Oct 5, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝~ (ENOUGH) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨A final plea..... join the great awakening. #silenceiscompliance✨] ... sooooooo powerful message from Jaclyn Dunne... Thank you for everything you have done for Hu-manity - our kids and sheeples (please wake up)💖... |

⚰️👹👁️ ~ (Dark Immortality) Alec Baldwin defends playing Trump on SNL: ‘If he was truly, gravely ill we wouldn’t have done it’ (independent.co.uk) ~ | Blogger: [👉Some viewers thought the mockery of the president was in poor taste👈] ... ARE EVERYTHING a joke to these SNL and Hollywood Satanic Occult people!?... You seem tired, no more 'adrenochrome', Mr. Baldwin?.. Why this dark demonic organ music in the background before Halloween and during Trump's illness?... Please explain yourself... There's a lot of things i don't understand on verdensalt.dk, but many are saying, that Halloween, has its roots in witchcraft and Druidic paganism are undeniable. When we examine the history of Halloween, one thing we find out very quickly is that it is based on the ancient pagan religion of the Celtics in Northern Ireland and their celebration of the festival of the dead, known as Samhain. In Northern Ireland, a class of ruthless priests known as the Druids ruled Northern Ireland through occult terror and human sacrifice for centuries... Right now, Danish Health Authority (Sundhedsstyrelsen), has CANCELLED Halloween and is escalating the war on the people... |


※🔴🔺 (Hunters >< Hunted) Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Red October begins with Worldwide Attack on Deep Underground Military Bases ~ | Weekly geo-political news and analysis |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Red October begins with Worldwide Attack on Deep Underground Military Bases

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...

Published by Benjamin on October 5, 2020 CET  

The long-anticipated October offensive against the Satanic Cabal has gone into full swing, Pentagon sources report. This includes attacks on Deep Underground Military Bases in California, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, New Zealand, Australia, and Germany, the sources say.

The biggest battle was an attack on the underground base complex near Palm Springs, California. This was where self-described Satanist leader Leo Zagami fled to avoid arrest in Italy. Zagami claimed he could summon demons and admitted to eating human fetuses, and has been leading a campaign against Pope Francis.

The attack on the underground base was reported in the news as a swarm of close to 600 earthquakes. However, these bore the telltale signs of being caused by explosives and not natural processes, according to U.S. Geological Survey sources. https://temblor.net/earthquake-insights/californias-salton-sea-rumbles-again-11826/

🍿 ~ (Signs of the Great Awakening) Operation Disclosure RV/Intelligence Alert (Full Report) -- October 3, 2020 ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... Summary keeper words: [CCP], [C19], [POTUS] & [FLOTUS], [D] Party, [DS] outmaneuvered, arrests incoming. [GESARA], [RV] ... Add it all up. 1. Virus 2. Riots [organized _ANTIFA] 3. Fires The 'Why'... POTUS & JFK JR. Relationship. Plane crash 1999. HRC Senate 2000. The "Start." Enjoy the show... "And we've caught 'em. We've caught 'em all. We've got it all on tape." -- President Donald J. Trump... |


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

[Full Report]:

[Cue] Post 4726:
The Department of Defense admits the reality of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) capability in space by Russia or China.

Wildfires in the US caused by the [CCP] via DEWs?

Where did the [C19] originate from?

Chinese Scientist Dr Li-Meng Yan claims [C19] came from a government lab in Wuhan and the [CCP] is out to silence her.


[Cue] Post 4722:
Add it all up.
1. Virus
2. Riots [organized _ANTIFA]
3. Fires
The 'Why':
Make no mistake, they will not concede on Election Night.
Make no mistake, they will contest this legally in battleground states.
Make no mistake, they will project doubt in the election results
Make no mistake, they will organize massive riots and attempt Anarchy-99 design
Playbook known.
Who is working with the [D] Party?

