Feb 2, 2023

🍿👄👂 (Real news or rumors and gossip repeaters!?!) DC: Excerpt from Earth Alliance and Patriot News for February 2, 2023 ~ |


Excerpt from Earth Alliance and Patriot News for February 2, 2023


Jared Rand Conference Call 2/1/2023– TFCC Feb 1 ‘The Time Has Come’

-) Jared has confirmed that in Canada at a “Credit Union” that everything is “Gold Backed”, Jared checked it out, and the statement was on their website. Jared received a letter from a listener about this and then he researched it.

-) Jared stated we all have looked for hard-evidence, to this trigger of R/V GCR, he thinks this is one of the indicators.

-) The Deep State U.S. Corporation is “Out of Business”, but the Deep State created the “White House” Corporation, not too long ago; but has NO money. This is what the White Hats is depleting all money from the corrupt Deep State.

-) Yes, it is true, that Corporation President Clinton signed NESARA by in front of special forces at gun point in 1996. Clinton knew they would not give him a choice. But NESARA is an Act, it has to be publicly announced for it go into law.

-) This year, the Republic Government will announce NESARA!!!

-) We will get the “Rainbow Currency” this year. This will come in “waves”. There NO way the criminals can do anything with the new QFS system, it is that secure.

-) 184 Central Banks are DONE; will be NO more. The Federal Reserve note will be DONE too. The good guys, are artificially keep it floating, so nobody panics.

-) Russia is gold backed, China is gold backed, Japan is gold backed, all announced last year.

-) America is gold backed, just has NOT been announced, yet. This has been confirmed in the background.

-) This is ALL DONE, in the background. QFS, Gold Standard, & Rainbow currency.

Jared’s full conference call: https://fccdl.in/KGCLiXkZFn

Source: Operation Disclosure Official


🙏 ~ 💝 (Can everyone feel it something big is happening! Confirm with yes!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Feb 2, 2023 ~ |

(20+) Facebook
(20+) Galactic Federation Of Starseeds And Lightworkers | Facebook

👁️⃤𓂀📐🔰 (Når 'Kisser' snakker i 'koder') Den Korte r8Dioavis: Hvor er det sindssygt siger Rasmus Bruun eftersom Kirsten Birgit har købt afdøde Uffe Ellemann-Jensens enderækkehus, til 68. mio. kr. på Sundvænget i Hellerup og solgt sin bopæl på Dalgas Boulevard 48, Frederiksberg. SoTW: Og Shh-Jacob erkender arrogant facade: Det er noget lort siger han til RADIO4 og får et ildebefindende, på nippet til at besvime under squat! ~ 2. Feb 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: Våbenskjold: 'Aldrig spag, altid brændende.' Uffe ælle-bælle-mand din-store-blærerøv er endelig frataget titlen som livslang 'wife-beater', frimurer og bilderberger! Jacobs far Uffe, er død og vi skulle tvinges til at høre om hvor fantatisk han var, i flere uger, eftersom, han nok var én af de helst store frimurer-og Bilderbergers i danske historie. Bor under 100 meter fra Slottet, hvor skjoldet, er ophængt! Nu mangler vi bare UNHOLY Anders 'Fog of War', der sidder i Storlogen over alle loger, nemlig Order of the Garter aka Committee of 300 sammen med DDFO-Daisy og afdøde Lilibet, der var lederen. Det er velkendt, når man får sit eget våbenskjold, så er man meget langt oppe i frimureriets øverste lag. Fortalt af min gode ven, som har været frimurer siden 2009 i 5 loger og laug og én Storloge, 3. grader for at være MESTER!... Og som min egen mor nævnte ved morgenbordet; Alice Vestergaard, fremragende journalist endte med at stå i vejen for Uffe's voldsomme temperament og tørre tæsk var kendt for, at slå sin kone. Da min mor også vidste hvad der skete med Prinsgemalen som sygeplejerske i 45 år og leder af Nordsjællands Hospital skadestue-modtagelse, så ved min mor også, at når Uffe-manden, begyndte at tæske Alice, forsvandt hun for æteren, og vi har aldrig hørt fra hende, siden. Engang, og dette er konfirmeret, at Alice mødte op i kvindekrisecenteret, fortalte hun til en god veninde til min mor, at hun havde skubbet, sin mand, efter at have fået nok, ned ad trappen og han brækkede eller forstuvede, sin arm. Var prinsgemalen og er Obama, Anders Fogh og Prins Jokke, bøsserøve!? Undskyld mener ikke noget med det ord, har selv bøsser, som venner!... | 

