Oct 1, 2016

Grådighedens pris - Politikerens Fald (Grådighed kan have mange ansigter og er ofte en drift, man ser foldet ud i den fiktive verden. Senest i DR's dramaserie "bedraget" Blogger: 1000 kroner-spørgsmålet: Hvorfor benægter eksempelvis Michael Laudrup at han er ny træner i fodboldklubben Al-Rayyan i Qatar Stars League (sidste gang var det Qatar-klubben Lekhwiya)? Hvorfor skulle Kongehuset, udenrigsministeren og en erhvervsdelegation i starten af 2016 til Saudi-Arabien? Er Tyrkiet bedre? Det skaber debat, netop fordi disse lande er beskyldt for at være »et brutalt diktatur, der pisker demokratiforkæmpere, halshugger regeringsmodstandere, lader landets prinser kaste millioner efter Islamisk Stat og andre ekstremister samt et stort antal saudierne behandler fattige udstationerede arbejdstagere i Saudi-Arabien som dyr. Vi ved også de står anklaget for at være anonym stråmand bag 911, samt fornylig at forsøge at lave en aftale uden om IEA, OPEC og OECD«...Uanset om det er kongelige, helte af nationen eller folkevalgte politikere, kalder jeg det simpel Grådighed...)


Grådighed kan have mange ansigter og er ofte en drift, man ser foldet ud i den fiktive verden. Senest i DR's dramaserie "bedraget".

I denne programserie ser DR2 nærmere på virkelighedens grådighed og ikke mindst den pris, man kan risikere at betale, hvis man lader sig styre af sin grådighed. I dette afsnit møder vi den tidligere borgmester i Fredericia, Thomas Banke, der har mærket konsekvenserne af sin egen grådighed.

Varighed:28 minutter
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Program sendt:,
Produktion:DANMARK, 2016


Status på målinger: Venstre største taber siden valget - 14. juni 2016 (Med gennemsnitskarakteren 3,3 på 12-skalaen får ministrene i den nuværende regering således den ringeste samlede vurdering, nogen regering har fået, siden Ugebrevet A4 i 2009 begyndte at lade danskerne uddele årskarakter til landets ministre)

NYHED: Mette Frederiksen er danskernes foretrukne statsminister. Et lynvalg rummer store risici for statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen. Ifølge en ny Gallup-måling foretrækker de fleste danskere Mette Frederiksen som regeringschef, og de kan bedst lide hendes politik. Målingen viser også, at flygtninge- og indvandringspolitikken er det afgørende politiske tema for befolkningen

Læs også: De folkevalgte politikere mister tillid og opbakning i samfundet (Vi har brug for Dukkepartiet til at angribe den politiske kultur) 

Læs også: Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti og 'Det Hemmelighedsfulde Selskab' ( Dansk politik - totalitært regime - ureguleret lobbyisme hvor interesseorganisationer, virksomheder og andre berørte systematisk kommer til orde, grundet pengedonationer .. )

Læs også: Regeringen får lussing af vælgerne i etårs fødselsdagsgave

RISBJERG-SNITTET: Det første folketingsår efter valget har været hårdt for regeringspartiet Venstre, der står svækket tilbage, viser snit af meningsmålinger.

Det nuværende regeringsparti Venstre fik ved Folketingsvalget for godt et år siden en ordentlig øretæve.

Med 19,5 procent af stemmerne mistede partiet mere end hver fjerde stemme i forhold til 2011-valget og opnåede sit ringeste valgresultat i mere end 25 år.

Siden er det gået fra ondt til værre for liste V. Venstre er således det parti, der siden valget i fjor har mistet flest vælgere.

