Oct 19, 2016

Leaving for short family vacation, taking a peek on Julian Assange's hideout, 3 'City States' Rule the World - City of London...

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 19. Oktober 2016

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer


Be blessed, and know in your heart of hearts that a magnificent reality of joy and celebration is about to be yours! 

Contemplate in Joy what you accomplished in Heaven's good name. You stood firm in your visions and gave all the energy required to positively alter this realm

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

5 Imix, 4 Tzec, 13 Caban
Dratzo! The Victory of the Light grows. Everywhere on your world, the emergence of the new financial system and never-ending waves of prosperity continues. Together with these marvelous changes is the prospect of a peace that almost didn't happen. In its closing moments, the dark tried, but was unable to instigate a global war. Fortunately, our liaisons and their earthly counterparts prevented this from happening. This surface world has also moved swiftly forward in the direction of first contact. You are entering an era when the requirement for money is to quickly disappear. This process is to be aided by the use of technologies, both yours and ours, that are to introduce the universal processor. This wondrous device is to render obsolete the need for farming, manufacturing and the use of Gaia's natural resources. Hence, your global societies are to be freed of the need to devote so much of their populations to these arduous and dangerous tasks. Gaia can expect to see much of her land returned to their original environments. This process will allow for the expansion of grasslands, swampy areas and forests. Therefore, more and more of your environments are to be reworked to add a number of habitats.

These changes are to improve the quality of your air, allowing the oceans to again sustain a teeming fish population. The water in lakes and rivers is to become cleaner as well. You are to learn to use your personal processors to prepare meals and replace furniture as you wish. This vast array of changes allows your Ascended Masters to teach you about your past and prepare you for our arrival. Our mentors intend to take this new knowledge to expand the way you look at yourselves, both individually and collectively. Your global societies need to fully evaluate the way they operate. Your great diversity is an opportunity to readjust how humanity can best get along with itself. You are then to be in transition to a world that can comprehend what these changes can accomplish. This will enable you to see Gaia as a split realm, and allow you to introduce the Agarthans to this outer realm. This alone is a giant step in the right direction. It means that the nonsense begun by the Atlanteans and sustained by the Anunnaki can at last be put to rest.

Baby Elephant Rushes Into River To ‘Save’ Her Favorite Human – Must See!


A baby elephant put herself in danger to ensure the safety of the human she loves most.


Teflon Candidates: Message from ECETI - James Gilliland

Message from ECETI - James Gilliland

Not voting for either but this is interesting

Cornell Law Library Interesting read! Wonder how many people are aware. Word for word from the Cornell Law Library - RE: H. Clinton

This is what Donald Trump is speaking about when addressing "How the Election is Rigged".

His speech in NC last night was one of his best. If he can retain this new format, and stay on message, no one will be able to beat him. (including the corrupted Republicans).

Apparently, the FBI forgot to visit the Cornell Law Library. Word for word from the Cornell Law Library Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton's private email server illegal, it "disqualifies" her from holding any federal office. 
Very specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.

For those of us who do not have United States Code committed to memory, here's what it says:

“(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”

Yes, it explicitly states "shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

Shouldn't voters know that? The media won't tell them. So it's up to us.

Can you help hold Hillary accountable? Pass this on, please

Homeless people told to sleep rough so they qualify for help, charity says... (Blogger: I just LOVE this adorable little girl, She's my hero!! ...5-year-old DEMANDS #TheresaMay does something about the "hundreds, millions" of homeless people on the street & is pretty adamant..This video has gone viral getting over 30k views on YouTube and more on Facebook...Broke lives in Coventry, England, and has been upset about homelessness for a long time.. She asked her mother who is "in charge" in the UK and decided to send her comments their way...According to her mom, Brooke is keen on talking to the PM about the environment and rubbish waste too...Booke's mom assured CNN the video was the young girl's idea...)

Homeless people told to sleep rough so they qualify for help, charity says

5-year-old DEMANDS #TheresaMay does something about the "hundreds, millions" of homeless people on the street & is pretty adamant pic.twitter.com/xf5c08YsUe


Big Pharma’s Marketing Budget Could Bring Clean Water to the Entire World (Blogger: Like many of my rutine or morning rituals/affirmations, i'll do water blessing from Masaru Emoto: Water; we are sorry, Water; please forgive us,(Water: please save fukushima and rest of water supply in the world) Water; thank you and we love you... Excerpts:"...About a decade ago, a New York Times article said that it would cost $10 billion annually to provide clean, safe water to everyone in the world...According to data pulled from Pew Charitable Trusts, the pharmaceutical industry spends enough money on the face-to-face promotion of their drugs, to provide clean water to the entire planet – $15 billion, to be exact, with an extra $12 billion and change spent on additional drug marketing schemes...783 million people currently live without access to clean water around the globe, according to the Water Project. The site also states that a whopping one in five deaths of children could be prevented simply by giving their families access to clean water that doesn’t contain a water-borne disease...The cost to end world hunger is a bit more than what it would cost to provide everyone healthy food. With modest estimates at $30 billion per year, Big Pharma still spends more to promote their death-causing drugs, and we Americans spend many times that number stuffing those drugs down our throats.."..Blogger: Did you know, that medicinal products/drugs is Denmark's largest export product, representing 13.5% of total Danish exports? In 2015 exported pharmaceutical industry for more than 85.7 billion. kr. and contributed to 95% of the total trade surplus. Employment in the danish industry has generally declined over the past 40 years. The danish pharmaceutical industry is one of the only industries where the trend is going the other way, and each time exports rise by 1 billion kroner increased employment by 200...The ten largest companies in the danish health and welfare sector accounts for 66 percent employment in the business sector and 81 percent of value added... Denmark's most valuable company Novo Nordisk is the largest company by market value.... Citi Bank, estimated in July 2015, Novo were around 2,300 billion kroner worth, that's 2.300.000.000.000 danish kroner... Denmark has succeeded in expanding its position in the international vanguard of medical drugs. Denmark is no. 2 in the world in terms of occupational specialization pharmaceutical area next to Switzerland... It's HUGE big business...Think about that and why the danish government are protecting the biggest asset of the medical–industrial complex...Think about when the "EVENT" comes, that will trigger the downfall for this evil global empire...")


