Dec 29, 2019

🛰️ ~ Sky "Convoy" of Lights Nearly 1000 MILES Long! Visible for TEN Solid Minutes ~ | Blogger: Wooow! What was that?🙀... SpaceX's Starlink satellites or a Stargate?... |

🌩️ ~ 💗 New MASSIVE White Spikes in Schumann Resonance, Solar Geostorm & Plasma From Space 💕 ~ | Blogger: "12/29 09:00 UTC – The situation changed suddenly at 23 UTC when a series of movements began and led the amplitude values to reach Power 72 at 7 UTC, from that moment onward the amplitude remained on values between Power 65 and Power 80 with the peak maximum at Power 82 at 1:30 and 2 UTC.."... |

Space Observing System
Данные комплексного мониторинга в г.Томске

Source (Disclosure News Italy)

🧘 ~ 💗 Age of Aquarius Activation Videos and Joint Cobra/Fulford Interview (Cobra) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [✌️Victory of the Light!🕯️]... |

Source (cobra2012)

Age of Aquarius activation videos have been created in more than 20 languages. Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass!

👼 ~ 💗I AM GRATEFUL AFFIRMATIONS - 2020 Focus 💕 ~ | Blogger: You can compare Anrita Melchizedek's New Earth I AM Grateful Affirmations with Steve Nobel's YouTube channel (The Soul Matrix) ... |

A beautiful series of New Earth I AM Grateful Affirmations for Awakening and Awakened Souls by Anrita Melchizedek 

❌ ~ FBI and Crowdstrike Concealed the Real Source of the DNC Data Breach (Seth Rich) and Framed Russia ~ | ... New Qanon Drop #3764 ... | 28 Dec 2019 - 7:23:27 PM

28 Dec 2019 - 7:23:27 PM
DNC server(s).
Did Russia 'break-in' to DNC server(s)?
Why did FBI accept 'indirect' evidence re: DNC server(s) 'hack''break-in' by Crowdstrike [Ukraine]?
Why didn't FBI 'directly' investigate DNC server(s) [in-hand]?
Download speed internal data DL vs remote? [1]📁
How does one provide content to WL?
>person-to-person [1]
Personal comms [secured] prior to release? [1]
The (Source(s)):
>Feeder [1]
>Recipient [1]
Interning for the DNC can be deadly.
Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capablity' to trace 'break-in' route(s)?
Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capability' re: foreign intercepts?
Possible to layer/insert code [Crowdstrike] to designate intruder [intended target]?
NSA data_bridge DNC-Crowdstrike [bulk data collection]
Matters of National Security [Highest Levels].
FISA is only the beginning.
The hole is DEEP.

Mordet, der har affødt vilde konspirationsteorier: Nu sender forældrene gribende appel


25. maj 2017 - 13.49

(Verdensalt Arkiv) --

Blogger: Check lige hvordan Berlingske Media, trækker os alle ned i sølet blandt de stærkt højreorienterede kræfter, sammen med alle tosserne der deler ud af “tinfoil-hats”, hvis vi tror på konspirationen om Seth Rich.

BT spiller på vores følelsesregister, vi skal være medlidende i familiens sorg.

Det er vi skam også, men fordi 'nogle' af os har en (anden) teori sammen med hundred-af-tusindevis af andre amerikanere, kan vi ikke (alle), besidde en personlighedsforstyrrelse.

Vi er ikke alle styret af det egohumanistiske netværk.

Fra den Danske Frimurerorden og Rotary netværksorganisationer til de politisk korrekte naive medkompetanter.

Denne sag lugter af betændt politisk motiverede drab.

BT skriver; " .. Avisen Washington Post bragte torsdag en gribende appel fra Seth Richs forældre, Mary og Joel Rich, hvor de bønfalder medierne og andre om lade deres søn for fred og lade være med at politisere deres søns død.." 

Efter min egen mening, kommer denne sag med garanti til, at feje den amerikanske regering væk, som kuglen på nedbrydningskranen.

