Jun 3, 2016

’Tre ud af fire vil høre om medicinsk cannabis’ (PS: Kan 100 % naturlig Hamp eller Cannabis kurere os fra kræft og andre typer af sygdomme, JA. Virker det 'syntetiske' ordineret medicinsk cannabis - JA og NEJ. Det er vigtigt at sætte sig ind hvordan og hvad er bedst for hver individ. CBD or CBDa? THC or THCa? Cannabis Sativa og Cannabis Indica? RÅ cannabis blade fra planten THC(a) - non-psykoaktive er svær at få fat i, men det bedste, indeholder flest aktive stoffer. Hamp eller Cannabis kan også ryges som pot eller indtages som olie eller chokoladebønner psykoaktive (THC). Husk - 'syntetiske' ordineret medicinsk cannabis kommer fra det medico industrielle kompleks og er udelukkende skabt for PROFIT...)

’Tre ud af fire vil høre om medicinsk cannabis’

Interessen for medicinsk cannabis er stigende. Det mærker Berit Wheler, leder af Informationscenter for Alternativ Kræftbehandling, som Region Midtjylland står bag. Hun er nu begyndt at gøre patienter opmærksomme på, at deres egen læge kan udskrive recept på cannabismedicin

3. juni 2016 - information.dk

Når kræftsyge patienter opsøger Informationscenter for Alternativ Kræftbehandling (ICAK) på Nørre Boulevard i Aarhus, står mange ofte lidt betuttede og ved ikke rigtigt, hvordan de skal få det sagt. Men lidt efter lidt kommer det frem: Er det rigtigt, at cannabis kan hjælpe mod kræft? Og hvor kan man i givet fald få det fra?
»De fleste er ældre mennesker, og de kommer ikke bare ind ad døren og spørger, hvor de kan få noget olie med det euforiserende stof i cannabis, THC. Mange af dem har i forvejen rodet lidt rundt ude på nettet, hvor der er meget snak fra patienter og pårørende om, at cannabis kan slå kræftceller ihjel,« siger Berit Wheler, der er leder af informationscentret, som økonomisk drives af Region Midtjylland.
Her kan kræftsyge møde op og få en samtale om alle de problemer, som deres sygdom forårsager. Selv er Berit Wheler tidligere sygeplejerske på kræftafdelingen for børn på Odense Universitetshospital.
I den senere tid har langt de fleste, der har kontaktet centret, været interesseret i cannabis. Ifølge Berit Wheler er det tre ud af fire, der ringer for at få et råd, der ønsker at høre noget om cannabis. Af besøgstallene på hjemmesiden fra f.eks. januar kan hun også konstatere, at 2.190 ud af i alt 3.261 besøgende ville læse om cannabis...

Læs videre: https://www.information.dk/indland/2016/06/tre-fire-hoere-medicinsk-cannabis

Læs også: http://cannabismyter.dk/cm/cannabismyter.php

Mike Quinsey: A Message from my Higher Self - June 3, 2016 CET

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2016 treeofthegoldenlight

All proceeds well regardless of any outer appearances and the various aspects associated with Ascension continue to be advanced in readiness.

The dark Ones continue to lose power and their options are becoming very limited. Many times they have been requested to surrender but have declined, seeming to be prepared to fight to the bitter end. They certainly cannot escape justice as planned but will almost certainly try to bargain where their surrender is concerned. They must face the fact that their days are numbered and they can no longer hope to fulfil their original plan for world domination.

Many groups have got behind those of the Light and together present a formidable challenge to the dark Ones. Along with many powerful individuals they represent a powerful force for good. Certainly matters are coming to a head and the good news cannot be held back for much longer, as everything has advanced to a point where it is impossible for the outcome to be prevented.

Open Mind Conference 2016 early bird ticket sale now open - June 3, 2016 (Zen Gardner (US), Dana Durnford (CA) (Skype lecture), Cynthia Ann McKinney (US), Johan Oldenkamp (NL) , Patricia Cori (US) , Mark Devlin (UK), Jens Mohr Thygesen (DK)

 Open Mind Conference 2016

 17-18 September, Copenhagen, Denmark

Once again, the OMC team is proud to present exciting lectures from both Danish and international speakers.

All lectures are in English.

Read about the speakers:


Download the programme:

Watch the info video:

Facebook event:

Get your early bird ticket for DKK 375,- Normal price is DKK 575:

Rob Potter Interviews Cobra - Corey Goode Part 2 - June 3, 2016 (In a few days i've reveal some more info about why COBRA and The Resistance Movement are so important to us..)

Corey Goode – Cobra interview w/ Rob Potter – Part 2

Posted by Ryan Marchand on May 29, 2016 in Cobra Interviews, Victory of the Light Radio Show | No Comments

~ ThePromiseRevealed.com ~ Victory of Light Radio Show ~ Pyramid One Network Radio
~ Mt Shasta Conference Part 1: Ancient Wisdom Teachings
~Mt Shasta Conference Part 2: Secret Space Program
~ SadalaOrphanage.org

Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 9.28.31 PM

Click the picture above to view youtube version

This youtube has an amazing Secret Space Program photo gallery that is also on my website with an article.

May 2016 Cobra-Corey Goode Interview with Rob Potter Part 2


Hello, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, boys and girls, peaceful light warriors, welcome to Part 2 of the joint Corey and Cobra interview on the Victory of Light Radio Show.

I’m your host, Rob Potter, and my website is ThePromiseRevealed.com. Please go to that page on the Victory of Light Radio Show and check out the Bonus Transcript for the links that will be shared there today for some very interesting information.

