May 31, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Hide it in comedy: "Barney Miller" 1981 speaks abt NWO secretly control the World) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ May 31, 2023 ~ |

mette frederiksen next nato chief - Google Search
En sms siger alt: Mette Frederiksen er i den grad i spil – og ifølge NATO-veteran er hun »blandt de absolut bedste kandidater« (
Mette muld i mund: Nu håber hun – Ekstra Bladet (

🍕🧀😵 (Global #PedoGate runs so deep down the rabbit hole involves UK, DK & NO royals) The Pedophilia Agenda: From Ghislaine to Dr. Phil, Global Elites, Politicians and Celebrities Exposed… No One Is Safe Anymore! ~ May 31, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: According to this video report, sex trafficking goes through Artic oceans, some container ships and underwater activities. Tarot By Janine and her cards, In addition to this video, several have looked at the connection between A.P. Møller – Maersk A/S container ships, involved in international human trafficking and other really "nasty" things. It comes from several sources, as Janine laid tarot cards on the Royal monarchy and "EVERGREEN" (2021 Suez Canal obstruction) and out in the "TRUTH" movement... | 

The Pedophilia Agenda: From Ghislaine to Dr. Phil, Global Elites, Politicians and Celebrities Exposed… No One Is Safe Anymore! ~ May 31, 2023 – Rose Rambles…

‘Elite Human Trafficking’ documentary exposes the evil perpetuated through the global elites, politicians, and celebrities to push a global agenda through pedophilia and human trafficking.

*(Viewer discretion is advised due to graphic and disturbing content)

[Vol.1] – Ghislaine Maxwell’s Terramar Project
[Vol.2] – Art In Embassies
[Vol.3] – Patterns Of The Cabal
[Vol.4] – Dr. Phil’s Turn-about Ranch
[Vol.5] – The Cult Of Moloch & The Luzzatto Family
[Vol.6] – Pedophile Politicians

⛓️🐣🐈‍⬛ (I Taut I Taw A Puddy-Tat) DC: Restored Republic via a GCR ~ Maj 31, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: I call DC reports for "Rumors And Gossip Repeaters". A wishful thinking would be that this shit-show will break down this summer and we get a EBS-alert with a lockdown. According to my Higher Self June / July / August of 2023 many things will happen. However, for now, everything you see and listen to, is kinda smokescreen of lies (and truth) abt everything. Simon Parkes said in a March 2023 Simon & Mahoney show; 'Restored Republic via a GCR by DinarChronicles hasn't changed their RV dates and forecast, since 2015 to confuse the Deep State or Cabal (you can say that again Simon... | 

Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of May 31, 2023

Compiled Wed. 31 May 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”

Be Prepared
Emergency Broadcast System Activation Worldwide
Martial Law Across the Globe
Global Currency Revaluation
Worldwide Shutdown So Military Can Safely Make Mass Arrests of Cabal Members

Be prepared with at least a month’s supply of food, water, fuel, cash and essential items on hand for yourself and others.

Judy Note: Emergency Broadcast System Activation across the world was expected at any time and likely before Thurs. 1 June. The EBS will trigger the Global Currency Revaluation combined with a worldwide shutdown under a Martial Law that would insure safety for The People of the World during Mass Arrests of Cabal members.

The Internet, Mass Media, phones, Businesses, jobs and schools will be shut down from 2-10 days depending on where you live. The Electrical Grid would no longer be needed as Tesla free energy would take over.

Prisons, jails, hospitals and other institutions with kitchens feeding people who cannot go elsewhere are being told they must have a ten day food supply on hand in order to prepare for supply chain disruptions. The Military will be handing out food and supplies to those in need. Be prepared with at least a month’s supply of food, water, fuel, cash and essential items on hand for yourself and others.

Judy Note: If you are reading this Update as it appeared here, be aware that some information has been redacted. For the complete un-redacted version, see the PDF copy at the end of the report.


