Dec 7, 2019

🎄 ~ 🌍 Who is behind Salt Of The World? What is its purpose? 🌍 (SoTW) | Blogger: [🤜You have a choice: Either stick to the globalist agenda and their '3-D Matrix of illusion' which leads to 'their perception is Your reality' - OR - start confront Your own 'two wolves who are always fighting' to seek out the TRUTH🤛] ... 👨‍🌾 I am exactly the same age as our beloved Crown Prince Frederik, Denmark's coming King, born on the Three Kings' Day. Consider myself an energy-coach, 2019 will be the starting point. However, I am a moneyless proprietor, unknown "John Doe" and daydreamer. My 16 years of 'indoctrinated' school time, or 30 years in the Rothschild banking cartel, was no bed of roses, but awaken and seen a flash of light, a 'glitch' in the existing 3D Matrix of the illusion 👁️‍🗨️ ... The name of my blog, verdensalt, was inspired of the knowledge, by the dairy-maker, Martinus Thomsen, and his vast universe... SALT of the World or Verden(salt): Nobility, landlords and rulership and Kings - social hierarchy of nobility in medieval times - considered SALT, a precious commodity. The closer one peasant was to the nobility, one could reach the SALT and it was, in fact, a huge rare commodity and highly sought merchandise, just as Gold is, in our days.. YOU are the salt of (Mother GAIA) Earth and therefore, a divine Angelic being of importance... Remember that... |

🌍'Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World'🌍

Former Technology
Specialist - Banking

Denmark is a very small country... the world is very large...but, the TRUTH gets out in SECONDS around the GLOBE...

 YOU are the salt of the world. WE are the salt of the world. WE live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

Giving Unconditional Love: 
Love yourself unconditionally. 
Unconditional love starts at home, with oneself. ... 
Make the loving choice. ... 
Forgive those you love. ... 
Don't expect to shield someone you love from all discomfort and pain. ... 
Be the protector of love, shine light in the ones who’s needed 

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few like you, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity.

TRUTH is ONLY what you perceive in YOUR OWN SPACE. The person sitting NEXT to YOU, might have a different OPINION and should NOT be FORCED upon. EVERYONE have FREE WILL and having their own SPIRITUAL AWAKENING EXPERIENCE. In other WORDS, STICK to the INNER TRUTH from your HIGHER SELF, that will always LEAD YOU STRAIGHT home. is a nonprofit blog, no ads, no advertising and marketing, non governmental organization and no funding of any kind. It's meant as a Portal. Using symbolism, video or photos to create a good atmosphere. Do my own research, speak my mind, good friends giving me intel some times. I'm dyslexic, blogger spellcheck functions are working, even so, errors will appears. Important of all, ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS. Lost friends POSTING stuff which DIDN'T RESONATE with their 3D MATRIX OF ILLUSORY perception, gets me SAD sometimes, however TRUTH will always lead the way to another PATH and NEW FRIENDS.

Please Donate
If You Feel So Guided Or It Resonate With You. 
Much love & Light. 

Reiki Training 1 & 2 (Marzcia Techau)
Inaugurated in Kriya Yoga og Horoskop (Swami Shankarananda Giri)
I'm Practitioner/observer of knowledge received from several 
experienced Holistic Doctors - Body & Mind, Yoga, Kinesiology, 
Acupuncture, spiritual lectures Navigated to find my true self through:
Meditation, Horoscope (Ole Blenkov), palm reading, hypnotherapy, 
Aura reading, Clairvoyant reading (Jette Harthimmer) 
Spiritual Priesthood + IslandOfLight+Stellar Healing Rays from Cobra