About a decade ago, a New York Times article said that it would cost $10 billion annually to provide clean, safe water to everyone in the world. This number was likely arrived at without considering free and low-cost energy which could help to desalinate or filter water, or the latest sustainable technologies which pull water right out of thin air.

According to data pulled from Pew Charitable Trusts, the pharmaceutical industry spends enough money on the face-to-face promotion of their drugs, to provide clean water to the entire planet – $15 billion, to be exact, with an extra $12 billion and change spent on additional drug marketing schemes.

This comparison proves an obvious logical fallacy promoted by the World Health Organization, the United Nations and Big Pharma – that we don’t have enough resources to take care of the health of the people on this planet.

783 million people currently live without access to clean water around the globe, according to the Water Project. The site also states that a whopping one in five deaths of children could be prevented simply by giving their families access to clean water that doesn’t contain a water-borne disease.
Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical industry spent a record-breaking $5.4 billion on direct-to-consumer advertisement, according to Kantar Media. It paid to try to convince people they need a drug for all their ills, including ones they don’t even feel or know about. Americans spent $457 billion on prescription drugs in 2015 – more than any other nation in the world. Without stating the obvious – if $10 billion could provide clean water to the masses, what could $457 billion do to improve the health of every citizen on planet earth, making them feel like they were respected, cared for, and living with at least their minimal needs as described by Maslow’s hierarchy.

These astounding figures don’t stop at direct-to-consumer drug marketing costs, though. Big Pharma also spent millions convincing doctors to write prescriptions for their brand name drugs, paying for meta-studies which amount to legalized drug pushing using prestigious scientific journals as a back-drop for altered data, settling lawsuits for injurious drug side effects, paying for FDA approval and drug trials, as lobbying for healthcare products and drugs among politicians.

The cost to end world hunger is a bit more than what it would cost to provide everyone healthy food. With modest estimates at $30 billion per year, Big Pharma still spends more to promote their death-causing drugs, and we Americans spend many times that number stuffing those drugs down our throats.

#OpBlackOct - Anonymous Declares War Against New World Order 0.01% Operation Black October (Excerpts: "...Seemingly, under the radar because of a complete media blackout, Anonymous has launched Operation Black October...The international hacking collective vow to continue attacks on elitist organizations and individuals like George Soros, Rothschild’s, Knights Of Malta, and other elitist groups...and whole banks alike, until the elite cease and desist their agenda of a New World Order and abandon their plans of a One World Totalitarian Government..")


| Oct 17, 2016

Seemingly, under the radar because of a complete media blackout, Anonymous has launched Operation Black October. Already the Operation Black October Facebook page has received over 100K likes in 2 weeks, yet the MSM ignores Anonymous’s threat and warning to the elite that they will give them a Black October they will never forget.

Anonymous has pledged to give the elite a black October that they will never forget, calling for attacks on all banks, hedge funds, and business and personal websites of elitist. The operation is code-named Black October. The international hacking collective vow to continue attacks on elitist organizations and individuals like George Soros, and whole banks alike, until the elite cease and desist their agenda of a New World Order and abandon their plans of a One World Totalitarian Government.

Last June, I reported on OpIcarus Phase 2, the Anonymous operation against the Central Banks, that later evolved into targeting specific elitist, Wall St. and groups as well like Goldman Sachs and the Bilderberg Group during Phase 3. The Bilderberg Group meets once a year in complete secrecy, always in a different country, for off the record discussions from everything from politics to business ventures allowing participants to network higher into the Elite society. Attendees include tech moguls to politicians and military intelligence officials and even journalist who partake in the secret off the record private conversations. Last Bilderberg meeting, if you went to visit the infamous secrecy group’s website for the entire conference you would have received a connection error. That’s because the hacktivists targeted Bilderberg and various other targets during their annual meeting to show the elite they were watching.

Anonymous has taken a stance and they aren’t going away.

The Third Phase of OpIcarus was launched shortly after the second in June which was against the Stock Exchanges of the world. The Anons who talked to me additionally told me the Origins of OpIcarus were during Occupy Wall Street read more here.


In a press release, Anonymous released a fight club movie referenced video with a short simple statement.

“Look the people you are after are the people you depend on we cook your meals we haul your trash we connect your calls we drive your ambulances we guard you while you sleep do not fuck with us.” https://youtu.be/bVJlGJp7BX0

The Collective has previously promised that “they aren’t going away and warn that the attacks will continue for as long as the Global Elite continue walking on their war mongering paths of greed and plot global agenda’s against the population that will ultimately lead to our own destruction. We are at the verge of nuclear threat and its becoming all the more clearer that the big international banks are now the ones behind political war starters like Clinton. Anonymous isn’t prepared to allow Wall Street and the other bankers to ignite what could possibly be the worst economic and political disaster in centuries.” OpIcarus, said.