Jan 28, 2022

👻🔫👨 ~ (Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters! Physic attacks boundaries) If you need a smart guy, insider, whistleblower or spiritual guru on speed dial to help you fix one thing - who can you call? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: 🔴RIGHT NOW LIVE with Alex Collier, he confirms; Justin Trudeau is rumored to be ARRESTED with military escort (Alex is very sick)... Do SoTW enjoy the gossip and rumors going around? Absolutely not, I'm here for the TRUTH, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. Who can you call SoTW to get the truth? It depends on how you define TRUTH. I strongly believing me Inner Self. In contrast to the outer self, the inner self is about what can't be seen: feelings, intuition, values, beliefs, personality, thoughts, emotions, fantasies, spirituality, desire, and purpose. So, when push comes to shove, I only have me, myself & "Irene"! I do share my thoughts on my blog and have my mom and a few 1-2 "spiritual" friends on my level, to share it with and learn stuff from, of course!... Okay! Here's some fun facts (with all due respect to the ones who was injured); ... [READ MORE]... |

... The word is, as we speak, Pittsburgh bridge collapse injures 10 on day Biden to visit city to talk infrastructure - coincidence? (another hint to London Bridge Down!?!).

My higher self has said April is gonna be the month to beat them all. Janine said we could travel freely in March, things are progressing, people..

One hour earlier, I listen to "special unboxing with Janine, Julie & Jeanclaude@beyondmystic". She said, or the card readings told her, that Justin Trudeau (rumored to be son of Fidel Castro and accord. to the Stasi GDR files, Merkel, the daughter of Hitler) was long gone in flesh, but one of the "clone, fake or double" Trudeau, has been rounded up (hint - in isolation after COVID-19 exposure)..

What did Benjamin Fulford say? That EVERYONE who "got infected with Covid 19" is OUT of the game, something like that. The whole Monarchy of Sweden and i mean everyone has got Corona, so has Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson and two other Swedish politicians..

Aaandd, today, some of the world's largest cargo aircrafts are visiting the coming days, Billund Airport. It can only mean two things; Kuleba from Ukraine, had audience with Queen of Denmark and Frederik, Crown Prince, that the Kingdom of Denmark and freemasonic military, are ready, for full blown war against Russia, OR, it's a White Hat operation.

I have NEVER EVER heard of anything like it in my life, that Antonov An-225 Mriya and other of the world's absolute largest cargo aircraft is also on the list to be received, in one of the smallest countries in the world, as we speak..

Another weird thing, Storm Malik to buffer Denmark on windy weekend..Malik is a boy name from Greenlandic (with the meaning "wave") and Arabic (with the meaning "King"). It's expected to the the BIG ONE.. 

NOTE: You might wanna look into Janine and Ashley's Deep Dive Friday. They will look into the Physics Attacks (Dark conflicts designed) in the Truth-movement since x-mas of 2021 and personally experiences (ego, boundaries, lifetime enemies, bad vipes, weak spot and unhealed wounds)...

OBS! According to Denmark’s PM Mette Frederiksen will scrap all Covid restrictions before Feb 1st, 2022 - operationdisclosureofficial has said, it's because of what's coming (Dr. Reiner Fuellmich + Nuremberg?)... |


👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: Fake news or not...Moon projector is WOW!) Out-of-control SpaceX rocket to smash into Moon, experts warn (RT.com) ~ | Blogger: Let's just wish for, that it spins out of control and land on one of Nazi SS slave empire moon bases, payed with taxpayers money, eventually expanded to become what is now known to secret space program operatives as Lunar Operations Command (LOC)... As I understand on SoTW, the information we're receiving from Dr Salla "JP"sources and (Megan Rose - not to be trusted?), Elena Danaan, (Cobra RM - not to be trusted?), Janine, Simon, David Icke, and Alex Collier etc.; we're all been liberated from all aggressive species around Earth, Moon, Mars and Venus, Saturn (60% Black Hats left on Earth acc. to Tarot by Janine).. Mostly we're now dealing with fighting of small remaining pockets that consist of Freemasonic illuminati Earthling humanoid minions... They are all gone; from Demiurge called The Gnostic God Yaldabaoth. Mind Parasites & Matrix computer on Back side of the Moon and Saturn rings, all the evilest of Astral Spider Queen/Kings, Queen-Lizzie, Lord Archons, Greys, Reptilians, Preying Mantis Mantids are gone... But of course, we have not won yet... |

