Feb 22, 2017

Elina St-Onge | How to Change the World | If we all took a moment to simply observe the world as it is, the evolution of our species would happen overnight | This book has everything anyone needs to know to ‘wake up’ and flip the paradigm!" -- Chip Fernandez | One of the best I have read -- Frankie Merrill | I read it all in one go just couldn't put it down. A first class read explained in easy to understand layman terms. Brilliant -- Colin Evans

FREE eBook

When we take an observer perspective, we do not look at the world and think to ourselves “that’s just the way it is.” We instead ask, “why is it this way?” This is the approach taken throughout this book. It depicts in an easy-to-read, clear and simple way, the most basic concepts that make up our human society all while examining whether or not we can do things differently. In the final chapters, dots are connected between mind-bending scientific discoveries which altogether shed light on our true nature and purpose on this planet. If you want to understand why our human society is the way it is, if you want to know what other possibilities exist outside of our current system and if you often wonder about who we are and what we are here for – yet are not satisfied with conventional belief systems – you will enjoy the perspectives shared in this book. Its aim is to assist humanity in seeing the world with a fresh pair of eyes, which will greatly help open our minds enough to create meaningful change in our world. -- link to homepage

Folkets | Ingen fest uden bobler | Receptioner for 140.000 kroner i Berlin | Filmfolk fester for hundredetusinder af kroner i Berlin – danske skatteydere betaler regningen | Det fremgår af aktindsigter, som Folkets.dk har opnået hos DFI

Ingen fest uden bobler.
Af Lars Bjørknæs - ons, 22/02/2017 - 08:59

Sidste år kunne Folkets Avis afsløre at filmfolk festede i Cannes for danske skatteyderes penge. Nu afslører vi, at de gør det samme i Berlin.

Dankortet bliver sendt på overarbejde, når Dansk Filminstitut deltager i festivaler. Skatteyderne får blandt andet lov til at betale for store og dyre receptioner, når de statslige filmfolk skal have slukket tørsten og sulten.

- Trine Dyrholm fik lørdag en Sølvbjørn for bedste kvindelige hovedrolle på Berlinalen for sin rolle som Anna i Thomas Vinterbergs "Kollektivet" til prisuddelingen i Berlinale Palast. Dyrholm er den første dansker, der har vundet prisen for bedste kvindelige skuespiller i en dansk film.

Sådan lød det blandt andet på hjemmesiden for Dansk Filminstitut (DFI) i forbindelse med, at Trine Dyrholm i 2016 vandt en af filmbranchens største priser under Berlin-festivalen. Derved fulgte sangerinden og skuespillerinden op på prisen for bedste mandlige hovedrolle, som Mikkel Boe Følsgaard fire år tidligere havde hjemført.

Hvad DFI dog ikke fortalte var, at det langt fra havde været en billig oplevelse for de danske skatteydere. Ikke kun i forhold til filmen Kollektivet, som modtog massiv offentlig støtte, men også til de festligheder, som blev afholdt under festivalen.

Det fremgår i stedet af aktindsigter, som Folkets.dk har opnået hos DFI. Herunder eksempelvis i de receptioner, som ikke kun fandt sted under 2016-udgaven af Berlin-festivalen, men også den efterfølgende Cannes-festival.

Læs videre: https://www.folkets.dk/node/1812

Avisen.dk | Svensk-schweiziske industrikæmpe ABB | Ansat stjæler 700 millioner fra kassen | Politi og Interpol leder efter en forsvunden ansat i den verdensomspændende industrivirksomhed ABB efter omfattende svindel

Det var først da den pågældende person forsvandt, at uregelmæssighederne blev opdaget. Foto: Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters/Scanpix/arkiv
Avisen.dk - Onsdag 22 feb. 2017 kl. 13:29

Den svensk-schweiziske industrikæmpe ABB er tilsyneladende blevet lænset for intet end 100 millioner dollars - eller i omegnen af 700 millioner kroner.

Ifølge Ritzau Finans peger alt på, at en ansat i selskabets sydkoreanske datterselskab er stukket af med de mange penge.

Ritzau Finans og andre finans-medier skriver på baggrund af en meddelelse fra ABB, at den ansvarlige for finanserne i Sydkorea, angiveligt i samarbejde med en eller flere uden for selskabet, er mistænkt for at fremstille falske dokumenter til en værdi af 100 millioner dollars.

Det var først da den pågældende person forsvandt 7. februar, at ABB opdagede de markante uregelmæssigheder.

