September 24, 2022,
Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj (KayRy).
The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you feel our Light and Love in this message.
The group of beings on Earth today that are aware of the changes occurring within and around them, aware of Earth and her upliftment into the 5th dimension, have but one question in mind, when is this ascension going to occur?
For one, Ascension is happening in this very moment. Of course, the Ascension you speak of is the actual entrance, and knowing that you are in the fifth-dimensional reality.
You all know that this is a process. Mother Earth’s upliftment began in the 1940’s, and until now, it has been very gradual. The procedures and decisions change from time to time as to how it is all to unfold.
From this year of 2022 and beyond, the process will no longer be so gradual.
The energies are intensifying from moment to moment. All is being cleansed and prepared for the new light. You must release all old thought patterns and beliefs, including your daily routines and diet, in order to cope, integrate, expand and transition with the new refined energies. That, or depart with the old.
What many have come to know as The Event is ever nearer. All is ready as far as Galactic preparations are concerned, including full open contact with Earth’s surface only days after the Event.