Apr 15, 2021
🙏 ~ 💝 (For at SoTW skal få smukke og bløde fødder med peeling og scrub, skal jeg...) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Både private og erhverv, der i den grad lider under disse vanvittige Corona regler... Og selvom det måske overhoved ikke betyder noget, så er #Messer-shit tiltalt i Meld og Feld-sagen, #Stoejberggaten ligeså, via en Rigsretssag, #Barolo-Mogens, røg dog ud, for at redde den almægtige leder, MMM... Et socialdemokratisk og støttepartiernes trekantsdrama om sex, løgn og gammelt nag, men, #Teenager-Predator Jeppe, slap med skrækken, syndebukken blev i stedet, #SexMorten-Østergaard, der blev hældt ud med tidevandet efter Krænkelses-sager... Hovedbagmændende, bag ringen af S-sexskandaler, økonomiske politiske skandaler og mink- og magtskandaler, samt coronavirus agendaen; MMM, Løgnicke, Rossen-Bossen, Barbara-Bims-Bertelsen samt Homo-Rocker-Sass, m. fl., går, FULDSTÆNDIGT FRI... |
🔴💂♂️🧜♀️ ~ ('Never ASSUME... it makes an ASS out of U and ME') 'Kisser': Ep. 21: HVAD SAGDE JEG!?!?!?! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: (5 BREAKING HISTORIER) 💨 Notat til regeringen: Myndighederne skal skabe »ængstelse« for corona. Nu vokser optimismen – og det er et problem for genåbningen af Danmark.. 💨 'DEN PERFEKTE pakke for svindlere': Danske ministre og topembedsfolk i kæmpe 640K danskeres Facebook-læk 💨 GLEM RIGSRETSSAGEN mod Støjberg: Tibetkommissionens hidtil tungeste bevis om Magnetbånd fundet i en glemt container i Udenrigsministeriets kælder kan udvikle sig til enorm skandale - TV 2 har SLETTET artiklen???.. 💨 VI HAR FÅET en ny, dødelig sygdom, VITT, og vaccinen er årsagen, siger professor, på LIPPERT, som eneste land har opdaget og nu dropper, AstraZeneca-vaccinen.. MEN FRYGT EJ, Magnus LØGNICKE, Sundhedsminister i Danmark og stolt far til to piger, har skaffet 650.000 'ekstra' DNA-genterapi-AI-microchip Pfizer/Biontech vacciner og reklamere med at han har vaccineret over 1 million danskere, med første stik.. Desuden skriver berlingske, at (livsfarlige) Danske AZ-vacciner skal måske til fattige lande eller sælges videre, til andre lande.. 💨 Klima-forskere råber vagt i gevær: Greta Thunberg og klimamodellerne overdriver... 🎬PS: (fra 28-41 minutter mærket) Fik Kirsten Birgit ret?... Salget af SSI, forsyningssikkerheden omkring vacciner (Bjarne Cory'DON', MMM, Homo-Rocker-Sass, Guzzi-Helle), skuespillet om manglende kritisk journalistik, frisører og coronapas, sæsonvariation virusser, og bevidst fusket med de opblæste matematiske Corona-beregninger, MMM's illuminati-trekanten m.m. - lyt til epsiode 21... |
https://www.berlingske.dk/nyheder/notat-til-regeringen-myndighederne-skal-skabe-aengstelse-for-corona.-nu |
https://www.version2.dk/artikel/danske-ministre-topembedsfolk-kaempe-facebook-laek-se-her-du-ramt-1092457 |
https://180grader.dk/sektioner/indland/klima/artikel/klima-forskere-raber-vagt-i-gever-greta-thunberg-og-klimamodellerne-overdriver |
⚠️💔🤔 ~ (DMCA takedown notice) Google just removed one of my blog-posts at SoTW today April 15, 2021 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉At the same day, a notice has been sent out about FollowByEmail widget (Feedburner) will disappear soon & major system update in July 2021, US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) has hit me, a small minor insignificant danish blog👈] ... Apparently i'm not allowed to discuss David Hawkins and the Levels of Consciousness, Vibrations Scale, The Sisterhood of the Rose and how we, as Enlightened Masters, are able to reach 500 (vibration of love) and above, up to 1000, where Gratitude, Joy and Peace has been logged. Or talk about the Maharishi effect or distance healing and stuff like that...If I re-post that specific article or link og whatever that has upset a "unknown" complainer, it will be considered as a violation of my account. Repeated violations of our Terms of Service may result in additional penalties against my Blogger account, including deletion of your blog and / or termination of your account.. Soooo, I just got my first strike, like in YouTube or other social media platforms, so it seems... I NEVER thought that was human possible on the Google blogger platform, hosted by DNS servers in Denmark... |
👑💰🦎 ~ ('Pindar' rules Earth?) The Top Trillionaires Of The World: Rothschilds, Rockefellers & The Council of the 13 Families (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Like in Dr. Greers case: A picture is worth a thousand words - if it's legit of course👈] ... I'm trying to paint this picture, with almost no colours, so bare with me, there's so much more history and deeper layers, that i'm not touching... The Rothschild and Rockefeller families are part of the "elite" secret societies that control the world via unimaginable amounts of money. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds are part of the illuminati secret societies and responsible for (almost) all chaos and lies you see in the news and media today and has infiltrated and controls everything. From media and politics to all intelligence services and the Earthly and Space MIC-SSP military apparatus... One example, there's a reason why Denmark, still "deep in debt" to the Rothschilds and perhaps why, they play along in the COVID-19-agenda (and all G7 + other Rothsch owned countries)... In 1810 the Rothschild's firm became 'Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Sons" (Nathan was not a public partner of this firm)... Nathan Rothschild (the mastermind) stepped in to intervene in 1813 when he realized Napoleon's war was a threat to the family's business practices, so he stepped in to help defeat the French emperor. At the same time, and so far, apart from the Federal Reserve (FED), it is true that Rothschild owns all central banks. Denmark went bankrupt in the year 1813, by the year 1814, Denmark lost Norway to Sweden by the Treaty of Kiel. Denmark has forced to take huge loans from Nathan Rothschild. Since then, Danmarks Nationalbank, Danske Bank A/S, Nordea Bank Abp and 6 major, Too big to fail-banks, is owned by the Illuminati global banking dynasty?... Actually, SoTW, used to work for one of the top banking cartels in Scandinavia, ruled by CEO Casper von Koskull, who was one of the "Golden Slacks" (giant vampire squid) and GS, belongs to the Rothschild Banking Empire, that again belongs to the The Council of the 13 Families (13 illuminati bloodlines). That again, many seems to claim, is where the Anti-Christ will come from. This bloodline believes that it has both the Holy Blood of Jesus and the blood (or seed) of Satan in its bloodline... Then we goes into something, that almost none is aware of or believe is true...[READ MORE] ... |
The |
Excerpts from "Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation".
📑The leader of the Earth’s Illuminati is called the “Pindar”. The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for “Pinnacle of the Draco”, also known as the “Penis of the Dragon”. Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear. The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth. Recently, there are reports that the Marquis de Libeaux is the Pindar, but this is disinformation. The true current Pindar is the head of the Rothschild family, as has been for several hundred years. He is based in Germany near Frankfurt. In the late 1970s, he oversaw the sister project to Montauk, called M.A.L.D.A. is an anagram for Montauk-Alsace-Lorraine Dimensional Activation. This project was located near the city of Strasbourg, France, historically once part of Germany📑..(..)..
PS: SoTW trust another benevolent story about Inner Earth beings, but what do I know... |
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