May 1, 2019

The MIND Unleashed | ~ Assange Sentenced to 50 Weeks in UK Prison for Bogus Bail Charge ~ |

Following seven years of imprisonment at the Ecuadorian embassy fighting US extradition, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been sentenced to 50 weeks behind bars for an entirely bogus bail charge.

Sky News reporter Jordan Milne live-tweeted events as they unfolded, reporting that Assange’s defense argued that his fears of rendition and torture at the hands of the US government were well-founded. His life in the Ecuadorian embassy and the physical and psychological detriments which came with it were described, including deteriorated health and depression. The judge rejected his entire defense and delivered nearly the harshest sentence possible.

“Your continued residence in the Embassy has necessitated a concentration of resources, and expenditure of £16 million of taxpayers’ money in ensuring that when you did leave, you were brought to justice,” Judge Deborah Taylor told Assange upon his sentencing.

Humans Are Free | ~ Each Day A Cruise Ship Emits As Much Pollution As A Million Cars ~ | .. Air quality on cruise ship deck ‘worse than world’s most polluted cities’, investigation finds .. | Blogger: Wooooow! Yak! I didn't know that.😟.. Human air pollution is caused by things such as factories, power plants, airplanes, cars, chemtrails, fumes from spray cans, electrosmog and methane gas from landfills. One of the ways that humans cause the most air pollution is by burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas... HOWEVER, most large ships burn heavy fuel oil. It’s a residual product from the refining industry, so after the refiners have produced the petrol and diesel we put in our cars, they’re left with what is essentially a waste product. It’s called residual fuel, or heavy fuel oil.. |


Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | ~ Hvordan fører vi krig mod uvidenheden i os alle? Hvordan overvinder vi hjernevaskelsen fra vores 3-D Matrix af illusion? ~ | Blogger: [🔑TOWARDS THE GOLDEN AGE -- Free eBooks, Spiritual Self-Improvement, Esoteric Literature, Web of Love Websites, Building Nova Earth, Alien Species etc.💛] ... |

Udgivet første gang den 16. Juli 2014 af Verdensalt

Jeg kunne sagens skrive om Kim Larsen, FIFA World Cup, Momo, Fortnite og Vejret, for at øge min skare af tilhængere på min hjemmeside... har heller ikke løsningen på universets gåder, er heller ikke paranoid, isoleret, selvoptaget af konspirationsteorier, men jeg er vågnet op til vores Matrix...

"Dette er din sidste chance. Herefter er der ingen vej tilbage. Du tager den blå pille – historien ender, du vågner i din seng, og tror hvad du ønsker at tro. Du tager den røde pille – du bliver i eventyrland, og jeg vil vise dig hvor dyb kaninhullet er"

Nogen vil sige MATRIX blot er baseret på Illuminati / Hollywoods-Masonic-Mind-Kontrol. Det er ikke alene min egen overbevisning. Til alle som ikke lige genkender eller forstår MATRIX trilogiens symbolik og dens enorme betydning, inspireret fra kulturhistorien eller populærkulturen, et kort plot intro til filmen her

"I den nærmeste fremtid, "vågner" en hacker ved navn Neo op og opdager, alt liv på Jorden blot er en omfattende facade/illusion skabt af en ondsindet cyber-intelligens, med henblik på at udmanøvrere os mennesker ved at "dyrke" os som brændstof ind i et forvasket Matrix af dominans og slaveri, for at undgå vi ser den "virkelige" verden. Når han kommer ud til den "virkelige" verden, slutter Neo sig til ligesindede oprører krigere, Morpheus og Trinity, i deres kamp for at vælte hele Matrix" - Sjovt som det ligner vores egen verden.... 

For at provokere din egen bevidsthedsdannelse eller mindfulness:
  • Hvordan finder vi sandheden som sætter os fri?
  • Hvordan løsriver vi os selv for frygt, blokeringer og berøringsangst? Hvornår begynder vi at forstå, det vi har lært fra skolen, nyhedskanaler, vores institutioner rundt om i verden, vores basale indlæring om verdensorden er forkert?
  • Hvordan vågner vi op fra vores fastforankret virkelighedsbillede, når vi ikke ved, vi skal vågne endnu?
  • Hvordan løsriver vi os væk fra den totalitære enhed af kontrol, magt og dominans?
  • Hvordan skaber vi, som Werner Erhard citere; En Verden, Der Virker For Alle?