Det fremgår af Risbjerg-snittet – et kvalitetsvægtet snit af meningsmålinger, som professor Kasper Møller Hansen laver for Altinget.
Citat :
"I og med at Venstre sidder i en et-parti-regering, så falder alt skidt lige tilbage i hovedet på dem selv.
Kasper Møller Hansen Professor, valgforsker


Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti og 'Det Hemmelighedsfulde Selskab' ( Dansk politik - totalitært regime - ureguleret lobbyisme hvor interesseorganisationer, virksomheder og andre berørte systematisk kommer til orde, grundet pengedonationer .. )

Udgivet den 25. Februar 2016 af Verdensalt

Forord: Som altid smider jeg nogen bolde op i luften. Giver bud på min og andres alternative forestillinger hvordan verden ville fremstå i lyset af en tese, fortolkning og faktum, fremhæver egen opfattelse af det parallelle univers som vi lever i –eller rettere hvad jeg kalder vildledelse og manipulation. Tekst og sprog er i store træk mine egen, referencer til artikler afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min egen holdning, men er vinkler som kan nuancere emnet fra eksperter, andre links er fra oplyste individer eller organisationer fra nettets mangfoldige univers.

"Tusindvis af bekymrede danskere skriver breve til Løkke, Støjberg og Pind. Den seneste års øgede indvandring vækker stærke følelser hos danskerne, der i hobetal sender deres bekymringer, håb og gode råd videre til regeringen"
" Der er en fantastisk åbenhed, hvis man lige ser bort fra "Venstres hovedbestyrelse og erhvervsklubberne,« siger Christoph Houman Ellersgaard med henvisning til, at Venstre nægtede at oplyse forskerne om, hvem der sidder i partiets hovedbestyrelse, ligesom også de erhvervsklubber, som kanaliserer støtte til partierne, har en høj grad af lukkethed."
"»Hele konflikten om at acceptere konsensus, søge magten og æde de andres legitime ret til at være der, har udspillet sig for øjnene af os, mens vi har lavet det her arbejde. SF måtte træde ud af regeringen, fordi baglandet ikke ville acceptere, at man var nødt til at tage Goldman Sachs – nogle, man traditionelt ville tegne et fjendebillede af – og acceptere at de var medspillere med ret til at være der,« siger Christoph Houman Ellersgaard. 
"Selv om mange sociopater, psykopater, fupmagere, supersælgere, kultledere, forretningsmænd og lignende kan også være politikere, er det modsatte er ikke sandt: Rigtige psykopater og sociopater er sjældne, i den samlede befolkning. Kun mellem 1% til måske 5% af den samlede befolkning i de fleste kulturer.......Men MAGT, er en stærk og vanedannede narkotikum blandt Politikere... 
"Politikere mister tillid og opbakning i samfundet (Vi har brug for Dukkepartiet til at angribe den politiske kultur) - Gakkede partiarter - De nye partier, Alternativet, Nationalpartiet og Dukkepartiet, forsøger alle at være det »anderledes« parti, som vælgere, der føler lede ved de etablerede politikere, kan stemme på.... 
"Som seniorkorrespondent Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm fra Den Korte Radioavis - Lars Løkke Rasmussen kan man ikke få en skovl under. En Politisk kokprop, ligegyldig hvad han laver af dumrian-ting, så kommer han altid ud på toppen....
Landbruget frem for alt. Forskere blev sat under pres, høringspraksis blev bøjet, EU-advarsler ikke taget til følge, miljøtiltag henvist til fremtiden – alt sammen for at sikre landmændene ret til at bruge mere kvælstofgødning fra næste måned. Jerngrebbet fra de traditionelle landbrugsorganisationer. Hvem ejer hvem? Sydøstjyllands Politi siger nu, at der blev udledt flere tusind ton flydende gødning ved brand på Fredericia Havn

Skandaler preller af på Venstre

Poul Schlüters legendariske sætning: - Der er IKKE fejet noget ind under gulvtæppet!

Læs mere »

