© 2017 Montague Keen
Hver søndag, bringer Montague et budskab om håb og støtte til alle, derer villige til at lytte. Han snakker tit om Cabal og deres evindelige destruktive adfærd.
Hver søndag, bringer Montague et budskab om håb og støtte til alle, derer villige til at lytte. Han snakker tit om Cabal og deres evindelige destruktive adfærd.
We are having success, as great progress is made in the release of humanity from the shackles of bondage from off-world forces, secret societies, and governments, which until now, have remained hidden. The greats ones of the past are on Earth to ensure this great shift to the light occurs. Every assistance is being given to help you to move forward, to create a world without fear where man can live in peace. We, on this side of life, are actually showing you where the energy was blocked, knowledge suppressed, and portals hidden. It gives us great joy to be able to work with you and your friends to free such energy. The 3 in 1 is active. It is becoming more active every day.
Our old friend, Gerald [Professor Gerald Hawkins, of Washington, who passed to sprit in 2003] is excited to be able to work directly with you, my dear, and to be able to visibly show you the places you need to work on. Many of these places were unknown to you. Because of their great power, they were kept hidden from humanity. The Atlantian connection needed to be reconstructed. This was very important, as the frequency needs to be higher. Many will notice the change. Our progress cannot be stopped. We are on a roll.