Super god start - Tjek Elinas gratis e-bog "HOW To Change The World" 

Det er et fantastisk sted at starte... Mener én af de bedste beskrevet øjenåbnere som jeg er stødt på...

Ligesom den verden "vi" lever i nu, skaber vi intet, ved at hvile på laberbærene og være egocenteret. Vi kan gå i vores egen Matrix dag ud og dagen ind, på et tidspunkt bliver vi tvunget til forandring, lad os bare sige via love tsunami(men ikke alene), og i form af indikationer på forandring i verden. Vores syn på geopolitisk eller nationale politikere, whistleblowere som Edward Snowden som vi bedst kender, oprør og modstanden stiger, global-og transnational virksomheder samt den finansielle sektor slipper heller ikke mere, bøderegn og arrestationer. BRIC landene er blevet enige om ny verdensbank, snart ser vi valutanulstilling og snart kommer der et nyt finansielt system, og med de nye styreformer helt ny struktur og velstand til alle.

Meg Benedicte | ~ Step by step instructions to activate Quantum Access™ technique by Quantum Healer, Meg Benedict ~ |

Message from Jesus | Channeling through John Smallman | ~ ❤️ The ability of Planet Earth to continue to support life is assured 💕 ~ |

Sananda sends weekly messages for the time being, for those of us who have followed Jesus Sananda for a long time, it has always been a joy and uplifting experience for our understanding of what is happening around us. The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.

Channeled by John Smallman
© 2019


Jesus blev 125 år - ifølge Danmarks betydeligste bibelforsker og bogen "Christ in Kashmir“ som er skrevet af en muhammedaner ved navn Aziz Kashmiri i 1973

We are all One. From the smallest least significant life forms to the most highly developed ones, everyone of them without exception are contained, embraced, and most lovingly held within the infinite field of Consciousness that is ALL THAT EXISTS. Awareness of this truth, which for eons had been recognized by only a very, very few, has, over the last five or six years, been growing exponentially within humanity. Yes, I want to confirm for you most positively that there is no separation, because Life/Love is One. Life is an ongoing creative event, an endless expansion of divine Love that is fully aware of all and that discards nothing. What is created is forever, endless, eternal, and what is created is always alive, purely because it is an expression of pure undiluted consciousness – GODNESS!

You refer to non-living material as mineral, as opposed to animal or vegetable substances which you understand to be alive. However, everything, as I said above, everything is held within the infinite field of Consciousness, therefore everything is alive. The life in what you see and recognize as inert matter is not recognizable because its energy frequency – everything is energy, there is nothing else – is too low and vibrates far too slowly to be measured by even the most technologically advanced instruments you presently have available to you. In other words, rocks, metals, and all that your science considers inert, non-living, have a form of consciousness, a consciousness that is patient and in no hurry, therefore rocks and metals decay and return to their non-material state far more slowly than do animals or plants. Decay is not a good word here because you use it to mean a change of state from living to non-living, and what is alive can never cease to be alive, all that can happen is that its form changes from physical to non-physical.

So yes, your planet, Earth, is very much alive. Over the eons its form has changed enormously, due to volcanic activity, earth movements, and the effects of climate and water flows, and in its present state it supports myriad forms of life. Massive human industrial and land usage activities, which have intensified enormouslyover the last two or three hundred years, have dramatically increased the rate at which it is changing, thus threatening its continued ability to provide an environment that encourages and supports life in form as you understand that term. There are in fact a vast number of forms within your earthly environmentof which you are completely unaware, residing in the oceans, rivers, and lakes, in the prairies, forests, mountains, and deserts, and which are essential for the ecological stability of planetary life.

Steve Nobel | ~ God/Goddess Reunification Meditation ~ |

Lisa Citore | ~IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD, LOVE A WOMAN ~ | .. When a fairly spiritual male friend of mine who had finally found and was deepening into committed relationship with his soul mate confided in me he was thinking of being single again, and in the next breath expressed his latest idea for raising consciousness worldwide, I wrote this poem .. | Blogger: Waaaauv! Thanks to Emy for sharing...💜 Profoundly beautiful truth... My heart jumping after reading this amazing poem, the first time... 💘.. |

If you want to change the world… love a woman-really love her.