Danmarks mest uretfærdige og forhadte regel er og bliver kontanthjælpsloftet og 225-timers reglen. Hvis man modtager uddannelseshjælp, kontanthjælp eller integrationsydelse er der risiko for at blive ramt af de nye regler i dag, de absolut svageste i samfundet (Blogger: Kan man blive fritaget fra loftet? Som udgangspunkt nej. Der er dog undtagelser. Hvis borgerne når at arbejde 113 timer inden 1. oktober, går de fri. Hvis du bor i en handicapbolig, der er anvist af kommunen, er du fritaget. Det gælder også hvis det ikke er dig selv der er anvist boligen, men f.eks. din partner. Loftet gælder også selvom du er på barsel. Både gifte og enlige er omfattet af reglen. Ægtepar på kontanthjælp vil blive ramt hårdest, idet de vil miste den ene kontanthjælp, hvis begge parter ikke lever op til reglen om 225 timers arbejde...Nu viser tal fra Styrelsen for Arbejdsmarked og Rekruttering, at der er meget stor forskel på, hvor mange kontanthjælpsmodtagere de forskellige kommuner vælger at undtage fra den nye regel. Halsnæs kommune slå så hårdt ned, nok til, at folk må gå fra hus og hjem. Kommunen har nemlig valgt kun at undtage 8 procent af borgerne. Pr. 1. April 2014 udgjorde det samlede befolkningstal i Halsnæs Kommune 30.664 indbyggere. Hurtigt opslag på Jobindex er der kun 17 ledige jobs at få i Halsnæs, alle sammen fuldtidsjob. Hænger det sammen? Eksperter siger: Umuligt at forklare forskelle. Avisen.dk har forelagt professor Bent Greve, der blandt andet forsker i arbejdsmarked og velfærd på RUC, tallene. Jeg kan ikke se noget som helst mønster, der svarer til hverken fordelingen af jobmuligheder, integrationsudfordringer eller personer på indkomstoverførsler. Information.dk: Det er meget kritisabelt, at kontanthjælpsmodtagere risikerer at få vidt forskellig behandling afhængigt af, hvilken kommune de bor i, mener flere eksperter..Politiken.dk: Regel om 225-timers arbejde rammer ikke-jobparate. JP.dk: Formanden for Dansk Socialrådgiverforening, Majbrit Berlau: - Vi er bekymrede for, at deres livssituation forværres, fordi de sanktioneres. Det påfører dem stress og de risikerer også, at de ikke har råd til lægeordineret medicin og måske heller ikke til at fastholde deres bolig i længden, siger hun...Information.dk: Konsekvensen af kontanthjælpsloftet er, at flere danskere ikke vil have råd til tre måltider om dagen eller til nødvendig medicin, men Beskæftigelsesministeriet har end ikke analyseret disse forhold. Det går ud over både kontanthjælpsmodtagerne og resten af samfundet..")

Billede og nedenstående tekst omkring kontanthjælpsloftet og 225-timers reglen er hentet fra FB gruppen: Socialrådgivere
Fritagede fra 225-timers reglen i større kommuner.
Randers: 81 procent fritaget
København: 76 procent fritaget
Esbjerg: 74 procent fritaget
Aalborg: 73 procent fritaget
Vejle: 68 procent fritaget
Odense: 66 procent fritaget
Aarhus: 51 procent fritaget
Frederiksberg: 41 procent fritaget

De tre kommuner med flest fritagede
Norddjurs kommune: 82 procent fritaget
Randers kommune: 81 procent fritaget
Sønderborg kommune: 79 procent fritaget

De tre kommuner med færrest fritagede
Halsnæs kommune: 8 procent fritaget
Kerteminde kommune: 14 procent fritaget
Struer kommune: 22 procent fritaget

Derunder hjælp og vejledning til kontanthjælpsloftet og 225-timers reglen. Fundet på Google Docs via en bruger som kalder sig "Anonymous Rhino". Linket: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XFGvVKtABP8FDNSpnm4b5K7pv4_73s15U_fnxdnhfHg

Kæmpe forskel: Kommunerne bruger 225-timersreglen vidt forskelligt

Andelen af kontanthjælpsmodtagere, der er fritaget fra 225-timersreglen, svinger fra omkring hver tiende til over otte ud af ti fra kommune til kommune. Ekspert kalder det forskelsbehandling.
Torsdag 15 sep. 2016 kl. 10:50
Nye tal viser kæmpe forskelle på, hvor mange personerne fritager fra 225-timersreglen. "Vi ved ikke, om der er et problem", siger beskæftigelsesministeren


Cosmic Vision News (※Weekly geo-political news, analysis "With news around, upon, within and beyond our planet, it is the first newscast making disclosure")


