Jun 3, 2020
🕉️ ~ 💗 COBRA UPDATE: Peace Meditation 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"The Light Forces are asking that as many people as possible meditate for the world peace at the exact moment of Eris Pluto square on June 14th" ~ Cobra, WLMM & Kp👈] ... Excerpts: After the plandemic plan did not have the desired effect, the Dark Forces have stepped up their efforts to increase End Time madness. The Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus are now polarizing political left and political right in the United States to engineer civil war. The protests which erupted last week have been deeply infiltrated and manipulated."... Wow, soooo... Elon Musk, is now one of the good guys, didn't see that coming!... |
Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
The Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus are now polarizing political left and political right in the United States to engineer civil war. The protests which erupted last week have been deeply infiltrated and manipulated:
To de-escalate the situation, what is needed now is to hold the planet in the Light, as Kauilapele has said in his newly re-established blog:
Light Forces have asked as many people as possible to meditate every 4 hours for peace in the United States:
⚠️ ~ Tucker: Our leaders dither as our cities burn (GRAPHIC VIDEO) ~ | Blogger: [👉Shocking and Important video to understand the absolutely insane 'riots,' 'violence,' 'looting' of America. POTUS - Commander in Chief - gloves are off. Tucker will not save him👈} ... Disclaimer: The content you are about to see contains graphic images... |
🦄😌⚖️ ~ Den Spirituelle Revolutionen er her allerede: De iskolde, nøjeberegnende korrupte bureaukratiske hustyraner af landets rigeste, den offentlige embedstop- og genmodificerede politiske organismer, som har løjet fra A-Z, og om Coronakrisen, kommer ikke til at overleve, forandringens stormløb af danske borgere (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Vibeke Manniche: ".. (..)...BUM – så bragede Steffen Brandt og TV-2 igennem med et brag. Deres gendigtning af ”Den sidste turist i Europa” er overvældende dragende og suggestiv. Den rammer præcist i solar plexus ifht ikke alene Danmarks krise men også Europas. Musikken, Steffens stemme, gendigtning af sangen og så den fantastiske video rammer plet. ”For de der døde i pestens gustne arme – mere alene end nogensinde før”. I de 10 minutter og 12 sekunder som videoen varer, har man gåsehud. Ganske enkelt. Videoen, gendigtningen og Steffens stemme rammer bare plet i frygten, ensomheden, afmagten, dysterheden og den groteske følelse af at befolkningen om noget marcherer i takt. Og har gjort det længe. Som tavse og tanketomme robotter..(..).. |
https://www.berlingske.dk/samfund/eksperter-derfor-er-koebenhavnere-allerede-tilbage-ved-normalen |
https://ekstrabladet.dk/112/seks-anholdes-i-sag-om-svindel-for-220-millioner/8148241 |
https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/udland/nyt-bevis-kina-holdt-information-om-coronavirus-tilbage |
https://www.berlingske.dk/samfund/mens-coronaepidemien-klinger-af-sniger-regeringen-ny-hastelov-ind-vil-have |
✌️🙋♂️⚖️ ~ (Protestgruppe som modsvar til Nye Borgerlige) 90.000 samler sig i protestgruppe mod Inger Støjberg ~ | Blogger: [🤜Et rungende "Hoorah", siden jeg har været MP'er i Flyvevåbnet. Må retfærdigheden ske fyldest🤛] ... Jeg er/har været en del af Cobra's og andres modstandsbevægelse, men verdensalt opildner ALDRIG til en hævngerrig og revanchistisk voldelig opstand og gribe til sværdet, tværtimod!.. Man behøves ikke være et spirituelt engagerede sjæl, og føle sig overvældet af indtryk og miste balancen, når man snakker om retfærdighed! Som særligt sensitiv har man ofte et rigt indre liv, udpræget indlevelsesevne, dybe refleksioner og en STÆRK retfærdighedssans.. Jeg er opvokset med personligheder såsom, Anders 'Fog of War' Ramussen og Lille Lars, 'Generalen fra Græsted' og det hemmelige notat, der bebudede støtte til USA et år før krig og jeg kan med sikkerhed sige, de begge, er medskyldige og burde kræves foran en militær domstol... Det, der er med #Stoejberggaten, er, hun (desværre) endnu har 'Parlamentarisk immunitet' og et Folketing, som står bag hende. Vi må ikke være for naive, "frimurerne" styrer også domstolene... Men HVIS (min røv var spids) Støjberg, kommer i "alvorlig uføre", og "de" smider hende under bussen, for at redde "Deres" egen røvballer og hun får en fængselsstraf, såsom tidligere hærchef Hans-Christian Mathiesen, kommer hun til at trække mange politikere ned med sig. Seneste har Støjbergs nye fortælling, givet Jakob ælle-bælle-mand problemer og kan muligvis, skabe præcedens for mange nye indsigelser, der er langt, langt alvorligere, end at bryde loven (ulovlige instruks) og tilmed lyve om det bagefter, det gør ALLE politikere... Lidt sjovt, at Kåre Harder Olesen sidder i byrådet i Ballerup Kommune for Venstre, har meldt sig ind i protestgruppe mod Støjberg... |
😷🛡️⚔️ ~ (#USASummerPSYOP?) "Are you not entertained?" (Reallygraceful) ~ | Blogger: [👉A-Must-See Video👈] ... YouTuber ReallyGraceful, a romance author who makes monthly videos “diving down the rabbit hole of truth”. This video is about the technocratic regime in a grab for more authoritarian control and America closer to civil war (for good or bad)... |
Source (Reallygraceful)
This video is a discussion about what ideological subversion means and what it looks like.
