Apr 2, 2018
The American Military News | Apr 2nd, 2018 | ~ BREAKING: Trump has invited Putin to visit White House, Russia says ~ | Blogger: Why is this BIG NEWS? Because it breaks the unprecedented war-confrontation towards Russia, conducted by Theresa May and most of the 29 countries in the NATO-alliance #BlameRussiaForWarCrimesInSyria&UK ... |
READ MORE: | Arkivskabet | 1. Marts - 2. Apr 2018 | | ~ Medina i vild navneforandring: Så overraskende er hendes nye navn ~ | .. Skal man tro rygterne, så har Medina igen skiftet navn. Denne gang til noget meget jordnært .. | Blogger: [UPDATE: 2.4.2018: Dette skal ses som hjælp-til-selvhjælp - verdensalt's billedcollage af illuminati tegn, via nedenstående og Benjamin Fulford nyeste udgivelse af Macron og Theresa May] ... Beklager, hvis nogen bliver stødt af det her 😇 ... (Satire - eller er det?) - Radio24syv, Den Korte Weekendavis og Kirsten-Birgit er tilbage. Og hvis man skal tro på hvad Seniorkorrespondenten fortæller os, så har Stjerneidolet, MEDINA, skiftet navn via CPR-registeret, for at SKJULE, at hun er taget for spiritus eller Narkokørsel, så pressen ikke får nys om det. Altså, så hendes navn ikke figurere over danske retskredse og deres retsprotokoller, som tabloid journalister pisker igennem, hver uge (satire? eller har KBSKH ret?). Lidt ligesom Søren Pape Poulsens kæreste der blev taget for spritkørsel med tårnhøj promille eller Venstre-profilen Jakob Engel-Schmidt, som blev knaldet for Narko i blodet ... PS: Nedenstående billeder, er hentet fra en af nyhedsbrevne via det nystartet parti, JFK21 - JordenFrihedKundskab (Copyright © *2017* *madspalsvig*, All rights reserved) ... Hvis du stadigvæk tror, at det blot er Disney Studios og alle deres partnere, den amerikanske Hollywood film, musik og underholdningsindustrien, som er en del af CIA finansieret Luciferiske/Sataniske -/Pædofilske agenda, så se blot her hvor mange af dine danske musikidoler, artister, komikere, tv- og radioværter som bejler eller hylder den industri de tilhører (velvidende eller ej) via ' telltale signs' som er direkte illuminati signaler. Jeg er ked af at ødelægge nogens naive forestillinger, jeg har studeret dette fænomen i snart ti år. 'The Roc Sign' (Pyramiden) er den mest kendte, lige efter kommer EL DIABLO ("Den Hornede Gud" - check billeder fra Medina til Simon Jul), TRIPLE 6 (666 tallet med nullet over øjet) til HIDDEN EYE (det altseende øje - Fx 'The Lord of the Ring'). Mange danske artister er også begyndt at bruge det dæmoniske MOCKING TONGUE (Har faktisk mange betydninger fra flabethed, afsky, legesyge, flirt eller direkte seksuel provokation). Miley Cyrus har gjort det i årevis, men også Albert Einstein.. For at forblive i underholdningsindustrien er alle (ALLE) underlagt en vis dagsorden, ellers bliver man smidt ud og kan ikke tjene penge. Sådan er det bare. Du skal ikke tage ord for givet, undersøg selv sagen... |
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Benjamin Fulford FULL REPORT | Apr 2, 2018 | ~ Cabalists plot anti-Trump counterattack in Tokyo ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: [Scarface - Say Hello To My Little Friendly Easter Egg] ... (Excerpts from Full Report:) ....(..).. Pentagon sources have previously explained that the tactic of suing Saudi Arabia was meant to expose the real perpetrators of these attacks—the Khazarian mafia. The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind to dust and are steadily closing in on these murderers. On this front, Pentagon sources noted the total number of sealed indictments against Khazarian satanic mafiosi is approaching 25,000 and “those rejected by Gitmo may be found dead like Peter Munk.” Peter Munk was a Canadian mining magnate whose company, “Barrick Gold was used to move a very large quantity of off-ledger Au. That was the main purpose of the company,” according to CIA sources in Asia. Munk has been charged in a Nevada court with criminal involvement in the 9/11 attacks, which involved laundering stolen gold. Other people charged were “Richard Cheney, John Brennan, John Ashcroft, Robert Mueller, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Kevin Spacey, Barack Obama, John McCain, James Baker, Edgar Bronfman Sr., Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Condoleeza Rice, George Soros, John Kerry, Bandar Bin Sultan, David Rockefeller, Brent Snowcroft, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Hillary Rodham Clinton.”. The other huge move against the Khazarian mafia is the ongoing attack on their Internet mind-control apparatus. “After the Facebook scandal, Google, Twitter, Amazon, Tesla, and Microsoft are also being targeted,” Pentagon sources say. As a collective, this group of companies is the visible part of what the Gnostic Illuminati calls a rogue artificial intelligence that is threatening humanity. Transforming these companies from brainwashing hubs into public utilities is a must if humanity is to be freed....(..).. [READ MORE]... PS: This easter egg is brought to you by - paid members only - please respect the author ... |
Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.
Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.
