Dec 8, 2016

BREAKING: Assange Releases SMS Records Showing He Was Framed by Police in Rape Cases

December 7, 2016

Julian Assange, for the last six years, has been persecuted and held captive because of rape allegations; allegations that we have now found out are entirely fabricated by police.
Today marks the first time that Assange has gone public with his version of events surrounding the rape allegations for which he was arrested in 2010.

“Six years ago today, on 7 December 2010, I was handcuffed and locked into Wandsworth prison by order of a Swedish prosecutor, Marianne Ny,” Assange explains in a testimony released on Wednesday. “I had not and still have not been charged with an offence. The claimed grounds for my arrest and extradition without charge were so that Ny could question me. But it was not until six years later – three weeks ago – that I was questioned for the first time. I have decided to release my responses.”

In November, Assange was finally questioned aver a two-day period. However, as Assange points out, “my Swedish lawyer was excluded from the room in yet another breach of my basic rights.”
In a 19-page statement, also released on Wednesday, Assange details the events leading up to his persecution, including being railroaded by the American, Swedish, English and Australian governments.
You have subjected me to six years of unlawful, politicized detention without charge in prison, under house arrest and four and a half years at this embassy. You should have asked me this question six years ago. Your actions in refusing to take my statement for the last six years have been found to be unlawful by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and by the Swedish Court of Appeal. You have been found to have subjected me to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. You have denied me effective legal representation in this process. Despite this, I feel compelled to cooperate even though you are not safeguarding my rights. I refer you to my statement where all these questions were answered.

Hvem bestemmer i landet her?", dertil svarede spejlet: "Det gør de kloge politikere, der narrer de mindre kloge danskere" (Blogger: Danske politikere går til angreb på vores ytringsfrihed, menneskerettigheder, krænkelse af privatlivets fred, negligere fattigdom og borgernes uvidenhed med ledende "små, dumsmarte bemærkninger", på en sær autoritær og fascist facon og alle bider til bollen, hver gang. Hvorfor acceptere vi de dumsmarte politikere's gunst og opfører os som de ignorante danskere? Hvornår kæmper vi imod og skaber det 'Danmark', vi ønsker? Find ét parti i Danmark som ikke styres af dødssynder som griskhed, ladhed og nydelsessyge. BREAKING: Én af de aller største skandaler lige nu og hvis, vi levede i et frit demokratisk land, så ville Statsministeren stilles overfor en rigsretssag, ligesom tidligere justitsminister Erik Ninn-Hansen blev i 1995 for ulovlig suspendering af familiesammenføringer. Det drejer sig om, et 'hemmelig notat' som Anders Fogh Rasmussen varslede støtte til USA et år før Irakkrigen. Nu ser det ud til, at disse tophemmelige Irak-dokumenter er "forsvundet" fra det 'ukendte' sikkerhedsarkiv i Statsministeriet. I sommer forsikrede statsministeren ellers Folketinget om, at dokumenterne i arkivet blev behandlet i fuld overenstemmelse med loven. Med andre ord, regeringens mest sensitive og topfortrolige materiale om Irak-krigen, er VÆK!!!! Som nævnt tidligere af flere omgange, HVIS de dokumenter fik set dagens lys, ville det højst sandsynligt være dødsstødet, ikke blot for Venstre som parti, men også starte stor tumult overfor USAs tidligere præsident George H.W. Bush og Tony Blair. I november 2016, har engelske Parlamentsmedlemmer netop stemt imod, hvorvidt tidligere premierminister Tony Blair bør drages til ansvar for Irak-invasionen i 2003. George W. Bush sagaen kender vi jo alt til, ingen af de amerikanske politikere eller The Congressional Oversight Panel (COP) tør fordømme iraq-invasionen andet i form af udtrykket, »hvis vi vidste, hvad vi ved nu,". Tror godt Lars Løkke vidste, han sad med en antændt dynamitstang som var tæt på at springe hans hånd og gløderne vil springe til de næste i rækken af korrupte mænd...Ja, ved godt vi aldrig finder ud af, præcist hvilken notat som er væk, men vi kan måske alle regne ud hvad som er vigtigst for regeringen og for rigets sikkerhed... Undskyld mit franske, men det er sgu noget forbandet svineri...)