🤗 ~ 💗 Kp Note 6-2-20… “I am taking a break” 💗~ | Blogger: [👉Launch of the NEW Kp Blog (6-1-2020 at 0011 CDT)👈] ... Welcome back and goodbye Kp, see you soon (again)... |
Starting tomorrow I will be taking a break from standard blogging type stuff. I am really feeling a great NEED to just be away from where I’ve been for the past 8 months, and away from the moment to moment dealing with Mom’s passing, Dad’s passing, household business, the Kp blog being censored, then rebuilding the blog… and so on.
My Spirit needs a break. Part of me feels very very very very very very drained.
Likely I will be posting, here and there (one post is already scheduled).
I’m taking a vacation. That is my gift to me.
Aloha, Kp
👼 ~ 💗 Declaration of Freedom for All (Energetic Synthesis) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Excerpts:"I do not consent to the use of military grade psychological operations and false flags that are being deployed against the population to incite division, classification, violence and hatred towards any human being, with the purpose of hiding the crimes made against humanity... I do not consent to the deceptive methods of those intentionally orchestrating a well funded and organized destruction of western society, along with the goal of total annihilation of human freedoms and civil liberties... I choose unity with human beings who truly want to live as free citizens, with the individual rights and protections that are God given in Natural laws, as all humans are made equal under God... I do not consent to have any human being, living being, entity, person, corporation, secret group or representative, or their overlords or off world allies, anyone working for or with any of the above to spy, survey, look into, to watch or in any way intrude upon or invade our personal privacy and right to our own personhood for any reason... I do not consent to planetary harnessing and surveillance structures and methods which track me, collect data on me or seek to predict and influence our consciousness decisions without our knowledge or awareness."... |
👼 ~ 💗 Point of No Return (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"After centuries of oppression and violence, the people are rising. We have reached a tipping point in the collective that can no longer resume ‘what used to be’." ~ Meg👈] ... |
As we move into the Eclipse Gateways, we are reaching the ‘point of no return’ as the old regime fights to hold onto control. With so many planets in retrograde and the Lunar Eclipse this Friday, we are experiencing a deep review cycle of hidden shadow. The Eclipse at 15° Sagittarius is flushing out what separates and divides us.
Eclipses bring about transformative changes in life, initiating course-corrections and adjustments that serve our highest good. This could be an emotional catharsis for you, as the eclipse shakes things loose. Observe any unconscious patterning or unresolved wounding that comes to your awareness for healing.
The T-square with fiery Mars is fueling increased tension, anger and karmic triggers involving misuse of power or abusive behavior. After centuries of oppression and violence, the people are rising. We have reached a tipping point in the collective that can no longer resume ‘what used to be’.