🙋 ~ Danmarks første klimalov med bindende mål er på plads (DR FNYS NEWS) ~ | Blogger: [🤪Hendes Majestæt Dronningen, Klimatosserne og Dan Klima-geniet, længe leve!... Hurra! Hurra! Hurra!... og så det korte (HU)😜] ... I 2030 FINDES Folketinget måske ikke mere i sin udformning efter Dan-Klima ratifikationen af traktatens UN Agenda 21(2030)!... Det med at bindende klimalov forpligter siddende og fremtidige regeringer, og en bunden opgave for virksomheder, er en fis i en hornlygte! (Kan du ikke selv høre det??? "at arbejde for", betyder = ingen bindinger af juridiske eller kontraktuelle forhold, af nogen art)... Tal brugt siden 1990, er salgsgas, propaganda og varm luft i canal grande!... DET kan ikke (fysisk) lade sig gøre, at reducere udledningen af drivhusgasser med 70 procent i 2030, uden at FJERNE, fossilt brændsel, benzin- og dieselbiler samt afskaffe, elbiler (som forurener)... 🤔Hvor er brint- og fri-energi evolutionen??🤔 ... ❓SPØRGSMÅL❓: hvad gør vores elskede klimaminster (og tidligere) for at STOPPE nye giftige skifergas prøveboringer efter salget af Mærsk Oil for 47 milliarder kroner til den franske oliegigant, TOTAL, der overtog endnu en bid af Nordsøen af Chevrons del af Dansk Undergrunds Consortium. Svaret er INTET!!! Som i NUL og NIKS!!! Danmark, er FULDSTÆNDIGT afhængige af saudisk oliegiganter og andet godtfolk som Total, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell og BP!... 😟Eller nettoafregning af solceller på hustage, som er en gevinst for regeringen og ikke Hr. og Fru Jensen... 😟Eller 2020's stigning af afgiften på elbiler fra 20% af den beregnede fulde afgift til 40% ... 😟Eller danskerne, der rammes hårdt af skyhøje el - og fjernvarmepriser ... 😟Hvad gør vores elskede klimaminster (og tidligere), for at STOPPE, 5G-netværket, det mest højteknologiske altbindende og sofikeret mikrobølgebestråling, der skader børn og menneskers DNA... 😟DTU Roadrunners økobil har allerede slået alle rekorder – og nu skal den være endnu mere miljøvenlig. To studerende på holdet fortæller hvordan (og HVEM er sponsoren: DING! DING DING! -- Shell Trading and Supply and Shell Energy Europe Limited)... 😟 Tyskland vil introducere verdens første nul-emissions passagertog, drevet af brint. Niedersachsen har allerede bestilt 14 af slagsen, fra det franske firma Alstom. 5 delstater i Tyskland har allerede købt 60 togsæt. NASA har brugt flydende brint til at drive sine raketter ud i rummet siden 1970'erne. Hvorfor er der pinlig tavshed fra den danske dagspresse, centraladministrationen, Arriva, Movia og DSB?... 😟 Sveriges hovedmål er, at udelukkende at operere på vedvarende energi i 2040. Spanien vil køre på 100 procent vedvarende energi, lover Energiboss. Men vent, de snakker om "vindenergi", som er ligeså forurenende, for mennesker (De elektromagnetiske felter (EMF) samt Epoxyallergi og eksem m.v.)... 😟Stop chemtrails i luften, aluminium, vaccinationer og kemiske stoffer i maden, så begynder det, at ligne noget... 🙎DU er en skændsel Dan Jørgensen... Og ligesom det tårnhøje helvede, tidligere transportminister, Ole Birk Olesen (LA), skal (I) jo hele tiden sørge for, at 'pleje og nurse' de private og lukrative selskaber som lever af at tilbyde fossile brændsel som Maersk Oil, og alle de privatejet energiselskaber - de regeringsvenlige kompaner... Hr. Dankoger, du har ikke overbevist mig... |

Bindende klimalov forpligter siddende og fremtidige regeringer til "at arbejde for" at reducere CO2-udledningen (blah, blah, blah) 


