Oct 15, 2019

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (Verdensalt) ~ 💕 |

🛦 ~ The F-35 Is the Past: Air Force's 6th-Generation Fighter Will Be a Everything (nationalinterest) ~ | .. Armed with lasers and hypersonic missiles? .. | Blogger: People, I tooold you..😜.. Just alone in Denmark, we are spending over DKK (100 billion kroner) on 27 F-35, (all cost included over years) which is useless and obsolete after 27 years of development, but NATO and Lockheed Martin, which is one of the largest companies in the aerospace, defense, security, and technologies industry has secretly agreed with countries, years ahead in advance, to pick their product over Boing, Northrop Grumman Corporation, USAF... Lockheed Martin has became the first D-Wave customer of USC-Lockheed Martin Quantum Computation Center, world's most advanced computer on Earth, and has the most advanced universal secret Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, that had 75th birthday last year; from making the 60-year old triple-sonic A-12 Blackbird, and in cooperation with USAF and Naval's present Star Trek sophisti- cated spacecrafts, miles long cigar-shaped subs of US ships, that are called USSS Lemay or USSS Hillenkoetter, “USSS” coming from the “United States Space Ship,” the US Space Shuttle... If you followed the hacker, Gary McKinnon claims, USSS "Solar Warden" armada, is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada. Also United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia (and Danish 'Terma A/S').. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret Air Force bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA. Another newer version of the definition and description of Solar Warden is that it isn't the Earths Interstellar Space Program itself, that is called the SOC, but Solar Warden is in fact the name of a Research Project that would create Sun Spots and send the "Solar Waves" to Directional Nodes in Space which in turn aim the Solar Waves at Targets like a Rogue Asteroid or an Alien Space Craft that had flown into our Solar System unannounced, without permission and with Hostile Intentions... Gary McKinnon thinks he has found enough evidence to assert that the Americans have a secret space program run by the Navy, that is, spaceships. According to metro.co.uk, all the details are reported in an ample interview with RichPlanet TV, known for its UFO programs: “We used a program called Landsearch to help us access all the tabs and folders.” “There we found an Excel file named” Non-Terrestrial Officers “(the officers from outside the Earth). The file contained names and ranks, and material transfers were specified between ships, and the name of the spacecraft began with the USS” But what evidence would McKinnon have found? Alien visits hidden to the public, because the space images were altered to the NASA Johnson Space Center. Here, for example, UFOs were taken out of the photographs McKinnon found on NASA’s servers a high-definition image of a large cigar-like object, floating above the northern hemisphere (..).... |


Matrix World Disclosure Part I And Part II:


.. Der er stadig omkring 1.000 mangler på F-35 .. Det amerikanske forsvar sminker tallene for F-35-kampflyet .. Norge parkerer nye kampfly for milliarder i telte - mens Danmark bevilger 260 mio. kr. ekstra til at flytte en hangar pga. flystøj ..

For at afgive sin ultimative støtte til Danmark ankom den nye chef for det multinationale F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO), den amerikanske viceadmiral Mathias W. Winter, til TERMA A/S i Herlev i Oktober 2017 .. OG JEG KUNNE BLIVE VED (og ved) 
(satire) -- 💸💸💸 📝Memo Fra Generalerne på Charlottenlund Fort: Kære folkevalgte!....🛦🛦🛦Vi æder lige DKK 200M yderligere fra skatteyderne, fordi vi tror på Danmark bliver tæppebombet med terror de næste par år, samt 260M til et nyt hangar, tænkte vi fra Forsvarsindustrien og kampfly-kontoret, med hatten i hånden overfor jer politikere, som er de GLADE givere. F-35-kampflyet er desværre blevet en smule dyr. Ud over de allerede bevilget 56,4 milliarder kroner samt vedligeholdelse, skal i nok regne med, at regningen løber op på en SVIMLENDE OVERPRIS på omkring mia. kr. plus-minus, der kommer MÅSKE, flere omkostninger..
F-35 blev fremlagt som en jagerfly, der kunne gøre næsten alt det amerikanske militær ønskede, men det viste sig at være en af de største 'boondoggles' i den seneste militære indkøbshistorie!!. Hertil kommer den ikke kan manøvrere i Arktis, uforudsete 'små' defekts af tekniske udfordringer gør, den ikke kan flyve og bliver grounded, næsten hver dag. 7 danske F-35 kampfly skal stå på base i USA i overgangsperioden og ja, den lille nuance, at det faktisk er amerikanerne som ejer F-35-reservedele og sender tophemmelige informationer tilbage til militær kommandoen i USA. Det skal dog ikke hedde sig, vi ikke er GLADE for vores nye 'kommende' fly som virker, lad os sige omkring """2030""" hvor 7'ende generation kommer og erstatter F-35... Men, fortvivl ikke kære politikere, det er jo ikke OS eller JER, men de danske naive BORGERE, som betaler PRISEN...PS: Det er jo ingen hemmelighed, at 'Nice-to-know' ikke er 'Need-to-know', derfor fortæller vi jer heller ikke ALTING....