BT proklamere: ".. Teorien er, at Seth Rich, som arbejdede som organisator hos det demokratiske parti i Washington, lækkede fortrolige oplysninger om Demokraterne til russerne, og at mordet på ham var et cover up..". 

Der figurere så mange teorier derude, men tror på, at den påståede Wikileaks e-mails, som forbinder Podesta-brødrene til den læge, der overså Seth Rich, før han døde, er sandt. Washington D.C. politiets rapport siger, at Seth Rich overlevede de første skud og døde senere på hospitalet.

💚💣👑 ~ Kongehuset bruger 'sund fornuft': Her er deres CO2-bomber ~ | Blogger: [🙅‍♂️"Klima-hyklere: Her det royale CO2-bluf. Moral er godt - dobbeltmoral er dobbelt så godt" ~ E.B.🚯] ... {Her er kongehusets CO2-udledning, uden grønne ord} ... 1️⃣ I pendulfart med Forsvarets helikopter EH-101... 2️⃣ Flyvende farmor : Antal af rejser med Forsvarets EH-101-helikopter og CL-604 Challenger-fly... 3️⃣ CO2-bomben Dannebrog : Kongehuset sprutter tonsvis af CO2 ud ved brug af Dannebrog... 4️⃣ Dobbelt-udledning : Ved flere lejligheder både flyver og sejler de kongelige til fjerntliggende destinationer... 5️⃣ På sort familieferie : Derudover bruger kongehusets medlemmer også Dannebrog til private rejse... 6️⃣ Fyrer for gråspurvene : Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen opvarmer tusindvis af kvadratmeter i slotte, kongehusets råder over... 🔎Det ikke er troværdigt, at pille ved glansbilledet omkring kongefamilien. Kongehuset er den sidste bataljon af folkekære, elskelige og troværdige ildsjæle som udbreder danske interesser rundt om i verden. Kongehuset ønsker dog ikke at være ulydige overfor folket. Formelt er kongehuset hævet over loven, og myndigheden til at drage for eksempel kronprins Frederik til ansvar ligger hos dronning Margrethe, men reelt overvåges kongefamilien af en kritisk offentlighed og rådgives af centraladministrationen. Konstruktionen forudsætter, at kongehuset følger den rådgivning. Når jeg udgiver blog indlæg omkring Kongehuset, ønsker jeg ikke, at vække utilsigtet følelser op i folk omkring illoyalitet og upatriotiske sammensværgelser, formidler bare en realitet, set ud fra mange års interesse i tabloidpressens dokumentation(BT, information m.fl.) og de få som 'tør' kritisk journalistik. Er helt klar over, der er mange som opfatter vores konstitutionelt monarki som en hellig institution og statshoveder som urørlige og trofaste mod vores nation. Dog, kan vi konstatere, 'magteliten' har særdeles gode forbindelser igennem Kongehuset og Kongehuset har særdeles gode forbindelser til politik og som tilnærmelsesvis truer hele den selviscenesættelse af magt- vælden... 🕵️‍♂️PS: Nu hvor Kristoffer Eriksen (tidligere Radio24syv-profil) rykker ind i Ekstra Bladets chefredaktion, og ifølge DR P1, skal hans team, udelukkende lave, kritisk journalistik og bliver en gravergruppe, for, at finde frem til sandheden.. »Både Pernille og Kristoffer forstår, hvor vigtigt det er at turde, hvor andre tier, fordi alt for mange journalistiske medier lader sig spise af med halve forklaringer og hele løgne fra dem, der bærer de gyldne kæder,« siger han i pressemed- delelsen... |

Kilde (ekstrabladet)

Margrethe og co.'s CO2-udledning modsiger egne forblommede ord til statsbesøg, åbninger og nytår

✖️22 ~ Movie Message Received, Plot Twists Coming, Enjoy The Show - Episode 2056 ~ |

Source (X22Report)
The [DS]/MSM are spinning stories but they are getting caught up in their lies, they are now blaming each other and pointing fingers. JS tells us to watch [JC] and [JM] something is about to happen. The DOJ wants an extra week for Flynn's sentencing. Did the patriots stop a missile launch in NK, reports are strange and the gift was the opposite. Trump sends a message, the movie plot is about to change and the move will never be the same.