Cosmic Vision News: CVN vært, Geoffrey West tilbyder nyheder, kommentarer og lejlighedsvis diskussion om de seneste begivenheder, der udspiller med hensyn til, hvad der formodentligt er den vigtigste begivenhed for at forbedre den menneskelige og planetariske tilstand: AFSLØRING. CVN fremmer og tilskynder til modig dialog på verdensplan, mens de forbereder alle til re-introduktion af vores galaktiske familier. CVN behandler også aktuelle begivenheder, der understøtter et skift til en fredelig planet. Geoffrey West er en del af det team som står bag: GoldenAgeOfGaia.com, kan lyttes til direkte/downloades eller via MP3, smides på en USB nøgle/iPhone og lyttes til på din vej. Husk tidsforskellen på udgivelsen. Direkte Link her (blogtalkradio)

About Geoffrey

A global citizen, born into Canadian and Irish heritage. Geoffrey has lived in Canada, Sweden and Costa Rica. He has a Bachelors degree in Radio and Television, and a Masters in Peace Education, from the UN-mandated University for Peace. His work experiences include the broadcasting, airline, and computer reservation systems industries. His travels include N. America, Europe, Scandinavia, as well as Russia, Egypt, Thailand and Australia. His passion has come from the challenges he has observed throughout the world, and also from his own personal experiences. He aspires to assist individuals in awakening to their connection to, and deeper energetic relationship with LIFE, and empower new choices of living based in honouring Self, others, our planet, and LIFE beyond Earth also.

His mission statement for this LIFE-path is as follows:

"To be, to the best of my ability in each moment, an example for all that will inspire them to remember their connection to, and energetic relation to the ONENESS of LIFE. To assist lovingly in empowering them to honour their own LIFE-path and serve LIFE with choices that honour Self, while also honouring others, our planet and also our galactic families in each moment of 'now', creating experiences of health, love, harmony and peace".

Cosmic Vision News - Show Summary:

A Huge Evolution Is Coming ("..Tired of news that's only about Hillary, Trump, terrorism and negative events?. Imagine a news and media platform where you heard from experts who thought differently. Where news made you feel good. Where you could be informed, inspired and feel like real solutions are happening. News that dove deep into all sorts of subjects -including ones the mainstream is afraid to touch. Imagine hearing from people like Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Gregg Braden, Deepak Chopra, Barbara Marx Hubbard, David Wilcock, Ken Wilbur, and more... this is exactly what we decided to do...")

Excerpts only from newsletter... 


I have an important question to ask: are you satisfied with what you see in the mainstream media? Would you want your children to watch it?

The US election is nothing short of a circus. What we see on the news about it is pretty well only slanted to one side or another. When election coverage is not on, all we are hearing about is terrorism, negative crap and then pop culture.

It leaves most of us who think outside the box craving something more. Something deeper, something that isn't trying to manipulate us.

Imagine a news and media platform where you heard from experts who thought differently. Where news made you feel good. Where you could be informed, inspired and feel like real solutions are happening. News that dove deep into all sorts of subjects -including ones the mainstream is afraid to touch. Imagine hearing from people like Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Gregg Braden, Deepak Chopra, Barbara Marx Hubbard, David Wilcock, Ken Wilbur, and more... this is exactly what we decided to do.

e are creating a news network that isn't afraid to cover the real stories of people who are curing themselves of cancer through alternative treatments. Stories right from whistleblowers who are speaking about what's being hidden from us by government. News about solutions happening in the world that inspire and make the world a better place.

This is news that truly awakens, dives into consciousness and makes us feel good. This is CE NEWS.

Cobra Interview Q & A with Patrick from PFC Taiwan – 28th Sept 2016 (Blogger: Both Prepare for Change blog, 2012portals and many other sources has NOT the correct embedded link from SoundCloud. "..In this new interview with Cobra by Patrick from Taiwan and Untwine we learn that the attempt to re-open / reactivate the Congo portal by the dark forces - Chimera - was not successful!! - Our extra meditations ++ have helped here. Maps os earth / google sky is very reliable, some areas of constellations that are masked, hiding Planet X and spacecrafts. Capstones (quartz crystal and gold plated) of the Giza pyramids has been stolen by Cabal and sources of their power hidden in bunker of state that is called Vatican. Real purpose of Juda, in Jesus apostle mandala has been distorted to a great degree, archons wanted to create as much guilt as possible, there was no traitor, the whole thing was engineered. The 7 seals are the 7 layers of the veil and the disaster which happens is the clearing of the dark forces which is happening now. So we’re actually experiencing this right now, 4 horsemen are actually 4 elements, fire earth water and air, they are 4 cardinal points in the horoscope. Real story of Sodoma and Gomorra was a nuclear war long time ago. According to various sources, the real birthday of Jesus is somewhere in march. The Central Sun is always quite busy there is a lot of traffic from very advanced spiritual evolution, a lot of things going on there, and this is still happening now. We are living in a multidimensional universe yes, it is holographic in the way that a small fragment of the universe represents the whole, but we are not living in a holographic universe in the sense that the whole universe is an illusion. There is a strong energy vortex in parts of England, which allows manifestation of the Pleiadian ships that create crop circles. Where are the main Agarthan cities in Europe? Some of them are under large cities, of course below the surface of London, Paris, below the surface of Munich, and some of them are high below the surface in the Alps. Many, many other Q & A, as always great interview" )