Find the one who calls to your soul, who doesn’t make sense.
Throw away your check list and put your ear to her heart and listen.
Hear the names, the prayers, the songs of every living thing-
every winged one, every furry and scaled one,
every underground and underwater one, every green and flowering one,
every not yet born and dying one…
Hear their melancholy praises back to the One who gave them life.
If you haven’t heard your own name yet, you haven’t listened long enough.
If your eyes aren’t filled with tears, if you aren’t bowing at her feet,
you haven’t ever grieved having almost lost her.

If you want to change the world… love a woman-one woman
beyond yourself, beyond desire and reason,
beyond your male preferences for youth, beauty and variety
and all your superficial concepts of freedom.
We have given ourselves so many choices
we have forgotten that true liberation
comes from standing in the middle of the soul’s fire
and burning through our resistance to Love.
There is only one Goddess.
Look into Her eyes and see-really see
if she is the one to bring the axe to your head.
If not, walk away. Right now.
Don’t waste time “trying.”
Know that your decision has nothing to do with her
because ultimately it’s not with who,
but when we choose to surrender.

If you want to change the world… love a woman.
Love her for life-beyond your fear of death,
beyond your fear of being manipulated
by the Mother inside your head.
Don’t tell her you’re willing to die for her.
Say you’re willing to LIVE with her,
plant trees with her and watch them grow.
Be her hero by telling her how beautiful she is in her vulnerable majesty,
by helping her to remember every day that she IS Goddess
through your adoration and devotion.

Versesandpieces | by Lauren Wilce | ~ IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD, LOVE A MAN ~ | .. this poem is by Lauren Wilce. i seldom (ever, really, as of yet) post anyone else’s writing on here. but this. this, i felt, needs to be read. atleast once, even if for the sake of remembering one tiny line. forget about changing the world. this, i believe, is how to love your man .. | Blogger: Waaaauv! Thanks to Emy for sharing...💜 Profoundly beautiful truth... My heart jumping after reading this amazing poem, the first time... 💘.. |

If you want to change the world love a man; really love him

Choose the one whose soul calls to yours clearly who sees you; who is brave enough to be afraid
Accept his hand and guide him gently to your hearts blood
Where he can feel your warmth upon him and rest there
And burn his heavy load in your fires

Look into his eyes, look deep within and see what lies dormant or awake or shy or expectant there
Look into his eyes and see there his fathers and grandfathers and all the wars and madness their spirits fought in some distant land, some distant time
Look upon their pains and struggles and torments and guilt; without judgment
And let it all go
Feel into his ancestral burden
And know that what he seeks is safe refuge in you
Let him melt in your steady gaze
And know that you need not mirror that rage
Because you have a womb, a sweet, deep gateway to wash and renew old wounds

If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Sit before him, in the full majesty of your woman in the breath of your vulnerability
In the play of your child innocence in the depths of your death
Flowering invitation, softly yielding, allowing his power as a man
To step forward towards you…and swim in the Earth’s womb, in silent knowing, together

And when he retreats…because he will…flees in fear to his cave…
Gather your grandmothers around you…envelope in their wisdoms
Hear their gentle shusshhhed whispers, calm your frightened girls’ heart
Urging you to be still…and wait patiently for his return
Sit and sing by his door, a song of remembrance, that he may be soothed, once more

Wake Up World | Arkiv | Jan 27, 2018 | ~ Revolution is an Inside Job ~ | Blogger: Hvorfor stopper vi aldrig op, kigger mod himmeriget og retter blikket indad? Vores livsanskuelse hviler i væsentlig grad på erkendelsen af, at sanselige, forgængelige ting ikke giver varig lykke eller fred, at alle ydre materielle former er underkastet forvandlingens lov. Gør os selv overfladisk, rastløs midt i den udvortes civilisations vækst og hjerneintelligensens - lidt Martinus snak ... |

January 27th, 2018

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Do we have enough time? This is the question I keep coming back to.

There are many existential threats to our species looming on the horizon, and our current trajectory has us hurtling straight into all of them fairly soon. We’re flirting with an ever-increasing threat of nuclear holocaust if environmental chaos doesn’t collapse industrial agriculture and cause an extinction-level famine event first. And if we dodge those, we’ve still got the automation crisisand impending AI explosion to deal with, as well as the possibly permanent worldwide lockdown of human consciousness as oligarchic propaganda and censorship become too sophisticated to circumvent.

