Dec 4, 2016

Dansk retssag på vej i vor tids største lægemiddelskandale!!! 10.000 børn født med fosterskader: Svensk støtte vil forsøge at bane vejen for en officiel undskyldning og erstatning til thalidomidskadede. Sundheds- og ældreministeriet afviste i januar 2016, de danske thalidomidskadedes forespørgsel om erstatning og en undskyldning med et skriftligt svar.(..) Fosterskader forårsaget af gravides brug af medikamenter med thalidomid i perioden 1957-1962 er blevet kaldt moderne tids største lægemiddelskandale (Blogger: Vi kan højst sandsynligt takke Sundhedsstyrelsen, som er den øverste sundhedsfaglige myndighed i Danmark og dengang siddende direktør, Johannes Frandsen ( 1928-1961 ), Regeringen, under ledelse af H.C. Hansen I ( 1955-1960 Socialdemokratiet)... Naturligvis også det medicinalindustrielt kompleks.... ".. Det blev syntetiseret for første gang i Vesttyskland i 1953 og blev markedsført af medicinalfirmaet Grünenthal 1957-1961, primært i Tyskland og Storbritannien. Lægemidlet var tilgængelig for ca. 50 lande (ikke-amerikanske) under mindst 40 navne Taval, Talimol, Kevadon, Nibrol, Sedimide, Quietoplex, Contergan, Neurosedyn, Softenon osv. I kølvandet, viste det sig, at stoffet var ekstremt skadelige for fostrets udvikling og en enkelt dosis af thalidomid, som er taget af en gravid kvinde kan resultere i alvorlige fødselsdefekter eller at fosteret dør..", ifølge norske wikipedia. Som altid når det er sager mod staten og lægemidler, rummer den offentlige tilgængelighed ikke mange ledetråde...)

Arkivfoto. Foto: Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock
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Upålidelig medicin

Al medicin kan være farlig, selv om den er blevet testet på dyr. Der er talløse eksempler på dette. Her er nogle af dem:

I 1982 blev Opren – et medikament mod ledbetændelse – trukket tilbage fra det britiske marked efter 3.500 indberetninger om bivirkninger, heraf mere end 60 tilfælde med dødelig udgang. Langvarige forsøg med aber havde ikke vist tegn på giftighed.

I Japan blev mindst 10 000 ofre for en ny sygdom med navnet Smon, som kan føre til blindhed og lammelser. Årsagen var stoffet clioquinol, som angriber nervesystemet. Stoffet blev brugt i præparater mod diarre. Dyreforsøg udført af Ciba Geigey og omtalt i lægetidsskriftet "Lancet" viste imidlertid "ingen bevis på, at clioquinol påvirkede nervesystemet".

I 1960’erne døde mindst 3.500 unge astmapatienter i England efter at have brugt astmamedicinen Isoprenalin. Ingen dyreforsøg overhovedet havde givet den mindste antydning af muligheden for en sådan tragedie. F.eks. kunne katte tåle en dosis, der var 175 gange større end den dosis, astmapatienter kunne tåle. Selv efter at have opdaget stoffets farlighed viste det sig vanskeligt at fremkalde de skadelige virkninger på dyr.

Stoffet Eraldin, anvendt til behandling af hjertesygdomme, viste sig at have lige så alvorlige bivirkninger, bl.a. blindhed. Medicinalfirmaet ICI udbetalte erstatninger til mere end 1.000 ofre. Dyreforsøg havde ikke antydet disse bivirkninger, og selv efter at stoffet var blevet trukket tilbage, kunne de ikke spores på forsøgsdyr.

I 1980 forekom der alene i England 400 dødsfald på grund af P-piller og endnu flere havde fået blodpropper, hjerteanfald, lungesygdomme og hjerneblødninger af at bruge pillen. Pillens østrogen-indhold blev herefter nedsat. Ikke alene havde dyreforsøg intet afsløret om disse virkninger, men på rotter og hunde havde de svangerskabsforebyggende piller den modsatte virknining med nedsat risiko for blodpropper!

Medikamentet Thalidomid, som var skyld i 10.000 forkrøblede og deforme børn, var ganske vist ikke blevet specielt testet for fosterskader, før det kom på markedet, men efterfølgende forsøg viste store forskelle mellem de forskellige dyrearter. Selv om thalidomid var blevet prøvet på drægtige rotter og mus - de almindeligste forsøgsdyr – ville man ikke have fundet noget. Thalidomid giver ikke fødselsskader på rotter og mus, og tragedien ville derfor være sket under alle omstændigheder. Det er kun i visse kanin- og primattyper, man kunne observere virkningerne af thalidomid. I dag har vi endnu flere beviser på, at dyreforsøg med henblik på fødselsskader er fuldstændig upålidelige. Et godt eksempel er aspirin, som giver fødselsskader hos rotter, mus, marsvin, katte, hunde og aber, men ikke hos mennesker.