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Please NOTE: Both Prepare for Change, 2012portals and many other sources has NOT got the correct embedded link to SoundCloud



TZ here: In this new interview with Cobra by Patrick from Taiwan and Untwine we learn that the attempt to re-open / reactivate the Congo portal by the dark forces – Chimera – was not successful!! Our extra meditations ++ have helped here. We learn that since the breakthrough this summer it is so much easier now to have positive contact with ET’s inside the veil! / Google maps are reliable! / We learn the whereabouts of the capstones of the Giza pyramids ! / Pleiadian ships are creating the crop circles in England. / and much much more – enjoy!


Untwine : Welcome everybody to a new Cobra interview. So today we are doing a joint interview between me and Patrick Shih from Prepare for Change team of Taiwan. We are working to re-unite all the groups worldwide, and have them working together so we can have a network that can work together for the Event. So joint interviews like this are part of this effort. I was very impressed by the Prepare for Change teams in Asia, they are very organized and motivated, they do a lot of great work, so I think it will be very interesting to hear questions from their point of view. So welcome Patrick !Patrick : Good day ladies and gentlemen, my name is Patrick, I am a translator of Taiwan Prepare for Change group, and it’s really an honor for me to be the first Taiwanese host for a Cobra interview, so welcome Cobra and Untwine !

Cobra : Thank you, thank you.

U : Thank you

P : So Cobra, I want to start with some situation update shall we ? [C: Ok] Have we successfully closed the negative plasma portal in Congo during Ascension meditations ?

Continue reading at....http://prepareforchange.net/2016/09/30/cobra-interview-with-patrick-from-pfc-taiwan-28th-sept-2016/

Archangel Michael on “Terminating” the Cabal, Dunford, Hillary, etc.(Blogger: We need to align ourselves with the Law of Abundance, Love and Service To Humanity and not to get rich and vindictive towards anybody...one of the reasons i've stopped posting stuff from Dinarland, Dong Guru's, TNT Tony, Neil Keenan, Infowars, Karen Hudes, ZAP Office Of Poofness etc - Many sources are dealing with parts of the truth but are Cabal's henchmen and thus part of the 'system', hence part of the massive amount of misinformation and misrepresentation... Dave Schmidt has on several occasions told us, dont trust the RV/GCR information, cause 70% is true story, 30% is deception, aggression by US towards Russia and China is real, but their agenda to have their Agenda 21 in full motion and WWIII is very real indeed, economic crisis and depressions will destroy the world is perhaps very exaggerated, but something good will come soon etc. etc., remember - energy flows where attention goes.. Cabal is masters of deception...)

Ærkeenglen Mikael - Optræder både i Toraen, Biblen og Koranen og kendes altså af både jøder, kristne og muslimer. Mikael har flere opgaver, hvoraf den vigtigste er at han er leder af den himmelske hærskare I Johannes åbenbaring er det ærkeenglen Mikael, som på Dommens Dag skal lede den himmelske hær mod Satan og hans engle i den sidste og afgørende kamp mellem godt og ondt. En kamp, som Gud og det gode vinder. Mikael har endvidere til opgave at frelse de trones sjæle fra Satans magt - navnlig i dødsøjeblikket og at være beskytter for Guds folk. Derfor var Ærkeenglen Mikael blandt andet skytshelgen for mange kristne ridderordner i middelalderen. Endelig er det Mikaels opgave at bringe menneskenes sjæle frem for Guds domstol. 

