According to this report, the discovery of this underwater swastika was made on 30 January after which the Ministry ordered into silence the scientists who have been working on this project for the past 20 years until highly specialized encrypted communication devices could be delivered to them and sparking fears among many that they were missing as they had been “out of communication” for 5 days.
Jul 21, 2021
卐 卍ꖦ (More proof of Nazi-SSP existence? ) Massive Swastika Found Under Ancient Lake in Antarctica (UFOmania - The truth is out there) ~ |
According to this report, the discovery of this underwater swastika was made on 30 January after which the Ministry ordered into silence the scientists who have been working on this project for the past 20 years until highly specialized encrypted communication devices could be delivered to them and sparking fears among many that they were missing as they had been “out of communication” for 5 days.
😇⚔️👿 ~ (A Quick Burn - then - BACK TO BUSINESS!) Spain's Top Court Rules Pandemic Lockdown Unconstitutional (ÚSNews) ~ | Blogger: Aaaand? will it do any good? The rest of the world is basically still under lockdown, as Human Rights has been deleted out of the historybooks! Half of the Australian population is now under strict shutdown!. WEF-Davos-Rothchilders are still in power with WHO-Medico-Corona-Corporation, still runned by CCP... NATO's War-Gladio-Stay-Behind-Enabler, Freemason group Bilderberger, Jens Stoltenberg aka "Steklov", former KGB-agent, with their media watchdogs in his back, is out proclaiming that "Good can win over evil" - what if - Stoltenberg KNEW about the (false flag ops) 'Norway's 11 September', like Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen, member of Committee of 300, KNEW about the (false flag ops) 2015 Copenhagen shootings & September 11 2001 attacks, lied about Iraq war plans (A document leaked to reveals that Ex-PM Anders Fogh had already told former US Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz that Denmark would join the United States’ invasion of Iraq nearly a year before the war began)... Where is Trump? I do agree with Max Igan from time-2-time, that Trump is not our savior. Yes, he WAS a long time ago, like the spirit of JFK is deep within the Lightworker Donald Trump as a Ultimate Wildcard. I doesn't matter if Trump and QANON army is fighting behind the scene and arrest people, if there's no proof... Maybe, Gates of Hell is missing and The Man Who Broke the Bank of England, is already dead, but we need proof.. We, The People, need to be ensured, that the Good Guys are wining and yes, we CAN handle the TRUTH... | | | |
🔭🌪️⛈️ ~ (Monsoon the World?) Russia using CLIMATE ENGINEERING to fight forest fires, sowing silver iodine into clouds from airplane to make it rain over blaze (RT + Etcgroup + ~ | Blogger: AND thousands more example what they can do in regards of weather manipulation, geo-engineering and weaponized weather... Let's just imagine, that every single country on Earth, can rent a "Chemtail-airplane" to do what Russia is doing right now, like say, to bet on the weather and make money on "Weather Derivatives". It is estimated that nearly 20% of the U.S. economy is directly affected by the weather, and the profitability and revenues of virtually every industry - agriculture, energy, entertainment, construction, travel, and others - depend to a great extent on the vagaries of temperature, rainfall, and storms... One of the BIGGEST eye-opener for many, was Superstorms, like Irma and Harvey (caused by HAARP injection - so they say)... PS: O-M-G! Just look what the braindead fake pseudoscience has cooked up of baloney and (the Artificial Alien Base) the Moon, could create floods on Earth in the 2030s... | | | | |
💉👶⚰️ ~ (BREAKING BAD - PROTECT YOUR UNBORN BABY!) SST: Nu kan alle gravide og ammende blive vaccineret. Fødselslæger, jordemødre og andre fagfolk, OPFORDRER, gravide til at lade sig vaccinere. Lægehuse vil tilbyde sårbare vaccination og praktiserende læger ønsker systematisk adgang til Det Danske Vaccinationsregister. Apotekerne melder klar til at corona-vaccinere (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Nej, nej nej... nu må det fadeneme STOPPE!!!!... Igår, stod der 2 unge Netto-medarbejdere, og snakkede om en trejde, lad os kalde ham, Mads, der var meldt langtidssyg, grundet han havde så mange smerter i vakkZine-armen. Kunne ikke dy mig, og sagde; så kan I da lade være med at tage imod vakkZinerne, tænk jer om - og så fniste de unge piger, uden at sige noget... Jeg er hardcore pacifist og ønsker, alle, skal kunne overleve denne "Superspreder-Agenda", men ikke alle, er klar over, de har underskrevet en guddommelig kontrakt, inden de droppede tilbage til Moder Jord, af 1000's reinkarnationer, om hvor land tid, de skulle blive, denne gang... Og så er der andre, som har solgt sin sjæl til Djævlen med stort umiddelbart udbytte af penge og magt, og åbenbart aldrig, ændrer sig, til det gode... Er SINDSSYG imponeret over, hvordan ét partistyre og et par enkelte støttepartier af Demokrat-kommunister, dannet for 180 år tilbage, har kunne tryllebinde, så mange mennesker, under det danske flag, og holde sammen, uanset om Alles Landsmoderen over alle, Mæætte-mus, hun er godt igang med at ødelægge det danske velfærdssamfund, omdanne private virksomheder til statens selskaber i form af tvungen hjælpepakker og kontrol, bryde loven og ikke respektere Grundloven og Retten til frihed. Er hele Centraladministrationen af ledende fagfolk, med til, at slå mennesker ihjel?.. At tænke sig, vi er alle sammen så snotdumme, vi ikke kan se røgsløret og ... [LÆS VIDERE]... | |
Lægehuse vil tilbyde sårbare vaccination
Praktiserende læger ønsker systematisk adgang til Det Danske Vaccinationsregister, så de kan følge, hvilke af deres patienter der mangler at blive vaccineret mod corona.