(SoTW) Ponder this... 📑"There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden"📑 (David Wilcock and Corey Goode Consciousness Life Expo 2016)... 🙏

©️ Verdensalt.dk SOTW
-- wondering what the (One, Unity, Humanity, One) logo is about? It's the official logo of
Citizens of Asgardia - breakaway civilization (not that i trust it anymore)


Moon-projector was over 2,000 miles off today, creating 2 moons in the sky over Utah

Source: The Final Days

Note: This was mind-blowing information about the projection of the moon. I admit I do not understand all the science behind this moon projector. The ending includes some very religious dialog. So be forewarned. You may not agree with her sermon at the end. However, the information on the Moon projector is WOW! ~ Colleen (PAO/Galactic Heart)... 

🙏 ~ 💝 (Freaky Friday Freeeedom!!!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Friday even more freakier than freaky... Truckers inspired by Canada begin 'freedom' convoys around the world... American truckers join Canada's 'Freedom Convoy' protesting vax mandate as rigs stretch for 45 MILE (world record)... |




Judy Note: What we think we know as of Fri. 27 Jan. 2022:

  • According to several sources, there were no holdups for Global Currency Reset liquidity, though a schedule had been set but everyone was under NDAs and the timing of it could not be shared.
  • The Military has told us GCR liquidity would happen this week. Other sources said that the process started on Wed. 26 Jan.
  • According to Trump+Q The Great Awakening, the Three Days of Disclosure would happen Sat. 29 Jan, Sun. 30 Jan, and Mon. 31 Jan.
  • Also on Sat. 29 Jan. over 61,000 US Truckers Against Vaccine Mandates will join the over 50,000 Canadian Truckers for Freedom in Ottawa, Canada and stay put until action was taken. (Over 15,000 from California, over 10,000 from Michigan, over 5,000 from Ohio, over 7,000 from Illinois, over 10,000 from Texas, over 5,000 from New York, over 5,000 from Washington State and over 5,000 from Florida).
  • The Trucker strike should empty grocery store shelves quickly, so it was advised to stock up on food, fuel and goods for at least 2-3 weeks.
  • etc. 

C. Headlines for Thurs. 27 Jan. 2022:

  • Very soon they would be blowing up the White House according to the CIA. “The concrete blast barricades being placed around the White House is so the detonation blast (when the WH is imploded) won’t go out into the street and surrounding area.” It’s coming soon. You have seen the videos online of the late-night detonation flashes going on inside the WH on the second floor. The pillars are being weakened, in preparation for the upcoming implosion.  …Benjamin Fulford
  • This is a planned demolition of the White House. The explosions are inside and you even sees the birds afraid and flying away. Soon they will blow up 34+ Government building worldwide as a symbolism for freedom and the end of the war against the evil Deep-State Cabal globalists. The People will be free from their corrupt control. Watch V for Vendetta movie to understand the end of World War 3. The end of the movie is coming real soon patriots. https://greatawakening.world/ …Trump+Q The Great Awakening World
  • “The defeat of the very top levels of the Khazarian Mafia is leading to historical changes around the world. This includes the demise of the UN, the rebirth of the United States and the start of a new age for the planet earth. The overall story is the end of millennia of rule by a Satanic cult.” …Benjamin Fulford
  • Experts say US water supply was vulnerable to hackers.
  • World on brink: Russia poised to CUT gas to EU as forces ready to invade Ukraine in days: https://t.me/rockynews
  • Etc.

D. White Hat Intel:

  • JFK JR. created the Special Forces to protect citizens from the US Government and Central Bank’s creation of a totalitarian state.
  • Russia Gate Revealed: Pompeo investigation into the House Intelligence Committee reveals Swalwell, Schiff , Pelosi connected to HRC/ Obama cabinet members took Intel from the CIA (also involved) and gave to reporters to create a Narrative about Trump.
  • What if the FBI is behind the Ransomware and CYBERATTACKS in the U.S. and the FBI and their PARTNERS (Hackers/spy networks) have the ENCRYPTION KEYS to unlock the RANSOMWARE ???
  • Treason, Conspiracy, Sedition: Last week House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes said ” Durham report coming soon!”
  • The arrested 700 CIA Agents last month across the world gave debriefings/ on Foreign interference in the U S. Elections connected to German CIA farm which was raided. Many of the CIA Agents are also involved in the leaks in the Russia Gate investigation. Haspel, FBI, Comey named inside several investigations connected to Election Fraud, Treason, Sedition.
  • etc.