How times have changed... (Blogger: Received by mail..)

Cosmetic skin will keep that man all to yourself.

Smoking and not eating candy is the solution to weight control.

Must be OK for children 7 and older.

Ivory soap in the tub will cure it all

Hvordan købmænd blev til banker og kredit blev til penge (Blogger: Burde være obligatorisk læsestof for alle skolebørn og danskere generelt...Tid til at vågne op!!!)

Nyhedsbrevet - Gode Penge


Glædelig anden søndag i advent! I dagens anledning giver dig historien om, hvordan købmænd blev til banker og deres kredit blev til penge.

Det er anden del af Gode Penges adventskalender, hvor du hver søndag i advent får en finurlig fortælling, en dugfrisk analyse eller en filosofisk vinkel på penge.

Som bekendt laver banker ikke mønter, men de skaber de penge, vi har flest af: kontopenge, indeståender på vores bankkonti. Men hvordan skaber de kontopenge? For at forstå det, skal vi først forstå, hvordan banker opstod.
Banker startede som købmandsgårde i provinsen og så cirka ud som på billedet ovenfor af Plums købmandsgård i Assens omkring år 1920.

Her afleverede de lokale bønder forskellige produkter, de fremstillede. Lad os sige Bertel Bondemand afleverer 10 sække havre. Købmanden har ingen pengesedler for tiden, så han skriver i stedet i sin regnskabsbog under overskriften ”Bertel” beløbet ”10 kr.” Det betyder ”Jeg skylder Bertel 10 kr.” eller ”Bertel har 10 kr. på kontoen”. Når Bertel beder om det, kan han altså få eller bruge de 10 kr.

Sådan er det stadig i dag at have ”penge på sin konto”. Det er ikke sølvmønter eller sedler, der ligger i en boks i bankens kælder, men bankens forpligtelse til at give kunden de 10 kr., når kunden beder om det - enten ved at få dem udbetalt som kontanter eller at overføre dem til en anden konto.

Sådan har Bertel Bondemand også penge på sin konto. De kommer fra alt det, han har afleveret til købmanden uden at få kontant afregning. Bertel kan købe af købmandens andre kunder, fx tre kasser fisk af Frederik Fisker til i alt 3 kr. Betalingen sker ved at købmanden trækker 3 kr. fra Bertels konto og lægger 3 kr. til Frederiks konto. Det kalder vi ”at overføre penge” fra køber til sælger, selv om intet fysisk ”overføres”. Betalinger er koordinerede kontojusteringer: Ned hos køber, op hos sælger, alt sammen via ”bogføring”, talskriveri i købmandens store bog. Sådan foregår det også i dag, hvor Nets på enorme computersystemer sørger for millioner af daglige betalinger mellem danskernes bankkonti.

Det der står på din konto er altså det, banken skylder dig. Det er dit indestående, som du kan få udbetalt eller overført til en anden, når du beder banken om det. Men hvordan bliver det til pengeskabelse?

Messages from Ann & the Angels - Dec 4, 2016 (Newsletter excerpts only...)

I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.

Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

Kanaliseret af Ann Albers
© 2016 angelmessages
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Release yourselves to the adventure of life! We have spoken a great deal lately about releasing yourself from expectations. Can you imagine the freedom if you release life from expectations and instead just enjoy each day for the gifts it offers? Can you imagine having your plans and desires but also being open, as a child is, to the adventures of life? Can you trust, as a child does, that the Divine loves you and wants the best for you?

As you approach your holiday season, so many of you have so many plans! This is wonderful! You anticipate creating loving gifts, love celebrations, loving gatherings with one another. We love the love with which you plan and dream of your celebrations! However, so many of you have a tendency also to slip into stress. When you forget the love behind your plans and presents, then life ceases to be an adventure and becomes a burden.

Suppose you very much want to find the perfect present for someone you love. You discover you cannot afford it. Or you cannot think of something. Or the store is out of what you wanted to purchase. You don't have as much time as you need to make it... there may be a whole host or reasons why you cannot fulfill your original loving intent. Instead of fretting and getting upset, and feeling badly, be open to the adventure of life! "OK God! You created me and inspired my intention to gift this person I love. You know my situations, my finances, and my time. You know the heart of the one I love. Guide me to the perfect present." In surrendering to the loving adventure in life, you will be guided to something that delights all involved, although it may look nothing like you originally planned.