👼 ~ 💗 Whitney Houston - I Look to You (Official Music Video) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [In memoriam 👌🙆🤘🛀🎭👩‍🎤💔] ... For me at SoTW, Whitney Houston is undeniable an Angel singing, to my ears - the lights were low, the music was playing softly, eyes wide open, my body and voice were numb. A beautiful being of white light that formed a angelic body, took my breath away. Back in 1988, Whitney Houston did a concert at the Valbyhallen, indoor arena located in Copenhagen. Verdensalt was present with Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark, the heir apparent to the throne of Denmark... It was a mind blowing experience🤩... 💗 R.I.P. Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Brown - speak up from beyond the sky of heaven - and tell us the TRUTH-- What happened to you guys?... |

🌩️ ~ 💗 New Spikes in Schumann Resonance, Solar Geostorm & Plasma From Space (Verdensalt) 💕 ~ |

Space Observing System

👼 ~ 💓 A Message from my Higher Self (TreeOfTheGoldenLight) 💕 ~ | .. The Godhead is a timeless experience where souls are in boundless love and time stands still, so much so that they are more than happy and ecstatic to remain there forever in the pure love of the Supreme Creator .. | Blogger: Waaauv!.. a must-read!...🙏 |

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

6th December 2019

Dear Ones, I cannot emphasise sufficiently the need to focus on your future, and give your visions of it your full energy, inasmuch that it would be pointless to be still living in the past. You are all well into the New Age now and leaving the old behind as it has well served you with its purpose.

Already those of you who have awakened will continue to do so and the ultimate goal is to experience Ascension. In the present time you are gradually rising up, and some of you will have already noted that your consciousness is expanding.

You are being given help to understand the changes that are taking place that will enable you to eventually become Galactic Beings. It is largely your interpretation of events that is so important if you are to continue in an upward direction, and why holding on to the old understanding will delay your evolution. We have previously asked you to think big as Mankind will itself help influence the outcome and mould your experiences accordingly.

Words cannot adequately express the wonderful period that lays ahead, one of peace and happiness without the interference and influence of the dark Ones, who will eventually move in a different direction to Humanity. The coming changes are what you have been working towards for millennia of time and you have proved your worthiness by passing the marker.

Having done so there is no way we would allow the dark Ones to interfere with your progress. They will be a nuisance from time to time but unable to seriously delay your ultimate success as you enter the higher vibrations. We will support you all of the way and as always are on hand to deal with any interlopers. They have been kept away so as to prevent any interference with your chosen path.

👼 ~ 💕 Imagine... Your Favorite Feelings (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ |

Photo by Ann Albers in Phoenix, AZ 

Imagine being in this forest... Mm. Peace.

(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.

Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

For a moment, be silent. Imagine you are standing outside at night, wrapped comfortably in a warm blanket. Perhaps you're on a patio deck, or out in nature. Imagine that it is a cool and silent night. The stars are twinkling overhead. There is an almost imperceptible breeze. It is so quiet that you can hear your own breathing. Moonlight illuminates the area with a soft and subtle glow. Imagine that you breathe in the chilly night air. See it escaping with a whisp of steam. Immerse yourself in the peace of the moment. Imagine the stillness. Now imagine this feeling permeating your entire being...

Dear ones, you just create an incredible moment for yourself of stillness in your inner world. You just created peace, silence, and an instant of pure calm. You just tapped into the infinite field of possibility and tuned yourself into a very loving reality.

You can do this any time.

Anytime you feel rushed, stop. Silence your mind. Imagine yourself in the most beautiful and peaceful place until you begin to feel yourself there. Make your inner reality more "real" than your outer one, if only for a few moments. Imagine yourself in a place or situation you made up, or in a real one. The only thing that matters is that you create a feeling and, if only for a moment, you create an inner reality more compelling than your outer one.

🛸 ~ UFO hunter claims spike in sightings of 'snake-like objects' in US skies - speculation runs rampant ( ~ |

Cigar-shaped UFO

Over the last month, an elongated unidentified object, which reminded some of a cigarette or a snake, has been spotted in several US states, from California to Wyoming, and even Scotland. However, there is still no explanation of what it was or where it came from.

