Jul 31, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Trump: 'No. I said. Diet Coke. Not. Hunter's Coke.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ July 31, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: Unconfirmed rumors about the Military Alliance is continuing to blow Switzerland up - massive DUMB actions! Over 15 “earthquakes” that are under 10km deep in the last 48 hours alone. Remember what Benjamin Fulford said about Switzerland? In 2020, a massive offensive aimed at finishing off the Swiss-based Octagon group and putting an end to their Nazi fourth Reich has begun. BF says, The Khazarian mafia, headquartered in Zug, Switzerland, is trying to negotiate a peace agreement with the rest of the world as their top man Evelyn de Rothschild dies and their empire collapses! Beijing, China has gotten over 19 inches of rain in the past 24 hours and there's no sign of it stopping. Catastrophic flooding is endangering the THREE GORGES DAM and Beijing is already underwater.. Norway has been flooded as well. Just remember. Norway, has a YUUUGE and continuous build-up of U.S. military presence. Also some nasty DUMBs... A funny little site note; Massive rain in the North of Germany: Arrivals for W:O:A temporarily interrupted. STAY AWAY! The German metal festival Wacken Open Air is equal to Danish CopenHell, where dudes worshippers of Satan. This year, rain and wind at Copenhell ended up with a big screen blew down and the concert was cancelled... |  

👁️⃤𓂀🐀🛸 (Når Danske UFO-rotter kryber op af kloakken!) 'Flyvende tallerkener', Frederik Dirks 'SS commander' Gottlieb, er ikke overbevist af det, som Pentagon-whistlebloweren David Grusch og to andre vidner fremførte, er sandt. BT's tisse-børge-podcast 'Det, vi snakker om', med UFO-snak og værten, Nikolaj Vræææ. Panelet, havde talt med Benny Christen 'Gandalf the Grey', som er medlem af Skandinavisk UFO Information, der heller ikke, tror på en skid. Ikke engang, en god barndomshistorie og UFO-observation, kom frem. Som SoTW plejer at sige, såvel, Kult-Kirsten Birgit; 'jeg kan lugte BS flere kilometer væk.'! [LÆS VIDERE] ~ 31. Juli 2023 ~ |

Ufohemmeligheder og mystik: 'Hver gang nogen siger noget, bliver det affejet' | BT Udland - www.bt.dk

'Rummet er allerede en benhård kampplads, hvor jordens militær, private firmaer og rumnationer, udkæmper territorier. Engang var det måske tanken om simpel minedrift på asteroider. Nu er det mørke SSP grupperinger, 'First Order 'versus Jordens beskyttere, 'Star Wars ' med avancerede civilisationer, rumkolonier samt rumskibe ind og ud af vores galakse. Hyperspace, sorte huller, teleporters eller CIA's 'jump-room' programmer, eksisterer i bedste velgående ~ SoTW

Free Guy (fortsat): Kære læser, du ser på en film, som flimmer for øjnene! Venligst stop med at være så naive og godtroende og have tillid til kendisser og såkaldte, autoriteter. Når synsbedrag og vejrfænomener skaber flyvende tallerkener og UAP/UFOB /UFO’er er blevet mainstream, kommer hele NASA/ESA kult-industrien op til overfladen og æder alt og alle historier med deres denial-denial-denial. Meeen, de gør det på en snedig måde. De fastholder hypen fra medierne og hysteriet, og som i Gottlieb's tilfælde, lader tvivlen komme, læserne til gode. Det hedder CIA 'compartmentalization'.- Den ene hånd aner ikke hvad den anden gør.

Uanset hvad Gottlieb ved eller ikke ved, må han ikke ytre sig, om måske verdens største hemmelighed; hele Universets historie, UFO'er og jordens hemmelig rumprogrammer (SSP), som har været overalt i Mælkevejen og besøgt, andre solsystemer. Sagt med andre ord, manden på gulvet, overført menig (med)arbejder, (i banken kaldte vi dem 'sutsko') får ikke mere viden tilført, så vedkommende ikke kan snakke over sig. Han ved heller ikke hvad, den næste i rangordenen, (filmproduktionen) laver. Og slet ikke, hvad de foretager sig, på de bonede gulve. 

Denne form for dumbed-down rangorden, ses også i kult-hierarkier under Frimureriet, sekter og religionsdyrkelsens' mange islet. Selv i erhvervslivets ledelseshierarkier (VL-grupper øverste), er der en rangorden. Og derfor tror, de ca. 50.000 danske logebrødre- og søstre, de 'bare' er med i gudsvelsignet og velmenende 'klubber' (kristen / jødisk sekt). Frimurerlogerne er særdeles snobbet drenge/kvindeklubber for forfængelige 'mandfolk', der er optaget af kultens egen version af mystik, moral, dannelse og ritualer af især, at kende de 'rigtige mennesker', som rygklapper hinanden, op i systemet. Bare, de holder deres, fede kæft. 

Vidste du, at 50 folkekirkepræster er frimurere? Selv, min jyske ven, 11. år som tidligere frimurer, 3. grader for at blive Mester, under 6. loger (1 storloge), ante ikke, hvad der skete, i de øverste grader. Tror du virkelig selv på, at Scientologys hemmeligheder med de helligste tekster ligger i L. Ron Hubbard kuffert? Eller er det rent og skær science fiction, og bevægelsen gør alt for at holde den hemmelig?? Tidligere kostede et medlemskab af Scientology 25K, men i dag nærmer prisen sig 250K, siger eksmedlem. 

