Jan 31, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (MSM: "Taylor Swift is NOT a psy-op - this is extremely DANGEROUS to our democracy”) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Jan 31, 2024 ~ |

Beyond Ravens with JANINE - JAN 30 (Taylor Swift owned by White Hats - Super Bowl is it rigged?)




⚠️❤️‍🩹 (Vital Video of Today) The War to End All Wars is Almost Over ~ with Pascal Najadi ~ Jan 31, 2024 ~|

January 30, 2024 by Suzanne Maresca

“Former Swiss Military Officer Pascal Najadi joins me on the AJ Roberts Show to discuss in detail the deep military operation we have been in for some time under Executive Orders, the Law of War Manual under Space Force.

We are at a tipping point in human history, and current operations being carried out behind the scenes and in plain sight are edging us ever closer to complete removal of the Deep State and it’s enslaving agendas.

Pascal, who has been damaged by the C19 shots, has been on a mission ever since to bring charges for crimes against humanity and high treason against the globalists who’ve waged war on We the People.”

This is disclosure of the military operation that’s been in effect under Trump. He refers to the White House website:


Pascal explains how President Trump is and has been Wartime President. He also refers to Derek Johnson’s page: https://thedocuments.info/ in order to see all the important documents to back this up.

A few time stamps ~
  • 10:50 The United States Space Force is the top of the military.
  • 13:00 He explains how there are planes from many different countries that are only allowed in certain areas during wartime.
  • 19:00 All political systems and democracies are over, will be canceled and will not be replaced by new elections.
  • 20:00 Military courts are being held right now.
  • 22:00 The power is coming back to the people via US Laws and War Manual.
  • 25:00 Biden and Harris are part of the Movie.
  • 28:00 Xi and Putin are with us.
  • 29:00 Putin was attacking the biolabs in Ukraine. The money that was going to Ukraine was not going to military defense etc., but for the bad guys to buy houses, boats, etc. Trump tracked the money and where it went.
  • 32:00 People are going to be synchronized to have Operation Storm appear “soon, very soon.” It will be peaceful.
  • 33:00 They’re currently taking out rogue elements, and it’s all happening at the same time.
  • 33:33 Radio Silence ~ TV silence ~ Media will be arrested.
  • 34:00 Doctors etc. who gave the shot will be arrested. There will be no escape. We will be in a Military Lockdown for 14 days, max…with no panic. Looters will be shot.
  • 35:00 All US military is under Space Force.
  • 39:00 Crimes against humanity: MrNA Bio Weapon.
  • 39:40 There’s a database of shots, who got them, who gave them, what time, etc.
  • 42:00 Democide
  • 46:00 The US Military and with Warp Speed – The Military had the formula “fall apart,” and many shots were saline.
  • 48:20 What is going to happen will be brutal for people because everything is going to change, but will be the best for humanity.

👁️⃤𓂀📢🥴 (KO's psykologisk krigsførelse og tilbedelsens farer og forbandelser) Hvad er “kontrolleret opposition”? Det er når nogle "agenter" for bankster-banditterne, Frimureriet eller Ashkenazi-Kabbalah (kald dem hvad du vil) lader som om, de tjener befolkningen, men står i ledetog med fjenden. I en psykologisk kommunikationskrig er det dumt at undervurdere fjendens intelligens og infiltration ~ 31. Januar 2024 ~ |

EDITOR'S NOTE: "Kontrolleret opposition" kan gå begge veje, man kan også sagens arbejde for "lyset" og lade sig om, man er en "bandit". Har været på flere demoer rundt om i landet især under corona-bedraget og lyttede til aktivister (Mads Palsvig, Saseline, Vibeke Manniche m.fl), som forgudede personer såsom Lars "Kaj og Bøje", som-var-det, Barack Obama som Messias, men de er begge, spanske smør-tenor der synger i slyngelstater. SoTW skal sandelig ikke bestemme, hvad du skal mene. Du er selv herrer i eget hus... |


✨👶✂️👸 (I See TRANNIES Everywhere! It's Man's Man's World) From Tina Turner Transvestigation to Taylor to Thousands upon Thousands of Celebs. From Adrenochrome, to SSP Smart Medical Youth Beds to Tracheal Shave and Advance Sex Reassignment Surgery Techniques. How Do they Do It? I don't Know, but join SoTW on another Red Pill journey. Look at These Trans-formations ~ Jan 31, 2024 ~ |

EDITOR'S NOTE: (One of the BEST transvestigation 101 above) O-M-G!... THATS IMPOSSIBLE!... All men?... I'm getting sick!... My head is spinning like a screw!... I recall, that Kent Dunn told us, that JFK (was) once female and XtremeRealityCheck, says, Lady Di (was) once male (trans)... Obama called Michelle for "Michael"(transgender) + President Reagan called Princess Diana, for "David" (Elton Johns boy-toy David Furnish)... Tina turner, was a BIG BAD WOLVERINE in this evil Cabal system and born a babyboy, as so many others, and had, a sex change. I'd already discovered that a long time ago. This will upset many, many 'normies' who will refuse it to their own death into next reincarnations as a man, woman or trans... | 


🦹🎯🥺 (There are only 3 kinds of people) The “Reptilians” (rulers), the “Useless Eaters” (normies) and then there are “Controlled Opposition” (dissidents or infiltrators). A “plant” for the Black Hats or White Hats? The worst kind of people (if you ask me on SoTW) ~ Jan 31, 2024 ~ |

EDITOR'S NOTE: Of course there's also "ME" and "YOU" and "THEM". I really don't' care which side you're on - Black Hats or White Hats. But if you deliberately know you're playing both sides, and you HAVE a choice, and still continue to live a LIEthere will be HELL to pay. So since I know that infiltration and manipulation happens all the time, but I don’t find other people’s whisperings about “controlled opposition” useful, how do I figure out who’s trustworthy and who isn’t? How do I figure out who it’s safe to cite in my work as an influencer or blogger og citizen journalists and who to avoid? How do I separate the fool’s gold from the genuine article? The shit from the Shinola? SoTW will not pick a side on Dr. Michael Salla, David Icke or anybody else, for that matter, on the lists, below. But I've part ways with spirituel organisations such as Simon Pakers CC Group and C.O.B.R.A. R.M. I simply left after being exposed to fraud on a personal level and was involved, since 2015, but no more. I'm so sick of this “Cat and Mouse” game. There is NOTHING more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.. | 