🕉️🕸️🌐 (HUman biochips, physical quarantine, toplet bombs, electrical grid and food distribution chain collapse) Situation Update and Cobra Conference in Japan ~ May 31, 2023 ~ |

The Portal: Search results for queen spider (

Free Guy: Actually I'm not afraid of spiders or Biochips for that matter. In Sedona, AZ, I had a  huge giganteus spider friend come visiting me in my room at a spiritual B&B. However, I hate these giant King and Queen Chimera spiders, that Cobra has depicted in this report and others, have encountered inside D.U.M.B's, are similar to LOTR Return Of The King. 'Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface', according to Cobra... Anyways, i've been in COBRA SCHOOL for years and it looks to me, that, Chimera, still controls the surface population and still have HUmanity by the balls. Once again, a negative and perhaps, discouraging report. Buuutt, with all due respect, reading Cobra RM's updates is like reading Benjamin Fulford and Simon Parkes reports - take it with a grain of salt! Take only what resonate with your inner belief system and leave the rest behind, is my best advice, as Blue Shirt Guy! Victory of the Light!... | 


Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Situation Update and Cobra Conference in Japan

The Light Forces are making good progress with clearing of the etheric plane, and some good news regarding that are expected soon.

Clearing of the subquantum anomaly is also progressing to a certain degree.

Physical biochips are much more problematic, at least a this point. They are the main tool of surveillance through which the Chimera controls the surface population:

Those biochips would detect any physical intervention of the Light Forces on the surface. The contacted individual would first be very happy, but his increased vibrational frequency together with the video/audio feed from the biochip would alert the Chimera mainframe computer in the DARPA pit.

Immediate action would be taken to decrease the vibrational frequency of the contacted individual, either by removing that individual through DEW electroplasma induced heart attack, by orchestrating a car accident, by removing the loved ones of that particular individual, or by any similar means. This is one of the main reasons why the Light Forces are not contacting individuals on the surface.

The other reason is asymmetric retaliation. If one Lightwerkers would be contacted, the dark forces are threatening to harm or even kill thousands others.

If non-physical contact is made, or if a certain individual raises his vibrational frequency too much, the physical biochip detects that also, and automatically lowers the vibration of the individual by inducing electroshocks through the navel biochip. The navel biochip is capable of producing electroshocks between 20 and 130 volts, depending on the circumstances. At the same time, the two biochips in the frontal lobe of the brain produce strong magnetic fields that produce sleepiness, brain fog and confusion. Thus physical biochips represent a very efficient slave driver mechanism which controls the surface population.

🔭️☄️😰️(Fisker's Carmageddon) Die Dummen Dänen: Gjorde Henrik Fisker nu også som han lovede? Der er sgu ikke noget spirituelt eller esoterisk i, at 65.000 verden over, sidder i saksen og venter på en "batteribil" som kaldes for, Fisker Ocean. Nææ du, hvad fatter 'Bad Boy' gør, det er altid det rigtige ~ 31. Maj 2023 ~ |


Efter uro: Fisker regner med at levere første elbiler i juni (
Fisker delivers first Ocean SUV - Just Auto (
Fisker Ocean | Fisker Inc.

Den danske bildesigner langer nu ud efter finansmediet Bloomberg, som han mener har bragt en falsk historie om elbilmærket, han lægger navn til ~| 

'Global opvarmning tæt på at overstige 1,5 grader og inden 2030, vil EU reducere CO2-udledningerne med 55% - Danmark med 70% Benzin- og dieselbiler får dødsstødet - det hele er BUUULSHIT... Det' ren kagemand Fisker-elpisker. Jeg vil hellere ha en Star - Hydrogen Electric XP1 Hypercar aka Hyperion. First supercar that runs on pure water... MYTEN om, at Danske vindmøller, sætter verdensrekord i energiproduktion, Danmark er verdens bedste til grøn energi, uden bivirkninger. Det er ligesom, at sætte 'charlatan-medicin-sælgere', til at sælge toxiske vaksiner, og lokker den intetanende befolkning med Snake Oil og er over alle bjerge, når folk finder ud af, de er blevet snydt' ~ Free Guy..