💔 ~ Nearly Half a Billion Animals Feared Dead From Australia’s Fires, Including 8,000 Koalas ~ | Blogger: Let us pray for Australia & California wildfires killing animals, destroying homes, farmers land, with many residents who can’t afford wildfire insurance and New Zealand volcano eruption. The cascadia subduction zone - Earthquake landslides at Mount Washington Volcano, Kadavu, Fiji, Unusually strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) weather phenomenon triggers severe droughts in Australia and Indian summer. In Europe Severe weather and floods cause deaths across Western Europe, and the world's affected populace in regards to water pollution & flooding, earthquakes, extreme weathers, (Drought, Heat Waves, Heavy Downpours, Floods), and fresh water shortages, where people are suffering and worse... ❤️💜💚💙💗😇🙌👼🏻🙏☄️💥🌪💦☔️ ... |

Source (The Mind Unleashed)

Ecologists from the University of Sydney estimate that 480 million mammals, birds, and reptiles have been killed.

(TMU) — Nearly half a billion animals are feared to have died as historic bushfires continue to devastate vast regions of Australia, including almost a third of koalas in their main habitat in New South Wales (NSW).

According to one report from the the Sunday Times, ecologists from the University of Sydney estimate that roughly 480 million mammals, birds, and reptiles have been killed either directly or indirectly by the horrific inferno that has been sweeping across the country since September.

The number includes about 8,000 koalas that were burnt to death along the mid-north coast of the state, which lies 240 miles north of Sydney. (READ MORE)

🔮 ~ 💗 January Predictions and Spiritual Insights 2020 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🌟"2020 is a year of Major, Major Awakening - Scientifically, Spirituality and of course, Metaphysically" ~ Joni Patry Vedic Astrological🌟] ..."Around these two dates January 27th -28th many scandals will surface and the truth will be known. Sex trafficking is a big part of this dark and corrupt world. Cover ups are now revealed. Oil prices begin to rise and the stock market begins to sink, but there will be many ups and downs with great volatility till the month of September. "... |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

January Spiritual Insights

There are incredible and intense aspects starting out the year indicating a year of massive change and transformation. We will witness things never before in this year. The solar eclipse that occurred December 26th involves Jupiter with Ketu, and Saturn with Pluto. Now the Lunar Eclipse will activate the deep seated indications of this powerful Solar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses, which are the full Moon with Rahu and Ketu, bring to fruition the indications of the Solar eclipse.

Jupiter will be conjunct Ketu at 14 degrees Sagittarius on January 8th. There is a wave of Divine energy prevent throughout this year. Everything that is happening this year is being directed by a Divine Force to change humanity for the better. It may seem like a destructive force but this is part of the Divine plan.

The most important effects that will evolve out of this year will be a deep spiritual transformation that will manifest miracles around healing and technological discoveries with energy. The entire concept of energy is changing and how it is used in healing the mind and emotions. These amazing discoveries in science, medicine and healing change how many view the world and have an effect on world consciousness.

Those who judge with hate and vengeance will not be a part of the cosmic awareness that is surrounding the earth at this time. It is time to see beyond the current illusion to understand the profound lessons being bestowed on humanity. The unconscious masses will be consumed with superficiality, but the greater effects of this spiritual transformation will have its effects for years to come.