Rystet Moffe: Politiet forsøger at tage vores forsvarer (".. Lise Møller Frandsen, anklagerfuldmægtig i Midt- og Vestsjællands Politi, har indgivet begæring mod, at forsvarsadvokat Erbil Kaya fungerer som forsvarer for Claus 'Moffe' og hans hustru i den meget omtalte og kontroversielle sag om cannabisolie ved retten i Holbæk.. ")

Af Lennart Kiil - tor, 08/12/2016 - 11:35

Det oplyser hovedpersonen Claus 'Moffe' Nielsen selv i en opdatering på Facebook.

Her skriver han blandt andet:

"Lise Møller Frandsen har indgivet begæring om at Erbil G E Kaya ikke bør være forsvar for hverken Louise eller mig."

Denne udvikling i sagen kommer som en overraskelse for Moffe, der videre skriver:

"at begge sigtede bliver nægtet den mest kompetente forsvarer er uhørt."

Moffe er glad for sin nuværende forsvarer, og der er ikke noget at sige til, at han står uforstående over for politiets overraskende træk i sagen, som kan få afgørende betydning for retspraksis i Danmark på området.

Det er en betydelig svækkelse af Moffes sag, som politiet her forsøger sig med. Moffe forklarer selv ret godt hvorfor, så jeg vil lade ham tale for sig selv: 
Erbil har været med fra starten, endda før anholdelsen. Han har brugt masser af timer på at sætte sig ind i en sag, som ikke har været ført før i Danmarkshistorien, ingen andre er mere kompetent til at forsvare Louise eller mig.
Claus Moffe Nielsen slutter sit indlæg af med at par gode spørgsmål som hermed er viderebragt:

Crisis Actors Exposed – I Called CrisisCast Asking for 500 Crisis Actors! Guess What They Told Me LOL

Wednesday, December 7, 2016 15:31

Having done a lot of work covering the mainstream media hoax fiascos we have seen over the past few years I decided to call a well-known crisis actors company in the United Kingdom who trade by the name Crisis Cast.

The lady who took the call from me could not stop talking, she talked and talked her way into being the star of the video, which, I made after gathering evidence of crisis actors at large at several well documented events.

I knew after the Paris attacks on, November, 13, 2015, we had a serious problem not only with the mainstream media portrayal of events but also the way the public were still believing such nonsense.

We then had Brussels, or shall we say, the Skull & Bones day of celebration to the Roman festival Hilaria.

ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal ~ David Wilcock ~ Dec 8, 2016 CET (Blogger: I'm a truth seeker! Are you? Mainstream media (MSM) and fake news sites exist to intentionally mislead the public into believing a false narrative. There is certainly no shortage of ‘news’ websites that promote racism, disinformation, and general ignorance. However, whose job is it to filter through this sea of disinfo? Certainly not the disinformation agents in the mainstream media, right? Well, that is exactly what is happening. Some of us, accept particular skills and highly evolved people like David Wilcock and Corey Goode. Right or Wrong, it's not about like or dislike the persons behind these guys, its about the truth... If you're newbie to this sought of 'undeniable truth', it might give you some headaches, rejection or criticism for you own ego but do not refuse your inner voice. You cannot only use the phrase "Seeing is believing" to understand the real 'truth'. For many others and myself, always really exciting news coming out from these guys, an angle that is more valid because they're both experienced informants or their tireless efforts to locate 'truth' beind-the-scene material without censorship, which never reaches out to the official media...)

 Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.

