Feb 27, 2023

📰🍿❌ (Holy Toledo! Somebody had fun) DC: Restored Republic via a GCR ~ Feb 27, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: I call "DC" for RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS because it's a constant repeat of extending important 'key dates'. Although that proved to be a false hope, it was not a complete fantasy. Dr. Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes absolutely believe in Judy and she believes in them and their "sources". And there's nothing wrong with that. The world - normies, digital soldiers and lightworkers - needs God's gifts and Christ Consciousness of manifestation, wish, dream, purpose, peace, joy and love...  HOPE: "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." Movie quote from: The Shawshank Redemption (1994)... |  

Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of February 27, 2023


Compiled Mon. 27 Feb. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities”

We Are From the Future – Next Stage is the #REVOLUTION of LOVE (rumble.com)
…Q Special Forces

BREAKING: Sun. 26 Feb. The Supreme Court will again consider case to reinstate Donald Trump and remove Joe Biden from office.

Support the Brunson Petition and Help Save the Constitution!!!
Rampant 2020 Election Fraud Has Yet to be Investigated
Add Your Name to the Brunson Petition By Sending an Affidavit to SCOTUS BrunsonBrothers.com

Judy Note:

  • On 24 Dec. 2016 the U.S. Military seized the Vatican gold and killed 13 families of the Italian Kazarian Jesuits Knights of Malta leaders. That was the first major step in taking down the Cabal by way of The People taking back the world monetary system.
  • The second major step took place in Jan. 2021 before Biden was sworn into office, when the US Military took control of US Government Operations by way of Trump signing the Continuity of Government Devolution Plan.
  • The Game Theory of Military Operations revolved around the White Hats Military Alliance letting the Obama, Rockefellers, Gates and Fauci Cabal continue with their Deep State Operations to fund the Virus and create the deadly Vaccines – and thereby catch them in the middle of committing Treason.
  • Back in 2012 the initiative Plandemic had taken form and the Pentagon/CIA put out protocols to control the Internet, Social Media and MSM to cover up the Virus/Vaccine Agenda that was going to be released.
  • The third and fourth major steps in taking down the Cabal were about to take place with the Global Currency Reset and taking control of the Internet, Social Media and MSM through the new Star Link Satellite System.
  • Meanwhile, the Cabal continued to cause havoc throughout the world as the White Hats took down their financial system:
  • Sun. 26 Feb. Hydro Flouric Acid spill into the Mississippi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8jE1tJhb8w
  • Sun. 26 Feb. Another Train Derails after Ohio Chemical Spill: https://www.rt.com/news/572084-train-derails-us-norfolk/
  • “Dropping Like Flies” East Palestine Residents and Workers Diagnosed with ‘Chemical Bronchitis’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZqaCGj_Abk
  • Sat. 25 Feb. Erin Brockovich Says There’s No Quick Fix for Ohio Train Derailment: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/erin-brockovich-says-theres-no-quick-fix-ohio-train-derailment
  • East Palestine Residents Report Concerning Illnesses After Toxic Train Derailment: https://resistthemainstream.com/east-palestine-residents-report-concerning-illnesses-after-toxic-train-derailment/?utm_source=telegram
  • Central Banks were shutting down — bankrupted.
  • Old financial systems were bankrupted.
  • Congress, White House, IRS, Federal Reserve were shut down.
  • The U.S. Corporation was bankrupted.
  • Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara Gesara was growing!

👁️⃤𓂀🤑☠️ (De Forbandede Frimurer) Tag bare de brodne kar. Erik Damgaard, Mark Szigethy, Stein Bagger, Marc Rieper, Brian Steen Nielsen og Harry Rosenberg, der alle, er nævnt i Panama-skandalen. Erik Damgaards' børn er også involveret i én af hans virksomheder. Og hov, hvad var nu det? Engang arbejdede en vis Mary Donaldson for brødrenes data-virksomhed i Vedbæk. Sidenhen har Frøken Donaldson skiftede titlen som kontorist ud med det mere prominente kronprinsesse, rigsforstander og snarlig, dronning? ~ 27. Feb 2023 ~ |


Tale er sølv, men tavshed er guld... Erik sidder som en mafiosa-boss der trækker i trådende og penge ned til Brasilien med sin tredje hustru, den smukke, barmfagre brunette Renata...