🌌 ~ NASA fears if they find proof of inhabitants on the planet people may not be mentally prepared (Daily Mail Online) ~ | Blogger: [🙉SOFT DISCLOSURE to get us PrEP and Ready for the (partial) TRUTH🙈] ... {So, is Ad Astra's revelation that there are no aliens out there true?} ... TO AVOID the so-called 'hysterical mass behavior', all you're gonna hear is that Mars 2020 Rover (which most likely has never been on Mars, rather Devon Island in Southern Canada) will discover alien life, that is, in form of unknown dazzling creatures of the microscopic world... Rather that The Dark Fleet (Earthly Solar Warden SSP with other factions) established bases on the far side of the Moon and Mars, perhaps 40-50 years ago, with something called Mars Defense Force and Mars Colony Corporation, a U.S. Marine Corps called “Special Section”, that unexpectedly found and after that, tried to force an aggressive Insectoid of Aliens out, living in deep caves on Mars, that killed almost the entire Mars Defense Force, from Earth, before they could build DUMBs. If you truly believe in the storytelling from Randy Alan Cramer ("Captain Kaye"), Dr. Michael Salla, Andrew Basiago (part of a secret "Pegasus Project") and other whistleblowers, like Corey Goode... 🚀 PS: To this day, i'm stumped that Hollywood and CIA (DARPA) create movies like, 'Ad Astra', (shitty movie sorry) that paints a dysfunctional and dark emotional stressful picture of how to "SURVIVE" in SPACE. YES, the movie 'Ad Astra', a great gloriously surreal space epic in regards to a turgid, generic father / son drama, but do you REALLY think, if "they" actually has an entire Solar Warden Armada (an ultra-secret project that maintains a fleet of spaceships that are operating primarily within Earth's Orbit and around our solar system), that they would still use traditional SpaceX rockets, like they do in this movie and survive years of emptiness in dark deep space? Nooo... They would use spaceships like U.S.S.S Hillenkoetter (Solar Warden), with warp technology, teleportation or jump-rooms and use black holes to travel back and fourth from the multiverse, like our galactic fiends used solar portals and USS Discovery, secret weapon the mycelium spore drive, which leverages a magic space network of fungi to instantly “jump” anywhere in the known Universe, and (potentially) even into parallel Universes... WHATEVER, the fairytale that NASA still portray a 100 year old technology of rockets shows you, that Secret Space Program, is worldly or perhaps, our universe, biggest secret, E-V-E-R... |

Source (
  • 'It will start a whole new line of thinking,' NASA's Jim Green says
  • If there is evidence of past of life, scientists expect to find it underground
  • Mission will last one Mars year, or the equivalent of 587 Earth days

🙌 ~ De tre T'er: Telepati, Telekinese, Teleportation - Der findes nogle fantastiske unge talentfulde tryllekunstnere rundt om i verden, så som engelske 'Dynamo' ~ |

Udgivet den 27. December 2014 af

Tænk nu hvis, alt det vi ser med det blotte øje, ikke er en illusion, synsbedrag og manipulation, som man til tider kan mistænke de bedst kendte og længst levende legender, så som Siegfried & Roy ( en tysk-amerikansk duo af tidligere nutidige tryllekunstnere og entertainere, som optræder på Mirage Resort and Casino siden 2003)

Eller hvad med  David Copperfield (Airplane Vanish(David Copperfield den mest succesfulde tryllekunstner i historien. Vundet 21 Emmy Awards, 30 år indbragte ham 11 Guinness World Records, en stjerne på Hollywood Walk of Fame, og en ridder af den franske regering; og han har fået navnet en levende legende af den amerikanske Library of Congress) 

Men alt det er jo Show Business, en milliard forretning i Vegas kulørte lampeskær. Det imponere os ikke mere, for mig er det blevet lidt mere af en pornooptræden end et magisk tryllekunst, uden Wauv Effekt. Vi så en ny tendens, da David Blaine vidste sig på gaden (Street Magic) og udførte stunts og magi på åben gade. (Mest kendt for "frosset i tid", hvor han blev blevet indefrosset i blok af is i 72 timer, den anden stunt "vertigo", hvor han stod på 100 fods søjle i 35 timer i "Over nedenfor "det var verdens tv-dækning, hvor han blev suspenderet i glaskasse ved Themsen i 44 dage uden mad og mange flere)    