Læs videre: https://www.avisen.dk/ansat-stjaeler-700-millioner-fra-kassen-i-internatio_431294.aspx

Journalista | Rigspolitiet | Politidame forgyldte veninderne – og får gyldent håndtryk på 600.000 kroner (Blogger: Skandaløst!!!.. Hævede selv en årsløn på 1.200.000 kroner. Gav godhjertet konsulenterne Mariann Færø og Christine Thorsen opgaver til en værdi af mere end 20 millioner kroner på bare tre år fra 2011 til 2013. Hvad Rigspolitiets kommunikationsdirektør dog ikke kom ind på var, hvad Bettina Jensens fratræden ville komme til at koste skatteyderne. Det fremgår i stedet af aktindsigter, som er blevet indhentet af Journalista.dk.. Efter fyring af politiboss: Nu viser det sig, at hun ikke var alene. BT kunne i forgårs afdække, at vicepolitimester og sekretariatschef i Rigspolitiets Koncernservice Mette Tjalve aktivt var med til at indgå de ulovlige aftaler..)

 BT - Afdelingschef i Rigspolitiet Bettina Jensen hyrede en tidligere kollega og samarbejdspartner til opgaver i Rigspolitiet for mere end 20 mio. kroner på tre år. Foto: Bjarne Lüthcke

Politidame forgyldte veninderne – og får gyldent håndtryk på 600.000 kroner

Hun gav på vegne af Rigspolitiet kæmpe konsulentaftaler, uden ellers lovpligtigt udbud. Alligevel kan Bettina Jensen forlade Rigspolitiet som en holden dame.

Læs mere

Mette Kenfelt | HPV erstatningssager før og efter 2013! | 22. Februar 2017

19. februar kl. 09:40

Det burde ellers være almen viden, hvor der er en virkning, findes der også en bivirkning, men d
et gælder åbenbart ikke for en hastegodkendt HPV vaccine, som man formoder virker, uden kendskab til effekt og sikkerhed.

Ca. 600.000 danske piger og kvinder er blevet HPV vaccineret...
"og så vover vi at påstå, at nogle er blevet alvorligt syge." "Hvad bilder vi os egentlig ind...?"

På trods af flere tusinder indberetninger om formodede bivirkninger i Danmark, så er meldingen den samme. HPV vaccinen er sikker og symptomerne kan ikke tilskrives HPV vaccinen.

Ikke en eneste person har siden HPV lavinens udbrud i 2013 fået anerkendt sine symptomer eller tilkendt erstatning!

Men har det altid været sådan?

Ser vi lidt tilbage i tiden, så havde Patienterstatningen pr. april 2013 modtaget ti anmeldelser om skader efter HPV vaccinen, hvoraf de to blev anerkendt.

Ja, I læste rigtigt: 2 ud af 10.

Samme tendens så vi i Sverige, hvor to ud af tolv anmeldelser blev anerkendt.

Hvorfor blev de HPV skadedes symptomer anerkendt før 2013, men ikke i tiden efter?
Antallet af anmeldelser er ellers steget eksplosivt, men på trods af det, så har ingen fået tilkendt erstatning.

Det giver absolut ingen mening!
Bivirkninger efter HPV vaccinen eksisterer IKKE, hvis man ellers skal tro sundhedsmyndighederne, sundhedspolitikerne, sundhedspersonalet og de fleste journalister.
  • Hvad er forklaringen?
  • Hvad gjorde forskellen og hvad foregik der i Sundhedsstyrelsen tilbage i 2013?
Hvad har forandret sig, udover vi i dag taler om katastrofalt mange syge piger og kvinder, som kæmper med tilsvarende alvorlige symptomer og skader, som pigerne fra før 2013?

I Berlingske i maj 2013 kunne vi læse følgende:

Hvordan fører vi krig mod uvidenheden i os alle? Hvordan overvinder vi hjernevaskelse af vores MATRIX (Blogger: Masser af gratis e-bøger.. )

Betsy DeVos To Bring Sweeping Change to the U.S. Dept. of Education

Published on Feb 21, 2017
On this edition of The Daily Sheeple's "Daily News Brief", Joe Joseph discusses the systemic failure of the U.S. Public Education system and where specifically it fails. The education system is a HUGE part of the reason why we are witnessing the continued decline of the standard of living.