Suppose you very much want to enjoy a celebration with family but then you discover a cantankerous family member is going to be present. You can sigh with resignation and decide your fun is over before it begins. You can brace yourself and prepare to do battle. You can close up and slog your way through the meal. Or you can open to the loving adventure of life. "Dear God, this person is a challenge for me. Change them. Change my heart. Change the situation... but please help us find a way to love and interact with kindness during my celebration." In so doing you open up to the miracles life has to offer.

Believe dear ones, that God loves you. The Divine wants to help you create a harmonious and loving experience of life – for yourself and all involved! Open to the adventure. By all means, have your expectations, make your plans, express your desires, but also be open to the dance, to the unexpected, to the miraculous possibility that life has to offer. You never know... just possibly the Creator might just want better for you than you can dream!

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

December Horoscope + year 2016 Follow Up. Releace, Accept & BE READY ♡ (Blogger: Zanne Otilia Fiilipson is from Denmark, live in the south of France. Best known as online psychic Intuitive development trainer and mentor. Submits lots of videos on danish and english, monthly Horoscopes and offer her take on spiritual awakening physical & metaphysical symptoms etc...)

Published on Dec 4, 2016 

December Horoscope PART 2 + 2016 Follow Up. Releace, Accept & BE READY ♡

ECETI James Gilliland Audio Update (Talk Radio Show, As You Wish Talk Radio)

Published on Dec 2, 2016
*I do not own this work, it belongs to James Gilliland, As you wish talk radio and the great artists who took part in all aspects of it. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.*
As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland - Taking questions from callers.
For more information have a look here:

The Uprise Around The World - EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!

1.5 million in Seoul, South Korea
1.5 Million South Koreans Protest, Call For President To Resign

In the latest development of the South Korean protests that have been taking place for several weeks now, the number of people in Seoul’s Guanghwamun Square has grow to over 1.5 million. President Park has just apologized publicly for the third time to the nation, but still refuses to step down. She has however, stated that she will allow the Parliament to decide whether she should stay or be impeached.......

Millions of Muslims March Against ISIS During Pilgrimage and Mainstream Media Completely Ignores It 

In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world, tens of millions of Shia Muslims made an incredibly heartening statement, by risking their lives to travel through war-stricken areas to openly defy ISIS. This massive event that would have undoubtedly helped to ease tensions in the West was almost entirely ignored by corporate media.
Women, men, elderly, and children made their way to the city of Karbala on Sunday and Monday last week for the holy day of Arbaeen. Arbaeen is the event which marks the end of the 40-day mourning period following Ashura, the religious ritual that commemorates the death of the Prophet Mohammad’s grandson Imam Hussein in 680 AD........

1,000s of Spaniards march against corporations & austerity

Thousands of people took to the streets of Madrid on Saturday in the latest Dignity March – a protest against the government’s austerity policies.
Participants in Saturday evening’s demonstration walked about two kilometers from Plaza de España to Plaza de Neptuno carrying banners demanding that the government put an end to budget cuts and act independently from Brussels. They also accused their government of protecting the interests of big multinational corporations at the expense of the Spanish people....

Buzz Aldrin Is Medically Evacuated From Antarctica -- Secret Meetings with ETs or Shadow Government? ("..The southernmost continent of Antarctica has been in the news of late. First John Kerry flew there in November, allegedly to observe the effects of climate change. Then, Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, announced he was going there earlier this week on a tourist trip. But now after a medical complication, he has been evacuated. What could be happening? Several researchers into alternative history, along with supportive evidence such as a radio interview with Admiral Byrd, suggest that there are things of great interest to the people of Earth in Antarctica. Apparently, there are massive under-ice caverns there, which were documented recently. Furthermore, several whistleblowers, namely Corey Goode and William Tompkins, have suggested that several large secret bases exist there, some controlled by a nefarious reptilian group of extraterrestrials that have "watched over" human society for thousands of years. The Nazi's allegedly built out bases on the icy continent over 70 years ago, with the help of the alliances they made there, according to Tompkins and Goode... ")

Posted: 03 Dec 2016 09:24 AM PST

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The southernmost continent of Antarctica has been in the news of late. First John Kerry flew there in November, allegedly to observe the effects of climate change. Then, Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, announced he was going there earlier this week on a tourist trip. But now after a medical complication, he has been evacuated. What could be happening?

Several researchers into alternative history, along with supportive evidence such as a radio interview with Admiral Byrd, suggest that there are things of great interest to the people of Earth in Antarctica. Apparently, there are massive under-ice caverns there, which were documented recently.

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