Dynamo Magician Impossible - Guds magiske dreng

Der findes masser af talentfulde tryllekunstnere, også i Danmark, men den ene tryllekunster som imponere mig mest lige nu, er også en gadedreng som Blaine, nemlig Dynamo Magician Impossible, siden 2009, er han nok den mest jordnære og ukomplicerede bekendskab af en "ægte" tryllekunstner, end nogen anden. (Steven Frayne, almindeligvis kendt under sit kunstnernavn "Dynamo", er en engelsk tryllekunstner, bedst kendt for sit show Dynamo: Magician Impossible. Dynamo blev født i Bradford, England.) 

Jeg ved jo godt, vi alle sammen hele tiden vil afmystificere alt det vi ikke forstår eller kan bevise, "det er jo bare trylleri og illusion" - det er da naturligt. Mirror eller dailymail og alle de andre tabloid aviser er da også hurtigt ude med hvordan Dynamos hemmeligheder er afsløret. Vi sætter Autopilot på : skepticisme

Dynamo har vist os han kan udføre en levitation med en kørende London bus og gå på Themsen. Han teleportere også en mobil telefon fra sin egen hånd ned i en tom Cola flaske, får en person til at trække en halskæde igennem Dynamo's egen hals og jeg kunne blive ved...  Så forleden hvordan han sammen med Jamie Oliver kunne "fremvise" en skrevet sætning ud af det blå, fra en dyb tallerken, hvor bunden kun var dækket af vineddike, en opskrift som Jamie tænkte på (Telepatisk)  

... men tænk nu, hvis der fandtes mennesker som kunne bruge Telepati, Telekinese samt Teleportation... For et par år tilbage, har to Whistleblowers uafhængigt rapporteret omkring teleportering til Mars fandtes, fordi de skulle møde Mars rumvæsener (siden 1970'erne er teleportation anvendt) for blot at sætte en anden surrealistisk vinkel på det hele... gu fanden er det langt ude... men hvis vi fortsætter at blive ved med at forblive i en tilstand, der kun fremmer logik, fysiske beviser og benægtelse, kan det være svært at udvikle os til næste trin i vores evolution...  I vores bestræbelser på, at alle skal være ens tænkende, opdraget på nogenlunde ens vilkår i den vestlige verden, undergrave egne behov og drømme...flyde med strømmen, gør os ikke ligefrem frittænkende individer, og lege med tanker så som, 'tænk nu hvis' verden så anderledes ud. Er det så hammerende nødvendigt, at skulle bevise, at jorden nu også er rund hele tiden og rumvæsener hører kun til i Hollywood filmene?... 

Hvor mange tør springe ud og erklære sig 100 procent upåvirket af vores 3D matrix af illusion?

📁🔀📁💥 ~ (BREAKING?) Quantum internet is near? Scientists ‘teleport’ data between chips for the first time ~ | Blogger: [🤩Waaauv! Scientists from the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have created “chip-scale devices🔌] ...Of course we're talking about mainstream media, Russia Today, revelations, nothing about; (Nikola Tesla's) new hack-proof, super-conscious, quantum computer global financial system, that will BREAK the (corrupt) Rothschild Khazarian Mafia... But, if you (really) are into the SSP stuff (Secret Space Programs), with a crazy tin foil hat and seen (Weird Science) an milion time (1985 teen flick), we know, that the technology breakthrough from the (3) three T's: Telepathy, Telekinese, Teleportation, has been around for at least 50 years (thousands of years, among other advanced star civilizations in our universe) . Or, at least when CIA groomed Obama & Basiago as future Presidents in 1969-72, by Jump Room to Mars. That's what Dr. Michael Salla from and all his whistleblowers, are saying... |

Source (

Filling up your computer with cat pictures and memes through the quantum internet is apparently one step closer, as scientists managed to instantly “teleport” data between two chips that are not connected for the very first time.

