May 26, 2017

Verdensalt | 26. Maj 2017 | Vejrmæssigt en fantastisk dag med strålende solskin fra en skyfri himmel uden nogen former for Chemtrails. Dagen før, så det anderledes ud!! | Blogger: Kære SaLuSa fra Sirius, talsmand for den galaktiske føderation og beskytter. Fjern venligst alle former for kemisk solstrålingestyring (SRMGI). Bed Omega Air, Evergreen Aviation og alle andre former for luftfartsselskaber som er stråmænd for CIA og USAF om at stoppe med, at forurene vores Atmosfære, Solen og Moder Jord. Stop "the powers that be" med at tjene penge på vejrderivater, vejrmanipulation, globale geoengineering og klimatekniske programmer. Gør det klart overfor DMI's nationale- og internationale partnere, Miljøstyrelsen, at klimaforandringer i Danmark, sagtens kan være overforbrug af kemiske reaktioner fra Chemtrails, HAARP og andre former for kraftige Ionosfæriske radaranlæg (EISCAT) nær Tromsø, Norge eller Grønland. Forklar den danske regering, at de hemmeligholdte aftaler, Danmark har indgået med det amerikanske militær om CIA-fly, tortur-fængsler og overflyvninger, biokemisk krigsførelse mod folket, spredning af stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) er med garanti, ulovligt. Mørklagt og gemt væk i et særligt sikkerhedsarkiv i Statsministeriet.. Tak.. Namaste!... |


TV2 NEWS | 25. Maj 2017 | Nato får nyt tophemmeligt hovedkvarter med dele af Berlinmuren og World Trade Center | .. Nato har både taget højde for skjulte mikrofoner i betonen og bomber i undergrunden, når det nye hovedkvarter i dag bliver indviet af Trump .. | Blogger: Det er hvad dine skattekroner går til.. ".. Det gigantiske byggeri har kostet over otte milliarder kroner, når det tages i brug. Det gør det dog sandsynligvis først senere på året, da man fortsat mangler at installere det omfattende IT-system..", skriver TV2 News.. Måske skulle de låne ekspertise fra de yderst kompetente dansk-amerikanske IT selskaber som den danske Stat og Skat benytter sig af? (CSC, KMD og IBM). De har stor erfaring hvordan man ribber pengetanken.. De kunne også ringe til regionsdirektøren, som beskyldes for at manipulere og vildlede med deres valg af it-systemet 'Sundhedsplatformen', den amerikanske it-gigant Epic blev 'valgt' som leverandør, ud af tre kandidater. Region Hovedstaden har flere gange fortalt, at 500 klinikere - læger, sygeplejersker og sekretærer - var med til at finde vindere blandt tre kandidater: IBM, Epic og Cerner. Man valgte at ignorerer de godt 80 procent af klinikerne der deltog i en undersøgelse, som foretrak et andet system frem for Epic.. Det er desværre ikke anderledes end byggeomkostningerne for ECBs nye prestigefyldte hovedkontor i Frankfurt, der sprængte budgettet med over 200 mio. euro, kostede over 1,2 mia. kr.. Eller Bankunion-tilsynet, som koster 2,2 mia. kr. om året at drive.. Alt sammen er noget som Hr. og Fru Jensen betaler lystig til via skatten, foruden de 200 mia. kr. som mangler i Statskassen efter EFI... |

Illustration af byggeriet. Foto: L'Echo

LÆS VIDERE: Nato får nyt tophemmeligt hovedkvarter med dele af Berlinmuren og World Trade Center

Avisen | 26. Maj 2017 | Varmekunder i nyt smæk: Mega-regning på vej | .. To døgn før en stramning i reglerne at udskrive renteregninger ud til brugerne søgte 17 selskaber om lov til at hente 3,5 milliarder kroner. Klima- og energiminister Lars Christian Lilleholt (V) undrer sig over 17 fjernvarmeselskabers ansøgninger om lov til at udskrive nye renteregninger for 2017 og 2018. Det skriver | Blogger: Undskyld mit franske, hvis dette ikke er noget svineri overfor danske betalende fjernvarmekunder, så ved jeg ikke hvad er... |