🤑🤑🤑 ~ (LØGNEN) Mette Frederiksen forfremmer ministers højgravide kæreste – og giver hende årsløn på 1.264.172 kroner (Journalista.dk Lars Bjørknæs) ~ | Blogger: [👉De blå commie-socialakrobater: Korruption kan beskrives som ”misbrug af betroet magt for egen vindings skyld”. Dog, topper Danmark STADIG anti-korruptionsliste, gang på gang, som verdens bedste 'ikke-korrupte land'! I virkeligheden, snyder vi selv og lever af en lille hvid løgn, ligesom vores autoriteter ~ SOTW👈] ... ""Intet sted er bedre at udforske sine projektioner end i en valgkamp"". Vi så det i alt tydelighed under Hillary vs. Trump. Trump vs. Biden. Mest beskidte valgkamp i den amerikanske historie. Duellen mellem Helle-Thorning vs. Lars Løkke eller Kristian Jensen vs. Lars Løkke.. Danskerne er intense og kampparate. Linjerne er trukket hårdt op. Ting bliver sat på spidsen. Det er sort/hvidt. Enten/eller. For eller imod. I en valgkamp er der sjældent plads til nuancer, tvivl og paradokser. Selv vores børn bliver hevet ind i den tankegang der siger, vi skal hade 'Rusland og Putin og fordømme Trump', fordi, Trump, er fascist, Mussolini, American style (nok nærmere højrepopulist). Ligner det i nærheden af såkaldt 'korruption', nepotisme, svindel eller rævekager, så opfører vi danskere os som de tre aber, der ikke kan se, høre eller tale!!!... 👰PS: Fandt lige ud af den populære satireprofil dkpolmemes, findes og gør TYKT grin med Alleslandsmoder Mette-mus og jeg ønsker ikke, at gøre det samme på SOTW, men jeg har lugtet lunden - hvis IKKE der snart kommer den længe ventet spirituelle paradigmeskift, så eksplodere danskerne - de/vi kan SIMPELHEN, ikke holde til mere fup, findus og fidusmageri. TÆNK hvis vi danskere endelig vågnede op og indså, at en siddende dansk regering har ødelagt Dannevang, grundet en udefra dominerende, Agenda, som ruinerede os alle, for slet ikke at tale om frygt, angst og alle de eftervirkninger, af love, bøder og vaccinebivirkninger... |



Dermed opnår parret en husstandsindkomst i en størrelse, som den socialdemokratiske politiker ellers har kæmpet hårdt for at undgå, at andre skulle kunne komme op på ~ Journalista.dk

Vis dette opslag på Instagram


Et opslag delt af Dansk Politik (@dkpolmemes) den

❤️‍🩹🤫 ~ (On A Mission) How To Keep Your Spiritual Stealth Missions Quiet (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [🌱Principles of word of mouth healing marketing. The Tachyon Chamber is designed for human evolution only🌹] ... {PS: Please be aware, other companies provide services to similar Tachyon healing products, which is not originated from Pleiadians starbrothers and starsisters}... ⚠️UPDATE From steering board and SoTW 5 Oct 2020⚠️: While we await October 2020 news from Cobra, besides the 'coded' September 'state of mission report', SoTW, seek after the reopening (not yet) of the THC in Denmark to heal... THC DK has been involved in a experiment to connect other countries THC's, trying to dime or break the Corona spell and has been closed from entering in person, for 4-5 months in 2020... As your properly aware of, planetary network of Tachyon Healing Chambers is being supervised by Cobra, locals to enforce it and supported by Pleiadians and other cosmic civilizations of Light. You can now schedule Tachyon healing sessions worldwide... Here's ONE version, how to explain THC: A Tachyon Chamber is a portal that delivers tachyon energy to the human body. Using advanced, Pleiadian technology that configures sacred geometry, noble metals, and crystals embedded with “wormhole technology,” the Chamber attracts tachyon particles from beyond “near Earth orbit” and funnels them directly into the person occupying the Chamber. The effects of Tachyon Chamber sessions are permanent. Each session experience is very individual, from enhancement of their general energy field, increased feelings of well-being, greater emotional and mental clarity, and increasing ease with physical issues etc. etc. ... 'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened'... With that i mean, if you're really, really serious and pushed by your guides, and would like to know about or wish to try a Tachyon healing chamber, there's ways of make an appointment, for locally interests and a wider, in depth information source is already given and provided in my own local language, just seek, and ye shall find... SoTW, why so cryptic? I'm not allowed to discuss the matter by The Steering Board, Cobra and his associates how THC operates in details and give out specific info on addresses or when TDC DK will reopen - sorry (check the link in danish)... |

