and our children. Please join us in this conversation and feel free to add your comments to this discussion below! .. |

ETH \\ watchers.news | Jan 24, 2018 | (ALERT) DEVELOPING: Earthquake swarm in progress along the coast of Australia | Blogger: 🌡️☁️🌁 Denmark: (today) 0 degree celsius to 13 degrees in 1 night (never recorded in 144 years at this time of winter) | Rare snow (storm) falls in Sahara desert for third time in 40 years | Bomb cyclone: heavy snow pounds US east coast | Why This Volcano Eruption in the Philippines May Be Especially Deadly | UN warns Pacific Ring of Fire is 'active' as volcanoes erupt across Asia | Japan: fatal avalanche engulfs skiers after volcano erupts | and the list goes on (and on)... |

A seismic swarm is in progress along the coast of northern New South Wales, Australia since Friday, January 19, 2018, raising fears that a bigger earthquake might hit the region. Authorities say that while they can’t rule out a bigger one, they don’t see it likely. From 22:50 UTC on January 19 to 08:08 UTC on January 24, Geoscience Australia registered a total of 21 earthquakes along the coast of NSW, between Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour, with magnitudes ranging from 1.8 to 4.2 and depths up to 10 km (6.2 miles).

The strongest so far was M4.2 at a depth of 10 km with epicenter located just off the coast of Nambucca Heads. The quake hit at 02:28 UTC on January 24 (13:28 local time). There are no reports of injuries and no threat of a tsunami. Locals reported minor damage (cracked walls) and said the shaking lasted between 10 and 15 seconds. “It’s not unusual to get a swarm of earthquakes when stresses exceed the strength of the rock,” Geoscience Australia said, adding that they continue to receive felt reports from Scott’s Heads (south of M4.2 earthquake). These, however, are too small and cannot be located accurately by our instruments, the agency added. READ MORE

TV2 NYS | Jan 24, 2018 | Hård kritik af politikeres møde med tobaksgigant: - Industrien slår over 13.000 danskere ihjel | .. Philip Morris erkender, at det først og fremmest er forretning og ikke folkesundheden, besøget handler om.. Sådan som jeg kender industrien, så kender jeg dem som nogle, der både lyver og manipulerer med tal Flemming Møller Mortensen, sundhedsordfører for Socialdemokratiet .. | Blogger: Det her drejer sig om ikke at blive taget med bukserne nede over for vælgerne - så politikerne forbliver stuerene... Tobaksindustrien, fødevareindustrien, fiskeri- og landbrugsorganisation, medicinalindustrien og Bank Syndikatet - de største danske lobby-huse som kontrære med politikernes lod og de folkevalgte er ellevilde af begejstning.. Politikerne mener, at lobbyisterne er nyttige som medspillere i det politiske arbejde. Hele 90 pct. mener, at lobbyister i høj eller nogen grad gavner den politiske proces, mens kun 7 pct. ikke mener, at lobbyister gavner i processen fra forslag til lovgivning.. Lobbyister fra virksomheder og organisationer har ikke det bedste ry i medier og befolkning. Ofte bliver lobbyisme-disciplinen omtalt med let skjult mystik og dets udøvere som skruppelløse bagmænd med kommercielle interesser, der manipulerer sig vej til politisk indflydelse... |

LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/politik/2018-01-23-haard-kritik-af-politikeres-moede-med-tobaksgigant-industrien-slaar-over-13000

RT - Russia Today | Jan 24, 2018 | New global gold standard in kilobar may soon be coming | Blogger: (Nordea Prohibition pushes the price of Bitcoin:) -- Note!: this is old news, but created rings in the CIA/Cabal owned MSM media frenzy & Wall Street Banks (employees are furious about this Prohibition, spoken to some, on top of firingsquad of 6.000 people) -- ZeroHedge: The biggest Nordic bank sent a memo to all its employees on Monday informing them that they will not be allowed to trade in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Nordea Bank AB will impose the ban from Feb. 28, after the board agreed to take a stand due to the “unregulated nature” of the market, spokeswoman Afroditi Kellberg said by phone. The bank had about 31,500 employees at the end of the third quarter.... |

© Frank May / Global Look Press
READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/business/416838-gold-kilobars-standard-coming

LA Times | Jan 23, 2018 | 2 dead, 17 injured in Kentucky school shooting; teenage suspect held | Blogger: 🏴‍☠️Unbelieve many FF Ops taken place these days - perhaps to disguise what WEF 2018 and the power elites are stirring the witches pot of evil deeds... |

A 15-year-old student opened fire with a handgun inside a rural Kentucky high school on Tuesday, Jan 23, 2018.
READ MORE: http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-kentucky-school-shooting-20180123-story.html

