Sep 17, 2023

👁️⃤𓂀📐Ⓜ️❌(UG med kryds, bolle og slange) Drikker du stadigvæk dit masonic 'Kool-Aid'-cult cocktail? Hvorfor bliver du så chokeret? Er det fordi, du selv, er en Mason? Hvordan 2+2 giver 5. Far til 4 giver aldrig op og “kontrolleret opposition”, er en psykologisk kommunikationskrig. En form for propaganda, der typisk bliver udført af efterretnings'væsenet'. Men også, pressens troldehær, og bundnaive badehatte og ballademagere, som støtter frimurerne eller ikke kan holde skæg for sig og snot for sig ~ 17. September 2023 ~ |


FREE GUY: Der var en grund til, at jeg blev smidt på porten sammen med 100% af medlemmerne, kort tid efter oprettelsen af JFK21. Lige nu har jeg ingen danske læsere, fordi, jeg tør ydre mig om de politiske stuerene 'alternative' partier til de 179 Frimurer i Folketinget á la JFK21, Partiet Samfundssind og Frihedslisten m.fl. Og om mystik, magi og Kabbala i Ashkenazi-jødedommen (zionisterne). Sidst det skete, var da min jyske ven, kom i unåde med Mason-systemet og det var vejen til uddrivelse eller udstødelse. Smidt ud af Storlogen af frimurerorden efter 11 år, i 6 loger, 3. grader for at blive 'mester', grundet vaccine-hån og andre sandhedssøgende emner. Logens doktriner og regelsæt, med overtrædelse af intern politik for sociale medier m.v. 2021. Familiens firma er udsat for 'silent treatment' af samtlige virksomheder indenfor hans branche, lige siden. SoTW er 100% overvåget af PET, FE og CFCS. Og alle Masons sladre, overvåger, hjælper og beskytter, hinanden... |  

⭕️✖️🍦🍥🍕🦋 (Watch this with an open mind) "The Symbolism will be there Downfall. These People Are Sick - Q" ~ Sept 17, 2023 ~ |

PROJECT PORNOGRAPHY 2023: A Cultural Marxist Psyop Carried Out To Further Pervert The Democrat Party And Normalize The Hyper-Sexualization Of Politics – The Burning Platform
Hollywood Is Dead: Here's Why No One Cares | ZeroHedge

Parents warned over innocent-looking symbols used by paedophiles to indicate their sexual preferences - Daily Record


🙃🔄🥴 (SoTW Sunday Sundry) + So Much More ~ Sept 17, 2023 ~ |

Doctors fear another "tripledemic" will hit in 2023, warn time now to take preventative steps - CBS Philadelphia (


Doctors fear another "tripledemic" will hit in 2023, warn time now to take preventative steps - CBS Philadelphia (

BREAKING: Comedian and Actor Russell Brand accused of raping, sexually assaulting four women — including 16-year-old.




So Much More… – September 16, 2023

Rose Rambles… What in the World is on Cynthia's mind? Love, Spirituality, Free Energy, Abundance, Quantum Awareness

😇 ~ 💗 ('Your experiences upon Earth are but a shadow of the true life intended for you.') Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message ~ Sept. 17, 2023 ~ |


15th. September 2023. Mike Quinsey.

Some changes are resulting in the loss of life, and even those that appear accidental or are a result of nature’s impulses are all with a purpose as the final cleansing takes place. There are casualties that are often in great numbers. It is understandable given the extent of damage such as in earthquakes. It may be hard to accept that virtually all victims are clearing their karma so that in their next life, they start with a clean slate.

You will think of the horrors resulting from accidental death especially when it occurs in extreme circumstances. Be assured that those souls involved are immediately calmed and rested, recovering very quickly from any fears or shock that may be held.

They are soon able to forget any remaining memories of what they went through and free from any injuries. With the circumstances having been explained they accept their experience as part of their evolution. In reality there is no death but simply a change of body to one that is etheric and free from all ailments previously associated with it.

If your mind is cluttered by negative thoughts you attract even more to yourself, so it is in your own interest to try and expel them from your mind. Realise that like attracts like and thereby you often create a worse situation with negative thoughts that you clearly did not intend.

🐊 ~ 💗 (Been There. Done That. Try This!) Messages from Ann & the Angels: Alligators on the path :) ~ Sept 17, 2023 ~ |

Photo of the week

imagined by Ann Albers

Noticing your feelings...

Hi All,

Today, the angels talk about the "alligators" on our paths, which I thought was a hilarious analogy, but a good one! I'll talk about handling them both conceptually and practically speaking.

Have a blessed & beautiful week :)

♥ Ann

FREE GUY: I'd actually tried meeting your 'friendly' american alligator face-to-face at the entry point to the Kennedy Space Center waterways / walking path hissing at my girlfriend back in the days. Must be 20 years ago. Big suckers they are. Can eat you alive and not even burp. Nothing happened. Like many other visitors we just stood there and after a while walked around it. The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you. That is my motto on SoTW anyways... | 

Message from the Angels
Messages from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Suppose you wanted to go for a beautiful walk to a lovely destination. You are eager for the journey. It is a beautiful day. The air is fresh and clear, and you anticipate a wonderful time. However, not far upon the path, you encounter a huge alligator! You can't believe it. The creature is large and blocks the entire path. There is no way around him. What to do? You wait a bit, but he's not budging. You get frustrated and start to throw stones, and he becomes menacing. You say, "Get on! Go! Shoo!" and he growls. So here you are. You've been anticipating a fantastic walk, and now you've got a huge alligator in the path. Fighting him doesn't work. Wishing he wasn't there doesn't make a difference. What to do?

👼 ~ 💗 (Jesus through John) Everyone one of you is a unique and beautiful expression of divine Love ~ Sept 17, 2023 ~ |

The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness ~ SoTW

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2023 johnsmallman

All is well!  Despite what you hear from the various media to which you are paying attention, humanity is in the final stages of your collective awakening.  Your prayers and loving intentions, offered to all without any exceptions, are massively powerful and utterly essential.  Keep on BEING!  You are all divine beings created by God for Her and your eternal joy, so just accept the Truth that each and every one of you is eternally and inseparably connected to Her.  Then, in your acceptance, open your hearts and invite Her to enter.  Do NOT allow feelings of unworthiness of any kind to dissuade you from doing just this.  It is very simple, very easy, and when you allow Her to enter you will feel Her Presence, and you will experience an intense and uplifting sense of peace, knowing that All is Well.  That it always has been and that it always will be; you just need to alter your point of view, your perception, the inner place from which you observe your aware consciousness confirming that you are fully alive and eternally One with God, so that fear and anxiety fall away as Her Love fills your hearts.

Yes, there is much pain and suffering worldwide as people allow unloving aspects of their human nature – fear, anger, bitterness, resentment, hatred, a need to be right and make others wrong, etc. – to arise into their conscious awareness, to be thanked for the service that they provided for them when they were living in fear or anxiety, and then completely released because they do not serve people’s true nature – Love.