Aug 24, 2022

👁️⃤ 🤥👾 ~ (Houston, we have a problem) Frimurer-forbundet loge Mette-Mytomani & hjerteveninden Pape- »lever på en løgn«. Fra Pedo-TV2-DDR til Simon Spies' nazistparti DNSAP. Fra Privat-Frederik til Ecco-regenten. Fra Ukraine-scam til Mink-drabene og Coronabedraget (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Når du læser dette, er du også, en del af hele SANDHEDSBEVÆGELSEN!🤛] ... Vi er alle så heldige, ihvertfald, de fleste danskere, er født ind i en lyserød-lykke-verden med en vis frihedsgrad, ubetinget kærlighed fra forældre og frihed til at lege - helt bekymringsfrie. De første par leveår er verden et fredeligt og fordrageligt sted fyldt med grønne græstæpper, venlige vovhunde, uanede oplevelser og væg-til-væg-smil fra vores ønskebørn. Det er først, når børn opdager, at de har "fri vilje", at forældrenes manipulation og indoktrinering med regelsæt, skældud og afstraffelse, at verden bryder ud i lys lue... Siden kommer skolen og de fem altødelæggende autoriteter; gammeldaws-forældre-opdragelse, spanskrøret-fra-skolelæren, lægen med-den-hvide-kittel, når præsten-prædiker og rosinen i pølseenden, vort politikere-kult-system... Ser vi bort fra vor elskede indigo-børn, som ikke kan tæmmes, sker den "rigtige" spirituelle opvågning, mellem det 27-30 år, og man endelig finder ud af sandheden. At man fra vugge til grav er de facto retsløs og betegnes som et firma, en "useless eater" eller kreaturer og en fjende af staten gennem ens FØDSELS- OG DÅBSATTEST, så de kan handle med dig!. Med andre ord, er Firmaet KINGDOM OF DENMARK ejet fra en Adresse i New York. Hvilken også giver mening for, når man sætter sig ind i de Maritime love og Kongeriget Danmark og Christiansborg Slot (Saxo kaldet 'Insula Maritima' øen i havet eller 'Den maritime ø'). - Dvs. Kongeriget Danmark, som kan betegnes som et hunkønnet "skib", har KUN jurisdiktion, 200 sømil fra Danmarks territorialfarvand (eller Christiansborg - Borgen)... Når du læser dette, er du også, en del af hele SANDHEDSBEVÆGELSEN!... SoTW er ukendt borgerjournalist, lysarbejder, lyskriger og spirituel formidler- og influencer, der opløfter dig på din indre rejse til mere livsglæde, meningsfuldhed, lys og kærlighed i dit liv. Dog, skal sandheden først og fremmest ud og det gør ondt - rigtigt niller-naller-nas, i din stædige ego-kammer og forsvarsværker... Husk på, set ud fra et spirituelt perspektiv, længes vi dybt i hjertet ’hjem’ til den sjæleverden, hvor vi kom fra, før vi valgte at inkarnere i vores menneskelige krop. Vi længes tilbage til følelsen af at være omringet af den universelle guddommelig energi. Vi længes efter at genforbinde os med dette sted, hvor ingen fordømmelse, adskillelse, frygt og separation eksisterer... |

Jupiter Mørke-Medico-Mette - I, danskere, har indgået en kontrakt med mig og dermed modtaget et diktat. Er det forstået?

(men-in-black & the teacher from Jupiter)

Poul Schlüters legendariske sætning: - Der er IKKE fejet noget ind under gulvtæppet!
Anders Fogh Rasmussen - »Der er ikke noget at komme efter«
Lars Løkke Rasmussen - jamen jeg har ikke yderligere kommentarer.

Derfor skal der testes og vaccineres - se hvem der er omfattet |
Minkavlerne håber på løsning på møde med minister: 'Det haster' | BT Politik -

Barbara Bertelsen får advarsel for minksag – rigspolitichef fritaget fra tjeneste -

🙏 ~ 💝 (Earth's Energy Shifts, Higher Dimensional Beings) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Wauuu!!!😊... Allison Coe is promoting stuff that 99.9 percent of her own family don't believe in and many naysayers are hitting her hard (but I think she's aaaaaamazing). However, Allison Coe, she's still a down to earth kinda girl/person - like you and me. At the same time, she's funny, lively and charismatic. My own mood barometer rose significantly, after this and other of Allison Coe' videos 🌡️🌡️🌡️+++. Do you remember the now deceased, but amazing and well known Dolores Cannon? She also used Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and SoTW meet another amazing woman at Awake & Aware conference in London in 2018 (Simon Parkes, Project Camelot). Her name is Liz Vincent, Past Life and This life Hypnotherapy Regression Specialist. SoTW sad down on the english lawn and really listen to Liz and her life experiences with other people Quantum Healing sessions and she has a very deep understand and knowledge - and knows Allison Coe of course... |