Reuters | Jan 24, 2018 | Syria says claims it uses chemical weapons 'lies' | .. BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian government said on Wednesday that claims by France and the United States that it was still using chemical weapons were “lies”. On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the Syrian government may still be using chemical weapons, following a suspected chlorine attack in the rebel enclave of eastern Ghouta on Monday. In a statement carried by state news agency SANA, Syria’s foreign ministry said such claims were aimed at “obstructing any effort toward finding a way out of the crisis in Syria”. In 2013 Syria said it would give up all of its chemical weapons .. | Blogger: 🤐🤐🤐You CAN handle the truth -- British Intelligence Agency behind White Helmets’ Lies in Syria (VT Today)... As you get closer to the TRUTH, you get exhausted and the Ego will NOT let go!!!... Because life itself in our 3D Matrix of illusion, begins to fall apart. You begin to questioning everything that surrounds you, what we been taught in school, news media, parents, government and politicians, religion beliefs. Next thing - rollercoaster emotions - angry, fearful, disappointed, confused, exhausted.. Determine to understand. Fear holding You back? Break free from the chains of fear and begin to explore... Begin to explore why the danish Oscar nominated film 'Last Men in Aleppo' has been picked among hundreds of movies - protecting the lamestream narrative (like CNN), blaming it all on Assad and Russia?? White Helmets has been funded with millions of dollars by UK, US and DENMARK (UN/WHO/NATO/ and other Cabalish organisations) ... Why the documentary 'White Helmets' and all western censored mainstream news who reports on Syria and White Helmets are all pure propaganda.. Check the latest UN peace council reports that shows the White Helmets are totally fake and a complete FRAUD!... TV2 NEWS: 'Last Men In Aleppo', made by the Danish producer Søren Steen Jespersen, can perform an Oscar for 'Best Documentary Film'.. USNEWS: 'The Latest: 'Last Men' filmmaker reflects on Oscar nomination, a 1st for war-torn Syria.'.. From the Newspaper Arbejderen.dk.. 'Syria's heroes or jihadists? The danish government donates 20 million kroner to The White Helmets in Syria. Danish party Red–Green Alliance is also on the list of funders. But they should make a fact-check of the White Helmet, both peace and conflict researcher Jan Øberg and Syrian expect, Hanne Nabintu Herland seems to believe'... |

READ MORE: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-chemical/syria-says-claims-it-uses-chemical-weapons-lies-idUSKBN1FD0TI

MSM Caught Staging Fake News...

MIT News Office | Sep 14, 2017 | One vaccine injection could carry many doses | .. Microparticles created by new 3-D fabrication method could release drugs or vaccines long after injection. MIT engineers have invented a new 3-D fabrication method that can generate a novel type of drug-carrying particle that could allow multiple doses of a drug or vaccine to be delivered over an extended time period with just one injection. The new microparticles resemble tiny coffee cups that can be filled with a drug or vaccine and then sealed with a lid. The particles are made of a biocompatible, FDA-approved polymer that can be designed to degrade at specific times, spilling out the contents of the “cup.” .. | Blogger: 💉💉💉 Vaccines destroying kids' immune systems. Did you know there’s 10 times more aluminum in baby formula than in vaccines? It’s in food, water, air, herbs, pancake mixes, baby formula -- even breast milk. It’s hard to imagine a more natural substance... Vaccine Injury Denialism is the denial of fundamental human dignity and universities are actually helping the Deep State, the medical-industrial complex and food industry to achieve their goal to create sick people, that kills the weak body and unaware minds, to deliberate dumbing down of the world - suppress the collective consciousness of humanity... Visited once MIT in Boston, looking for colleges in the States, however MIT said that it costs about $14K in living expenses, on average, for undergrads.The average cost of tuition and fees at MIT, was $45,000. I was not among the brightest anyway and couldn't raise that kind of money as a exchange student. I have later taken the RED pill as a human that is aware of the true nature of the Matrix and that means, most universities are turning students into Deep State stasi-style... |

“We are very excited about this work because, for the first time, we can create a library of tiny, encased vaccine particles, each programmed to release at a precise, predictable time,” says professor Robert Langer.
READ MORE: http://news.mit.edu/2017/one-vaccine-injection-could-carry-many-doses-0914

PAO/Sheldan Nidle News | Jan 24, 2018 | ~ Help PAO Spread the Galactic Word and Make It Go Viral ~ |

Ummac Dan

Planetary Activation Organization (PAO)

You are Becoming a Galactic Human Image

Have you ever asked yourself:

  • why our world is in such chaos
  • where humans originate from
  • if our planet could be made more pristine
  • about life on other worlds
Learn the answers to these questions, and many more, during

Sheldan Nidle’s FREE Webinar, Galactic Humans 101

Topics Include:
  • My Story And My Mission 
  • About PAO
  • Our History & ET origins - Starseeds
  • The Great Shift - Why Now?
  • The Galactic Federation and Other Factors in the Shift
  • Becoming Galactic Humans

Galactic Humans 101 FREE Webinar

Who is Sheldan Nidle?