--- THIS IS 'NOT' A THC ---
1. SSP MedBeds - Grow Limbs, Age Reduction, Health.
2. Star Trek replicators to synthesize meals on demand.
3. The Magnetic Engine and anti gravity propulsion system, Free energy, zero point energy etc.
🗒️ NOTE: MedBeds, Star Trek's replicators, time machines, quantum teleportation technologies and other high-tech space rocket systems (Quantum Vacuum & Zero Point Energy), laser satellites and Direct Energy Weapon (which have been traded with other extraterrestrial civilizations for 70 years, etc. etc.) has nothing to do with Tachyonized Tachyon energy healing products or Healing chamber of the most powerful crystal on earth... | 

Tachyon Healing Chamber (taken from a official cobra site):  

'Pleiadians and other cosmic civilizations of Light use tachyons as basic source of energy: as hyperdrive energy source for their spaceships by creating hyperspace wormholes, for healing, information transmission and for other purposes. Tachyon belt that represents the border between the entropic and syntropic universe is now surrounding our planet. High energy cosmic rays enter this Solar system from interstellar space and carry tachyons with them. Some of these tachyons reach the surface of our planet through a hyperdimensional wormhole that we have created with a quartz oscillator crystal aboard Genesis II spacecraft and these tachyons can be utilized in our Tachyon healing chamber that we have developed in cooperation with the Pleiadians. This special Tachyon chamber enables the arrival of tachyons from higher dimensions into physical matter.

🤥 ~ 💗 (Core Value) Daybreak – Truth (counciloflove) 💕 ~ |

 Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak Oct 5, 2020

💣💥🙀 ~ (BOOM BOOM) 'Fog of War' blandt 9 personer, der sagsøges af administratorer for den insolvente lettiske bank “PNB”, der går direkte efter hans penge og vil beslaglægge ejendomme (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤷‍♂️WAR PROFITEERING IS BOOMING : "Skull & Bones" Lobbyisten og den skandaløs hemmelige Bilderberger, Anders Fogh Rasmussen - med STORT overskud i hans virksomhed, sagsøges🔫] ... Efter Fogh turnerede rundt i verden og drak rødvin på skatteyderens regning, Lars Seier ansatte Hr. Fogh som strategisk rådgiver for blockchain-netværket Concordium, kommer han "måske" i Skærsilden af PNB, ligesom amerikanske myndigheder, går efter Danske bank... Fogh var også tidl. rådgiver for den bundkorrupte ukrainske præsident, Petro Porosjenko, Boston Consulting Group for at kapre kunder, til forsvarsministerier og våben­producenter og skulle også forbedre #GoldmanSlacks dårlige image i DONG-sagaen ... ✨tryllestøv nostalgi -- DIREKTE -- fra nyhedspanelet DKR hos 'Kisser' og journalist, Rasmus Bruun: 📰 "Superløgneren Anders Fog Rasmussen, vil bekæmpe LØGN??. Husker du manden, der løj for folketinget, for at få Danmark til at gå ind i Irak-krigen? Ham, der stadig påstod, at han ’bestemt’ ikke var kandidat til nogen FN Topost, også selvom han var det. Du ved, ham der måtte gå af som Skatteminister, på grund af kreativ bogføring. Altså ham der fastholder, at det er helt ’normalt’ at sidde på gulvet og dele en pizza sammen med en polsk lægeven, som han mødte på en tilfæ- ldig aften i byen, og derefter tilknyttet et livslangt platonisk venskab til… Den samme mand vil nu bekæmpe ’Fake News’. Anders Fog Ramussen vil nemlig til, at forpligte EU-kandidater til at føre valgkamp, uden ’Falske Nyheder’ og afgive et løfte om ’valgintegritet’… "Det er for at få mere gennemsigtighed og et renere valg, at vi beder kandidaterne om at skrive under på det her løfte," siger Anders Fogh Rasmussen til TjekDet.dk - Der er et det ’modsatte’ af et medie, som ikke ’faktatjekker’, deres nyheder."📰 siger DKR (hentet fra én af Den Korte Radioavis dengang direkte citater)... (verdensalt:) -- Anders "Fog of War" Rasmussen = COME CLEAN!! 🧼- Hvis vi skal kunne tilgive dig Fogh, så fremlæg alt bevismateriale omkring Irak og hele dit synderegister gennem din politiske karriere. Du må gerne inddrage dine Venstre kollegere, så vi får alt skidtet frem i lyset, en gang for alle... Men sådanne spiller klaveret 'desværre' ikke i Illuminati-enklaven, hvor alle dækker over hinanden og hjælper til på næste job op ad rangstigen, så længe man er kynisk og krigsliderlig nok... |