In these excerpts from a personal reading with him through Linda Dillon, Sept. 23, 2016, Archangel Michael denies that the cabal are being “terminated,” that Hillary was arrested or dead, that Gen. Joseph Dunford is President, that Barack Obama is not President, etc.
Thanks to Dana for our transcript.

Steve: I’m going to read you an excerpt from a sit rep. I just don’t know if what he’s saying is true or not.
“The final military special ​forces ​ops and ghost ​tactical sweeps have begun. W​e are hearing the mission is casually being called ‘Operation Catch & Release​’ for obvious reasons. This ​sweep ​includes corporate bad actors of the cabal as well as military and government ​high profile ​targets​, basically anyone on the ​’​super naughty list​’​ is ​now ​being ​permanently terminated–no questions asked​, no arrest​s, no courts, no stinking badges.
“Sadly​,​ this ​is the ​​ultra aggressive military action many have been asking for. ​It’s coldblooded and comes without warning.”

Is this a true statement?

AAM: Now what part of this to you, dear heart, feels like love?

Steve: None of it does. That’s why I’m asking you.

That’s the answer, is it not?

AAM: That is the answer. Many upon the planet are writing fiction these days.

Steve: Really? Boy oh boy. So the big round up of the cabal is all fiction?

AAM: That has already taken place a long time ago.

Steve: Really? How was it missed? These people disappear. Don’t their families [miss them]…?

AAM: Not necessarily. Let us talk about this.

We have repeatedly said, first of all, that the transformation of the planet will not be based on blood and mayhem and that is exactly what this type of article is referring to and it is not taking place. That is not how that Mother’s Plan is proceeding.

Now we have said repeatedly, that those that you have deemed, judged, discerned, both as the darkest, as the most negative will also be some of your strongest supporters, strongest allies, strongest leaders as they come into the light, not only of the Mother/Father One but of who they are.

If we kill everybody off how does that remedy the situation?

Steve: Well, they would say just kill a few. Just hang a few of them from a lamppost.

AAM: And how is that of love?

Steve: Well, it isn’t, of course.

Divine Integration – New Moon Upgrades by Meg Benedicte - Oct 1, 2016

September has turned out to be a ‘super blast’ month of sudden changes, upgrades and emotional cleansing. With three powerful eclipses, Mercury Retrograde and the Libra Equinox, it’s a miracle we’re still standing! After the Equinox I needed to sleep and nap for 3 days straight. So much energy was surging into earth’s atmosphere and into our human energy field. We will be integrating the solar surge of crystallized Light into the depths of our being and into our daily lives for months to come.

September’s final act occurs today in a New Moon at 8 degrees Libra. You may have felt the planetary energy lift from some of the doom and gloom, now that the final eclipse season of 2016 is over. Today’s Libra New Moon ruled by Venus, will help neutralize volatile emotions with a calming, balancing affect.

This is the 2nd New Moon in September, often called a Black Moon. Although Black Moons are not visible in the sky, they can magnify and intensify all of the changes you are experiencing in your life. With Jupiter conjunct this New Moon, there is an increase in wellbeing, abundance and optimism. This is an excellent time to step through new open doorways for personal growth, professional advancement, and harmonious relationships. The general rule is whatever is started now will have a positive influence.

As the crystallized Light infuses into the cellular design, your ability to ‘see, hear, feel, and know’ the non-physical realm will improve. The divine Light is illuminating the inner workings of your core essence, revealing all that is out-of-balance and requires healing. The ascension process is an ‘inside job’! Humanity cannot evolve into higher-dimensional beings until the inner shadow is acknowledged and transformed. No one can skip this step!

New civilizations arise out of chaos.

A Quick Message of Encouragement ("..Many are reporting feeling weak or shaky. Others feel upended emotionally, or seeing that their current job, relationship, or home no longer fits who they are. Even their clothing or hairstyle may seem to belong to someone else...Consider it a beautiful, empowering, and positive sign that all appears to be in flux now. For before a new system comes in, the old must crumble and fall by the wayside..)

A Message to Lightworkers - September 30, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic, Elemental, Ascended Master, and Angelic beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, Brave Light Beings!

