Jun 27, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Én ting er hvad de 'uvidende voksne' gør. Hvordan beskytter vi de passive zombie-agtige børn og svage, i samfundet overfor Mææætte, Løgnicke og commie Fauci-ism!?) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🤜MEGET vigtig forskning fra Danmark: Over 95% udvikler antistoffer🤛] ... Mette Kenfelt, og hendes datter, som har kæmpet med HPV-vaccine lidelser i snart et årti, har jeg fulgt på SoTW en del år, sammen med Fjæsgruppen "Støt Læger uden Sponsor", siger jo noget himmelråbende ganske rigtigt og jeg citerer; 📑hvorfor fortæller medierne ikke noget om de seneste forskningsresultater, som dokumenterer en sikker naturlig beskyttelse? Mens de eksperimentelle COVID-19-vacciner markedsføres bredt, er der ikke et ord om den dokumenterede naturlige krydsimmunitet. Flere undersøgelser bekræfter dette. Gad vide, hvor mange danskere med naturlig immunitet, som er blevet corona vaccineret? Hvorfor bliver folk ikke antistoftestet før vaccination? I modsætning til de eksperimentelle corona vacciner, fungerer vores naturlige krydsimmunitet over for alle SARS-CoV-2-virusstammer. Folk, der ikke er bekendt med baggrunden for COVID-19-pandemien, vil sandsynligvis undre sig over, hvorfor disse oplysninger ikke oplyses. En årsag kunne være, at ”pandemien” og vacciner er big business. Data viser, at vaccinernes effektivitet er begrænset også i forhold til nye virus varianter, hvilket med stor sandsynlighed vil øge behovet for revaccinationer, måske år efter år? Vi kan konstatere, at ”frygt markedsføringen” virker. Folk står i kø for at blive vaccineret, men hvorfor? Det giver absolut ingen mening. Overlevelsesraten er på 99,997%. Har du aldrig undret dig over, hvorfor syge personer sendes i karantæne, uden forebyggende behandling, - og først får hjælp, når folk er blevet så syge, at de skal have hospitalshjælp? Nye afsløringerne har vist, at flere sundhedsfaglige personer siden februar 2020, bevidst har forbudt brugen af billige og sikre lægemidler til behandling COVID-19 såsom h…… og i…… Alt er blevet censureret, men hvorfor mon? (Mette Kenfelt)📑... |


🎢💞🤗 ~ (insider knowledge) Simon says; bumpy, but that's all part of the ride for us Homo Angelus on a Universal Enterprise (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: No, no Simon Parkes didn't say that - I did on SoTW... Well, well well... On a personal note, when you set something in motion, thinking before acting, then listen to your Intuitive Chakras, it is NOT a big sign of weakness; some will see you as a courageous person, others, as a sore loser.. That just happen to me after stepping out of the Cobra RM and SoTR-DK (Sisterhood of the Rose). The main sponsor of Cobra's THC (Tachyon healing chambers) in Denmark, did not like that (at all)... casting aside the attitude of 'it's never personal. it's just what people do.'.. I have NOTHING against Cobra RM's "organization and all the people in that or have meet" which is Huuuge, so is CC, with almost 100K members, worldwide. In regards to Cobra RM, it's a personal choice, leaving, going all the way back to 2018, when my Higher-Self was alarmed... THAT SAID, this is about Simon, Becky and the many truly AMAZING coordinators, in particular, the 2 in Denmark... God bless you all... OKAY!... I guess, since this is NOT a secret, otherwise Tine & Marie Louise, would have told us CC members... This is ONLY in a very short bit from a CC coordinator meeting, and to avoid shooting at me as the messenger, or CC coordinators or misunderstand and misinterpretations or revealing anything, that is not suppose to come out, just take it as it is🙏 (translated from danish)... [READ MORE]... |


Simon says; 📑"we are immediately facing a number of big things - firstly, there will be blackouts in different countries during the summer. It is unknown at this time, which countries that will be affected or how extensive it will be. So have cash, food and water in stock for a few days, more should not be needed. If it happens it is positive and will be short-lived for our sake! Some kind of Global Internet Usage could be expected, but maybe Telegram, will be maintained. The building that collapsed in Florida was a warning from Deepstate to Trump, as Ivanka lives very close by. Something big about, startup of the economy system, but was then thwarted, by the Miami condo complex collapse. The mainstream media was not briefed and did not know how to tackle the story. However, in Iraq, it did take place, and they have been granted debt relief as a country. The same thing should have happened everywhere around the world, but was thwarted as said. The bank HSBC is the only one that plays real and fair and it will probably have a big role in the future. Next WEEK is going to be eventful. Simon and Charlie are making a video about the new financial system, economy, etc. very soon, it should explain a lot. Especially about what's called TIER 5. All countries that have CC members will have Med-beds (etc. left out some parts). Q has played its role and new politicians need to be trained in all countries. Simon expects 6 years of peace and then a war and then finally 1000 years of peace. This is how he sees the future and all the projects he and CC are a part of will last 10 years so far."📑... |