Nov 17, 2018 | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ 💕 | | ~ Denmark's beautiful orange pink sky at sunset, near lake, sea and forest ~ | Blogger: Taken with my iPhone, near my home... |

COBRA Portal for Planetary Liberation FB \\ The Event Hub | ~ The Frequency of Truth ~ | Blogger: COBRA said: "Many of those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors have been mind programmed against Galactic Confederation Light Forces, and many have been programmed against me and some other key people involved in the planetary liberation process." ... Note: Please be careful not to play into their hands and handle it carefully and be aware that not everyone is a Lightworker who you consider to be a Lightworker. People who know they have been taken into bases need mental healing because memories cannot be trusted. Full healing will be given at the time of the Event by experienced beings (from Smaly's FB)... |


Source quote:

Awakening Our Truth \\ Message from Saul | Nov 17, 2018 | Channeling through John Smallman | Blogger: ✨😍🙏🏼Wow! So profound! Just this little saying holds a lot of truth (Truly Love is the answer, the only answer, to every problem that besets humanity) ... Saul is an ascended Master just like Jesus, Buddah, Mother Mary and many many more. BTW, you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so STAND UP and celebrate your greatness... |

Channeled by John Smallman
© 2018 johnsmallman

There is only Love, God, the supreme and infinite Intelligence, the divine Wisdom, the infinite field of Conscious Awareness – how you define what is beyond imagination or definition is immaterial – and every conscious sentient being is part of and permanently connected to that divine field, and receives from it everything that makes life and consciousness possible. More and more of you are beginning to allow yourselves to open to an awareness of the possibility that you have an eternal connection to something far, far greater than your human form and its temporary identity. This is part of the awakening process, to know that life is not just a one time experience of being human. It is allowing yourselves to know that incarnating as a human was a choice you made to experience the unreal – separation from Source.

What you are experiencing as humans seems extremely real, and, as humans, you do need to respond to the situations that arise and deal with them as you think fit. But of course you often have within you conflicting opinions as to what is fit in the moment that has arisen. Often there is uncertainty – fear – suggesting one or more courses of action, with love/compassion/honesty suggesting another. Frequently uncertainty wins, and then later doubts or regrets arise as a person realizes that they have not been true to themselves, or they feel that they have won by defeating the system to gain personal advantage over another or over the system, and a sense of guilt results.

Life as a human is a game that you are dreaming, and games have rules. Deep within yourselves you know the rules, in fact of course there is only one rule – be loving whatever arises – and you know it. But there is always the temptation to break the rules for personal gain, to cheat. Often doing that becomes habitual, and then a person’s awareness of their lack of honesty and integrity gets lost or forgotten, and should they get called on it the common response is: “Well, everyone else is doing it.”

Before incarnating you planned a path for yourselves very carefully and wisely so that the lessons that you had chosen to learn would be presented to you at the most appropriate moment. But when you game the system, as many of you have been doing, you do not recognize that the lessons being presented to you are lessons you have wisely chosen to experience. You don’t even realize that they are lessons, and you think that you are being treated unfairly, or that life itself is unfair. With that attitude firmly in place it is extremely difficult for you to find your purpose in life, and you may end up convinced that it has no purpose and decide to “get what you can out of it, regardless of ethics, because life is a one time event, and it is your right and duty to take care of yourself, of number one.”

Matrix Wisdom | Nov 17, 2018 | ~ We Are Going To See Something Soon That is Truly Staggering! ~ | .. They are coming .. |

Matrix Wisdom Channel is managed by Zohar Global Group, UK & AdRev, USA

Meg Benedicte | Nov 17, 2018 | ~ 11:11 Magic Unfolds ~ | .. Being drawn into disclosure of ETs, the Secret Space Program, or the Qanon alt-right propaganda is more evidence of the Awakening phenomena. But it is NOT Ascension! It is this reversal of mental lockdown that is unleashing your capacity to explore alternate holographic realities and timelines. As the Time Matrix dissolves, the quantum field of all possibilities opens before us. Also the hidden trauma of early childhood and past incarnations start rise to the surface of our awareness for healing. Now the Ascension process begins. Everything is being revealed in the intense Light for transmutation .. |

Since the powerful 11:11:11 Activations last Sunday, the energy feels different. We experienced a massive shift into a much higher bandwidth of frequency and expanded Soul Life Plan. This was a HUGE shift! We are just starting to discover what that shift is bringing us. I’ve been feeling held in a potent void space the past few days, as the triple 11 upgrades enter my system. It is still streaming in.

This morning as I hiked in the wooded park along the creek, I felt like I stepped into a potent field of magic. It was vibrating all around me and streaming into my chakra channel. I was giddy with waves of magic! We are still receiving 11:11 activations and upgrades all through November. Be in mindful silence and absorb the cosmic waves into your field.

As I worked with clients since Sunday’s big shift, I started noticing common clues to how 11:11:11 affected us. Every time we pass through a powerful Stargate threshold more of the enslavement Matrix loses control. The Triple 11 Gateway created a new wave of awakening. More and more beings will become aware of the collective oppression.

In 2012 the Time simulation unlocked, opening our perception beyond time and linear sequencing. The Matrix lost hold of the collective mental programming, as we see people’s minds now roaming in parallel realities. When mind control dissolves, there is a period of disorientation. Therefore, we are witnessing an infusion of alternate facts and explosion of conspiracy theories. Being drawn into disclosure of ETs, the Secret Space Program, or the Qanon alt-right propaganda is more evidence of the Awakening phenomena. But it is NOT Ascension!

It is this reversal of mental lockdown that is unleashing your capacity to explore alternate holographic realities and timelines. As the Time Matrix dissolves, the quantum field of all possibilities opens before us. Also the hidden trauma of early childhood and past incarnations start rise to the surface of our awareness for healing. Now the Ascension process begins. Everything is being revealed in the intense Light for transmutation.