Do we have enough time to pull up and away from disaster? Current facts in evidence say no. Not enough humans are getting sane enough quickly enough for us to make the drastic changes necessary to pull up and out of this insane trajectory before one of the many impending disasters takes us out for good. 7.6 billion humans and counting is too many unpredictable moving parts to hope that everyone collaborates to keep us from going the way of the dinosaurs, and judging from our overall behavior we’re all more than happy to keep skating right into the abyss as fast as our legs can carry us.

From what I’m seeing, it will take not just a miracle to turn this thing around, but a whole stack of miracles. Luckily, in my experience one of the brightest secrets about this world is that miracles are not in short supply.

I’m not going to share my experiences here, or probably ever, because people won’t believe me and it will be used to attack the credibility of my work elsewhere. But I will say I have learned that humans are capable of transcending their old patterns by leaps and bounds with great spontaneity, and we are capable of amazing and inexplicable transformations from an unwholesome way of functioning to a wholesome way of functioning. Believe me or don’t, I don’t care; I will swear to this fact on everything I hold dear. Miraculous transformations in human consciousness can and do happen.

Richard Dolan | ~ UFOs over U.S. Nukes: The Astonishing Events of 1975. Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure ~ | Blogger: (abovetopsecret:) -- "Since 28 Oct 75 numerous reports of suspicious objects have been received at the NORAD CU; reliable military personnel at Loring AFB, Maine, Wurtsmith AFB, Michigan, Malmstrom AFB, Mt, Minot AFB, ND, and Canadian Forces Station, Falconbridge, Ontario, Canada have visually sighted suspicious objects." The Commander-in-Chief of North American Air Defense Command, November 11th, 1975... |

At a time when the term UFO is currently being defanged into mere UAP, it's important to remember that the U.S. military has not only been baffled and outclassed by unknown objects for generations, but has actively engaged these objects when they have invaded sensitive military airspace, including sites containing nuclear weapons. UFOs aren't a "what if they're out there" problem. They constitute a reality that is beyond the control of any authority we can identify on Earth.

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?

MSM News | ~ Threat to earth posed by meteors must be taken seriously, NASA warns ~ | Blogger: OMG! not again! The "fake news" freakout: 'Never A Straight Answer' is still pushing the human-caused global warming nonsense to justify a carbon tax, the un-ice age agenda. Or we hear of constantly fake news like asteroids hitting Earth could kill us all if NASA can't stop it: how would NASA go about doing this when the time comes?... Nothing is going to happen to Earth, we have to many 'eyes' from outer space watching our Final Evolution, comes true... Right relationship is the next destined step forward for humanity, and with the help of the Space Brothers and the emergence of our own Hierarchy of Masters, that will quickly come to be. The Space Brothers are giving of Their knowledge of the Science of Light, the new Science that will give us unlimited energy for every need.. Verdensalt, truly believe in the spiritual wisdom from the Pleiadian realm. The Pleiadians are here to help raise your frequency. Awaken and realize the divine nature of who you are... |

Blogger: (I Want to Believe) -- Some say, Nordic aliens are humanoid extra- terrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians (The Pleiades and the Andromeda galaxy).. Danish and Swedish Nordic Alien prototype of blue eyed, blonde-haired tall humanoids... Yeah! That's right 👱👽🌌... |


🔴Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY - For Sundhed og Frihed | ~ Tema 5G: Read all about it! ~ | Blogger: [📶Mennesker er elektromagnetiske organismer. Vi må organisere os og stoppe dette vanvid. Der er IKKE "hurtigere internet". Det er total kontrol af vores biologiske system ~May Day📡] ... Udpluk: 'Folketinget har med 5G igangsat et farligt eksperiment - Klimaminister vildledte borgerne: Sund- hedsstyrelsen havde ikke sundhedsvurderet 5G'... Her findes 'alt' der er værd at vide om 5G i denne udgave fra MAY DAY... Tak til May Day og hele holdet, som står bag...💜 |

Kære læsere

Vi iler med et april-nyhedsbrev lige her på falderebet. Som vi skrev i sidste nyhedsbrev, så er 5G over os, og i anledning af 5G-konferencen på lørdag bliver dette et 5G-temanummer. Desværre er alt udsolgt, men fortvivl ikke - det hele bliver filmet og måske endda livestreamet. Hold øje med May Days hjemmeside eller nemtilmeld, hvor vi indsætter link .