By David Wilcock

The Cabal is closer to exposure and defeat than ever before. The truth is blasting through the internet as a civilian-led investigation takes hold.
Does the Cabal have a final "Hail Mary Pass" to create a mass distraction and take the heat off? Could their final move actually be Disclosure?
What if this pre-planned Disclosure turns out to be far more epic and surprising than anyone could have possibly imagined?
In order to set up this story, we first have to expose exactly how rapidly the Cabal is plummeting to the earth at this time.
Then we will see they have no choice but to make their final Endgame moves.
UPDATED Same day, additional info in Bigbelly section, some new images and text at the end in red. FINAL as of 6:33 PM PDT, 12/6 (Same day.)


Disclosure is upon us. Never before have we seen so many tangible signs of progress towards an imminent breakthrough.
The latest intel from the deepest levels of the UFO cover-up is some of the most fascinating data we have ever received.
If it proves to be true, we are right on the brink of experiencing the most significant events in all of our recorded history on earth.
Some very cosmic, world-changing information could soon be dropped upon us from an “official” level in a “Partial Disclosure” scenario.
This could potentially include the revelation of astonishingly high-tech buildings and cities discovered under the ice in Antarctica.




Imagine if you woke up one day to see hyper-futuristic ruins being revealed in Antarctica.
You’re not seeing this on Ancient Aliens or on alternative news sites, but everywhere… on every major media platform there is.
Imagine journalists and military officials revealing these incredible findings—in videos shot on location.
An event of this magnitude could be far more distracting than any 9/11-style catastrophe.
The power elite may well be hoping that such a civilization-defining “game changer” could make any and all preceding news stories irrelevant and forgotten.


Edward Snowden - Donald Trump Pardon - Latest Interview & News from Russia - December 8, 2016 CET

Nowhere to hide: NSA, GCHQ wiretapped in-flight phone calls, Snowden leaks show

According to leaks from Edward Snowden, the NSA and GCHQ have been gathering voice communications and content from mobile phones used on commercial flights, with special emphasis on Air France, which was seen as a source of “terror threats” for the U

 British spies monitor Israeli diplomats, with help from US and Jordan – Snowden docs reveal

British secret services have been spying on Israel’s diplomats, defense firms, and military, according to documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden and examined by French newspaper Le Monde.

Whistleblower special: Oliver Stone on Edward Snowden & the extradition of Lauri Love (E361)
We speak to Academy Award-winning director Oliver Stone about his latest film, which follows the life of NSA/CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden. We ask how in the age of WikiLeaks the prosecution of whistleblowers has changed the way governments operate at the highest levels. Plus, we speak to WikiLeaks associate Joseph Farrel about the week’s news.

Mass surveillance exposed by Snowden is about control, not counterterrorism – Oliver Stone to RT
The majority of the US public is not aware of what exactly was exposed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden because media coverage focused on the messenger, not the message, the director of the biopic ‘Snowden’, Oliver Stone, told RT.
Published on Dec 7, 2016
Edward Snowden - Donald Trump Pardon - Latest Interview Russia -

Mark Devlin at the Open Mind Conference 2016 (Blogger: Mark is talking about the corrupt and rotten music industry... Nobody wants to hear that somebody they've looked up to their hole life, as Heroes and Icons, could in any way be compromised, or their actions might be "directed" behind-the-scene... Music celebs, boyfriends, girlfriends, familiy members and managers turned up dead in very suspicious circumstances through the decades and often within the rock music world, these are chalked up as "suicides" or "overdoses"...[LISTEN TO VIDEO])

Published on Dec 7, 2016
Mark Devlin is a UK-based club and radio DJ, music journalist and author. Since 1990 he has played gigs all over the UK, and in over 40 countries around the world.

In more recent years, he has turned his efforts towards researching and exposing the many ways in which the corporate music industry and its key artists, are being manipulated by malevolent forces for mind control and social engineering purposes.

He now presents public talks on these subjects, as well as appearing on radio, and producing two regular podcast series - The Sound Of Freedom and Good Vibrations.

He is currently researching and writing a book, to be titled 'Musical Truth', bringing together all his findings so far.