Published on Nov 19, 2016
World Tour Tickets - http://www.TheWorldWideWakeUp.com 2016/17

Folkeskole - Jens's Forum



Published on Sep 23, 2013
Mine "eventyr" i folkeskolen har fået mig til at tænke på et par ting.
Alt den drama eller underholdning. ...eller, egentlig ville jeg bare lave en video ;D
 Facebookside: http://www.facebook.com/JensForum
Vlogs: http://www.youtube.com/jensverden


Hvordan fører vi krig mod uvidenheden i os alle? Hvordan overvinder vi hjernevaskelse af vores MATRIX


Udgivet første gang den 16. Juli 2014 af Verdensalt

Jeg kunne sagens skrive om Justin Bieber, World Cup, Contador, Lockout, GGGI, halalslagtning for at øge min skare af tilhængere på min hjemmeside... har heller ikke løsningen på universets gåder, er heller ikke paranoid, isoleret, selvoptaget af konspirationsteorier, men jeg er vågnet op til vores Matrix...

"Dette er din sidste chance. Herefter er der ingen vej tilbage. Du tager den blå pille – historien ender, du vågner i din seng, og tror hvad du ønsker at tro. Du tager den røde pille – du bliver i eventyrland, og jeg vil vise dig hvor dyb kaninhullet er"

Nogen vil sige MATRIX blot er baseret på Illuminati / Hollywoods-Masonic-Mind-Kontrol. Det er ikke alene min egen overbevisning. Til alle som ikke lige genkender eller forstår MATRIX trilogiens symbolik og dens enorme betydning, inspireret fra kulturhistorien eller populærkulturen, et kort plot intro til filmen her

"I den nærmeste fremtid, "vågner" en hacker ved navn Neo op og opdager, alt liv på Jorden blot er en omfattende facade/illusion skabt af en ondsindet cyber-intelligens, med henblik på at udmanøvrere os mennesker ved at "dyrke" os som brændstof ind i et forvasket Matrix af dominans og slaveri, for at undgå vi ser den "virkelige" verden. Når han kommer ud til den "virkelige" verden, slutter Neo sig til ligesindede oprører krigere, Morpheus og Trinity, i deres kamp for at vælte hele Matrix" - Sjovt som det ligner vores egen verden....

For at provokere din egen bevidsthedsdannelse eller mindfulness:
  • Hvordan finder vi sandheden som sætter os fri?
  • Hvordan løsriver vi os selv for frygt, blokeringer og berøringsangst? Hvornår begynder vi at forstå, det vi har lært fra skolen, nyhedskanaler, vores institutioner rundt om i verden, vores basale indlæring om verdensorden er forkert?
  • Hvordan vågner vi op fra vores fastforankret virkelighedsbillede, når vi ikke ved, vi skal vågne endnu?
  • Hvordan løsriver vi os væk fra den totalitære enhed af kontrol, magt og dominans?
  • Hvordan skaber vi, som Werner Erhard citere; En Verden, Der Virker For Alle?

Super god start - Tjek Elinas gratis e-bog "HOW To Change The Worldher - Det er et fantastisk sted at starte... Mener een af de bedste beskrevet øjenåbnere som jeg er stødt på...

Ligesom den verden "vi" lever i nu, skaber vi intet, ved at hvile på laberbærene og være egocenteret. Vi kan gå i vores egen Matrix dag ud og dagen ind, på et tidspunkt bliver vi tvunget til forandring, lad os bare sige via love tsunami (men ikke alene), og i form af indikationer på forandring i verden. Vores syn på geopolitisk eller nationale politikere, whistleblowere som Edward Snowden som vi bedst kender, oprør og modstanden stiger, global-og transnational virksomheder samt den finansielle sektor slipper heller ikke mere, bøderegn og arrestationer. BRIC landene er blevet enige om ny verdensbank, snart ser vi valutanulstilling og snart kommer der et nyt finansielt system, og med de nye styreformer helt ny struktur og velstand til alle.

Read More... 

Unknown object passes SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket during landing - February 22, 2017 CET

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The following video shows the incredible landing by a Falcon 9 rocket seen from Space to Ground. This was SpaceX’s CRS10 mission that launched from Kennedy Space Center on February 19, 2017 at 2.38 ET.

The launch took place at Launch Pad 39a - the same pad that men went to moon from and from which the last Shuttle was launched.

During the landing process, at 0.10 seconds in the video, an unknown round-shaped object appears and passes the Falcon 9 rocket.

It reminds us the mysterious object that was moving past the exploding rocket on the launch pad last year.

