Mar 30, 2020
🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌎Time to be 'In Love' with Mother Earth & opening of the Spiritual Heart (Brain) ~ SoTW 💜] ... "Lord, there are people in this world who have not yet experienced your incredible love. Some of these people seek to harm others because they are different, out of vanity or vainglory, greed as avarice or covetousness, and wrath as anger. I ask you kindly, that you focus your love on our enemies. Please show them what they are missing without you in their lives. Protect the innocent from the harm of others. In Jesus' name (Source), Amen."... So be it, and so it is!... |
🧆 ~ Sweden says no to quarantine – is this the most reckless or the most proportionate Covid-19 response in the West? ~ | Blogger: [👉"Sweden defends their corona strategy: We really wonder about Denmark" ~ Representatives from the Swedish authorities👈] ... "- It is a very complicated experiment to lock an entire population in four or five months. This is what the CEO of the Swedish health authorities, Johan Carlson, said in an interview with SVT on Sunday."... |
Source (
As most of Europe clamps down in a bid to slow the spread of Covid-19, one country is bucking the trend. Sweden is taking a markedly more liberal approach to combatting the virus. Despite its closest neighbours, Denmark and Norway, shutting down all but essential services, Swedes remain free to socialise as the harsh Scandinavian winter comes to an end. Although universities and high schools have shut, pre-schools, kindergartens, bars, restaurants, ski resorts, sports clubs and hairdressers have all remained open. (READ MORE)
👀 ~ Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 🙏 | Aired March 30, 2020 | ~ Simon Parkes: Connecting Consciousness Update ~ | Blogger: [👉Escalations to some kinda TRUTH👈] ... Simon says, that there's been a new development, since China is now claiming that the virus was released by US army in China... On the other side of the fence, an American lawyer, Larry Klayman, files $20 trillion lawsuit against China for creation and release of the novel coronavirus.. Either China or America is calling it for what it is = a bio-weapon... Simon goes on in the end to say: - The bad people have nowhere to go. Every agents has been placed in every location, in every country where they could hide. Governments has been told, not to assist them in any way, in form of a safe house or diplomatic protection. The question is whether the real EVIL people will be brought to book or somehow they'll get off, and that's what we don't know... There's some VERY big names, VERY big households, and many will be shocked to the core, that some of the richest men on this planet, ONLY, live to kill, the rest of us...LISTEN TO MORE... |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...
😷 ~ Bibi in The Bunker? Israeli pm in corona-virus quarantine ~ | Blogger: [👉OMG! I have been waiting for that for 20 years👈] ... The Black Pope... Hitler's Daughter, Fru. Merkel... Bibi Netanyahu, the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia... Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom - Monarch of the British Commonwealth, Supreme Governor of Church of England, head of International Freemasonry, head of the Order of the Garter, head of Committee of 300... Charles, Prince of Wales, the Antichrist... ALL of them diagnosed with the coronavirus (no matter what the MSM media are saying) ... Just think about it if we could expect God to work a miracle to get us out of the mess that the few hundred or thousands of higher hierarchy leadership of the Dark Alliance has done to humanity ... I'm sorry, not trying to be rude or nuisance or too (much) of a conspiratorial hillbilly seeing evil everywhere... Just don't like being lied to anymore... You must understand we're dealing with extremely sick and twisted evil narcissistic and egocentric people who will stop at NOTHING to get what they want... |
⚔️ ~ PREPARE FOR WAR: Trump activates one million military reservists as nation prepares for mass combat casualties ~ | Blogger: While Trump opens up for million reservists, Pentagon recalls the carrier Theodore Roosevelt in to Guam to try and stop an outbreak of COVID-19 on board... Also Exercise Defender-Europe 20 - are all movement of personnel and equipment from the United States to Europe has been ceased, as of March 13... So no arrest of Khazarian Jewish Banking Cartel Zionists?... Or just the opposite?... We are truly living in exciting times... the New Golden Age is coming... The COVID-19 "exercise" is soon over... |
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If you thought this was just about a pandemic, think again:
President Trump just activated one million military reservists who have
battlefield medicine experience. That's not something you do just to deal
with "the flu."
