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Aug 4, 2018
Folkets Avis - Folkets Debat | 4. aug 2018 | ~ Locked out by NemID ~ | .. Jeg er nok ikke den eneste som nære mistro til den offentlige forvaltning, det bliver stadigt mere risikabelt, besværligt og indviklet at være borger i den digitale velfærdsstat. Vi har i mange år vænnet os til at firmaer som Microsoft har udviklet brugervenligt software som kommer den enkelte individuelle bruger til gode. Du bør imidlertid gøre dig klart at målsætningen med de software løsninger vi præsenteres for i offentligt regi er en ganske anden. Her er det kontrol og indtjening for software firmaer som Nets DanID og KMD, der er i højsædet og ikke borgernes behov, i en sådan grad at vi nu forhindres adgang til hjemmesider og tvinges til at acceptere bureaukratiske monopol løsninger. For eksempel blev jeg for nylig forhindret adgang til min ”selvbetjenings- portal” hos DK-hostmaster.dk, med mindre jeg var villig til at lokke på med NemID. Jeg føler mig imidlertid ikke sikker med NemID, det er ikke småting man forplig- tiger sig til hvis man hopper med på deres galej .. | Blogger: Per Tendrup tager ordene i min mund, NØJAGTIGT, samme oplevelse og mistillid, jeg har med DK-hostmaster samt Nets DanID (E-boks), som er en monstrum af et OBLIGATORISK digitaliseringshelvedet, jeg selv kunne have programmeret, lige så dårlig, da jeg var 15 år - blevet en enorm PENGEMASKINE. Spørg selv Direktøren i Nets, Bo Nilsson, som scorede 700 millioner kroner på aktieoptioner, ud over sin alm. løn... Naturligvis, kan du ikke sikre dig 100 pct, dine NemID data, ikke bliver lækket eller solgt videre, til 3-part... Borgeres CPR-numre, bliver jo hele tiden lækket... Har selv forsøgt mig med en .com adresse hos DK-hostmaster. GLEMT DET, vil ikke længere gennem samme vanvid - her er pas og identitetskort ikke engang gyldige, lige før, man skal møde op personligt ... |
Free21.org | Aug 4, 2018 | af Tommy Hansen | ~ Det store Propaganda-matrix ~ | .. Hvordan Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) styrer den geostrategiske informationsstrøm .. | Blogger: Tommy Hansen har grundlagt Free21.org - et globalt tidsskrift, som både kan læses på internettet og udgives som papir-magasin... Dansk Journalist, som blev bandlyst hos den danske regerings- og CIA propagandapresse, fordi han talte om SANDHEDEN... Sandhedssøgende og frie individer som Mads Palsvig, Tommy Hansen og Frederik Cilius er sikkert og vist, blandt oplyste væsener på denne planet, som har indgået en sjælekontrakt til, at turde tage hul på SANDHEDSbylden og videreformidle et budskab som hjælper til vores åndelig opvågnen... Udvid din horisont og opsøg selv viden herom... |
alien-ufo-sightings \\ the Ann Arbor News | 2015 - 2018 | ~ Farmer digs up woolly mammoth bones in Michigan soy field ~ |
According to paleontologists from the University of Michigan, one local farmer may have made an epic fossil find.
James Bristle of Lima Township was digging in a soybean field Monday when he and his friend pulled up what they first thought was a bent, muddy old fence post.
But it was actually the rib bone of an ancient woolly mammoth.
“We knew it was something that was out of the norm,” Bristle told the Ann Arbor News.
READ MORE: http://alien-ufo-sightings.com/2018/08/farmer-digs-up-woolly-mammoth-bones-in-michigan-soy-field/
BT Debat - www.bt.dk | 4. Aug 2018 | ~ Her er min liste: Den er på #over1000 ~ | .. 'Lille Pippi edderkop kravlede op af muren. Så kom regnen og skyllede hende ned. Så kom solen og tørrede hendes krop. Lille Pippi edderkop kravlede atter op.' I dyrenes og naturens verden indfanger den store hunedderkop sine små og meget mindre hanedderkopper i sit spind. Hunnen parrer sig med dem alle, en efter en, hvorefter hun fortærer sine ofre. Hannens elskovsjagt er med livet som indsats, for hun er en sand maneater .. | Blogger: [👯 #Over1000DanishPornographicActress- SussiLaCour-AKA-KatjaK-Maneater 🛏️] ... (Anahita Malakians har startet kampagnen #over100 og har før stillet op til Folketinget for Venstre, og hun håber på at blive opstillet igen næste gang) ... Du må meget undskylde, men jeg syntes det er klammo... 😲 Katja K som 'Lolita-lokker' for voksne mænd - det er sikkert HELT på sin plads, for mange MÆND (check afstemningen). Men, at tro på der findes en mere modbydelig satanisk pædofili-agenda, en børnepornoindustri af væreste skuffe hos magtelien, film- og underholdningsindustrien, den er sværere, at sluge (Disney & Hollywood)... |
Sussi La Cour aka Katja K |
LÆS VIDERE: https://www.bt.dk/debat/her-er-min-liste-den-er-paa-over1000
wakeup-world | Aug 4, 2018 | ~ Despite Clear Evidence of Harm, Mobile Phone Industry Fights to Keep You Ignorant of the Risks ~ | Blogger: [📵Record-breaking 1.9 Gbps Internet Speed achieved over 5G Mobile by TDC. Not EVEN the plague, Vaccines & Chemtrails, comes CLOSE, to how dangerous this technology is😮] ... (2017:) - Did you know, that Denmark with TDC, Huawei & Telia, has been handpicked & chosen (perhaps by Bilderberg Group), to be THE test country, for lightning fast 5G networks?🤯😞 (2018:) - The Nordic prime ministers have agreed at a prime ministerial meeting in Sweden, may 2018, that Scandinavia, The Nordic region, MUST be the first integrated 5G region in the world.... ARE THEY INSANE??? Lobbying Parliament - is the 'BIGGEST' and 'GREATEST' investment or Ponzi scheme for State Capitalism & Gold1000 companies in Denmark (same goes for many other countries ofcourse)... |
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Contributing writer for Wake Up World
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified cellphones as a Group 2B “possible carcinogen”1 based on the evidence available in 2011. Since then, the evidence of harm has grown significantly. Science delivered a scathing blow to the cellphone industry this year, with three major studies supporting suspicions that cellphone radiation increases your risk of cancer2,3 and other health problems.