It is not entirely clear what may have been the object that passed the Falcon 9 rocket but it is suggested that it was a part of the rocket that was jettisoned when stages separated.

Published on Feb 19, 2017
Another incredible video of another incredible landing by a Falcon 9. This was Spacex's CRS10 Mission that launched from Kennedy Space Center 19th February at 2:38 ET.

Thanks to: http://ufosightingshotspot.blogspot.com and oom2.com

Richard Dawkins defends “mild pedophilia,” says it does not cause “lasting harm” (Blogger: You might say, old news, but indisputable fact..)

Richard Dawkins (Credit: Reuters/Andrew Winning)

Tuesday, Sep 10, 2013 09:47 PM +0200

In a recent interview with the Times magazine, Richard Dawkins attempted to defend what he called “mild pedophilia,” which, he says, he personally experienced as a young child and does not believe causes “lasting harm.”

Dawkins went on to say that one of his former school masters “pulled me on his knee and put his hand inside my shorts,” and that to condemn this “mild touching up” as sexual abuse today would somehow be unfair.

“I am very conscious that you can’t condemn people of an earlier era by the standards of ours. Just as we don’t look back at the 18th and 19th centuries and condemn people for racism in the same way as we would condemn a modern person for racism, I look back a few decades to my childhood and see things like caning, like mild pedophilia, and can’t find it in me to condemn it by the same standards as I or anyone would today,” he said.

Plus, he added, though his other classmates also experienced abuse at the hands of this teacher, “I don’t think he did any of us lasting harm.”

WikiLeaks: Obama ran pedophile ring out of whitehouse (Blogger: Always use your own spiritual discernment...)

undergroundnewsreport -


Julian Assange unveiled another bombshell Sunday evening, alleging that wikileaks now has hard proof that former President, Barack Hussein Obama, operated and participated in a pedophile ring based in the white house.

A leaked email released today read,
“A young boy the age of 5. He will make the perfect catamite for the president. He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. I’m sure the president will be pleased.”

“The leak is bound to start a massive investigation”, Assange said. “That is if we can get the word out before the news is swallowed up by the Obama shadow government.”

Obama has not yet responded for comment.

Other notables named in the report as being involved in the ring are the following:

Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Tim Kaine
Elizabeth Warren
Jimmy Carter
Harry Reid
Ben Affleck
Cory Booker
Al Franken
Nancy Pelosi

Dr Michael Salla Update ~ Did Martian Refugees Settle in Antarctica over a Million Years Ago?

Written by Dr Michael Salla on

The remote viewing of Mars revealed in a May 22, 1984 CIA document gives details of a planet wide-catastrophe that led to many refugees leaving in spacecraft to safer locations over a million years ago. This leads to the intriguing possibility that a flash-frozen civilization recently found in Antarctica with cannibalized spacecraft nearby was the remnants of a colony originally established by Martian refugees.

Such a scenario is consistent with the claims of Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode who says that extraterrestrial refugees have been finding sanctuary on Earth for at least five hundred thousand years, and that preparations are currently underway to officially disclose excavations of a flash-frozen Antarctica civilization.

Back in March 28, 2016, Goode described various insider sources that had told him about the influx of refugees from other planets during Earth’s history:
And it seems that more recent information that I’ve gotten is telling us that the Earth received refugees, at different points in history, from a couple of different planets, at least, in our solar system where the planets failed and inhabitants left and came to Earth as refugees.
Goode said that Mars was one of the planets from which the refugees originated. The Martians were highly advanced technologically with antigravity spacecraft. They engaged in aggressive warfare that led to planetary catastrophe and refugees leaving for Earth. Goode relates what he was told by inhabitants of the “Inner Earth”:
And the people in the Inner Earth Council stated that the different inhabitants of the planets in our solar system were extremely advanced technologically and extremely aggressive, and that they destroyed their civilizations and had to be relocated here as refugees by other ET races that came in. 
According to Goode, Mars in particular was hit by a series of environmental catastrophes that were related to devastating wars with the inhabitants of a nearby “Super Earth”, around which both Mars and our current Moon orbited up to 500,000 years ago. The “Super Earth” orbited the sun in the area of the asteroid belt as it exists today between Mars and Jupiter.