17 fjernvarmeselskaber søgte i sidste øjeblik om lov til at kradse milliarder ind hos brugerne. Foto: Henning Bagger/Scanpix

GAOG | May 25, 2017 | Billionaire Gives Away Most of His Fortune to Help Save the Ocean | VIDEO -- Norwegian Billionaire Pledges Support for Oceanic Research | Blogger: Do we see a new trend for actually trying to save the world or just a smart marketing move shifting money hands among the energy giants to make new investments?.. The Norwegian oil billionaire giveaway.. Danish government & GoLDMaN SLaCKS owned Dong Energy, sells out of Oil & Gas for $1.3 billion to Ineos.. OECD: Climate action can boost world’s economy by 5 percent.. ConocoPhillips sells oil sands assets for $13.3bn.. Royal Dutch Shell sells most of its oil sands assets to Canadian Natural Resources for $7.25bn, that's seven oil multinationals that are pulling out of Canada's tar sands.. Shell has also sold more than half of its North Sea oil and gas fields for $3.8bn.. |

Voice of, May 25th, 2017

This man has spent most of his life revelling in the abundance of the ocean – but now that the sea is in danger, he wants to give back to the waters that gave so much to him.

Kjell Inge Røkke, a Norwegian billionaire thought to be one of the richest men in his country, is investing “the lion’s share” of his $2.7 billion fortune in building a game-changing mega yacht.

The Research Expedition Vessel (REV) is a 600-foot vessel that will maneuver the ocean’s waters sucking up plastic waste. Capable of accumulating and recycling up to 5 tons of plastic per day, the REV will also double as a mobile laboratory for sciences to monitor and observe the ocean’s ecosystems.

Since the ship was built in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund, the REV has been designed to have the highest environmental standards. Once complete, it will be deemed the world’s largest yacht.

The REV will also be self-sustainable in terms of funding – the facilities can be reserved for private charters, accommodating up to 36 guests and 54 crew members. On a more daily basis, however, the ship will be playing host to 60 scientists and 40 crew members.

The scientists on board will have some of the most hi-tech research equipment available to them in order to properly observe the seas. Røkke hopes that the team will be able to utilize these facilities to discover new ways in assisting and nourishing the ocean’s struggling ecosystems.

“I am a fisherman, and curious by nature,” says Røkke. “Resources in the oceans and on the seabed have provided significant value for society – and also for my family and myself. For this, I am very grateful.”

“However, the oceans are also under greater pressure than ever before from overfishing, coastal pollution, habitat destruction, climate change and ocean acidification, and one of the most pressing challenges of all, plasticization of the ocean. The need for knowledge and solutions is pressing.”

Videos: Norwegian Billionaire Pledges Support For Oceanic Research

Scientific Operation


OOM2 | May 24, 2017 | Experts: Baltic Sea Anomaly ‘UFO’ contains metals nature CANNOT reproduce | Blogger: You must have heard about the Baltic Sea anomaly? Found by the Swedish-based “Ocean X Team” during a dive in the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland while searching for an old shipwreck. Ever since the anomaly was spotted, countless theories have emerged trying to explain what the heck this mystery objects is. It even came out in Expressen, ("The Express") is one of two nationwide evening tabloid newspapers in Sweden... |

Divers recovered a sample of the so-called anomaly to the surface, and lab tests reportedly found it to contain limonite and goethite. A geologist claimed that these materials are “metals which nature could not reproduce itself”. Furthermore, divers say that “Anything electric out there – and the satellite phone as well – stopped working when we were above the object.”

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The Baltic Sea Anomaly is perhaps one of the most mysterious underwater discoveries in recent years.