(20+) Facebook

It’s Official: Astronomers Have Discovered another Earth | Chaosmos News

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra - always above) News incoming! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Goddammit - still blocked from entering U.S. because of idiotic corona entry requirements - must demonstrate proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 which do not exist.. Just because I've (once) attended UFO and U.S. conferences, once in COBRA SCHOOL many places in Europe, spoken to multiple military and spirituel people and key fan of Star Trek/Star Wars, i'm no Deep Insider. SoTW do not have inside-sources or whistleblowers telling me anything. Only 2 good friends who send me stuff sometimes or use my own canine-dog sniffing techniques. Buuutt, without imagination and fantasy, being a open-minded Soul and trusting ones own intuition, there's no help to Spiritual Growth... Dimensions of God, Source, Universe, gave us the ability to imagine and fantasize both good and evil situations and behaviors so that we could turn these things over in our mind, evaluate them in our head and in our heart, and decide within ourselves what we believe to be good and evil, and what we will and won’t speak and act upon... Preparing for the great solar flash or otherwise known as ekpyrosis which translates as ‘a fiery release of massive energy from the sun’ seems to be what the increase in nuclear fusion activity is all about! We’ve also heard much about the increase in gamma rays being sent to Earth which hold the spectrum of 40-100hz 5D frequencies which are targeted to awaken humanity by other channelled sources and even picked up on the Schumann Resonance data graphs. This is being sent by both our sun and other benevolent extra-terrestrial species to assist in our ascension process. Solar flash or not, it's still unpredictable what is next in line for HUmanity or Earthlings, living on the surface on GAIA. Bumpy Ride and then Love & Bliss, we're so close now. It has to be. Be encouraged dear evolutionary and free spirit community, our time will come. If we could figure out the precise timing, then the last remains of evil opposition could also figure it out. And I have a sneaking suspicion that the Worldwide Earth Alliance (+ Trump + grey and white hats) has designed this entire “movie” such that no one, outside the good military, is quite able to figure it out.... |

An “invisible force” saved us from a solar flare (Video) - Mysterious Society (
The Great Solar Flash and The Global W@rming Scam! - Prepare For Change
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 24, 2022 | Dinar Chronicles
Congress Admits UFOs Not ‘Man-Made,’ Says ‘Threats’ Increasing ‘Exponentially’ (
Webb’s Jupiter Images Showcase Auroras, Hazes – James Webb Space Telescope (
jupiter » Search Results » Exopolitics

⚠️📢👂 ~ (G/NESARA “yea” or “nay”!?!) 21st August 2022 Update Current News (Simon Parkes) ~ | Blogger: Why so upset Simon? Lost 3M viewers on YT - so what? Only 250K on rumble + bitchute - "people can’t be bothered" says Simon - condescending talk? Janine and tons of other truthers did too, lately. You have a website already and you're on every single social platform possible with an 100K spiritual organisation and many, many helpers, who work, for free. STOP the Whining!. Is that what you call spirituel ego? What if, the termination of YT channel is a White Hat operation? Please, don't be mad at SoTW been a true follower in Simon's group CC since 2016, same time for Cobra RM and watched every single show or episode Simon has sent out in all the years (except sponsor videos) and allowed to have an opinion... First off, have I watched the 2 latest of Tarot-by-Janine videos looking into country and governments. Yes i have. And as she said in the last minutes of video no #2; 📑"there's no freedom as for the Nederlands, Finland, Sweden and Denmark - all those places that-kind-of get branded as these "great democracies." But in reality hidden communism and dark cult runned places - its unbelievable."📑.. Anyway (Biden catchphrase)... You only have to look at Finlands' PM, sitting in the lap of some hot guy and people were walking around naked on the “White House” residence... In a more bizarre thread; Simon says… he is in favor of G/NESARA… Charlie against it… Juan O. Savin against it… now Charlie is suddenly in favor.. next is Juan will change his mind? Impossible to figure out their (clown show). I'm sorry, Simon and Charlie, but please give me a STRAIGHT answer. What is it?. “yea” or “nay”. Stop playing with our minds. I'm a bit tired of NDA's, secrecy, military operations and cover-up. As I undertand it, Simon is Lower management and Charlie is upper, in the terms of who's in charge of the QFS-process... |

Simon Parkes Official

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams.. 

Charlie Ward Offers Reassurance on G/NESARA (
YouTube Terminate My Channel... (
What’s Next for US Dollar? (
Finnish PM Sanna Marin sorry for topless guest photo at official residence : europe (
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