Dec 2, 2015


Senator Lindsey Graham Has Just Exposed His Connection To The New World Order and Globalist Agenda! Wow! This video is very entertaining and exposes the absolute corruption within the United States Corporate Government. IMO ~enerchi

Here is NWO Agent Lindsey Graham's website......

Wake up Call: St. Germain, December 2, 2015 CET

Opstegne Mester Saint Germain, Le Comte de Saint Germain, den Europæiske vidundermand, og mange andre navne som tilhører den fascinerende mystiske mands kronik så som, "Manden der ved alt og aldrig dør". Han er kendt for sit engagement med at forme det 18. århundredes Europa. Han var et yndet gæst i Versailles, fortrolige med Kong Ludvig og Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Katarina den Store af Rusland, og mange andre statsoverhoveder i dette tidsrum. Han var kendt for at have levet i 300 år aldrig aldrende, delvist på grund af den mystiske Elixir og andre alkymistiske stoffer, han skabte. Saint Germain har været fabrikanten af hele vores generation af kommende velgørenhedspakker, RV, GCR, PPP m.m. Hvis man forfølger de meddelelser fra vores opstegne mestre som sprøjter ud i øjeblikket, kan man sammenfatte sande beretninger og den fundamental forståelse for vores race. Kan naturligvis blot tale om min egen oplevelse og bevidsthedsniveau.

Kanaliseret af Nancy Tate
© 2015 treeofthegoldenlight

This is a morning when you can look around you and see that there is a lot of wonderful energy in your world. Or you can look around and see that there is a lot of sorrow and chagrin in your world. Which would you rather see? Is it a world that you would choose to create and enjoy, or is it a world that brings you the opportunity to go from here and build it more it more as it feels the best for you?

The Arcturian Group: Dec 2, 2015 CET (The energy of Ascension is the energy of Oneness. You are the manifestation and expression of One Divine Consciousness and thus can never be separate from your innate wholeness and completeness. Inner guidance is a facet of your completeness. You can only experience separateness from what you seem to need if you believe you are separate. This is the story of evolution)

Billede af Arcturians iflg.
Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer. 

Kanaliseret aMarilyn Raffaele

Dear Ones, again we lovingly seek your attention.

Issues on planet Earth have become increasingly more intense in many directions – reflecting perfectly the energy of duality and separation. Many are awakening but many still resist. Let go of fearing that the dark will out, for Ascension is a given in spite of all you are seeing and hearing through the media.

When tempted to fear, remember that fear is the energetic substance of these manifestations and more fear only adds energy to the illusion. Choose to limit the time you spend absorbing mainstream news, health ads, and other drivel available 24/7. Stay informed but not enmeshed.

All who are ready and choosing to ascend into higher dimensional energy will do so, and those choosing to stay in what they have always known will also do so. Ascension is not a matter of intellectual knowledge but is an attained state of consciousness.

There are many who seem to have no interest in spirituality, but who live from a highly evolved state of consciousness attained in previous lifetimes. These seemingly disinterested individuals are moving into new energies as well because they have the qualifications, so to speak.

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 2. December 2015 CET (powerful new information about our spiritual counselors and Supreme Creative Force)

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer

There is a global reset that is to appear and trigger a rise of precious metal currencies. At present, the revaluations are on the horizon. Along with this, there is to be the start of an operation to free you from your debt and to reorder and make completely transparent a new international banking system.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

10 Men, 8 Yaxk’in, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Every day we move closer to the start of a new era of Light on surface Gaia. A grand deliverance of humanity from the dark cabal is here! The time finally arrives to see the redistribution of wealth and the rise of true value in the world. There is a global reset that is to appear and trigger a rise of precious metal currencies. At present, the revaluations are on the horizon. Along with this, there is to be the start of an operation to free you from your debt and to reorder and make completely transparent a new international banking system. This process begins in earnest as the last month of this Gregorian year manifests. The dark spent a long time forcing us into a security, which has denied them the victory that they long sought. As this grand last straw of the dark is played out, rejoice in the fact that their beguiling of our final goal was futile. You are to live in the moment when Heaven triumphed and you received your freedom. Take into account all that was needed to assure this victory. Remember the fallen and realize the price paid by many for this glorious outcome!