The ‘anomaly’ was detected on June 19, 2011, by the Swedish-based “Ocean X Team” during a dive in the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland while searching for an old shipwreck. Ever since the anomaly was spotted, countless theories have emerged trying to explain what the heck this mystery objects is.

The Baltic Sea Anomaly is round, 3 to 4 meters (9.8 to 13.1 ft) thick and approximately 60 meters (200 ft) in diameter, stands on an 8-meter (26 ft) tall pillar-like feature, and is located at a depth of 85 to 90 meters (279 to 295 ft).

A year after discovering the object, the team decided to explore the anomaly more, and clarify the mystery behind the so-called submerged UFO. However, the group surfaced with more questions than answers.

“I cannot explain what we saw, I went there looking for answers, but I came up with even more questions,” said Stefan Hogeborn, one of Ocean X divers in 2012.

“During my 20-year diving career, including 6,000 dives, I have never seen anything like this. Normally stones don’t burn,” Mr. Hogeborn said in a press release.

‘We’ve heard lots of different kinds of explanations, from George Lucas’s spaceship – the Millennium Falcon – to “it’s some kind of plug to the inner world,” like it should be hell down there or something,’ diver Peter Lindberg said in a press release.

Humans Are Free | May 25, 2017 | Study: Negative Thoughts Are Damaging Your DNA |

Lose your temper on the road? Frustrated with colleagues at work?

You may be cutting your life short, warns molecular biologist Elizabeth Blackburn — who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009 — and health psychologist Elissa Epel, who studies stress and aging.

The authors claim in their new book, The Telomere Effect, that negative thoughts harm your health at the DNA level.

Research has shown that a person's "social relationships, environments and lifestyles" affect their genes.

"Even though you are born with a particular set of genes, the way you live can influence how they express themselves."

Blackburn and Epel say components of DNA called telomeres determine how fast your cells age. Short telomeres are one of the major reasons human cells grow old, but lab tests have shown that they can also grow longer.

In other words, aging "could possibly be accelerated or slowed -and, in some aspects, even reversed."

Research Proves That DNA Is Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

Reblog | Nov 21, 2016 | Before Its News | Murdered Holistic Doctors Had Discovered Autism/Cancer-Causing Enzyme Intentionally Being Added to All Vaccines | Blogger: Remember the anonymous & well-known alternative medicine/holistic doctors that has been reported missing or dead due to a coincidental discovery of the enzyme "Nagalase" which inhibits the power of GcMAF to fight cancer and autism?? Lots of posts at my blog. Use the search bar: 'Nagalase' , 'Murdered Holistic Doctors' , 'Holistic Doctors vaccine'... Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News and her Youtube Channel is a very good way to start. She says 63 is confirmed deaths alone in USA, but many other countries like Germany(2015 - 29 Holistic Doctors and Practitioners Poisoned During Conference) and Japan is coming out and saying, they also have very mysteriously deaths of Holistic doctors. What the heck is going on? Are the conventional medical-industrial complex so desperate? Are The Danish Health Authority part of this?? Actually, Erin Elizabeth has security details now, due to death threats. What!! Crazy world, we're living in... |

Blogger: Latest news from Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News and her Youtube Channel

Board certified holistic doctor found murdered in his natural health clinic


Murdered Holistic Doctors Had Discovered Autism/Cancer-Causing Enzyme Intentionally Being Added to All Vaccines

Video som alle danskere med spædbørn, teenagere, ældre burde se - Sandheden bag ALLE vaccinationer
29 Holistic Doctors and Practitioners Poisoned During ...
2 More Holistic Doctors Found Dead in Suspicious ...
BREAKING MUST-READ: The real reason Holistic Doctors ...
BREAKING: Doctor found dead after feds raid his facility ... 