When Sheldan Nidle was a young boy, he and his sister were contacted by Sirian 5th- dimensional beings who were members of the Galactic Federation. For a number of years, Sheldan was educated aboard a Sirian mothership. When he was14, he decided to go his own way and pursue an interest in science. Some years later, the Sirians contacted Sheldan again and explained that he was needed to represent the Galactic Federation on earth. His mission: to spread the message that we are to become Galactic Humans and to activate that awareness in humanity. In 1997, Sheldan founded the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO).

Over the years, Sheldan has provided lightworkers with weekly GF updates and numerous Webinar lectures. He does not channel his messages but is contacted through an implant. For over 20 years, he has revealed almost everything we need to know about our past, present and Galactic future

Galactic Human Links:

Galactic Human Webinar Video Clips:

Our History & ET origins - Starseeds

Verdensalt | Jan 24, 2018 | ~~ Stinks to High Heaven ~~ | ZeroHedge: FBI Agents Discussed "Secret Society" Within DOJ And FBI Working To Undermine Trump | TheHill: Destroying, suppressing evidence is FBI standard procedure | W. Examiner: NSA erased surveillance data related to pending lawsuits -- Report | Dr. Steven Greer: $21 Trillion missing in Defense and HUD budgets |

FBI Agents Discussed "Secret Society" Within DOJ And FBI Working To Undermine Trump

Congressional investigators learned from a new batch of text messages between anti-Trump FBI investigators that a "secret society of folks" within the Department of Justice and the FBI may have come together in the "immediate aftermath" of the 2016 election to undermine President Trump, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) who has reviewed the texts.

The thousands of texts @TGowdySC and I reviewed today revealed manifest bias among top FBI officials against @realDonaldTrump. The texts between Strzok and Page referenced a "secret society."


Destroying, suppressing evidence is FBI standard procedure

Congressional investigators were rocked this weekend when the FBI notified them that five months of text messages from a top FBI investigator into the Trump campaign’s Russian connections had mysteriously vanished


NSA erased surveillance data related to pending lawsuits: Report

Court orders from 2007 have required the NSA to maintain the data related to certain surveillance efforts that were under scrutiny, after it was revealed President George W. Bush directed warrantless wiretapping among international communications following the 9/11 attacks. But the NSA stated in a filing Thursday night that the agency did not keep content of internet communications seized from 2001 to 2007. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)


The US government may have misspent $21 trillion, a professor at Michigan State University has found. Papers supporting the study briefly went missing just as an audit was announced.

Two departments of the US federal government may have spent as much as $21 trillion on things they can't account for between 1998 and 2015. At least that's what Mark Skidmore, a Professor of Economics at MSU specializing in public finance, and his team have found.

Read more
Pentagon can't account for $6.5 trillion of taxpayer money - IG report

They came up with the figure after digging the websites of departments of Defense (DoD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as well as repots of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) over summer.

The research was triggered by Skidmore hearing Catherine Austin Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary in the HUD in the first Bush administration, saying the Inspector General found $6.5 trillion worth of military spending that the DoD couldn't account for. She was referring to a July 2016 report by the OIG, but Skidmore thought she must be mistaking billion for trillion. Based on his previous experience with public finances, he thought the figure was too big even for an organization as large as the US military.

For the full article click here.

Auricmedia | Feb 26, 2016 | NIMRODS TOMB FOUND: CLONING OF NIMROD AND OSIRIS UNDERWAY | Blogger: If you like, The Secret Order of The Illuminati and Mystery Religion etc... |

This is like Donald Marshall has told. The elite is cloning persons from the past and makes them politicians and rock stars. Sick world we are living…

Apollyon Rising

As some of you may already know, archeologists claim to have found the tombs of both Osiris (Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead) and the tomb of Gilgamesh (A king who was claimed to be one third man and two thirds god [66.6%]). Very shortly after the tomb of Gilgamesh was discovered, America invaded Iraq, where it was discovered. This was back in 2003, so we were just beginning the war on terror.