✋👮⚖️ ~ (Det hele er politisk, korrupt og pilråddent!) Vi kan åbenbart nu blot konstatere, men ikke bevise, at hele toppen i Sundhedsstaten, Medier, PET, FE, Rigspolitiet (kommandocentralen) og toppen i Forsvarskommandoen, som snakker jævnligt med Kongehusets-Konge-Pingo og politikerne, er involveret i korruption, lønagtigheder, Falske Flag begivenheder og hemmelige krige (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Og det ikke kun fra min korte militærtid eller kammerat i specialstyrkerne, ej heller, noget jeg tager let på, eller kommer med injurierende udtalelser, om. Det er bare en konstatering, som en opsøgende borgerjournalist med interesse i korruptionen... [LÆS VIDERE]... PS: Minutter og timer efter Peter "Raket" Madsen- sagen kom frem, var der flere sandhedsøgende danskere som optog videoer, som dug for solen, forsvandt de fra alle sociale medier og YouTube. Kim Wall's absurde Geisha-malet ansigt, familierelationer til Google og MSM, V-tegn-frimurer, medlem af Sataniske CopenHell, som Peter også, var i, og alle sociale medier-vægge, der forsvandt, men har alle tingene gemt... |

 'Operation Dyret Skal Dø'

Og jeg kunne hente mange flere dusin-sager frem fra gemmerne, som bare ville lande i Afdeling Q... 

Rigspolitichef Jens Henrik Højbjerg har været den øverste chef i dansk politi siden 2009. Tidligere har han været vicedirektør i Europol og politidirektør i Nordjyllands Politi, har været DYBT involveret i Tibetsagen. Dengang, mægtede Politiet i 2012 grundlovssikrede rettigheder, da de afskærmede tibetanske demonstranter og tog flag fra dem under et kinesisk statsbesøg...

I DDR's P4-nyheder til morgen fremgår det, at Rigspolitiet nuværende Rigspolitichef Thorkild Fogde, er DYBT involveret uanset hvad der kommer frem under Granskningskommissionen mht. "actioncards" vedvarende stressopringninger og besøg med bl.a. hæren og beredskabskorpset i døgndrift til minkarvlere og manglende lovhjemmel til aflivning af raske mink uden for de fastsatte zoner, er en kendsgerning... 

Og nu er det kommet frem, at (B up front v/Bettina J. - Spirituel udvikling til privat, erhverv) Den bestikkelsestiltalte tidligere tredje øverste chef i Rigspolitiet, Bettina Jensen, og det systematiske brud på udbudsloven, har netop smidt tidligere økonomidirektør i Rigspolitiet Nikolaj Veje, under bussen, og er DYBT involveret. Sammen med alle hendes fake venner og veninder såsom Mariann Færø fra Danmarks Radio, herunder tidligere DDR-boss, der fik vennetjeneste af politikvinde. Nåååå, det vidste du ikke at Bettina Jensen, lille charmetrold, og slår sig som "spirituel", der malkede politiet, staten og skatteyderne for over 47 mio. kr. vha. ulovlige kontrakter,. 

☝️PS: Jeg vil våge den påstand, hvis BT og EB's graverjournalister var lige så dygtige og forhippede på at afsløre hele Coronaløgnen, som med Bettina-sagen eller F-35 i DDR, Michael Christiansen og Torsten Jansen fra Lead Agency AS venner fra Lockheed Martin og Forsvarsindustrien, så havde vi et friere land i 2021.

Bettina, skal nu "hjælpe andre mennesker på deres vej - og dermed også gå min vej i mit liv", siger hun på hendes hjemmeside med Clairvoyance, håndlæsning, tarotkort og se og tale med afdøde mennesker. Minder mig om Kongehusets engang bedste venner, Henriette "Zobel" (med al respekt for de døde og hendes dengang forfærdelige sygdom, alkoholisme), havde underskud efter hendes spirituelle firma's konkurs og skyldte over 2 millioner kroner i flere år, før hun døde, til Skat... 