We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again today.

You would perhaps be surprised to learn, that before incarnating, you "looked forward" (though from a dimension where time does not exist) to this part of your Earth journey, when the energies would be pouring in, and you would squint at the brightness of them.

You knew that you would feel unsure at times regarding how to take these powerful energies -- the ego-mind tries to struggle against them at times, thinking that these are not helpful moments, as they can feel so strange and challenging.

Many are reporting feeling weak or shaky. Others feel upended emotionally, or seeing that their current job, relationship, or home no longer fits who they are. Even their clothing or hairstyle may seem to belong to someone else.

These are all beautiful indications of the wild river ride you are on, and the bravery and tenacity with which you are steering your small vessel through powerful rapids.

Understand that it will not always be this way.

Micheal Salla Update - Aerospace Engineer Reveals Operational Details of Secret Space Programs ("...Thousands, thousands, not just a few, thousands of people have joined the Navy here in the United States. They joined the Space Navy. They signed up for a 20-year tour. So these folks, men and women, were given a lot of examinations and a lot of information on what they were going to need...Many of them went to the Moon, our Moon, and facilities there and got checked out and organized and established where is the best place they’re going to go, what their criteria is going to be, what major area they’re going to develop, like what class in the university. And then they get sent to a Mars facility for a short time..And then they get assigned to a specific base. And they work for a short time in the base before they’re assigned a naval cruiser, or a naval attack vehicle, or even a naval spacecraft carrier, which are one, two, and four kilometer long class. And we have eight of those battle groups out there..")

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Retired aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, has just given his most detailed account yet about the operations of secret space programs on the September 27 episode of Cosmic Disclosure. Many of Tompkins’ revelations corroborate the earlier testimony of the show’s primary whistleblower, Corey Goode, who first publicly came forward in late 2014.

Previously, Tompkins has described in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials, and in subsequent interviews, his involvement in two space programs. First came his assignment in intelligence operations on a German/Nazi led secret space program during the World War II, much of which was relocated to Antarctica. This space program evolved into what Goode later described as the “Dark Fleet.”

After the War, Tompkins became directly involved in the development of a U.S. Navy secret space program called “Solar Warden,” where he provided the early draft designs for kilometers long spacecraft and non-terrestrial bases, while working at the Douglas Aircraft Company from 1951 to 1963. Solar Warden, according to Tompkins, became operational in the early 1980s.

Tompkins’s role in these space programs is supported by a number of documents provided in Selected by Extraterrestrials, and others provided in a March 2016 interview. In addition, FOIA documents have just been made available (to be described in an upcoming article), which confirm key details about Tompkins involvement in a Navy led espionage program aimed at infiltration of Nazi antigravity research projects during World War II.

Read more..... http://exopolitics.org/aerospace-engineer-reveals-operational-details-of-secret-space-programs/

‘I stopped Netanyahu from catastrophic attack on Iran’ – Peres’ statement concealed ‘til death (Also: The White House seemed to have had a momentary blackout, listing Jerusalem as part of Israel in an official press release, going against its own long-standing policy. They then simply struck its Middle Eastern ally’s name out.)

Freudian slip? White House puts Jerusalem in Israel, rushes to correct itself
US policy on Jerusalem’s status has been unchanged for decades now. In 1948, the US, via President Harry Truman formally recognized Israel as a country, but did not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the holy city of Jerusalem.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu points to a red line he has drawn on the graphic of a bomb as he addresses the 67th United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. Headquarters in New York, September 27, 2012 © Lucas Jackson / Reuters 

In a statement that was not to be made public until his death, the former Israeli President told Jerusalem Post he stopped PM Benjamin Netanyahu from a “catastrophic” military strike against Iran, at the time the world leaders were engaged in nuclear deal talks.

Up until P5+1 (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, plus Germany) announced the agreement with Iran in July 2015, to limit the country’s nuclear development in exchange for sanction relief, Israel was threatening to take unilateral action against Tehran. A day after the funeral of Shimon Peres, Jerusalem Post published the former president’s revelation which was shared with the publication two years ago, revealing that he was solemnly responsible for stopping Netanyahu’s plan. With this revelation, it seems that plans to attack Iran at the time were not just empty threats.