Samtidig vil lægerne have mulighed for selv at vaccinere - enten i lægehuset eller i særlige tilfælde hjemme hos patienten.
Det vil sikre, at flere udsatte og sårbare bliver beskyttet inden efteråret, siger Bolette Friderichsen, der er næstformand i Dansk Selskab for Almen Medicin (DSAM), til Ritzau.
- Vi ved, at mange af dem, der ikke er vaccinerede, gerne vil. De får det bare ikke gjort, fordi noget står i vejen. Måske har de ingen computer, eller måske kan de ikke overskue at skulle hen i et vaccinationscenter, siger hun.
Læs mere i artiklen herunder:
🦹♂️🤑🤘 ~ (Jeff "Bozo" earned about $149,353 ... per minute) MASSIVE CONTROL FREAK: THE DARK TRUTH ABOUT AMAZON FOUNDER JEFF BEZOS (grunge) ~ | Blogger: Has he really gone into SPACE - protected and controlled by NASA and SSP - I-don-t-think-sooo (if he has he's not allowed to speak about anything) ... Secret Space Programs more complex than previously revealed... One example of of many from this long article below (excerpts:) -- : "The ICC-SSP and the “Dark Fleet-SSP” they have become more and more negative because of their “Off World Alliances”. 🙋Q11. Are companies like Lockeheed, Northrup Gruman, Boeing heavily involved in the corporate space program, or more the traditional military run Solar Warden program?🗣️: There are what are called “Super Boards” or “Super Commitees”. Usually what happens is that ALL of these very well known Government contracting corporations that we know of (and some we do not) have a standing board member that will “Retire” and roll off their corporate board and then join one of the ICC-SSP Corporate Boards (Super Commitees). They are then out of the limelight and still have their “Corporate Pull and Connections”. Solar Warden was indeed a heavily Navy program in the beginning with Air Force involvement later on.. 🙋Q9. Do these eight cigar shaped craft all belong to Solar Warden, or are they distributed among all five independent space programs belong to our current human civilization? 🗣️: Yes, these older “Cigar” shaped Vessels were “Solar Warden Assets”. The other SSP’s ended up acquiring ALL of the newer and cooler technological “Toys” and the ICC-SSP always kept the most advanced and best for themselves. The ICC-SSP is a HUGE INDUSTRY that has a HUGE INFRASTRUCTURE in Space that produces extremely high technology for not only “Human Breakaway Civilizations” but also “Civilizations from other star systems”. There is a huge “Barter System” that is used “Out There” and the ICC-SSP has traded some very “Unsettling Things and even been involved in Human Trafficking/Trading” to acquire “New Technologies” to then engineer and produce for our Break Away Civilizations as well as for trading under treaties with other civilizations. (I mention in the interview with David Wilcock, some of Earths most precious “Missing” Art has been traded off and is hanging on a wall or sitting on a floor in another Solar System right now as wild as that sounds!). These people have no boundaries that they are not willing to cross to obtain more and more technologies and “ET Specimens” (Biological Specimens) for their research and interstellar commerce.. (..).. [READ MORE]... | | |
Bezos-bozo the clown has landed in west Texas desert after successfully reaching 100 kilometers altitude on space travel.!!! |
"The Kármán line (or von Karman line) is an attempt to define a boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer space. It was defined to be 100 kilometres (54 nautical miles; 62 miles; 330,000 feet) above Earth's mean sea level. It was established in the 1960s by the Fédération aéronautique internationale (FAI), an international record-keeping body for aeronautics.[2][3] Various countries and entities define space's boundary differently for various purposes"