Sep 5, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (SoTW and my fellow citizen journalist bro PhilG know something you don't) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Sept 5, 2023 ~ |


Disclosure News Italy - Disclosure News

(8) Facebook
The world's UFO hotspots are revealed - as Pentagon chief admits hundreds of mysterious objects have been spotted 'all over the world' | Daily Mail Online

👁️⃤𓂀🥤👤⛓️ (Ashkenazi-Kabbalah, StasiStaten og Drakonske strafferegler) Mand skal 30 år i fængsel for at fornærme Thailands konge. Står Europæiske kongehuse, folketing og statsministre, over ytringsfrihed med Parlamentarisk immunitet? For mord, voldtægt, falskmøntneri, majestætsfornærmelse og gudsbespottelse kunne man blive hængt eller halshugget i gamle dage. ~ 5. September 2023 ~ |

Cola-sag provokerer: Slap nu af – Ekstra Bladet

Sodavandstyveri i Højesteret? Hvad sker der med PET 'Agent Samsam', når han slippes fri eller snakker over sig? Er det landsforræderi, at tale om NSA-kabelsamarbejdet? Ejer New York og U.S. Inc., Kongeriget Danmark og Christiansborg Slot (Saxo kaldet 'Insula Maritima' øen i havet eller 'Den maritime ø') under de Maritime love?

FREE GUY: #ColaGaten, hvor advokaten arbejder gratis, fordi han synes sagen er urimelig (der må ligge noget andet bag eller også er det hele fup og svindel). I 2021, blev 3 mænd og en 1 kvinde (kendt aktivist), sigtet efter straffelovens paragraf 113, der kan give op til 16 års fængsel til borgere under en Men in Black-demonstration. Siden, er de alle blevet løsladt. Landsforrræderi og andre forbrydelser mod statens selvstændighed og sikkerhed, giver livstid for familien Dannevang men aldrig for frimurernes øverste grader. 3 år i et levende helvede under Corona-bedraget med hysteri og hastværk demonstranters dukke-afbrænding af Mink-Medico-Militær Mette brændte op i en lygtepæl (eller en Kontrolleret Opposition operation). Nu raser debatten igen, for om skal man have betinget fængsel for, at stjæle 3 rammer cola, og sætte dem tilbage igen, der er nået Højesteret? Forleden dag, satte man en kvinde i fængsel, for at svømme ud mod Kongeskibet hvor DDFO-Daisy, befandt sig. Man snakker om masse-tyveri i butikkerne, men politiet, dukker dog aldrig op. Samme gælder anmeldelse af indbrud i hjemmet. Folk med mason-beskyttelse, såsom, Dennis 'Kussen'-Knudsen, der gik amok ved Molslinjen, der var til fare for andre mennesker og var ved at lave flere #ChristianKjærpåkørsel, slipper naturligvis for fængselsstraf (hvad havde du ventet dig?)... |

What does the x symbolise in Freemason culture? - Quora
Frimurersymboler, deres design, betydning og meget mere ▷➡️ Postposmo | Postposm


(10) Illuminati, Deep State, Frimurer symboler og agenda | Facebook

👩‍💻🧠🔩 (Flashback 1967) Think about this... If Scandinavian intelligence communities are able to implant (physical) brain-chips, like Elon Musk's Neuralink that has got FDA approval to put chips in humans' brains. What are CIA, KGB, Mossad and MI6 etc., able to do in the 1970's and until 2023? I do trust bibliotecapleyades dot net. It's suppose to be the ultimative library or knowledge base from the Nordic extraterrestrials aka Pleiadians ~ Branded by the Thought Police. A Brain Implant Victim Speaks Out ~ Sept 5, 2023 ~ |

A Brain Implant Victim Speaks Out - Branded by the Thought Police (

FREE GUY: Swedish Security Police (SÄPO) and the use of humans for medical research, but it could well be from Nazi Germany, where state abuse was a natural part of the system. There are many similarities in the methods and routine of brutality... Another story is about C.O.B.R.A. R.M. esoterically teaching about Plasma implants began to be inserted into the people of humanity on the surface 26,000 years ago. Each time just before an individual was going to be embodied, that person was re-established again. In this way, the surface population has been kept in amnesia for the entire 26,000 year cycle. An implant is a black plasma hole with an approximate diameter similar to the diameter of an electron ( 10- 17 meters ). It is rotated in a strong magnetic field which produces an antigravitational effect on the plasma.... |


 Branded by the Thought Police. A Brain Implant Victim Speaks Out

The right of might: the source of inhumanity and state tyranny.

This is an account of the Swedish Security Police (SÄPO) and the use of humans for medical research, but it could well be from Nazi Germany, where state abuse was a natural part of the system. There are many similarities in the methods and routine of brutality between the Gestapo and SÄPO. Moreover, SÄPO is exploiting a new kind of computer technique to enable them to control human thoughts and behavior.

Pictured above left, is an X-ray of an object located in my skull directly anterior to the frontal bone. The object was forcibly implanted in 1967 at a hospital where I was awaiting an operation.

SÄPO had forced the surgeon to participate in their scheme, preventing him from performing the original surgery.

After violently sedating me, they made a 5 cm long incision in my frontal bone, in which they placed the object: a radio-transmitter which has been transmitting a high frequency electromagnetic beam through my brain 24 hours a day ever since. The dimensions of the device are a mere 7x4 mm.

The process of miniaturization has already passed the stage of the injectable transponder, a tiny ampoule capable of storing data and acting as a sender and a receiver.

🦨💨👃 (If You Don't Make It, It's Your Own Damn Vault) A new series of COVID-vax aka KillSh0ts or Placebo ready mid-Sept 2023 to protect against the emerging Pirola, Eris & Omicron XBB... Am I crazy or is the world crazy?... It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out... SoTW can spot bullshit from a blimp in a fog storm!... Listen very carefully, I will say this only once” - 'Allo, 'Allo... Pardon, no time for satire this is actually very serious... My H-S told me that only 5% of Danes (10% world wide) will be crazy enough to fall in line (jump on the bandwagon) and take the vax and trust dangerous pandemics exist. And follow the mask mandates and draconian laws, except, the people how are forced to, in order to keep their jobs... ~ Sept 5, 2023 ~ |

Updated Covid-19 vaccines are coming mid-September, officials say | CNN
A new series of COVID vaccines is expected to be available in mid-September - Google Search