Anders Fogh Rasmussen - Manden med den 'smooking gun' og hemmelige bekendtskaber (Charmør, Tyran og Verdensmand?)

Udgivet den 25. April 2016 af Verdensalt

"...oplyste og frie samfund kommer længere end uoplyste og ufrie samfund, netop fordi nogle tør provokere og kritisere autoriteter, hvad enten det er politiske eller religiøse autoriteter"

                             Anders Fogh Rasmussen, JP den 30. Okt 2005

Som altid smider jeg nogen boldte op i luften. Giver bud på min og andres alternative forestillinger hvordan verden ville fremstå i lyset af konspirationsteorier eller sandheder, fremhæver egen opfattelse af det parallelle univers som vi lever i –eller rettere hvad jeg kalder vildledelse og manipulation. Tekst og sprog er i store træk mine egen, referencer til artikler afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min egen holdning, men er vinkler som kan nuancere emnet fra eksperter, andre links er fra oplyste individer eller organisationer fra nettets mangfoldige univers.

Teorierne syder, buldrer og brager fra Ildstedets flammende Hul. Nogle proklamere ligefrem, at Anders Fogh Rasmussen er homoseksuel og medlem af den sataniske kult, "Skull & Bones" (gren af Illuminati-organisationen), men verdensmand og magtmenneske, det er han sgu. Der skal ikke meget research til for at finde teorier, der indikere, at noget er alvorligt galt med Anders Fogh's image, især den 'rolle' han spillede, da han officielt forsvarede Danmarks deltagelse i Irak-krigen, 2003. Lyt og se videoen "Foghs glemte krigstale". Hemmeligt notatFogh varslede støtte til USA et år før IrakkrigenKære statsminister! – løgnen om krigen i IrakBo Elkjær, , Ekstra Bladets
Forlag, Ministerium har mørklagt info om kritisk Irak-interview...

Forhenværende NATO-generalsekretær og statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen er nok den mest magtfulde, sky og hemmelighedsfulde, blandt politikere i Danmarks historie. Derfor er det naturligvis nærliggende at 'snage', men det er stort set umuligt at fange manden på det forkerte ben. Han er for godt beskyttet af Venstre og magtelitens bagmænd.

Forrige Statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen forklarede i et interview med Weekendavisen i januar 2003, at den vigtigste kamp om danskernes holdning skal udkæmpes på ord, ikke love. Fra George Orwells fremtidsroman 1984 - Et kynisk overvågnings-samfund, hvor myndighederne manipulerer med folkets tanker ved at ændre ordenes betydning. Ifølge Christian Kock løber denne kamp som en rød tråd igennem regeringens kommunikation.
»Statsministeren tænker strategisk og meget langt. Han vil ændre folks tænkemåde, og det gør han blandt andet ved at ændre sproget,« siger Christian Kock.