On top of that, the Pentagon just ordered its high-level
military commanders into a 2000-foot deep, nuclear warhead-proof bunker
complex in Colorado. It was built to survive a nuclear exchange.
You don't send your military commanders into a deep mountain
bunker just to fight a virus. Something else is afoot, and it looks like the
Pentagon is planning to defend America against an expected attack by a
foreign power. Guess which one?
👑 ~ (COVita) Hollywood Mette Moder, Margrethe II og Dronningen af dansk journalistik, Kirsten Birgit. De 2 første er Tricksters og den sidste, Gudinden som Arketype ~ | Blogger: [👉(S) går markant frem grundet, Mette Moder. Italiens største dagblad fremhæver Mette Frederiksen som verdens bedste over New Zealands Elizabeth Arden og New York Andrew Cuomo. Dronning Margrethe har ALDRIG været mere populær end nu👈] ... {Vi kan alle blive ramt af coronavirus, lyder et opråb fra overlæge Lars Østergaard Aarhus Universitetshospital og samtlige læger i Danmark, ønsker 'pludseligt' alle danskere til at ringe om alle andre sygdomme, for ikke at blive glemt og tjene på Konge-Coronaen} ... HOLD K**T hvor er det fedt at være Dronning, ikke sandt... Især falske overlæger, medieludere (B.T., E.B. millioner af Konge-Kroner clickbait-univers) samt Fromme Moder Corinna / Corona Mette Moder har det sindssygt godt... Var en tur i Lidl og et par halvfulde polske arbejdere masede sig frem foran mig i køen, fordi de overså (tror de er ligeglade) skiltningen om at 'holde afstand'. Én dame som der pakkede sine varer i poser, begyndte på et højlydt brokkeri og skælde og smælde de stakkels polakker ud, fordi de kom for tæt på hende og klagede, til kassedamen, som sagde INTET. Jeg talte med den unge kvinde bag kasseapparatet om, hvorfor hun så trist og vemodigt ud og hvorfor der var så få 'kunder' i butikken og SÅ KOM fingeren op i vejret og hun snakkede og snakkede om butiksdøden, om Pest og Kolera, død og ødelæggelse, og at der var mange som ikke overholdt noget som helst og hvordan vi ALLE skulle lytte til vores elskede Statsminister Moder... Det samme oplevede mine forældre i "Menu", forleden dag... Og HER, ligger problemet... Moder Mette og vor Dronning, Margrethe er ikke Gudinder som Arketype, men det er de BLEVET ophævet til, fordi, vi er så dovne, naive og godtroende i én tid, som er den værste siden 2. Verdenskrig (får vi at vide)... COVID-19 er blevet til en underbevidstheds-frygtbaseret-nedbrydnings-folkesygdom - de fleste mennesker gør dog ikke Deres forarbejde og undersøger ordentligt, hvad og hvem de er oppe imod... 🤔(noget jeg har fra egne observationer, B. Fulford, holistiske læge og en dansk kilde som har det fra det danske embedsværk)... Var hele "øvelsen" COVID-19 aftalt på forhånd under "EVENT 21" eller tidligere og samtlige europæiske ledere, blev bedt om, at lade den 2-strenget virus slippe løs uden for Italiens grænser af "Black Nobility" et højere hierarki (magtelite?)... Fuldstændigt sindsyg tanke, jeg ved det... LAD OS BRYDE DET NED, som Jan Elhøj & Simon Jul fra Bæltestedet, plejede at sige... Kritisk journalistik er en mangelvare i Danmark... 👉[LÆS VIDERE]... |
- COVID-19 er en "designer"-virus.
- Hvorfor er det lige, at 80% er MÆND som bliver inficeret og 20% KVINDER? Lidt anderledes fra Italien og Kina, men denne virus er også en 2-strenget MUTERET virus.
- Virussen rammer 5 gange flere asiatiske MÆND, hvilken betyder, at alle de TAL som du får fra Din regering(er) er FORKERTE...