Editor's Note: Siden 2016 har Mr. Fisker og konen, rejst 1,6 mia. dollars (10,5 mia. kr.) hos energi-kontrolleret investorer. Det har kostet et depositum på 250 dollar pr bil og for en del, 35.000 ekstra konge-kroner, for, Hr og Fru Jensen, at fremskønne produktionen, i 2023. Men for pokker da, hvor alle disse MÆND (og et par enkelte kvins), kan blære sig. Ego-begæret og Janteloven, længe leve. Jeg vil æde min gamle hat på, at samme problemer opstår, når Fisherman's Friend bilerne ENDELIG dukker op, ligesom Volkswagen's ID.4 elektriske bil, kom på gaden. Min nabo, da jeg ejede et hus i Gribskov, var så pavestolt, han fik den allerførste, af slagsen. Jeg fik et laaangt foredrag, men efter halve års ekstra ventetid og hvor var han bare så trist, da alle problemerne, hobede sig op. Fik da også mulighed for selv, at køre i én af mine tidligere bankchefers Tesla. Fedt at prøve, men vil hverken eje eller ha' den. Tesla til 700.000 kr. (næsten samme pris brugt som ny) og kan kun køre 400 km på en opladning - de må have spist søm. Teflonpolitikerne, som er sponseret af olietyran og medicinal-mafioso Rockefellers, ledet af jødiske oligarker, globalisterne og OPEC-kartellet, som er smurt ind i olie, styrer stadigvæk, olie- gas og elproducenterne, rundt om i verden. Vi ved, fra masser af studier, der konkluderer, at elbiler, forurener mere end sorte dieselbiler. Selve batteriet er værste CO2-synder. Historien om Lille Sorte Sambo, om igen, (undskyld udtrykket) når børnearbejdere i koboltminer, dør, for, at indsamle kobolt, nikkel, mangan og litium er blandt de miljøskadelige råstoffer og kan IKKE nedbrydes. Et lithion-ion-batteri, er ligeså giftigt, som plutonium. Mange elbilister betaler alt for meget, fastslår hemmelig rapport med lokale monopoler for el-opladning. Man ved også nu, at der er en farlig sammenhæng mellem Elbiler og EMF-stråling. Ikke kun dårlig indeklima fra elektronikken, men højteknologiske elbiler, udsender i stedet en gasfri forurening: Elektromagnetisk feltstråling eller EMF-stråling også, under opladningen. Det, som mange mennesker ikke ved er, at elektriske produkter; alt fra el-løbehjul, el og gassporvogne og biler, var allerede opfundet og rige Mands Eje, i 1800-tallet. Det er sgu rigtigt. Gå på TikTok for se beviser. 1970'erne, havde man en fuldstændigt fungerende Citroën vanddrevet bil i produktion i Frankrig. Senere i Japan, Toyota-fabrikken, men det, blev også lukket ned. Stanley Meyer - Den mystiske død af vandbilens opfinder. Der var sågar en mand, som opfandt, en græsslåmaskine. Vand-til-brint-konverteringsprocessen er opfundet og fri-energi. Men, fri-energi- produkter, må ikke frigives, da man ikke, kan tjene penge på dette. Der findes langt over 6000 superhemmelige patenter, som er mørkelagt af især energi-mafiaen, i USA. Tror du selv på, at Power-to-X (PtX) produktionen, som koster, en jetjager at bygge, bliver en realitet? Selve "Energiøen", betyder, milliardregning for skatteyderne. Til den tid, og i 2030, findes der ikke længere Fossile brændstoffer; el, kul, olie og naturgas. Til den tid, er den nuværende regeringen gået af og fået en fed ministerpension, Folketinget er opløst, vi har flyvende vand-brint-brændsel biler. Til den tid, så har vi udkonkurreret fossil brændsel-oligarker, og basere os på FRI ENERGI, via magnetisme, Nikola Tesla's Zero Point Energy og en masse andre af de patenter, som er i dag, findes bag lås og slå... |

🔋🚗⚡ (All-electric by 2030 + Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scam & Stupidity of the CO2 Transition ~ Free Guy) Carmageddon: The Electric Car Fiasco ~ May 31, 2023 ~ |

Carmageddon: The Electric Car Fiasco - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

 If the Conservatives are hoping to get re-elected next year they may have to rethink their policy of banning the sale of new petrol- or diesel-powered cars by 2030. Electric cars are proving to be an unmitigated disaster. Indeed, scarcely a day passes without a story appearing in the Telegraph about just how terrible they are – and not just if you want to get from A to B.

For instance, we learnt last week that some electric cars are losing their value twice as quickly as petrol alternatives.

Drivers have been pushed towards electric cars by a string of government initiatives, which are intended to help the country become “net zero” by 2050. However, drivers going green risk losing thousands of pounds more than those who stick with petrol.

Some popular electric models have fallen in price at twice the rate of petrol cars. A driver who bought an electric BMW i3 in 2020 would have paid £39,000 and could sell the car for £13,900 today, a depreciation of 64%.

However, the petrol equivalent has maintained much more of its original value. A new petrol-powered BMW 3 series cost £32,000 on average three years ago but would sell for £22,360 now – a drop of just 30%.

Yesterday brought more bad news.