Quantum computers are the dream of modern physics as they could solve problems that are too difficult for today’s most powerful supercomputers, but creating them requires learning how to manage the elusive quantum particles, which are smaller than atoms.

Scientists from the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have created “chip-scale devices” that are able to utilize quantum physics to manipulate single particles of light. The team’s findings have been published in the journal Nature Physics.

In one of the experiments with the chips, described as a “breakthrough,” the researchers were able to demonstrate “the quantum teleportation of information” between two programmable devices for the very first time using a physical process known as “quantum entanglement.”(READ MORE)

🎤 ~ Benjamin Fulford Interview: New Era For Humanity Awaits in 2020 ~ | Blogger: [👨‍💻This is a Game Changer! : Advanced anti-gravity technology is now possible to build at home🧲] ... "If (they) pull out the secret military technology - they're doomed. Will 2020 be the year they sell flying saucers" ~ BF... "It's more important to save the planet, right now, then to get the bad guys. I mean we have to STOP the murders of children and all that kind of stuff, but we're gotta concentrate on the bigger picture, that is, taking control of the financial system away from the (families) and if that happens, the rest will natural follow" ~ BF... |

In this Boxing Day special, we discuss how the past 20 years has suddenly changed for the positive. We discuss the pending release of highly classified secret space technologies. Benjamin has now witnessed anti-gravity type device and says that it’s simple to produce. The path to bringing this forward it to have the US Corporation default and the system reset to something new. Whereby the US can use these technologies to back the value of there assets in trade vs the staggering debt they’ve accumulated with this SSP program. A.I. is running amock with the digital world and we discuss how making physical networks of knowing people is the only way to truly verify events. The US Military IS intervening and much is happening in the background. 2020 is really looking like it’s the year we can finally take back the planet!

🔴 ~ BREAKING: Epstein Met With Scientists at Military Bases in Israel; Are Co-Conspirators Finally Under Investigation? ~ | Blogger: [🚨FINALLY some JUSTICE? IF, we can trust the Authorities to do the right thing🤔] ... {SoTW in Round brackets ()} ... AAANDD, according to PFC in the latest Benjamin Fulford interview, has made a (weird) little connection between Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Clintons & Kevin Spacey... 🎤PFC are telling BF, that Spacey's third accuser has died in 2019, and it just followers the blatant footprint of Clinton's body count (As SoTW has said, already). So, is Spacey linked to Rockefellers, because (accuser) Ari Behn, former to husband Princess Martha Louise of Norway for 14 years, is also linked to Epstein (Norway's princess Mette-Marit has confirmed ties to Jeffrey Epstein - Ari Behn accused Spacey, groping him at a concert for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007). The ring is just like "crazy", says PFC...🙋 BF replies, that acc. to FBI, 40.000 kids are gone missing every single year in America, alone, and the (GlobalPedoGate) are fighting for their lives, if it came out, that they have been killing these children by child sacrifice(killing, rape or torture). People has even been feeding me with stories, they have been taken off planet, but they're still very dangerous, very powerful and fighting for their lives, says BF... |

Source (Patriots Soapbox)

Written by 
Radix Verum
DECEMBER 27, 2019 AT 11:30 AM

December 27, 2019 – There has been an interesting discovery via the Internet Wayback Machine that shows one Jeffrey Epstein traveling to the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv and meeting with a group of “researchers” and “scientists” while visiting the military bases in Israel.

This excerpt is from an old article from the Palm Beach Daily News that has since been deleted. Here is the Wayback Machine image:

The article was published April 27, 2008 and it describes him celebrating Passover in Tel Aviv.

It was recently reported that one of his former associates Steve Hoffenberg has confirmed that Jeffrey Epstein was indeed an intelligence asset for the Israeli Mossad: (READ MORE)