Transhumanism – The Consciousness Trap (Blogger: This is one of the best sources of information explaining the transhumanism agenda...My take on the matter in hand: Transhumanists will optimize the human being, extend life, like endlessly, using booming technologies. Only problem on the horizon: The robotic engines, are going to be smarter than us.. The ruling cabal's ability to alter humans: ".. veilofreality: Essentially, this is about creating artificially intelligent hybrids or cyborgs to replace the organic spiritual consciousness of humans..".. Do you really think, Denmark, could be an outsider? No way!. We are actually, frontrunners.. Danish Agency for Science and Innovation to invest about 900 mio. kr. in the development of new technological competencies and services for the benefit of Danish industry.. The national security intelligence agency (PET) and national police in cooperation with the secretive CIA-backed software company Palantir, making use of the so-called 'pre-crime' algorithm via social media, which scans you in real-time (similar to the movie 'Minority Report').. Denmark creates the world's first "Digital Ambassador", selling out of our soul through tech-companies like Google, Apple, IBM and Microsoft's umbrella.. We already got a Minister for public innovation, that will head the upcoming Robotization & Digitalization evolution (AI - Artificial intelligence) So, Denmark's first it-minister for innovation and disruption. A minister forcing Denmark into the technology movement 'The Singularity' or Singularity University (sponsors like Google, NASA, Cisco and biotech giant Genentech) which draws inspiration from NASA Ames Research Center in the US tech mecca Silicon Valley.. The danish medical–industrial complex, gigantic research in nanotechnology and nanomedicine, that involves the use of manufactured nano-robots to make repairs at the cellular level. The pioneering gene technology, CRISPR-Cas9 is a genome DNA editing, wide range of potential applications.. A combination of a biotechnology and digital revolution means that huge amounts of health data is provided and made available in data registers and biobanks. Perhaps not many understand, the Danish Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology (DSKP) interlocked with the medical industry. It's huge business, but major negative impact. Example, 250,000 Danes took SSRI medication in 2015, popularly known as Prozac (lykkepiller). According to the study a high risk of side effects, which in some cases can be very severe.. Microsoft hires danish Niels-Bohr Institute researchers to build future computer (Center for Quantum Devices (QDev).. and the list goes on.. A danish newspaper DR, predict, that around 92,000 manual jobs will disappeared from danish jobsector, due to companies focuses on IT solutions and robots.. For example, the Danish center-left think-tank 'Cevea' and trade union HK has estimated in a new analysis, that 876,000 Danish jobs at risk of being automated over the coming years. Research from Oxford University shows that 47 percent of all US jobs are at risk of being made redundant...)

“Transhumanism is an international, cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition, by making available technologies that greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Many transhumanists believe in the compatibility between the human mind and computer hardware, with the implication that human consciousness can be transferred to alternative media, known as mind uploading.

Since the Science of the Soul and the consciousness functions of the spiritual bodies, have not yet been discovered by scientists, this has potentially extremely destructive consequences to human consciousness and the electromagnetic functions of the Lightbody. Posthumans (the result of applied transhumanist technologies) could be completely synthetic artificial intelligences, or a symbiosis of human and artificial intelligence, or uploaded consciousness, or the result of making profound technological augmentations to a biological human.

Transhumanism is a school of thought that seeks to guide us towards a posthuman condition. Essentially, this is about creating artificially intelligent hybrids or cyborgs to replace the organic spiritual consciousness of humans. Some examples are redesigning the human organism using advanced nanotechnology or radical technological enhancements. Some of the proposed biological enhancements are using some combination of technologies such as genetic engineering, psychopharmacology, life extension therapies, neural interfaces, brain mapping, wearable or implanted computers, and entrainment of cognitive techniques.
Most of these options are designed to disconnect the human soul from the human body, and prepare the body to be used as a shell for a new host. Effectively, this is integrating technological and pharmaceutical hybridization to damage human DNA, as preparation for body snatching.

The fundamental basis of the Transhumanism concept is the A.I. downloaded into the scientific human mind from the Negative Aliens and Satanic Forces, in their quest to survive and achieve immortality by hijacking human consciousness and ultimately possessing the human host body. They do not have flesh and bone bodies and covet ours. Most academics are filled with a variety of mind control and alien implants to be a cog in the wheel to steadily enforce alien control systems. Most early transhumanism concepts were developed by geneticists interested in eugenics and sustaining life forms in synthetic environments. A common feature of promoting transhumanism is the future vision of creating a new intelligent species, into which humanity will evolve and eventually, either supplement it or supersede it. This distraction on the surface is a scheme, while the underlying motivation is intending species extinction of what we know as humans today.