Vi har inviteret nogle internationale forskere til at tale om denne mikrobølge-udrulning, som Folketinget har vedtaget uden nogen folkelig debat. Men ønsker vi 5G? Hvad skal vi med det? Hvem gavner det? Og hvordan vil det påvirke mennesker og natur? Vi har samlet så mange artikler, vi har kunnet overskue. Noget er dansk, noget engelsk, og noget har vi nået at oversætte. Bemærk især den engelske mikrobølgeekspert Barrie Trower.

Læs om arrangementet her

Husk May Days generalforsamling på Fyn på Fjeldsted Skovkro. Det bliver lørdag den 11. maj kl. 14. Alle medlemmer er velkomne!

Hvad er 5G?
I foråret 2018 indgik samtlige Folketingets partier et nyt teleforlig om, at Danmark skal være i førerfeltet med 5G. 5G-handlingsplanen er udarbejdet af blandt andet telebranchen, universiteter, kommuner, regioner og sektorer som landbrug, transport og IT. Allerede i første halvdel af 2019 begynder udrulningen af G5-netværket. Regeringen regner med, at vi vil få 5G at se i Danmark i løbet af næste år, altså 2020. Den første 5G frekvensauktion fandt sted den 12. marts. Her sælges de første 3 frekvensbånd på 700 MHz, 900 MHz og 2300 MHz.

Næste generation
Artikel Netkablet
5G er næste genereration af det mobile 4G netværk, som også kaldes LTE. Med 5G får vi et langt hurtigere mobilt netværk, som desuden ikke har udfald. Det åbner op for helt nye anvendelsesmuligheder (som fx meget hurtigt internet og crowd-overvågning, men det omtaler denne artikel ikke). Her kan du forstå lidt om teknologien (dansk).
Med 5G kan vi "det hele"
God engelsk artikel om 5G og Internet of Things med masser af links. 
Hvorfor skal vi have 5G?
5G-plan skal booste digitaliseringen
Artikel Dansk Erhverv
Regeringen tager med sin plan for udrulning af 5G supermobilnettet et vigtigt spadestik for yderligere digitalisering af Danmark. Det mener Dansk Erhverv og IT-Branchen. En række virksomheder står på spring for at teste 5G-nettet, der bl.a. giver plads til en stor udvidelse af Tingenes Internet og øget automatisering.

SPACE | ~ NASA Delays SpaceX Dragon Cargo Launch Due to Space Station Power Glitch ~ | Blogger: [🧠5G War On Suppression and Evolution of Human Conscio- usness. U.S. Space Supremacy & A.I. Technology Roll Out🤖] ... {SpaceX has flown 16 resupply missions to the International Space Station (ISS) under a partnership, funding and totally control by NASA. You must understand this!!} ... Since the first mission in June 2010, rockets from the Falcon 9 family have been launched 71 times, with 69 full mission successes, some of them 'top-secret', like in 2017, when a military vehicle (X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle) built by Boeing was sent up for 700 days circling the Earth... 🧾NOW, many has confirmed the existence of 'freaky and unexplained scientific anomalies' on several accusations, one of them, was when SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket exploded on September 1st, 2016 and clearly showed, two UFOs in the vicinity, just before and during the failed pre-launch test, and many times after that... THE OTHER WAS, when Cape Canaveral reported it had suffered “an anomaly”, when SpaceX’s Falcon 9 burst into flames, Apr 20th, 2019, leaked email suggests - as employees are warned they could be fired for sharing footage from inside Kennedy Space Center...📌 THIS IS IMPORTANT: The FCC gave approval to SpaceX on March 29, 2018, to launch 4,425 satellites into low orbit around the Earth. The total number of satellites that is expected to be put into low and high orbit by several companies will be 20,000 satellites. The rays of micro- waves they produce will be strong enough to pass through walls and human flesh such as a hand or head to reach the intended destination. Sooo, we are talking about 20,000 satellites for 5G to send focused microwaves over entire Earth / GAIA, for suppression of human consciousness, but it seems, our benevolent friends in the skies, is helping humanity, to some extent!??... Could it be Ashtar? Ashtar, the Commander of millions, Chief of the Ashtar Galactic Command is an Adonai, a Lord of Light. One of the B'nai Or, B'nai Elohi, (Sons of Light, Sons of God.)... |

SpaceX Rocket Explosion Linked to Secret Space War - 2016
SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule DID explode during test 'anomaly,' leaked email suggests - as employees are warned they could be fired for sharing footage from inside Kennedy Space Center
FCC OKs lower orbit for some Starlink satellites