Numerous sightings of snake-shaped objects hovering in several places in the US, from Wyoming to Texas, have prompted conspiracy theories about the government secretly spying on people, The Daily Star reports. The claims were fueled by reports about one of them hovering over Dallas, Texas. According to the outlet, images of the "craft," which witnesses on the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) describe as "a black pipe" with a "dull metal colour," have now emerged, although they were initially taken in September.

The outlet reports that at least two people have independently said that they spotted the strange object that day.

📶5️⃣ ~ The Faroese Flirt With Huawei (highnorthnews) ~ | Blogger: [🔴BREAKING : Ooops! HOT MIC Copycat (NATO Summit) Awkward Moments Heat Up The Faroe Islands In Secret Deal with Huawei China and 5G🚒] ... {Interference with freedom of the press???}... An audio recording that revealed new details in the highly tense case of the Chinese state's interests in tech giant Huawei's activities in the Danish state community, has been hidden... Faroe Islands 'largest television station could harm the Faroe Islands' interests if it brings audio recording, which contains information about Huawei's activities in the Danish state community, says Bárður á Steig Nielsen, a Faroese politician and businessman who serves as leader of the Union Party since 2015 and as Prime Minister since 2019. No one but the country's director of commerce, Helgi Abrahamsen, an official and Yes, the country's biggest TV station, Kringvarp Føroya, knows what's on the now, secretly stamped tape record. Bites of the conversation were supposedly aired on Monday's television, but 20 minutes before a bail order was called for by the national government of the Faroese.. |

The Chinese communications giant Huawei has held meetings with the Faroese government regarding the estabilshing of a 5G network on the Faroe Islands, according to KNR.

Huawei is considered a controversial company in a series of countries as there is suspicion that the Chinese state may use the company and its 5G network to espionage.

The meeting on the Faroe Islands faces opposition from a.o. the American Ambassador to Denmark, Carla Sands. She wrote in Danish daily Berlingske that the Faroe Islands and Greenland should "make careful considerations" before they potentially decide to cooperate with Huawei.

🛸 ~ Fox News Host Tucker Carlson doesn’t believe Trump’s answers about UFOs (ancient-code) ~ | Blogger: Well, i don't either Mr. Carlson, but you gotta understand, that Trump, is (trying) to protect himself and his family. Cannot vouch for the genuineness or accuracy of this discussion, although much of it “feels” right. But I know we all enjoy listening to accounts of these kinds of mysteries. I know I do. If there's one thing, you're not allowed to talk about in public, that is, the Secret Space Programs (SSP) and the 80 years of cover-up-- that's a NO GO!. If you ask me at SoTW... |

Controversial Fox News’s Tucker Carlson appeared on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens program on November 22 to discuss UFOs and his prior July interview with President Trump on the matter. Carlson says he doesn’t know what to believe about UFOs himself but also says, “he knows [B.S.] when he sees it.”


🧘 ~ Wanted Indian guru resurfaces to announce new 'cosmic' country (aljazeera) ~ | Blogger: [🛐 In India, "Swami", or "Guru", is a Hindu male (senior) religious (or yoga) teacher, spiritual teacher, guru or master and very, very respected especially in authority, critical judgment etc. ~ SoTW🍛] ... VERY strangely that is, a (Swami), are allowed by the Indian government, to create a 'Cosmic Hindu Nation' without land or territory... This comes after, Swami Nithyananda, has been on the run since November after charges of illegally incarcerating children, and in 2010, when he was charged with sexual offenses and jailed for 53 days. Nithyananda said the new nation, Kailaasa, will have its own flag and an emblem and Tamil, Sanskrit and English would be its official languages...This comes in wake off the Indian police shoot dead four men suspected of Hyderabad rape and people are going crazy... (SoTW) I don't know, if Swami Nithyananda is guilty or innocent, but putting up a struggle seems to be futile when rape is increasingly used as an instrument to assert power and intimidate the powerless in India... ✴️ PS:Here at SoTW, i was inaugurated in Kriya Yoga when Swami Shankarananda Giri came to Denmark in 1994, coincidentally I was thrown into an adventure that I will never forget. With Vedic chants and astrology reading, which was very accurate etc... And i know that my 50 years experienced holistic natural doctor, are very closed connected and blessed by Sri Swamiji (His Holiness Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji) in Denmark and in India. Sri Swamiji is very talented and a higher dimensional being who materialized a bouquet of marigolds from a holy book, or gold and crystals, from flowers, if he wants too. He also master fire... |

Swami Nithyananda, a controversial self-styled 'godman', has been in hiding since he was accused of rape.