🏳️⚧️🎾 ~ 'I saw her naked. She's so big I was in shock for a week': Romanian ace recalls first encounter with Serena Williams ~ | Blogger: [👉Oh My Gosh! Weeeell Miss Alexandra Cadantu👉] ... perhaps you should understand by now, Serena Williams, is a transgendered man..."There is precedent for allowing men, posing as women, to compete at the highest athletic levels. Stella "The Fella" Walsh was a track athlete who competed against women, but after death, during embal- ming, it was revealed that a man had been competing against women for quite some time. Caster Semenya was an African track competitor who claimed she was a woman. After killing all of her competition, she revealed that she was a man. Serena is a transgendered woman, her body structure is that of a man, so is her brow. That's why the women's game is a joke, as John McEnroe has said in the past" (uk.answers.yahoo.com)... PS: The video called "IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Serena Williams IS A MAN" has been censored and many other videos... |
😔💔🚸 ~ (#SaveYourChildren) Education or propaganda? Nickelodeon makes children watch 9 MINUTES of ‘I can’t breathe’ BLM commercial, polarizing parents ~ | Blogger: [✊Veeeeery sick entertainment for kids! Disney and mass media companies like Viacom, sends out subliminal messages in childrens cartoons and animations🤘] .... EVERYONE who's working for the Deep State (DS) or Cabal (Ka (spirit) ballah (of the god Ba’al)=Set=Satan) has been activated like sleeper cells and being rolled out to serve their MASTER!... That is why police and alike are taking a knee - just like NFL players protesting and why celebrities rushed to Twitter to share their views on the protests, some cheering on the rioters in no uncertain terms... I don't buy into all that unrest and demonstrations in several cities in the United States and EU following new cases of police violence against blacks, staged police cars and tanker truck, plowing into George Floyd protesters and Black Lives Matter march turns chaotic in Paris etc... It's ALL a Setup!.. And of course SoTW's prayers go out to the recent 46-year-old George Floyd died during a brutal arrest, but THIS RIGHT HERE! should be the FRUSTRATIONS (anger) about the FAKE COVID-19 LOCKDOWNS and NOT about PlannedDemic Race Riots... |
Black Lives Matter protest, The Hague, Netherlands |
Burnside Bridge with their hands behind their back |
Source (RT.com)
Children’s TV network Nickelodeon went silent for nearly nine minutes as a gesture of support for the Black Lives Matter movement. But pushing social-justice rhetoric on such a young audience has rubbed many the wrong way.
The channel, owned by Viacom, stopped its transmission for eight minutes and 46 seconds on Tuesday “in support of justice, equality, and human rights,” presenting children with a black screen on which the phrase “I can’t breathe” faded in and out, timed with audio of a person breathing. That spot was preceded by a promotion scrolling Nickelodeon’s “Declaration of Kids’ Rights” over an orange background and a pledge to “stand in solidarity” with “Black colleagues, creators, partners, and audiences” while condemning racism and violence.(READ MORE)
🦠😧🔫 ~ (Don't Panic) Pandemic, Economic Crash, Social Unrest, And Now Four Asteroids? (ZH) ~ | Blogger: ["👉FIRST it was the Russian collusion👉Then impeachment👉Then the virus👉The economic meltdown👉Now its paid protesters on the streets👉Asteroids doomsday countdown👉Staged Alien invasion👉❓] ... |
Source (ZeroHedge)
NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has detected "four near-Earth objects that will fly past" the planet on Tuesday, reported International Business Times.(READ MORE)
https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/77120/the-george-floyd-protests--20-unanswered.html |
👀 ~ (Simon says) Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 🙏 | Aired June 2, 2020 | Connecting Consciousness Update | Blogger: [👉"IT'S THE FINAL DS BATTLE! THE FINAL SHOWDOWN! TONIGHT - A STEP CLOSER TO MARTIAL LAW AND THOUSANDS OF U.S. MILITARY TROOPS IN THE STREETS OF AMERICA!" ~ SP👈] ... Simon says; I was WRONG!... It was not in November of 2020, not in 2021 but RIGHT NOW! Americans most CHOOSE!.. It's all on a knife-edge now!...The world's media turn on President Trump joined by the European Union who say that it’s right to censor what the President says. With the cabal pulling the strings of the institutions of power in many capitals of the world the US President is facing the final showdown... The war with the established media - THIS IS IT... IF the battle is WON, the human race is in a very STRONG position -- IF it's lost, we're all in a BAD SHAPE for the future... George Soros is behind US unrest (a liberal 'jewish alike' billionaire, Holocaust survivor from Hungary)... PS: Pentagon has already flown 1,600 active-duty troops into DC area to be on standby as protests continue.. |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...
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