👊 ~ Fake News CNN & ABC Implode As 8kun Could Be Online Within DAYS ( Destroying the Illusion) ~ |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

👼 ~ 💗 Resolution of Timelines: Final Sequences (Sandra Walter + Galactic Heart) 💕 ~ | .. Note from Colleen: Haha... Sandra writes :"external demands for a productive output are laughable." I can relate to this statement in spades. It is taking everything I have to work today especially since I have to deal with some bureaucratic issues. Argg, All I want to do is ride my bike on the nature trail .. | Blogger: Amen to that Sister!🙏... (verdensalt) starting to get ready for my own MTB ride in the forest, free and alive, tapping into the spiritual and healing power of trees and forests, that are a prerequisite for life on our planet... |

Blessings Beloveds ~

EMBRACING the 10-10 this day ~ Our experience of time shifts yet again during this Gateway week (through the Full Moon.) It was expected to be strong – and in my experience, it is. Divine Bliss intensifies, heart expansion overriding all lesser realities …

Creativity is renewed; external demands for a productive output are laughable. The creative stops and starts are teaching us FLOW in the moment. A new productivity, a new way of BEing.

Lightcodes – Freedom codes – are resetting the body. If you’re sleepy, hydrate (plasma makes us thirsty) and lay down. If you just want to be in nature, heed that intuitive nudge. Self-care is vital as the DNA rewrites the physical. Paint, dance, play music, relax.

This final (you heard that right) 10-10, 11-11, 12-12 sequence is resolving timelines as they say upstairs. Every morning meditation has the 2020 cosmic event horizon in view. We can feel it. More on that after the Gate.

We hit the sacred seven year mark of Gaia’s ascension on the 12-12-12 (12-12-2019). Everyone participating is ON that higher trajectory, which is changing your experience for the better – to something new.

For those who have seen the 12-12 Gate as a cosmic event all year long, this is an open invitation to join fellow Gatekeepers & Gridworkers (and the folks who love them) for a 5D gathering in Sedona on the 121212. Details HERE.

💸 ~ Formodede svindlere førte millioner gennem Nykredit, Danske Bank og Nordea (Information.dk) ~ | Blogger: Ligesom man netop har fundet ud af, at medlemmer af ATP's bestyrelse har problematiske dobbeltroller. Jesper Rangvid, der er professor i finansiering på CBS, er kritisk over for, at ATP's bestyrelses- medlemmer i virkeligheden har to kasketter på, når de forhandler overenskomst... KAN du ikke selv se det, eller skal jeg stave det for dig? Jeg er træt af svindel, humbug, bestikkelse og korruption...🏴 (JFK21:) -- "Faktacheck: Korrekt. Hvis man enstemmigt stemmer for at bombe Libyen. Enstemmigt stemmer for at sætte 5G op i hele landet til trods for al evidens om, hvor sundhedsskadeligt det er. Hvis man lader privatejede, hvidvaskende banker producere landets pengemængde til gavn for hvem de måtte ønske. Hvis man ikke oplyser befolkningen om Codex Alimentarius, den kommission i Schweiz, der bestemmer over hvor meget gift, der må være i vores mad. (Det er meget!). Hvis man blot 7 dobler grænseværdierne for, hvor meget pesticider, der må være i vores drikkevand, hvis man lyver non stop for befolkningen samtidig med at man tvangsfjerner flere og flere børn og overvåger dem, så er de per definition ektremt onde mennesker. Og medierne er medskyldige i alle forbrydelserne ved at dække over dem" (hentet fra nyhedsbrevet af 7. okt 2019 - Klima, global opvarmning? Eller hoax?)... |

Fra 2014-2016 er formodede svindelmillioner kørt igennem konti i Nykredit, Danske Bank og Nordea. Eksperter kritiserer bankerne for ikke at have levet op til deres forpligtelser i forhold til hvidvasklovgivningen


📕 ~ Victor Rothschild was a "Soviet" Agent (HenryMakow) ~ | Blogger: FACTS: 🚩 -- Rothschild & Nathan-Rothschild-and-famed-quote Sons is the sole financial adviser to the Danish government and here on capital structure and the recapitalisation of 43 Danish money institutions. And no wonder. In 1813, Denmark went bankrupt due to debt to Rothschild – the creditor of all European countries, which were also in financial dire straits during the Napoleonic wars. Nathan Rothschild had hoped to thereby take control of all of Europe´s indebted countries through “Europe´s United States” at the Congress of Vienna. Czar Alexander of Russia prevented it – Rothschild has ever since seen Russia as his arch enemy. Denmark introduced a private (Rothschild) bank in 1818, a precondition to borrow more Rothschild money, – and even today it is impossible to learn who all the shareholders of this money printing machine /indebtedness are... |

.. (Evil and Rich) - Here is proof that the Rothschild-controlled world central banking cartel is behind Communism, war and world government tyranny.  

As the New World Order ("globalism") reveals its ugly face--censorship, gender dysphoria, migration-- this article reveals who is behind it. Most politicians and media are bought by the people who create money out of nothing .. 