- DØDELIGHEDEN fra SAMTLIGE lande er 0,003-4% og ikke 1-4% (David Wilcock)
- Hvorfor tror du, den blev sluppet løs under VINTERTID! Fordi, den spreder sig som sindssyg, men under varme himmelstrøg, kan den ikke overleve, Måske lidt længere, grundet den er en muteret designer-virus!??...
- VIDST DU DET? Ved infektion med en influenza lignende virus, skades slimhinderne i luftvejene, og virus spredes med blodet til andre dele af kroppen. MEN, vi har noget som hedder Thymus (brisselen): Et organ, lokaliseret øverst i brystkassen. Thymus kirtelen sørger for du danner modstandsdygtighed eller "forsvaret" til at bekæmpe virussen.. Immunforsvaret skal først og fremmest beskytte os mod smittekim (dvs. mikroorganismer i form af parasitter, svampe, bakterier, mycoplasma og virus), der kommer udefra og kan medføre infektioner... DERFOR, kan du IKKE via en VACCINE som injiceres via blodet, skabe det "forsvar" som gør dig modstandsdygtigt... (samtidig med vacciner indeholder vira, kviksølv, aluminium og andre giftstoffer)
- James Gilliland snakker om Borax / Boron i vand og puff Virus væk... (Noget som er totalt blacklistet i DK, Verdensalt har dog noget fra min naturlæge)
- Check den danske YouTuber "wilderDK" - Coronavirus COVID 19 -Tallets betydning, tiltag og så en snak om et global system. m.m.
- Der er ikke sundhedsfaglig dokumentation for nødvendigheden af at begrænse forsamlingsfrihed i ny hastelov.... Alligevel bliver den hastebehandlet...
- COVID-19 blev fremstillet på et forseglet militær biologisk laboratorium, hvor man laver Biologiske og kemiske våben. Der er mange forskellige versioner på hvordan den blev sluppet løs, om det var i Canada, USA eller det var på Kinas første biosikkerhedsniveau 4 (BSL – 4) laboratorium.. Men, MANGE siger nu, bl.a. David Wilcock, (ca 30 minutter inde), at det var Harvard University Professor og to kinesiske statsborgere, Dr. Charles Lieber og hans assistenter, Yanqing Ye & "Zaosong Zheng", der smuglede det ind i Wuhan, Kina, lige før karantænen startede og helvede brød løs i laksegade... (check officiel links ovenfor).. De er allerede eller ved at blive arresteret af Trump administrationen m.fl.
- Bill Gates er manden med leen... ALTING er aftalt under "øvelsen, som hed "Event 201".
- Johns Hopkins Center for sundhedssikkerhed i partnerskab med World Economic Forum og Bill og Melinda Gates Foundation var vært for Event 201, en pandemiøvelse på højt niveau den 18. oktober 2019 i New York, NY.
- Det er sjovt ikke, at Rigshospitalet har fjernet coronavideo om en opfordring til sundhedspersonale om at komme på arbejde trods hoste er fjernet... HVORNÅR står sygeplejersker og sygepersonale frem i lyset og fortæller SANDHEDEN om hvad djævelen der foregår???
※🔴Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Abe, Macron, Merkel & Prince Charles to be “coronavirused,” as battle for Planet Earth intensifies ~ | March 30, 2020 - Weekly geo-political news and analysis |

Abe, Macron, Merkel & Prince Charles to be “coronavirused,” as battle for Planet Earth intensifies
Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
The battle for Planet Earth is reaching a climax as opposing forces try to use the “coronavirus pandemic” to achieve their agendas. The liberation forces are using the lockdown as an opportunity to arrest senior Khazarian Mafiosi, while the Satanists are hoping to vaccinate and microchip the general public back into submission, multiple sources agree. It’s almost as if reality is bifurcating, with one version filled with fear and death and other in breathless anticipation of planetary liberation.
First, let us look at what the white hats are saying. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Prince Charles of the UK and many others will be or have been “coronavirused” (arrested), according to CIA and Pentagon white hats. One CIA source says:
“They are putting out disinformation to keep this as classified as possible.” Merkel is going to have a third test and Macron also tests positive. This is a code word for they are being removed.”He adds “Abe is going to collapse the country because he works directly for the cabal so he has to be removed. (Since this is the age of deep fake computer graphics, here in Japan I will keep in touch with press ID carrying colleagues to see if the real Abe vanishes).” Pentagon sources agree and say “regime change may also happen in Japan as Shinzo was forced to delay the Tokyo Olympics for one year.”