Fra kampen om Gyllegården til magtelitens #kæledække

Statsminister Fjogh virkede troværdig, når han barberede sig og ikke smilede for bredt. Ifølge flere kilder er han en perfektionistisk egenrådig stivstikker, som hader folk, der ikke ligner ham selv. Han plukker sine øjenbryn og farver sit hår. På Christiansborg var han accepteret, men ikke vellidt. Den italienske premierminister Silvio Berlusconi har sagt, at »hvis min kone skal være mig utro, så skal det være med Anders Fogh Rasmussen«.
I TV-udsendelsen »Året der gik« fortalte han stolt, at han har en polsk mandlig ven. De tager på cykle- og kanoture og ligger på gulvet foran fjernsynet og spiser pizza. Grunden til dette skulle være, at Fjogh aldrig fik en rigtig barndomskammerat. Det var der ikke tid til. Han skulle altid arbejde hårdt på den fædrende gård i Jylland. Desuden var han altid travlt beskæftiget med planerne om at blive statsminister. I landsbyskolen kaldte de andre elever ham »statsministeren«. Som 17-årig meldte han sig ind i Venstres Ungdom. Som 19-årig blev han folketingskandidat. Og som 34-årig blev han skatteminister.
Efter folketingsvalget i 2001 blev han statsminister i VK-regeringen. Og strategien var klar. Håndfaste løfter, klare aftaler, stramme retningslinjer for ministrene og ingen pinlige kvajesager. Det sidste lykkedes ikke. I slutningen af oktober 2006 dykkede vælgertilslutningen til Venstre voldsomt i meningsmålingerne. Det fik Fjogh til at se spøgelser overalt. »Man kan nærmest sige, at han er blevet paranoid. Han ser spøgelser og sammensværgelser der, hvor der intet foregår« - bemærkede en kilde tæt på regeringen (kilde: Ekstra Bladet 29. oktober 2006). I 2009 smed han håndklædet i ringen for at blive NATO-generalsekretær. I 2014 vendte han hjem til Danmark for at etablere privat foredragsvirksomhed. Som 62-årig kunne han nu hæve folketings- og ministerpension på 51.600 kr. pr. måned svarende til 619.200 kr. årligt ved siden af sine andre indtægter - politikerlede.com

Fjogh og Fjenden - Putin

😔0️⃣7️⃣ ~ (#JamesBondDay) James Bond’s next film No Time to Die delayed till 2021 again - an entire year (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉#Time2DieZeroZeroSeven?👈] ... SoTW is a Huuuuge Movie Buff... James Bond, Black Widow, Eternals, Wonder Woman, Top Gun and other big films DELAYED until 2021 and now, Mega-chain "Cineworld" are closing the Regal Movie Theaters in UK & US, 45,000 jobs at risk, following 'no time to die' delay and danish movie theaters are in 'panic and distress'... Disney's Mulan and Tom Hanks thriller Greyhound, changed course to land on streaming services instead. The ripples will be felt throughout 2021 and beyond, as the Avatar sequels and the next Star Wars movies are affected... The Agenda of COVID-1984 will surely lead to the BIGGEST mass-dead or redefine the way we enjoy our stay at restaurants, pubs, bars, night clubs - industry, (Paris closes down for bars again as of jewish quarters in New York), “branches of entertainment”, concerts, outdoor events etc. etc. etc.... |

🚀🌌👽 ~ (Humans both Martian and Earthling) Life on Mars: The Health Ranger talks to Mike Bara about the mysteries of the Red Planet (NN) ~ | Blogger: [👉Mike Bara has been in the YouTube/Google/Twitter prison for 1 month and Mike Adams, from all social platforms👈] ... Wauv!... Humans may be both Martian and earthling. Bara believes that these creatures eventually moved to Earth and evolved into modern humans... Btw, Mike Bara, is a retired Boeing engineer who lives in Auburn, believes Apollo 11 landed on the moon, but not for the reasons NASA has given (and so much more)... 💊PS: The Apollo missions and subsequent moon landings have been at the center of controversy and conspiracy for years. I used to date a american woman, whose father, ranked as the Master Sergeant on the Patrick Air Force Base Eastern Test Area, later through the control tower. He is retired, unfortunately died (RIP) not long ago, in 2019, but had top clearance, launching virtually all missions of the Apollo program, which included both manned and unmanned space missions flown by NASA between 1961 and 1975. Seen proof hanging on her wall. Unfortunately, the Master Sergeant, took his secrets into the crave, but Denise, told me stuff what she saw and heard with her own 5 senses in Germany and other military bases, that let me to believe at SoTW, the Apollo program was a (cover) for something bigger (Secret Space Program)... |

(Natural News) In a video for Brighteon, the free speech alternative to YouTube, Health Ranger Mike Adams talked to Mike Bara, a New York Times best-selling author and content creator who was in “YouTube prison” for a month simply for speaking the truth about the government’s secret missions to outer space.