Vi kan ikke bevise, PET / FE / Rigspolitiet (kommandocentralen), er involveret i hele Corona-Corporation-Agenden, men hvad tror du selv på med alle de "33, 7, 9, 11" frimurer symboler vi hele tiden ser i nyhederne?... 

Har med hjælp fra andre og set hvordan Ole Dammegård på Open Mind Conference 2015 er gået til værks i False Flag-begivenheder. 

Og min optik, VIDSTE Guzzi-Helle, ALT omkring Terrorangrebene i København 2015 (Krudttønden - Betydning "Powder KEG" - A.K.A. Den britiske Gunpowder-plot på 1605) er næsten identisk med (FF-skabelon) Terrorangreb i Garland, Texas, hvor en FBI-agent var involveret. 

Ole, har også være dygtigt til at optrevle angrebet i Stockholm 2017 var et Falsk Flag operation

Utøya - Massakren i Norge - Anders Breivik har lige udtalt, han ikke handlede "alene" men var blot en kriger, der udførte handlingerne, efter ordre... |

🤗🏳️🙌 ~ ('I have watched people and organizations start out with good intentions only to be hijacked by forces seen and unseen.') ECETI News #26 Navigating the Chaos (James Gilliland) ~ | Blogger: Short, sweet, and to the point newsletter from James, of what we all need to navigate through right now. Since, so many have come forward with claims in regards to Simon, Jordan, Janine, Dr. Salla, Megan Rose etc. etc. and nobody are able to figure out, what is true and false, anymore... Something SoTW would call for; "controlled opposition" - meaning to be controlled by Black Hats, but must look like White Hats, or reverse, controlled by White Hats, but appears to be, Black Hats... |


"Those that depend on external information from others without coming from the heart using spiritual discernment are going to be led down a rabbit hole of disinformation, misinformation, a controlled narrative, social engineering, one disappointment after another"... ~ James

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

January 27, 2021| Issue 26

Monthly news & updates 

By James Gilliland

We spoke earlier about how everything is unraveling, the disinformation, controlled narratives, how white hats will be shown to be dark hats and dark hats will be shown to be white hats. This is happening in every aspect of society. All of the infiltrations, negative seen and unseen energies will be made known. People have tied their carts to those they thought were part of the awakening and healing in the beginning only to find they were in it for fame, fortune or fell, now guided by darker forces and agendas. Others started out on the right side of the fence and now have jumped the fence to the other side due to not having a firm spiritual foundation in self-mastery. They could not stick to the basics, allowing the wrong kind of energies to take over. The higher you rise the more challenged you will become, not everyone can meet that challenge. The tests get stronger and stronger very few can stay on the top and stay clear. Often trying to assassinate the character of another only establishes the character and spiritual advancement of the assassin. Unfortunately, many of like mind will join in.

What is going to be shocking to most is their entire be lie f system is going to crumble. Their leaders will fall and they will be left asking what do I do now, they were not who I thought they were, how much or their information was accurate or true. Remember the best psyops are those that give 80% truth with 20% agenda to steer you in the direction they want. The way to avoid this is to lead yourself, do your own research, make your own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection, make your own connection to benevolent Spiritually and technologically advanced multidimensional beings. It is and always has been an internal process.

🙏 ~ 💝 (Messer-shit har gode lederevner. Der kan også komme for mange borgerlige partier) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Kirsten Birgit er blevet vild med TV-serien Sygeplejeskolen og forpester livet for Allan, der egentligt bare skulle lave nogle nye speaks til Den Korte. Live On Stage 2022. Rasmus er sygemeldt med stress og det, du ved nok. Kirsten ihukommer pludselig en historie, der er så uhyggelig, at den er strengt fortrolig!🌟] ... PS: (B.T.dk i dag) Overfusninger, skældsord og sågar trusler. Det har medført at 19 ansatte i Fødevarestyrelsen har fået en psykisk arbejdsskade som ptsd eller depression. Nåååårh! Med al respekt, det kan I takke Jeres Landsmoder, Medico-Mette-Mink for og sine syndige slyngveninder-kolleger i EU, WHO og (Black Nobility - Frimueriet) "aftale" om Minkslagtningen og Oktober Harvesting faser i "EVENT 201 - UN Agenda 21 / 2030... |