Still, public doubt seems to linger. Two articles written by Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie — one in The Nation,4 the other in The Guardian5 — highlight how such doubts are manufactured by the telecommunications industry which, barring public outcry, does not appear to have any interest in making their products safer.
Clear Evidence Cellphone Radiation Promotes Cancer
In February 2018, the findings of two government-funded lifetime exposure studies6 (one on mice, the other on rats) were published. The animals in these studies were exposed to cellphone radiation for nine hours a day for two years, which is the normal, full life span of both mice and rats.
This $25 million research — conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), an interagency research program currently under the auspices of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences — reveals a number of health concerns, including the following:
- Exposed male rats were more likely to develop heart tumors (malignant schwannomas) than unexposed ones. These heart tumors are very similar to acoustic neuromas found in humans, a benign type of tumor that previous studies have linked to cellphone use.
- Female rats and newborns exposed to high levels of radiation during pregnancy and lactation were more likely to have low body weight.
- DNA damage and damage to heart tissue were observed in exposed male and female rats, but not mice.
- Brain, prostate, liver and pancreatic tumors were found in both rats and mice exposed to cellphone radiation over a lifetime.
Our Cellphone Addiction Is Turning Wifi Tech Into an Invisible Weapon
Reynard Loki, Independent Media InstituteOur Cellphone Addiction Is Turning Wireless Tech Into an Invisible Weapon That’s Destroying Wildlife
Waking Times
There is growing evidence that our addiction to cellphones could be impacting brain functionality and be the cause of stress, anxiety, insomnia and a lack of attention and focus. Now a new report has found that we’re not the only living things to be affected by our increasing dependence on wireless technology. Mammals, birds, insects and even plants are likely being harmed by the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emanating from Wi-Fi, cellphone towers, broadcast transmitters and power lines, according to a new analysis of 97 peer-reviewed studies conducted by EKLIPSE, a biodiversity and ecosystem project funded by the European Union.
Economic Times | Aug 4, 2018 | ~ North Korea still pursuing nuclear, missile programmes: UN report ~ | .. A confidential UN report has accused NorthKorea of continuing to develop nuclear and missile programmes in violation of international sanctions.. In addition, the Pyongyang regime tries in several ways to overcome the tough sanctions imposed by the United Nations on weakening its economy. North Korea still exports coal, iron, textiles, seafood and many other things that secure the country millions in hard currency. Revenues in dollars and other foreign currencies are believed to be crucial for North Korea to be able to fund its weapons programs. North Korea is also banned from buying crude oil and oil products.. | Blogger: Some claims, that our beloved three letter agency, CIA, and the deep state, are still VERY active in NK - the pursuit of the almighty's dollar scam... 📰 North Korea Is A Major Opium Producer, Making It A Prime Target For The CIA 📰 ... |
ZeroHedge | Aug 4, 2018 | ~ "F*ck The Police": NYT's Newest Hire Also Hates Cops And Men... And The New York Times ~ | .. "How can you kill all the men without a good vampy lipstick?" .. The New York Times' newest editorial board member, Sarah Jeong, was outed as a bigot yesterday after dozens of tweets from less than four years ago were unearthed, revealing extreme hatred of white people .. | Blogger: 📰 'More proof the NYT is the mouthpiece for the Clinton deep state' - If Democrats are so hellbent on finding evidence of “collusion,” then perhaps they should investigate the relationship between the New York Times and Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State (newstarget / thegatewaypundit)📰 ...📰 'New York Times Calls For Death Penalty Against Everyone Outing CIA-MI6 Operative Stefan Halper—Who Was Paid Over $400,000 To Spy On Trump' - (Sorcha Faal / whatdoesitmean)📰 |
READ MORE: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-03/fck-police-nyts-newest-hire-also-hates-cops-and-men-not-just-white-people
Email shows New York Times handed over Cablegate's publication schedule to the US government (without telling @WikiLeaks) giving the State Department, then headed by Hillary Clinton, up to 9 days in advance to spin the revelations or create diversions. https://t.co/IMrDOwoCd2 pic.twitter.com/CT4XkEs8Mc— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) 31. december 2017
Without CIA-MI6 operative Stefan Halper’s treason, the 1980 |
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