Editor's Note: Studeaftaler, der stinker. Højtstående Mason-Mafiaforbryderne, der udnytter en bestemt mentalitet og bestemte samfundsstrukturer. Frimureriets musketered, lever i bedste velgående og brødre og søstre, beskytter, hjælper hinanden med midler og arbejde, men også konstant, overvågning. Har aldrig i mit liv set så mange doktriner, politikker og regler. Det hemmelige fællesskab, som ikke er bygget på kristne værdier, men på okkulte værdier. Hemmelighederne gejler deres ego og pengebegær, er ikke for almindelige mennesker. Begær, grådighed og stolthed, er dødssynderne i vores samfund. Der er nok rigdomme til vores behov, men ikke til vores begær. It-milliardæren og erhvervsmanden, Erik Damgaard, samt hans afdøde bror, solgte i 2002 virksomheden Navision til Bill Gates (Of Hell) og blev til, multimillionærer. Bil Gates, er én, af de værste, på moder jord. Så var der alle skandalerne med Anni Fønsby, der var bordelmutter, sigtet for rufferi for millioner! Engang ejede han Danmarks dengang dyreste villa, da milliardformuen var intakt og er på vej op igen af rangstigen, eftersom, han hæver million mega-udbytte. Hvem tror du holder hånden over ham? Gæt engang. Som også det er bekendt, har Danmark, ingen udleveringsaftale med Brasilien. Her hersker, Brasiliens præsident Lula idømt 13 års fængsel for korruption. Lidt á la Ole & Steen Lagkagehuset i udlandet ejet af kapitalfonde i skattely... | 

Saxo Bank bag facaden (tv2.dk)

Dirch Passers kendte barnebarn skal giftes (msn.com)
Det gjorde ham landskendt, men Andreas Bo har ikke lavet dem i ti år: 'Danmark mangler typer' | BT Danske kendte - www.bt.dk

Simon Kvamm har svært ved at blive ældre: ”Jeg kan ikke fatte, at jeg er dobbelt så gammel som Kasper Dolberg” - Euroman
(20+) Frimurer symboler og agenda | Groups | Facebook

Konspirationsforsker om prins Christians håndtegn: 'Han skal ikke gøre det til en vane' | BT Royale - www.bt.dk
Prince Christian: – Reacts: – Simply embarrassing – europe-cities.com

🙏 ~ 💝 (Sigiriya - Ancient Sky City Built With Advanced Technology) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Feb 27, 2023 ~ |

🎴🔮😊 (Does Galactic Federation exist? At war w/ reptilians controlling Earth?) Tarot by Izabela: Viewers' Questions for 26th of February 2023 ~ |

Editors' Note: this time, Izabela, will use tarot cards, tarot dice, oracle cards and hungarian gipsy fortune telling cards. Upcoming videos for February 2023:  New leader in NZ? The Blood countess Bathory - Vampirism - Connecting the Dots Prediction on Austria... | 

Izabela is doing a readings on viewers. questions.

00:04:40 Who - The new World Leader? 
00:13:50 Is there a Galactic Federation?
00:22:12 15 min Cities - Here to stay or soon to go? 
00:31:31 Will the "Evil Ones" be eliminated before they destroy the Earth? 
00:39:10 How many are "Awake"?

😍➤🤡 (Oh Re-he-he-heally?) WHITE HATS CONTROL THE MEDIA ~ Feb 27, 2023 (SoTW; #NO 1 Top Trending on Bitchute) ~ |

Editor's Note: Perhaps WH are in control? And GREAT if they are - then show me please! Consider White Hats similar to Back-end servers development of core structure, system, data, and logic. It's the inner world or engine room where the 3-D matrix is reprogrammed, so it can be readied for, The New Golden Age. Some say WH's has been here for 20-30 yrs. Front-end servers is us Earthlings in dire straits for changes that focuses on the visual aspects of a representation in the outer world. Ready for reset, doesn't mean, the bottom has been pushed. As a Capricorn and very grounded person with 20+ yrs experienced old guy invested into the Truth-movement with no more traumas, ego and defenses to protect, sooo I require, some hard evidence in the outer world, so I'm able to explain it to my 80' yr old mother. 

Just because, bluewater says, 'Woody Harrelson's got Big Pharma Media in damage control mode after his SNL monologue', do you really think, they will stop killing us with Kvaksine KillSh0ts and toxic medicine? 

Just because, Karine Jean-Pierre accused of 'Freudian slip', could be considered a WH asset, do you think the Deep state or shadow government will lay down their arms? 

Just because,Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reporters claimed that the US government believes the Covid-19 pandemic most likely originated in a Chinese laboratory, do you think the White House will agree? 

Just because, Seymour Hersh’s Nord Stream claims points to USA, don't think 'trolls' wouldn't picks holes from now on to descent into hell. 

Just because, Monthly Zodiac Spread by Janine says 4 weeks, financial crash is imminent, that it cannot be altered, by Black Hats... 

Just because, Danish PM Mette F. and Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark are crying in Christiansborg Palace Chapel due to a eight-year-old Ukrainian who came to Denmark in April of 2022, while his father is still fighting against Russian forces on the front line, it surely could be all fake... |