Rasmus har #CoronaStress #ManCoughs #SidsteSygMedCOVID #EfterTirsdagSnue #IkkeLængereSamfundsKritiskSygdom #SpeakerAllanClavinova #NoRegrets


👁️⃤🤘📐~ (Sorø-banden, FOA, Politi, Retspræsidenter, Justitsministeriet - hele retssystemet er beklædt med frimurere) Fra S-Orla Møller, Dommer Alex E. til Mette F: Denne Walter EOS DDFO-stormester grå eminence Danmarks og verdens største, stærkeste og dødsensfarlig forbryder-frimurer diktatur, værre end Tyskland, oprør på vej, vi får hjælp udefra ~ (Knud Jacobsen) ~ | Blogger: [👉Hædersmand, Orla Møller, 1916-1979 præst, S-justitsminister, Knud's gamle lærermester, som han tit snakkede med på Christiansborg om grusomhederne der fandt sted og han var rystede, også selvom han selv, var frimurer!👈] ... SoTW vil ikke gøre mig klog på hvad Knud har været igennem, eller skal gøre mig som talsmand for noget parti eller andet. Men, at rive KJ private ejendomsgård ned og nedlægge et erhverv, på en moms og gældsfri velplejet 15-20 mio. kroner stort og verdensanerkendt “hestestutteri” i Dianalund (heste prinser opkøbte) og efterladt KJ og hustru, uden en krone, fordi man er "imod" Den Danske Frimurerordenen, er forrykt. Bare fordi, KJ ville indføre lov og ret, hjulpet familier hele hans liv, rig som fattige, og anført mange hundredevis af retssager mod "systemet" og "overdanmark". KJ fik 10 minutter før politi og hunde, smed ham ud, fra hans egen ejendom, solgt til en mystisk mand, som ikke ejede, en pengeseddel. KJ har dog fået afsat 4-5 dommere, som den eneste dansker, fordi han kæmpede og kæmpede og kæmpede, uden frygt. Nogle af frimuerne fra Helsinge på Sjælland (mit tidligere hjem på SoTW) måtte KJ gå til, fordi, de opkøbte tvangsaktioner og sendte folk, fra hus og hjem (selvmord). KJ har lige vundet sagen mod FOA, der uden lov og ret, smed hans syge kone, ud... NOTE: Kun én gang i Danmarkshistorien har Frimurerordenen været forbudt, det var under Nazisttiden, besættelsen 1940-45. Nazisterne mistænkte, at frimureriets magt, ville planlægge en verdensrevolution, som jødernes, forlængede arm (se video nedenfor). Der giver bestemt stof til eftertanke, ikke sandt?... |


 "Jens Otto Krag, Anker Jørgensen og Orla Møller, alle frimurer. Fleste frimurer er fra rød blok, især S, men blå blok, også. Knud var den eneste dansker, som vidste, Jens, Anker og Orla, gik til frimurermøder. Orla advarede Knud at de var "farlige" og sagde; hvis ikke jeg var frimurer, havde jeg aldrig fået min post, som minister."  

~ Knud på videoen...  

Den første ikke-frimurer der blev lukket ind var Dronning Margrethe i 1993...

"Kongehuset, styrer Den Danske Frimurerorden og frimurerne styrer alle ministerier og styrelser" ~ Knud Jacobsen fra partiet: Folkets Ret (RettenPaaVrangen.dk)

🙏PS: SoTW største ønske er, at De Hvide Hatte, har overtaget Dannevang, eller er på vej til, at bringe landet, på rette køl igen. Dette, kan ikke fortsætte. Rygter siger, i de tunge spirituelle kredse, at alle som er "stemplet" med Coronasmitte i offentligheden, er de fakto, udstillet som værende "under processing". Check hele den Svenske kongefamilie - alle - har Corona. Det gælder også, Sveriges første kvindelige statsminister, Magdalena Anderson, Annie Lööf og Per Bolund... |  


Frimurerne i Danmark og Norge De hemmelige ritualene 1 - Den første ikke-frimurer der blev lukket ind var Dronning Margrethe i 1993. (Secret Freemasons of DK and NO)