Maybe it is the fear of American assassins coming for Abe that has prompted Japan to consider an entry ban on all American citizens?
In any case, a purge has clearly accelerated inside the U.S., Pentagon sources say:
“The Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy arrived at LA on March 27th and its sister USNS Comfort to NYC on March 30th but they may provide neither mercy nor comfort for arrested Zionists and pedos. Also, truckers have been ordered to not deliver to New York as [U.S. President Donald] Trump personally went to Norfolk, Virginia to send off USNS Comfort to New York City.”
Now let us look at what the dark side is up to. In the video at the link below, starting around the 15:20 mark, Bill Gates is calling for only people who have a vaccination certificate to be allowed to travel.
📉 ~ Bo Polny – New Era of Time Starts in April -Jesus Coming Back ~ | Blogger: [👉Truly epic time point, and that time point is April 21, 2020 and Into May 2020 - the new rise. Gold-Silver could skyrocket 3rd quarter 2020 and beyond👈] ... ☝️ PS: (kingworldnews) Greyerz Just Warned The Global Collapse Will Be Devastating In The Next 6-12 Months :The abrupt downturn in the global economy, triggered but not caused by coronavirus, came as a lightning bolt out of the blue... ☝️ PSS: (dollarcollapse) Gold Is Now 'Unobtanium' :It mentions the divergence between paper and physical prices and attributes it to the same kind of buying panic that has emptied stores of toilet paper' 'When people think they can’t get something, they want it even more.'... ☝️ PSSS: Goldman Sachs: Prepare For A Massive Oil Demand Shock : Global oil demand could plummet by 18.7 million bpd in April, deepening an expected demand plunge of 10.5 million bpd for March, Goldman Sachs said, while the coronavirus pandemic continues to claim thousands of lives and forces a growing number of major economies into lockdown... |
Source (USAWatchDog)
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with analyst Bo Polny of Gold (READ MORE)
GOD's 7 Kingdoms Written From the Beginning by tim on Scribd
😇 ~ 💗 Daybreak: Donuts and COVID-19 (counciloflove) 💕 ~ |
Spirit Broadcast
DayBreak March 30, 2020
Insights on COVID-19
I want to share a couple of insights from the Council of Love that I’ve channeled because this is part of this amazing rebirthing process that the entire planet is going through. And let me be very clear even before we talk about the Coronavirus. This is not some kind of divine vengeance sent from up above. But we are using this situation to serve and to bring forth the Divine unfoldment.
The first thing is that we, individually and collectively, are in the pause. The Council has talked a lot in the past years about the pause. Many of you, whether you knew it or not have been put in the pause before, perhaps even several times. I know I have. That was when you felt things in your life were simply stalled out. That no matter what you did you weren’t going anywhere. You can think of this even in terms of the old-fashioned term, the term of confinement, the time of confinement, right before the birthing of the new baby which is you, which is us.
💊 ~ 🔺 David Wilcock on The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture! 🔻 ~ | Blogger: [👉"3 days of Internet / mobil service blackout to arrest the Cabal" ~ David Wilcock👈] ... |
1:45 Fed has become nationalized!!
David received the “ok” to release the material below.
- 1:50 Arrests via Defense Europe 20 not necessarily happening. They’re being put in place.
- There will be 3 days of darkness (no internet). Will use Presidential alert system will be used to make announcements.
- Arrests occur during these 3 days.
- Internet must go down in order to reboot the internet. “Dark nodes” (choke points) must be removed.
- Alliance… “Do not fear these three days”.
- Stay inside your home during these 3 days… messages will be sent (e.g., Presidential messages).
- David presents multiple similar reports from various sources.
- David was texted today. Shutdown between 4/1 – 4/10.
- 3 Days of Darkness also was noted in the Bible (Jesus crucified… 3 days of darkness… Resurrection. ~ kauilapele
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