The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: 🔰 ~ (Våbenskjold: 'Aldrig spag, altid brændende.')
(20+) Politisk Satire | Facebook

H.H Prince Nikolai of Denmark (@prins.nikolai) • Instagram-billeder og -videoer
mahsa amini - Google Search

Dagens tegning: Noget for noget - politiken.dk

Business-overblik: Kardashian og andre kendisser sværmer om Novo: Det kan potentielt skade os (berlingske.dk)

Hvidvasksag koster Danske Bank milliarder på bundlinjen (msn.com)
Ups! Nordea kom til at skilte med et boliglån til 0 pct. i rente (finans.dk)

🎤🦠💉(Let it go sing-along with Jimmy Fallon to keep COVID agenda alive?) XBB.1.5: The Saddest Moment in TV History ~ Feb 2, 2023 (SoTW; Congrats to VC's new YouTube and Odysee Channels! As the description goes; 'Jimmy Fallon sang a song to promote a COVID variant. It was really sad.'.. As Pres. Trump recently said; 'These People Are Sick, They're Sick': after Trump blasts 'Witch Hunts' that have dogged him for years. It's actually something 'Q' said years ago 'These People Are Sick') ~ |

xbb.1.5 - Google Search
Introducing the Vigilant Citizen YouTube and Odysee Channels! | The Vigilant Citizen
(41) 'These People Are Sick, They're Sick': Trump Blasts 'Witch Hunts' That Have Dogged Him For Years - YouTube

💕( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)📖('Dawn of Earth’s Freedom') Matthew's Message via Suzy Ward ~ Feb 2, 2023 (SoTW; B-E-A-utiful. As always thank you Matthew! My inner soul mood barometer rose significantly!) ~ |

  Many souls completing 3D karmic lessons; waves of discomfort; balance, value of Nature; animals: energy, importance to human evolution, effects of darkness; Ukraine; global economy

Channeled by Suzy Ward
© 2023 matthewbooks

Editor's note: This is about channeled information on reincarnation, karma, extraterrestrials, spirituality & metaphysics from Matthew Ward through his mother Suzanne. It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen (both Sheldan and Montague has stopped given us updates)

February 1, 2023

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The dynamic prelude to the dawn of Earth’s freedom from darkness is presenting some very difficult situations, and that is why many souls chose to be there now. Prior to birth, they were aware of what would be happening at approximately this time—just as you volunteers were—and they made soul contracts and pre-birth agreements accordingly.

Souls throughout this universe knew that divine grace was offering an unprecedented opportunity to complete third density karmic lessons in one Earth lifetime instead of numerous incarnations. Those who wanted to take advantage of this unique offer specified in their contracts desired longevity and geographical areas where dire circumstances and death would become prevalent. Upcoming situations will fulfill those contract provisions for most, if not all of the souls who chose to complete their lessons, thereby attaining balanced 3D experiencing and evolving to fourth density.

When individuals accomplish their goal transition from physical to spirit lifetime, they will rejoice in knowing they succeeded. If death prior to the chosen life span prevents persons from experiencing everything they needed to wind up 3D lessons, they can evolve by completing the remainder with greater ease during life in a spirit world. Individuals who need the most arduous experiencing are being energized by stronger souls so they can master their chosen lessons. And, persons who achieved personal ascension to fourth density and whose lives are cut short in the crossfire, so to say, can hone their developing skills, talents and other abilities during life in spirit to enrich and enhance their next embodiment, in a 4D civilization.