Nej du, Secret Space Programs, har en sikkerhedsgodkendelse "Above Top Secret" (ATS), dvs. over Department of Defense (DoD), enten i form af et Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) eller (ukendt) special access program (USAP), tja, gæt hvad - der er faktisk - 21 (flere) niveauer af sikkerhedsgodkendelser over POTUS. Så selv USA's præsident (POTUS) er på niveau 17. (Top Secret Crypto - 1-28 niveau). Over det 28. niveau af sikkerhedsgodkendelses og organisationsdiagrammet, som jeg har delt mange gange, på bloggen, har vi 10 niveauer over (lav ZD27 - højeste Majestic). IKKE engang generaler i Pentagon har denne form, for tilladelser. Begynder det at dæmre nu?... 

Det er med 100% garanti, at; R4DIO's Den Nye Rumalder, Danmarks Radio, Videnskab.dk, Andreas Mogensen, vildmedrummet.dk, Danske rumforskere, DTU Space samt Terma A/S og de fem danske virksomheder; GOMSpace, Space Inventor, Gatehouse, Quadsat og Force Technology, ikke kommer til at snakke om de hemmelige rumprogrammer.... |

📰🍿❌ ('QFS expected running on new secure Star Link Satellite System 1st of Aug 2023. Same day Pres. Trump expected to return.') DC: Restored Republic via a GCR ~ July 31, 2023 ~ |


Free Guy: Wishful thinking yeah? As always, amazing, inspiring and optimists report, but take it with a grain of salt, because, key statements and dates changes, every day, since 2015. However, it's the top trending on "rumor mill news" and highly watched, by 200K large Dr Charlie Ward spiritual organisation and 130K large Simon Parkes and Co., if you believe, in them. Simon says; nobody knows when RV will happen - ask Charlie, he says... |

Compiled Mon. 31 July 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”

Trust The Plan
Martial Law, GESARA/ NESARA Announcement, Med Beds Imminent
Banks Closing; US Dollar Insolvent; US Inc Collapsing; Biden Crime Cartel Exposed
On Tues. 22 Aug. 120 nations Join BRICS to Trade Gold/asset-backed Currencies

Other problems which did come to light last week:

  • Fri. 28 July Voter Fraud Data Dump revealed 40 years of stolen elections.
  • U.S. Inc. government has begun to collapse with pressure on current Admin to resign.
  • Biden Crime Family Cartel collapsing.
  • Banks across Globe failing with a liquidity and credit crisis: US Dollar insolvent
  • Stock market drops total of 85-96% since Mon. 24 July.
  • Grocery stores begin to empty as supply chains completely break down. Expect Food Shortages
  • 120 nations applied to join the trading block of BRICS gold/asset-backed currency, with decision/announcement on Tues. 22 Aug.
  • Trump return on Tues. 1 Aug. JFK Jr. return on Thurs. 3 Aug.

🕉️🌌🌟 (Come again Cobra?) First Yaldabaoth, Lord of the Archons invasion 1996 and now the 'Lurker entity'? Or is it the same entity? Wasn't it destroyed a long time ago? According to Cobra RM; "Lurker is the underbelly of the Universe which drains through quarantine Earth tumor / cyst. They lost their individuality and merged into a rabid, amorphous, revengeful subquantum blob named the Lurker, as hinted at in sci-fi novels!." R U kidding me! Victory of the Light! - I mean, I guess? ~ July 31, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: R W all gonna die? Dont' get me wrong. I believe in a looot of things. I AM so sorry, I was giggling, when I saw this 'Lurker statement' (the Lurker from subquantum unspace into the quantum fluctuations). Nobody understands it, and I have been high up in this so-called "Pleiadian Resistance Movement Cult." Buuutt, please, by all means, stay, if that is your destiny. It is after all, your own choice (and your money). I have learned so much as well, not everything is a lie. After being in years in COBRA SCHOOL and my x-girlfriend was to become the next 'High Priestess of Moder Earth' when the leader of Cobra's spouse, Isis Astara, was killed (2018). Emy is out now and so is the rest of the old core group of C.O.B.R.A. R.M. My old DK-friend, Gitte, now dead of cancer, god bless her soul, warned me about it, before she died. It's a true story why would I lie?... | 

 🙋 4. C.O.B.R.A. R.M.   We asked a lot of questions and below is the end result;

P.S. - Rumor in the very top hierarchy including my ex-girlfriend on SoTW told me that the leader (cobra-resistance.github.io) of this huge spiritual organization was inspired, seduced and controlled by an American spouse called the "Dark Queen." who killed the former spouse called Isis Astara which SoTW has meet in 2015 etc.



Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Planetary Situation Update and Kyoto Ascension Conference Report

The main focus of the Light forces is now clearing of the subquantum anomaly.

Subquantum anomaly is not as innocent as it was previously believed, and the Lurker entity poses quite a challenge. More intel about the Lurker is now available. In the previous cosmic cycle, some entities wanted to survive the big crunch as the universe was collapsing into a singularity, and the only possible way to survive this (except Ascension) was to forcefully project consciousness into the subquantum anomaly.

Those entities from the previous cosmic cycle used a very advanced technology with extreme energies to push their consciousness into the subquantum unspace. Through this process they were extremely traumatized, they lost their individuality and merged into a rabid, amorphous, revengeful subquantum blob named the Lurker, as hinted at in these sci-fi novels:



The Lurker was hidden for the majority of this cosmic cycle in the subquantum unspace, and only recently, in the last few million years, nudged the dark forces into greater and greater anomaly and distortion. The Lurker fully emerged during the Archon invasion in 1996 to try to prevent the cosmic Ascension process and the final removal of evil.