BREAKING: Statens rådgiver scorer millioner på HPV-vaccinen - Siden HPV-vaccinen blev indført i det danske børnevaccinationsprogram i 2009, har SSI haft indtægter for 642 millioner kroner fra vaccinen, oplyser instituttet til metroxpress (SSI vil ikke opgive udgifterne, så den samlet gevinst, er ukendt!!!) 

So apparently the holistic doctors who were all being killed in FL had found out via their research that the nagalase enzyme protein is INTENTIONALLY being added to the population via immunizationsNagalase STOPS vitamin D from binding to the Gc protein. This completely strips a human being’s body of it’s natural ability to kill cancer cells. Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!! This prevents the body from utilizing the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type 2 Diabetes. So basically…they weren’t  killing these doctors because they had found the cure to cancer or were successfully treating autism… they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting our precious children with are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis!! And that it’s obviously being done knowingly and on purpose! The Dr’s they killed in FL had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information. 

Depopulation 101..add poison to vaccines…make it law that all children must be injected to attend school. Slow kill methods. They think they’re being fair w/ their “survival of the fittest” type mentality. Only the best genes survive? These ppl have no souls.

Dr Ted Broer breaks the above info (about the nagalese) in this clip. He explains it much better than I do. The clip is short (from his July 25th Hagmann & Hagmann interview) but it’s a MUST listen. Dr Ted Broer broke it on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and it took them a whole hour just to get him on air b/c their 3 hour show was brought down and every line they tried to use kept disconnecting..and then their servers were brought down. They  asked a bunch of ppl to pray against the attack and then finally got him on a secured line..and so a full hour into the show they were finally back on the air and connected to Dr Broer and the first thing he said was “I am in no way suicidal.” He was super nervous holding onto this info…afraid he’d be taken out Hastings style before he got a chance to say it publicly. So listen to this short clip of him breaking the story. It’s a 19 min clip but the most important info is heard within the first 10 min. It is def some of the most important news Ive ever heard. And it needs to go viral. PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS SHORT CLIP!! 

And if you want to hear more of his interview this next video continues right where the last clip left off. The first video is just a clip of the most important part if you only have time to hear a little bit of it. As Dr. Ted Broer continues he explains WHY they’re doing this. Why they’re intentionally attacking our immune systems. This next clip is FASCINATING. Dr Ted Broer continued…