Adams and Bara discussed many fascinating topics, like the link between Mars and modern humans.

There’s proof that we are not alone, says Bara

Adams started the interview with “big-picture questions,” asking Bara what he can say to those who still believe that humans are alone in the vast, mostly unexplored, universe. Bara, a lecturer, TV personality and self-described “Born Again conspiracy theorist,” said that the strongest proof we have that aliens exist is the fact that humans exist.

Bara suggested browsing Brighteon videos about Hubble Space Telescope shots of the Andromeda galaxy. The footage clearly shows the Milky Way, and, as you zoom in, you can see that there are billions and billions of stars. (Related: Top secret UFO hunting department in Pentagon to publish reports about claims it found vehicles “not made on this Earth.”)

🦠😷💉 ~ Belgium Health Experts Demand Investigation Of WHO For Faking Coronavirus Pandemic (GreatGameindia) ~ | Blogger: And of course, they are not alone to have that concern and express their demand to investigate W.H.O. and other authorities... 1000 german doctors and spanish doctors also has tried to wake up the politicians who has blinders on... AS WE PEAK, Israeli police clash with Covid-19 lockdown-defying ultra-Orthodox Jews in Bnei Brak & Jerusalem and critics had already been wary of the UK military’s involvement in the distribution of a vaccine as there have been multiple calls for making it mandatory and possibly penalizing those who opt out of getting inoculated... England is not alone, Trump has promised, that deliverance will be aided by the military, he said was "logistically all set up." By using soldiers to help people access the vaccine, the president said they can deliver "200,000 a day."... |


Medical Doctors and Health Professionals of Belgium have written an open letter to authorities demanding the investigation of WHO for creating coronavirus infodemic faking the pandemic. The following letter has made an impact on public health authorities not only in Belgium but around the world. The text could pertain to any case in which states locked down their citizens rather than allow people freedom and permit medical professionals to bear the primary job of disease mitigation.

🤫 ~ (ANOTHER💣💥🙀 REPORT) We Are Being Lied To! Here Is How… (Spiro) ~ | Blogger: [👉Like Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, as of Spiro Skouras from Activist Post, also discuss about the biochemist Kary Mullis who invented PCR and won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, his sudden death in 2019 and why PCR test will not work on “COVID-1984 – Surveillance Capitalism" ~ SoTW👈] ... Buuutt, as kpblog.space has recent said, KP will, and I quote: "avoid most articles or videos that have titles that contain “must” anywhere in them (like, “Must watch”, “Must share”, “Must make viral”). Aaaaaargh!! (that’s how those things feel to me… like in being “pirated” into something)." ... Weell, KP, then don't... it's a free country and you have free will, but perhaps, look into the why's, you are getting so triggered... |

As we approach the one year anniversary of the novel coronavirus outbreak, we find ourselves facing many unanswered questions.

We find ourselves worse off in many ways, in comparison to when the outbreak just began, as we receive signals from public health officials and the media to prepare for another lockdown.

It appears we are approaching what could to be a perfect storm. The US Presidential Elections, flu season, the arrival of the new experimental COVID vaccine and the prophesied ‘second wave’ of COVID.

💣💥🙀 ~ EXPLOSIVE!!! : Crimes against Humanity - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich | THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC (GAOG + TP) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Dr. Fuellmich announces an International network of lawyers will argue the biggest tort case in world history ~ The Prisoner🤛] ... PS: Dr. Fuellmich of Germany discusses the findings of the International Corona Investigative Committee that was formed on July 10, 2020 by four lawyers. The committee is made up of lawyers, doctors, and scientists who together have reached the conclusion that COVID may well be the greatest crime against Humanity in history... They originally set out to determine: 🙋How dangerous is the virus, really? 🙋What is the significance of a positive test? 🙋What collateral damage has been caused by the corona measures in regards to the world’s health and economy?... |