So, these two gods are often linked to Nimrod, and many biblical researchers believe them to be one in the same. Is it possible these people actually existed and were mere men who were praised as gods? Is it possible that these men were influenced by the very same evil spirit that influenced Nimrod? If so, with the discoveries of these tombs, and with the very rapid expansion and understanding of DNA cloning technologies we are currently developing, is it possible that whoever may have governance over these tombs could be holding back information, which is scarce, and could possibly be planning something larger. What if they want control over this demonic DNA? What if they want to use it for clones, or for injecting it somehow into someone else? What if these so called gods did have some type of demonic power, like the occult seems to have, and their DNA contains something occult followers would wish to possess? If Nimrod is, in a sense, worshiped still today by mystery religions, what if these religions want to recreate him in some sense? If Babylon truly is still in existence to some degree, wouldn’t Nimrod be the guy they would most want to see again?

A whole lot of what if’s, but Nimrod worship is very real in this world, and with the technology of today and the discoveries of yesterday, something bigger could be in the works. Possibly something that will lead to the rise of the Anti Christ.

Ongoing excavations and research at Nimrud Mountain in Bitlis have revealed the history behind the tomb and treasures of King Nimrod. The real venue of the tomb, which was constructed 2,000 years ago, has been determined.

Writer and researcher Mehmet Törehan Serdar said his team has determined the location of the tomb after an extensive period of research. Noting that the mountain in Adıyaman has no relation to the mountain in Bitlis, Serdar said, “This is only a resemblance in name. The reason being, there is another kin of Adıyaman’s Nimrod in Nemrut.”King Nimrod, according to the Book of Genesis and the Books of Chronicles, was the son of Cush and great-grandson of Noah, and the King of Shinar. He is depicted in the Tanakh as a man of power on earth and a mighty hunter.

Extra-biblical traditions associating him with the Tower of Babel led to his reputation as a king who rebelled against God.

Several Mesopotamian ruins were given Nimrod’s name by 8th-century Arabs.

His tomb remained on the mountain, and the team believes to have found the real location
of the tomb in Bitlis.


Euronews | Jan 23, 2018 | Green card doctor faces deportation 26 years after committing minor offence as a teen | .. His detention stems from two minor crimes he committed as a 17-year-old: destruction of property worth less than $100, and receiving and concealing stolen goods.. A doctor who has lived in the US for almost 40 years has been arrested and threatened with deportation over minor offences he committed as a teenager .. | Blogger: Weird and very spooky case!! - Like the DACA bill.. Very similar to Danish hash immigration laws, but this is perhaps more about his profession up against the medical-industrial complex... |

READ MORE: http://www.euronews.com/2018/01/23/green-card-doctor-faces-deportation-26-years-after-committing-minor-offence-as-a-teen

TV2 NYS | 24. Jan 2018 | Regeringen vil tillade peberspray i eget hjem, bære peberspray på offentlige steder og straffe dem som bærer det ulovligt | Blogger: (In english:) """"Danish Federal Chairman of the Police Association - ICPRA Chairman: Claus Oxfeldt: Peberspray is not dangerous"""... O-M-G! WHAT?? 🙄😒😟Pepper spray to be allowed in public places in Denmark and in private homes? The government also proposes in the new initiative to increase the penalty for illegally carrying pepper spray in the public sector. Today, it imposes a fine, while in future it will be punished by 14 days of unconditional imprisonment!!... Why don't we go all in and allow GUNS as well, like in America? And then make a law, if you use it, you might go to JAIL?... IN THE NAME OF GOD!!? ... - 'I needed to protect my family': Why Americans SHOULD be allowed guns, says man who caught home intruder and held him until police arrived (A typical response from a US citizen).'... A new initiative from the most hostile xenophobe political party, The Danish People's Party (DPP) aka Danish: Dansk Folkeparti, DF aka DF="Dumbass Frankenstein". As you might have figured out by now, Denmark’s harsh new immigration law will end badly for everyone.. And like many other government friendlies as DF, a STRONG wish for more control, more surveillance, more hash immigration laws, more policing, more militarization in the streets - to protect & serve (RT: "Army in Swedish ghettos? How Europe tries to adapt to migration instead of solving it.") .... I just wonder, what are the cynical reasons of why there MUST be a lachrymatory agent used in policing, riot control, crowd control, among normal citizens, defending ourselves in the streets? #Metoo? , #Alis-Tingberg-PayProtectionMoneyToCrimeSyndicates? , #AvoidAsylumSeekerRaping? , #STOPTheTeensWhoTossedRocksONFreeways? , #AvoidPublic-SocialHousingViolence? , #UnemplomentPayDanishDayCareCenterViolence? What is it??... PLEASE -- Our government body, like the lamestream news, who owns them or keep us into this unhealthy belief system? Who is empowering you or distraction you and where are they taking you? To the upward spiral into enlightenment, into embracing the greater family of mankind throughout the multiverse - OR - are they taking you on the downward spiral and keeping you trapped in belief system, that's so limited and so ridiculous. Keeping you in fear and survival mode at all times, taking all your assets to protect you from fictitious enemies ... |

LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/politik/2018-01-24-regeringen-vil-tillade-peberspray-i-eget-hjem

Blogger: The concept was first developed in 1870 in Germany and was basically Mace or teargas. However, pepper spray got its start in ancient China where ground up cayenne was put into rice paper and thrown into an attacker’s face during battle. In America, pepper spray was first used by mail carriers to avoid dog attacks and is now wildly used by civilians and police. Pepper spray is made up of Oleoresin of Capsicum (OC) which is an agent that causes inflammation and immediate expansion of the capillaries when in contact. When you use pepper spray on someone, their mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, throat and lungs are immediately affected. This can make it difficult to breathe and difficult to see. Most often the sensation is described as intense burning....

A Message from my Higher Self | Jan 19, 2018 | Channelled through Mike Quinsey | .. KRYON. EXPLAINS HOW NEW DNA UPGRADES AND PROVIDES LIGHTWORKERS WITH SPECIAL ABILITIES .. | Blogger: DNA seeds of God; the Pleiadians have their DNA working at over 80%, majority of humanity believe in afterlife, re-valuation of the currencies, new golden age, the city of light, humanity are going to leave behind the idea of conquering and greed and conspiracy and power .. |

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight

Yet again I find that Kryon has put out a message that contains very important information that will help to increase people’s awareness and understanding. It also tells us how we are going to help to learn how to get on with each other. The idea of war will be replaced by tolerant and peaceful intentions. Learn about the new triad that is the new consciousness and realize that with the upliftment of the vibrations, Mankind is leaving the old paradigm behind as it has served its purpose, and makes way for a new one. Have no doubt that a new era has begun, and once the old ways are disempowered progress will speed up as that which has been hidden will be revealed. You the people are already helping create a new future that will be one of peace and loving intentions.

The following is an extract from Kryon’s message, and to read it in full simply enter the undermentioned heading in your Internet Window.

As You Wish Talk Radio | Jan 22, 2018 | With James Gilliland & ECETI Ranch | ~ Political Climate, Human History, Galactic/Space War ~ | Blogger: James Gilliland spills the beans on NWO secrets... ONE of the most important videocast, i've listen to from ECETI for a long time.. |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio,www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.

How Much More Proof Is Needed?

by James Gilliland

January 18, 2018

In response to the hate filled people, “Hillary Supporters,” Feminists and Victims who project their unhealed issues into current affairs continuously sending emails in complete ignorance of what is truly unfolding, this email is for you

clinton body count

We cannot ignore the Clinton body count, it is still rising and will continue as they continue to silence people who are in opposition to or exposing their dubious past.

So here is a chart to help you out..

In response to the hate filled people, “Hillary Supporters,” Feminists and Victims who project their unhealed issues into current affairs continuously sending emails in complete ignorance of what is truly unfolding, this email is for you.
Others who are already aware of what is unfolding, this will shed some more light into a very dark reality many have in error aligned themselves with. Believe it or not there has been overwhelming support for our newsletter which is good news.
People are waking up. What was hidden is now blatantly obvious - yet there are still those who are incapable of absorbing or realizing truth even when it is staring them in the face. Unfortunately, we have to get in their face with truth and logic knowing most will not get past the first paragraph and will have to learn the hard way. We cannot ignore the Clinton body count, it is still rising and will continue as they continue to silence people who are in opposition too or exposing their dubious past. So take a look at the chart - really look at it. And wake up.

Coincidence? I think Not.

Imran Awan

Now let’s look at the DNC

President Trump is drawing attention to the mysterious federal court case against Imran Awan, the former IT aide to a number of congressional Democrats, including former Democratic National Committee chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

▪ An internal House probe concluded that Pakistani IT aides Imran Awan along with four other individuals inappropriately accessed House servers and moved data
▪ They impersonated at least 15 U.S. House members they did not work for and the Democratic Caucus, using their credentials to gain access to the system - a federal offense.
▪ Data was migrated from several servers onto a single server, which disappeared while being monitored by police
▪ The Awans engaged in a "pattern of login activity" which suggest steps were taken to conceal their activity
▪ House Democrats in turn misrepresented the issue to their own members as solely a matter of theft
▪ No criminal charges have been filed related to the data breaches or a number of other violations

And Hillary?

We are talking murder pedophilia, bribes in the hundreds of millions and protecting sexual predators