🗿 ~ MARS, a mysterious "box" is photographed by the Rover Spirit. What is NASA hiding from us? (UFOmania - The truth is out there) ~ |

A strange image of what appears to be some sort of canned juice container was found in one of the Rover Spirit images.

🕹️ ~ Fortnite-krisen raser videre: 'Svarer til, at man lukkede fodbold ned!' ~ | Blogger: [🤨Influencer Marketing : Over-parenting, Curling parents or Helicopter parents🙄] ... (ENG:) - A deeply worried mother (Influence, DK Role Model of the Year 2018 / Mentor of the Year 2019) to one danish boyish youngster, out of the 250.000 million teens, has issued a warning and disturbing video, claiming Fortnite total blackout, should be considered as important or equivalent of shutting down, football (soccer)!. Just because her kid, has NOTHING to do during his fall vacation and has establish friendships (in an virtual world) and must be TAKEN VERY serious, because it's the teens social life, we're talking about... OMG! - O-M-G!... PS: I'll let you in on a little secret, i have been hooked on World Of Warcraft for many years and other games on PC or Xbox, way back in the past, and still playing one-shooter games, but i KNOW, that it doesn't affect me, because, growing up with no mobile phones or mobile radiation, no computers and violent games (no military CIA (PSYWAR), no inside playing time, no chemtrails, no DEW's, no dependencies on AI's from TV, games and computer makes me see, that teens now of days, has a cell phone and gaming addiction.. END of story... |


⚔️ ~ ‘Madrid sealed Spain’s fate’: Salmond on pro-independence Catalan ‘martyrs sentenced to 100 years in prison’ (RT) ~ | Blogger: [🧐"SHAME of SPAIN : COURT has Sealed The FATE of the Spanish STATE" ~ Mr. Salmond🔐] ... HOW COME, Denmark, is deeply involved, you might ask?.. Well, back in January of 2018, MPs from Denmark's coalition government parties were set to stay away from parliament during a meeting with former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont... Sooooo... In secret, the Finish, Danish and German authorities has finally helped and caught the Deep State's or Real Government of Spain, Public Enemy No. 1 - Carles Puigdemont by detaining him at Danish / Germany border, back in July of 2018 ... What a crazy world we're living in ... And just after The Spanish court’s sentencing of nine Catalan politicians to between nine and 13 years in prison, the Spain’s Supreme Court issues a new Carles Puigdemont arrest warrant... ✴️PS: I understand that people think that verdensalt are acting unpatriotic and posting about (negative) elements in our world, instead of staying positively spiritual insane with meditation, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!!.. BUT I AM, but putting your (blinders) on and never, EVER looking at the world, as (insane) as it might be, in our 3-D matrix of illusion, doesn't make you a better spiritual lightworker... We all have life lessons here to help us accomplish what we came down to earth to do. It is such a huge thing to trust in the process of life... Verdensalt has absorbed over 100.000 articles and as many videos, since 2014 when i started this blog, talked to many insiders, been to many lesson-session training experiences and conferences etc. etc. ... And like the rest of you out there, i'm great at many, many things, but one thing i'm 'extremely' good at: “I can spot bullshit from a blimp in a fog storm” ... |

.. This is the day that these Spanish judges actually sealed the fate of the Spanish state. I don’t see the Catalan crisis ending now anywhere except in Catalan independence ..  

.. "By sentencing nine Catalan politicians to a total 100 years in prison for “sedition” over nonviolent resistance, Madrid has made them martyrs and signed its death warrant, former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond told RT."..


🔴 ~ BREAKING NEWS: 2100 Children Just Rescued From Hellish Underground Bunkers In California 10/14/19 ~ | Blogger: [🔻SORRY to bring this to your attention. This is NOT a conspiracy!🔺] ... Excerpts: Benevolent positive military sources from Pentagon (help from Trump admin) has rescued 2100 kids during CA blackout. Sources described the demonic satanic bunker scene as taken out of a Stephen King's (clown) movie "It", where children were tortured, then murdered to maximize the negative affect, before draining them. Why? To synthesize adrenochrome-laden human blood for the elites, which is harvested through the experience of terrifying individuals to the brink of fear/insanity, known as Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)... Confirmed by Timothy Charles Holmseth - an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist and his sources at Pentagon... (you be the judge)... |

Timothy Charles Holmseth is an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist. He is an FBI witness in a national profile kidnapping case. He captured rogue CIA and FBI child traffickers on tape discussing their operations. He has been targeted for a decade. 

Timothy Holmseth https://www.timothycharlesholmseth.com 

BREAKING NEWS: 2100 Children have just been reported rescued from hellish underground bunkers in California during the blackout. The rescue was done by the PENTAGON PEDOPHILE

TASKFORCE according to source Timothy Charles Holmseth! Also a huge THANK YOU to President Trump for bringing an end to the Child & Human trafficking rings that run behind the scenes & THANK YOU TO THE MANY PATRIOTS THAT RISK THEIR LIVES TO HELP SAVE THE BABIES!! 🙏🏾♥️🙏🏾♥️