Jul 17, 2020

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ~ Sparebanden i forfald: Det danske bidrag til EU vil stige med 5,8 milliarder kroner og ikke falde, viser et fortroligt notat mens dansk Bilderberger Spionchef siger, at der er et konstant og øget trusselsbillede mod Danmark under coronakrisen. Hvad tror du 'skatteregningen' bliver for Coronabedraget? 10 år på velfærden og 250-500 milliarder? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Ifølge Google så var 13.325 smittet med Corona i Danmark - INGEN - raskmeldte og 610 døde! Staten sagde, at knap 600.000 danskere ville blive smittet i løbet af en epidemi på tre måneder. 11.200 vil have behov for indlæggelse, og 1680-5600 vil kunne dø. 7 DØDE "direkte af" Covid-19, under 70 år og ikke "med" ifølge Danmarks Statistik🤛] ... Det var ældre over 80 år og personer med en underliggende sygdom, der havde særlig risiko for at dø efter smitte "MED" coronavirus og det holdt stik! ... For at sammenligne, døde der 53.958 i 2019!. 41.663 var mellem 70-90+. De fleste døde af "Øvrige dødsårsager". Dernæst Kræftsygdomme, Mentale lidelser, Bronkitis og astma, Karsygdomme i hjernen, og Lungebetændelse og influenza!... Læge, Ph.d, konsulent & foredragsholder, Vibeke Manniche har hele tiden sagt, at CV-19-tallet var FALDENDE (procentuelt) og hun fik ret!... REGERINGEN baseret på FØLELSERNES MØRKE FORNEMMELSER & LØGN?... |


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ~ Healing Video up on Youtube - 6 healers to support your well being ~ | Blogger: [💜💌👼🙏Mail received from Ann Albers] ... |

Hi all,
The healing video sponsored by Elizabeth Boisson of Helpingparentsheal.org is up on YouTube now.

Enjoy wonderful transmissions, dialogue, and beautiful healing meditations.

If you tried to get on live and could not, apologies! A group of very happy hackers having a joyous fiesta complete with live guitar and other whoops and hollers got into the meeting & the sponsor was forced to lock everyone else out.

The fiesta was edited out but the healers are all still there, outside of space and time to support your peace, love, and well being.

Love you all!


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ~ (What they're NOT telling you) ~ The Great Awakening. Fox's Ingraham. X22 Report. You Are Free TV. Last Man on Earth (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Plan[Demic] Part II False Flag on it's way:! Trump's W.H.O. de-funding, War on Fauci & Takedown of MS-13. Trump Admin and DeVos want schools 'fully' open and Strips C.D.C. of Control of Coronavirus Data. California to Release 18,000 Prisoners by End of August and now 10,000 more! But Trump admin, Q & the Patriots are in Control! Hooah! Oorah! Semper Fi!🤛] ... PS:🌟 "It Has Begun, People Are Demanding Change, Do You See What’s Happening - Episode 2226b"🌟 is ONE of the BEST 2020 videos explaining EVERYTHING!...👉NN - Mike Adams latest: "Florida faking covid-19 testing numbers, while China smuggles weapons of war to BLM"...👉"Criticism raining down on BLM Denmark spokesperson, Bwalya Sørensen - ‘Not White Lives Matter’ & to raise funds without permission is extremely fraud"...👉 "Denmark launches coronavirus app Smittestop, used by 745,000 people - only 4 people have been warned - politicians calls it a SUCCESS! PS: To help the State building the BIGGEST control database of people's whereabouts & Social Credit System"... 👉"LOCKDOWN: The accounts of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Kanye West, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, among others, were hijacked in what appears to be a coordinated cyber attack, each sending out tweets looking to scam users out of their bitcoin and racking up more than $118,000 in the process."... 👉"Half of Americans want Prince Andrew to be extradited - Alleged Epstein madam Ghislaine Maxwell, called ‘predator’ and ‘monster,’ is denied bail and secretly married to a man who she REFUSE to disclose"... 👉"Russian Hackers Targeted UK Coronavirus Vaccine Research, Says Government "... 👉"THE WAR AGAINST KIDS: Schools have low coronavirus infection rate, German study finds, like Iceland, Scandinavia and other countries. The results showed that “the dynamics of virus spreading have been overestimated,” the universities said, adding that the study suggested that schools did not become the coronavirus “hotspot” after reopening, as had been feared"... |

Source: The [DS]/MSM narrative is falling apart. The Silent Majority is now speaking out, those who are tabulating the numbers are being questioned. People are now questioning the masks and Fauci says that he objects to a study to see if masks are effective. Trump and the patriots have goaded the [DS] into showing the people what they have planned.