Repost | Stillness in the Storm -- Discerning The Mystery | Nov 20, 2016 | Underground Bases Reported to be Under Fire, Cabal Being Arrested as They Flee - Video, Links, and Commentary | Blogger: Vi hører nu om det fly som fløj rundt i cirkler i Denver i sidste uge, brugte 'Sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW)' der har ultralyds-effekt, for at jage folk ud af den militære bunker... Har selv haft kontakt med militærfolk i USA som kan bekræfte at der findes kæmpemæssige underjordiske anlæg, menneskeskabte bunkere eller baseret på naturlige huler og grotter (kalkminer, drypstenshuler osv). Stort set alle vestlige lande har sine egne forsvarsbunkere, små eller store. For nylig hørte vi om Moskva har flere beskyttelsesrum der kan modtage næsten 1 million indbygere. De danske hemmelige kold krigs-bunkere er for længst åbne for offentligheden. Det drejer sig om Ejbybunkeren, Regan Vest, Regan Øst og Langelandsfortet, Stevnsfortet, tophemmeligt mikrofilmdepot på Grønland og bunker i Bernstorffsparken. Vidste du, at Kulturstyrelsen har udpeget 25 steder, der rummer ‘væsentlige historier om forsvaret og den civile beskyttelse under den kolde krig’? Som MP'er ved Flyvestation Værløse har jeg personligt beskyttet og besøgt NATO's forsvarskomando (Vedbækbunkeren) som nu er flyttet til CAOC Finderup... De amerikanske, for dem som har været i USA hvor alt ting er stort, er helt for sig selv og stadigvæk topsecret. De mest kendte er nok 'Area 51' og 'S4'. Mange af USA's militærbunkere er særdeles godt camoufleret og beskyttet med militærfolk som har tilladelse til at dræbe, højtavanceret elektroniske overvågningssystemer, herunder infrarød bevægelsessensorer som kan registrere bevægelser på kilometers afstand osv. Noget andet er hvad de gemmer under jordens overflade er stadig præget af mystik og uhyggeligheder. Foruden at beskytte VIP's og magteliten, rummer de underjordiske anlæg mange, mange lag af etager, ligesom en selvstændig by hvor hver etage har set formål, her fremstilles bl.a. biokemiske våben, folk der bortføres underkastes uhyggelige eksperimenter, består af forskere samt ledende folk som hjalp i konstruktionen af (NSA, CIA, FBI osv.), højteknologiske robotteknologi og teknologi som bliver brugt af SSP (Secret Space Program), fri energisystemer hvor biler kører på vand og el, samarbejder med udenjordiske (aliens), mad og drikke fremstillet som var det Star Trek's replicatorer, toge og 'tube-shuttle' som benytter sig af Tesla's Hyperloop-teknologi og forbinder L.A. med Washington, DC på 45 minutter. Tunneller som strækkes sig i hele USA. Det siges, at under Det Hvide Hus, findes der en 45 etagers bunker. De absolut største og værste er nok under 'Denver International Airport (DIA)', Nevada's 'Dulce Base', samt den som USA's udenrigsminister, John Kerry efter sigende besøgte for nylig, i Antarctica. Alle bygget på naturlige huler. Kender man lidt til historien om Draco [reptil humanoids] og 'Rand Corporation' så behøver jeg ikke at sige mere. Selvom det er fiktion, hvis man har set 'The Resident Evil' film- og gamerserien hvor 'Alice' spillet af skuespilleren Milla Jovovich kæmper mod den fiktive 'Umbrella Corporation', der fungerer som den vigtigste antagonist i serien. Hvis vi trækker hele 'zombie' konceptet fra, så kan vi sammenligne de eksisterende underjordiske militær-bunkere der findes i USA i dag med denne tophemmelige genetisk forskning facilitet navngivet 'The Hive'... Indtil andet er bevist, kan mange mennesker ikke rumme disse højst usandsynlige teorier... Har mange artikler om emnet på bloggen... Bedøm selv...|

Liste over danske befæstninger, koldkrigs bunkere, tunneler og hemmelige anlæg m.fl.


Underground Bases Reported to be Under Fire, Cabal Being Arrested as They Flee - Video, Links, and Commentary

Source - Discerning The Mystery

by Schem El Jamal, November 18th 2016

On November 16th, a very interesting video emerged on YouTube. This video was published by the YouTube channel of Gary Larrabee. Mr. Larrabeeis an alternative publisher of news on world events and developments in the efforts toward world liberation.
Read more about Gary Larrabee here: All News Pipeline

The subject of this video was one which many of us have been paying close attention to for years now.  This is the subject of the group known as the Cabal.  This Cabal a group of corrupt bankers, corporate heads, and power brokers who have manipulated economies and societies around the world to their own advantage, and at the expense of the common population of the world.

Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock - “The Cabal’s Downward Spiral” - Assessing the Final Days of a Crumbling Cabal, and a Prelude to Breakthrough

These criminals have broken countless laws, but are never prosecuted.  They have committed untold wrongs against humanity believing themselves to be the only people on Earth who deserve to prosper. These self-proclaimed royals have escaped justice for the good part of a century.  However, it seems that this is soon to change.

For those who frequent the Cosmic Disclosure series, the information on the possible offensive against the Cabal may not come as a surprise in its timing. Corey Goode—a well known whistleblower on Cabal activity and the Secret Space Program—recently reported that he was under instructions not to disclose certain upcoming events that were to take place.  Here is an excerpt from the conversation on Cosmic Disclosure from the Sphere-Being Alliance website.

David: So you said you were feeling like you weren't getting intel anymore.