BREAKING: Today, NASA Is Set to Announce a Breaking Discovery From “Beyond Our Solar System” (15 EST -- 21 CET) (Blogger: I know it's true! I heard it straight from the horse's mouth! -- BUT -- "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist,".. To quote from 'Wisdom Teachings'. with David Wilcock's & NASA's quiet disclosure: ".. David Wilcock makes the point of how distorted our information can be when coming from official sources. Some may still be surprised to learn that NASA itself is a military organization which is allowed to classify any information it deems 'sensitive to national security'. Wilcock has said in the past that this organization likely represents the public side of the private space program. One reference he made was to the original NASA charter. Within this charter, NASA was basically allowed lie to the public..")

Kepler-452b2  © NASA

In Brief
  • NASA will hold a press conference at 1 p.m. EST Wednesday, February 22nd to present new findings on exoplanets, and the public will be able to ask questions via twitter.
  • Many are curious what this press conference will entail. Has evidence been uncovered of life beyond our planet? 

An Exo-Conference

NASA has served as a symbol of wonder and scientific enthusiasm. From landing on the moon to the exploration of our solar system, it has been the organization’s ultimate goal to make the unknown, known. As of this moment, one of the most pressing unknowns is the existence of extraterrestrial life. Avoiding discussion without a fact base, NASA has already launched several evidence-based research projects on the matter. From establishing a martian colony to diving into the seas of Europa—NASA is at work trying to find answers.

NASA will be holding a press conference at 1 p.m. EST Wednesday, February 22nd to present new findings on exoplanets, which are planets that orbit stars other than our sun.

Participants of the briefing include Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters, Michael Gillon, astronomer at the University of Liege in Belgium, Sean Carey, manager of NASA’s Spitzer Science Center at Caltech/IPAC, Nikole Lewis, astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute, and Sara Seager, professor of planetary science and physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

During the conference, NASA will be taking questions from the public and the media on twitter through the hashtag #askNASA. At 3 p.m. EST, following the briefing, NASA will host a Reddit AMA(Ask Me Anything) session with the scientists available to answer questions in English and Spanish.

The event can be streamed live on NASA TV at the time of the conference.

Where Are We Now?

The first exoplanet around a main-sequence star to be discovered was in October of 1995, and ever since, we have discovered 4,696 candidates, 3,449 confirmed exoplanets, and of these exoplanets, 348 have been terrestrial. Thanks to advanced technology, we continue to unravel more and more mysteries of the universe, and exoplanets are no exception.

Below you can find a commercially sponsored trailer for exoplanets created by NASA:

Disclosure Report ~ Jordan Sather | NASA in Antarctica | South Pole Ice "Low" | Press Conference for "Discovery" | More Arrests | Milo | Fmr UK PM Outed | Vault 7 = Deads Man Trigger (Blogger: Things are really ramping up now..)

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

Personal transformation and health coaching services

Destroying the Illusion by unveiling the Truth.
Your contributions help tremendously. Thank you to anyone who donates to support the cause.
PayPal donations accepted at: jordan.sather@gmail.com

Conscious Life Expo 2017 | David Wilcock and Corey Goode | Revealing the Five Alliance Groups | CLE 2017 Notes: Part 1 (Blogger: Perhaps i don't have to tell you, it's very important stuff to know about.. I know, and yes, the context is almost unimaginable.. out of this world)

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.

By David Wilcock

Notes from Friday, February 10th, 2017:

Revealing the Five Alliance Groups

Dave Wilcock Introduction:
  • Gaia TV is hiring, 20 plus positions, check on gaia.com.
  • Thank you to all who prayed for healing of Corey when he fell ill and went to the in hospital.
  • Today’s talk is a summary of Corey’s experience interspersed amongst David’s history.

David’s Early History and Evidence of Non-Terrestrial Activity on the Moon:
  • In 1993, he learned of the planned slow release of advanced technology/hidden technology through college professor who had worked at NASA. 
  • Other influences were Richard C. Hoagland and Mars photos; physical evidence of structures on the surface; air brushing of photos; evidence of glass shards/structures.
  • Corey added that ships/crafts are also left on surface of the Moon by ET groups as reminders of past wars, seeding the consciousness by allowing exposure of evidence. But NASA redacts it likely as part of partial disclosure. Even comics of space travel to the Moon in the 1970’s were part of seeding of consciousness.
Square shaped crater on the Moon (bottom left).