👊 ~ [12.6] Latest Q: D[1-6], Think Timing - Biden & Pelosi Freak - Attacks vs. Vaccines & MMS (Destroying the Illusion) ~ | Blogger: [❌QAnon 3604 : "How many shootings [D][1-6]?" = Meaning Deep State False Flags every single day in December?❌] ... I was also begin to wonder about these insane shooting in USA, lately ~ SoTW... |

How many shootings [D][1-6]? 
Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

🤑 ~ Designer anklager Jysk-koncernen for kopiering ( ~ | Blogger: [💸The market cycles; The corruption of money, greed and power within a society💸] ... OG HVORFOR, kom denne historie ikke ud på dagen, mens Jysk-medarbejderne satte flaget på halvt, og fogeden gik i aktion og beslaglagde store mængder materiale? Fordi, alt handler om følelser, og vi (danskere) må ikke vide, at én af de mest ikoniske og troværdige brands af virksomheder i Danmark, og Lars Larsen, der viste vejen for fremtidens iværksættere, HAR SNYDT!!!! (Sådanne ser det ud fra min stol, hvor jeg sidder, men JYSK-kæden, er kun anklaget om kopieringer)... Hold da K*ft hvor lever vi en verden, som er korrupt-hvornår slutter denne almægtige grådighed?... |

Mette Ditmer Design mener, at Jysk har kopieret fire produktserier med designprodukter til badeværelset. Her viser designeren i sagsmaterialet hendes eget design og Jysk-varianten. Foto: Mette Ditmer Design.

En lille, midtjysk designvirksomhed har anlagt kopisag mod Jysk-kæden med 2.850 butikker i 52 lande. Detailkoncernen afviser alle beskyldninger.

(ENG) A small, central Jutland design company has brought copycat designs case against Jysk A/S, a Danish retail chain, selling household goods such as mattresses, furniture and interior décor. Jysk chain has 2,850 stores in 52 countries. Retail Group rejects all accusations.


🔴 ~ BREAKING: Ericsson Bribery Scandal Cuts Deep, Surpassing $1B Penalty (sdxcentral) ~ | Blogger: [( •͡˘ _•͡˘)ノð - Six years of investigations and $1.23 billion fine after ethics breaches that spans in six countries✊] ... {Foreign capital funds that owns (KKR, NTC, Blackstone etc) Danish TDC selects Ericsson for 5G and Ericsson Operations Engine managed services. An AI- and automation-driven Ericsson Operations Engine & to assist TDC to enable a ‘Digital Denmark’ through 5G, IoT, and Industry 4.0}... WHY is this story IMPORTANT? Because Ericsson are seemingly ROTTEN to the (core), and Ericsson has now over 78 COMMERCIAL 5G AGREEMENTS OR CONTRACTS WITH UNIQUE OPERATORS ON A GLOBAL SCALE - FIRST WITH 5G ON FOUR CONTINENTS... I.e.; 31 publicly announced 5G contracts, 24 LIVE 5G networks across the globe in 14 countries, already... IN OTHER WORDS--TDC are allowing Ericsson and their 5G partners, (China Telecom and MediaTek etc.) to setup a MEGA MICROWAVE OVEN for the SMART-GRID, that can be turned on for military purposes... SoTW used to work at Scandinavia biggest banks with EU's biggest Cisco Infrastructure networks, with FW, Sw, Hw, and mobile networking and i refused to allow myself to be at the top roof of banking HQ with antennas and satellite dishes with Reuters equipment... |