Ole Dammegard Smoking Gun: CocaCola, Nike, Starbucks featured in NWO product placement signage at 2015 Paris, 2016 Brussels false flags. “Explosion” at 2016 Brussels airport false flag was produced by movie-like special effects

Alfred Webre-Ole Dammegard

Ole Dammegard: CocaCola, Nike, Starbucks featured in NWO product placement signage at 2015 Paris, 2016 Brussels false flags. “Explosion” at 2016 Brussels airport false flag was produced by movie-like special effects built into fake airline ticket counter & ceiling
By Alfred Lambremont Webre

The Inevitable is Almost Here: What’s Going to Happen When the Whole World Finds Out?

Posted: 01 Jun 2016 10:00 PM PDT
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been a topic of interest for decades, and with the recent release of thousands of previously classified government documents, we now know without question that government, military, and other defense agencies have had a high level of interest in this topic for a very long time.

by Arjun Walia

These files indicate that objects are commonly tracked on both air and ground radar, as well as visually confirmed by the pilots who are sent out to intercept them.

"Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data." – General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979). From UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2, written by Richard Dolan

Fair bidragssats på Folkemødet i juni 2016

Fair bidragssats på Folkemødet

Nina Smidt takkede nej til at deltage i vores arrangement på Folkemødet 2016. Til gengæld har formand Rasmus Hougaard Nielsen i foreningen Gode Penge, der siden finanskrisen har ligget i åbent oprør mod finanssystemet, som det ser ud i dag, sagt ja til at deltage.
Allermest håber vi på at se en masse af jer medlemmer på Folkemødet. Formand, Chresten Heesgård Ibsen, er tilstede på Folkemødet og pt. er vi 4 medlemmer, som sørger for at vise fanen, og vi vil gerne have dig med også. Skriv til info@fairbidragssats.dk, hvis du kommer og vil hjælpe.
Især når vi holder vores oplæg fredag den 17. juni klokken 17:30 - 19:00 vil det være en fornøjelse at have så mange medlemmer med i teltet som muligt.
Så skriv det i kalenderen: Fredag den 17. juni klokken 17:30, Teltet hedder 'Fremtidens økonomi' og ligger på (G12) Allinge Havn, inder- og ydermole.

Find os i programmet HER


HuffPost article about Hillary’s imminent FBI indictment deleted, reports say - June 3, 2016

(INTELLIHUB) — According to several online publications, a freelance journalist named Frank Huguenard had his HuffPost Contributors account “disabled” and his post deleted after writing about ‘Hillary Clinton’s imminent indictment by the FBI for racketeering.’

In the deleted article that now only exists on a cached Internet record, Huguenard reported, “James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.”
However, Attorney General Loretta Lynch may possibly be wrapped up with the Clinton Crime Family and may not even allow for Hillary’s indictment to happen, simply because Lynch herself “was a litigation partner for eight years at a major Washington law firm that served the Clintons,” as reported by WND.com’s Jerome R. Corsi.
In the piece Corsi wrote:
Lynch was with the Washington-headquartered international law firm Hogan & Hartson LLP from March 2002 through April 2010.
According to documents Hillary Clinton’s first presidential campaign made public in 2008, Hogan & Hartson’s New York-based partner Howard Topaz was the tax lawyer who filed income tax returns for Bill and Hillary Clinton beginning in 2004.
In addition, Hogan & Hartson in Virginia filed a patent trademark request on May 19, 2004, for Denver-based MX Logic Inc., the computer software firm that developed the email encryption system used to manage Clinton’s private email server beginning in July 2013. A tech expert has observed that employees of MX Logic could have had access to all the emails that went through her account.
In 1999, President Bill Clinton nominated Lynch for the first of her two terms as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a position she held until she joined Hogan & Hartson in March 2002.

Uplift: Let's Give Kids Yoga

Let's give kids in impoverished areas a free yoga mat and access to free weekly yoga classes to provide them with a healthy head start in life...starting here in Bali, Indonesia.

The Story:
When the children of Ubud were asked what do you know about yoga? The children said...

1) Yoga is for tourists.
2) Yoga is expensive.
3) We cannot even afford a yoga mat.

This is a problem!
Here in Bali, Yoga is a cultural spiritual heritage for these kids. It is also one the main reasons people travel across the world to come to this very special place.

Here is a chance for us to give back

Prince died from accidental overdose of fentanyl

Medical examiner's report doesn't say whether the potent painkiller had been prescribed.

By David Chanen and Jeremy Olson Star Tribune staff writers
June 2, 2016 — 10:08pm

Chris Pizzello, Associated Press

Prince, shown in 2013, was pronounced dead April 21, one day before he was to meet with a California doctor about an opioid addiction

Prince died from an accidental, self-administered overdose of the powerful drug fentanyl, the Midwest Medical Examiner’s Office said in a report released Thursday.

The report gave no indication of how Prince obtained the painkiller, nor did it list any other cause of death or “significant conditions.”

The 57-year-old musician was pronounced dead the morning of April 21, one day before he was scheduled to meet with a California doctor in an attempt to shed an opioid addiction. Two of his staff members — longtime friend Kirk Johnson and personal assistant Meron Bekure — found his body in a Paisley Park elevator about 9:40 a.m.

Sources told the Star Tribune in the days after Prince’s death that a joint state and federal criminal investigation has focused on his use of painkillers and how he obtained them.

Carver County Chief Deputy Jason Kamerud said Thursday that he has “no idea what the time frame is” for completing that investigation. He said the medical examiner’s report is simply “a piece of the puzzle.”

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 100 times more powerful than morphine. Administered by injection, lozenge or patch to treat severe pain after surgery and to manage chronic pain, the controlled substance is commonly sold illegally and misused by addicts.