Corey: Yeah, I was . . .

UFOmania - The truth is out there | Traveler to the Inner Earth: Billie Faye Woodard - USAF Colonel | Blogger: Must-see .. Been lucky to talk to some former military man myself at my visits to the states, so no doubt this is true about the tunnel system and much more. Even meet a woman, who's dad were Master Sergeant at Patrick Air Force Base eastern test range, during his time in the USAF. He later worked the control tower, one of the guys who had the handcuffed briefcase with secret documents, ability to push the launch button to some of the Apollo missions and knew all the famous astronauts. My friend still has her dad's legal certificate military diploma hanging on the wall, her dad is ofc retired now, but will not disclose his secrets, still under oath.. Im telling you this because for a danish hillbilly like myself, it's so amazing how small the world is really, the ability to consume the truth when you're open to receive input from spiritual and consciousness awareness. I have always been fascinated about the secrecy in the US, all the technologically advanced military on Earth and Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. I'd served The Royal Danish Air Force as MP, at Flyvestation Værløse( ICAO: EKVL), personally protected and visited NATO's Defense Command (Vedbækbunkeren), which has now moved to CAOC Finderup. Almost all VIP's went through this airfield back in the days, to avoid public's attention.. That's nothing compared to the technology advanced secret DUMB's around the world and inner earth, ley lines, vortexes etc. Besides COBRA, i'll havent meet anybody who looks different (i'm not allowed to discuss COBRA), but UFO sightings with James Gilliland at Mt.Shasta was amazing.. You have absolutely no idea, what's going on... |

Above is an incredible first-hand account from a US Air Force Colonel about the inside of our Planet

Stillness In The Storm | May 24, 2017 | Brexit Election Delays Release of Secret UFO Files -- the Rendlesham Forest Incident Coverup Continues | .. The release of the UFO files has been scheduled and rescinded a number of times – most recently in March 2017 – with the general explanation that they contain sensitive information which exempts them from normal British Freedom of Information Act rules. As a result, they’ve been sent back to the MoD for re-examination and redaction. Now the latest scheduled release in June 2017 has been withdrawn, allegedly due to the Brexit election. What do these files have to do with Britain exiting the EU? .. |

(Paul Seaburn) In case you haven’t yet figured it out on your own, the word “Brexit” is a portmanteau of “Britain” and “exit” and refers to Britain exiting the European Union. The upcoming so-called Brexit Electionon June 8 is seen as British Prime Minister Theresa May’s way of giving her the authority she needs to make it happen. But, for many people both in the UK and the rest of the world, it means something else.

Related Top Secret UFO Documents 'Prove Britain's Biggest Alien Sighting Was Real' Claims US Naval Officer

Source - Mysterious Universe

by Paul Seaburn, May 22nd, 2017

(…) Due the upcoming election here in the UK and the rules relating to government departments during the pre-election period, the files will not be released until after the election. We are working to ensure that the files are ready for release as soon after this period as is possible: hopefully around the middle of June.

“The files” referred to in that statement from a spokesperson of the National Archives to the German newsletter (GreWi) are eighteen confidential UK government reports on UFO sightings – popularly called “British X-Files” – whose release has been repeatedly delayed since 2014 when it was learned that they were mysteriously not included in the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) release in 2013 of formerly secret UFO files. Why?

British Prime Minister Theresa May not holding the 18 secret files

RT - Russia Today | May 25, 2017 | Cannabis extract dramatically cuts seizures in rare fatal form of child epilepsy – study |

© Arnd Wiegmann / Reuters
Non-psychoactive cannabis extract cannabidiol (CBD) dramatically reduces the number of convulsive seizures affecting children with a rare and sometimes fatal form of epilepsy known as Dravet syndrome, a study shows.

The extremely debilitating condition renders sufferers unconscious for the duration of seizures and stiffens the muscles which jerk uncontrollably......[READ MORE]