The Japanese Khazarian mafia slave government, desperate to survive, is plotting the removal of U.S. troops from Japan as well as the end of the regime of U.S. President Donald Trump, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the emperor. That is why former U.S. President Barack Obama and former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra were here last week, the sources say. The Japanese regime is working with the Khazarian mafia slave regimes of Theresa May in the UK, Emmanuel Macron of France, and Angela Merkel of Germany in this effort against the Trump regime, the sources say. The French branch of the Rothschild family is deeply involved in these moves, CIA sources in Asia confirm.
The Japanese regime has joined these anti-Trump efforts because it has become alarmed by a series of recent public rebukes by the Trump military government. The biggest is that Japan is being kept totally out of the loop about moves towards peace in the Korean Peninsula. Japan’s government is also upset that, unlike other U.S. allies, it was not given an exemption to U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, the sources say. That is why the Japanese government is making unprecedented (for a usually servile, boot-licking regime) public rebukes of the U.S. moves.
The Abe government has been actively preparing for war with China using North Korea as a pretext, and was totally surprised by the move towards peace, the sources explain. While the warmongering Abe regime trembles, U.S., Chinese and Russian Presidents “Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin may win the Nobel Peace Prize for a Korean peace treaty and denuclearization,” Pentagon sources say.
By contrast, members of the Abe regime fear being charged with war crimes over their involvement in the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack on Japan. This fear has arisen because of the imminent arrest of satan-worshipping Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, who was one of the chief architects of the Fukushima terror operation, they say. This attack was orchestrated by the Rothschild family in an aborted attempt to evacuate 40 million Japanese to North Korea, members of the Rothschild family confirm. The plan was to set up new Rothschild Asian headquarters in North Korea, according to these sources.
Now this is all unraveling, and a peace deal in the Korean Peninsula is likely to lead to all of these murderous plans being made public, say CIA, Pentagon, and Japanese right-wing sources. That is why there is now great fear and loathing amongst the perpetrators of this mass murder, they say.
A CIA source in Thailand had the following to say about Thaksin Shinawatra: “He is looking for a place to find refuge. Dubai is at the top of his list. Once the Japanese people know what he has done to them, he will have to run in order to avoid being taken out. His time is almost up.”
Also, last week a member of the NSA personally visited this writer to warn him they had intercepted communications showing Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso is actively trying to have me murdered. Aso is upset at being exposed as the top Rothschild agent in Japan, the NSA official explained. Aso is also angry that his regime’s construction of a biological warfare factory disguised as a veterinary school has been exposed by this writer, he said.
The other fatal error made by the Abe regime was to sell substandard steel to the U.S. military in a deliberate act of sabotage, Pentagon sources say. This is something the Abe government will pay a high price for, the sources promise.
Speaking about steel, a U.S. military intelligence source sent this writer the following information:
“The Chinese are reacting to Pentagon claims of substandard steel with great composure. Senior Chinese officials point out that this was a known problem in 2015 and wiped out by 2017, the Chinese leadership recognizing that their reputation for quality was a priceless national asset. Interestingly, in the same conversation it was mentioned that China kept many samples of the waste from 9/11, and tested for…
( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)
Wochit News \\ Reuters | Mar 29, 2018 | ~ 300,000 VW Diesels Sitting All Over The US ~ | Blogger: [I knew this was coming - the death of diesel cars - so my own Skoda Octavia - runs on gasoline] ... And since Denmark is among the most expensive countries for buying & used cars, this is a sight for sore eyes 🚘 ... |
Volkswagen has taken parking lots to a whole new level in the United States. It will not be emptying them soon.
A recent court filing shows that Volkswagen AG has paid more than $7.4 billion to buy back about 350,000 U.S. diesel vehicles through mid-February. The German automaker has been storing hundreds of thousands of vehicles around the United States for months. The filing from the program’s independent administrator said that Volkswagen has 37 secure storage facilities around the United States housing nearly 300,000 vehicles. The lots include a shuttered suburban Detroit football stadium, a former Minnesota paper mill and a sun-bleached desert graveyard near Victorville, California.
Berlingske | 2. April 2018 | ~ Den politisk korrekte by, der vendte det blinde øje til massivt sexmisbrug ~ | .. Mindst 110 mænd misbrugte 1.510 piger i den britiske by Rotherham - og hundredevis af andre mænd misbrugte tusindvis af andre piger andre steder. Hvorfor er det gået så galt? Fordi myndighederne »hellere vil forsvare den politiske korrekthed end sårbare piger,« fremgår det af en officiel rapport. Der er kun én vinder, og det er racismen. Alle andre taber og ingen mere end ofrene. »Jeg har levet med det lige siden. Hver dag lige siden,« siger et af dem til Berlingske .. | Blogger: [ 👺Nissebanden i Grønland - Nææææ, nu ved jeg, hvordan det hænger sammen! Nu forstår jeg alt! –Altforstårjeg! Vi kan roligt sælge leksikonet. Berlingske er begyndt, at rapportere fra det virkelige liv og ikke om Fake News 🎭] ... Der skulle komme en dag, hvor den danske presse, skriver om ÆGTE nyheder. I samme omgang kunne Jeres journalister, så ikke tænke jer at skrive om pædofilbyen Hampstead i England? Hvor engelsk politi, socialforvaltningen, MI5, politikere og retssystemet hjernevaskede børn, hjalp de sataniske kult-fædre og fordrev mødre, som ville stoppe det? Selv den tidligere premierminister Margaret Thatcher og Hugh Hefner, kendte om sagen og et temmelig omgribende omfang af pædofilisager i det britiske parlament, der når hele vejen hen til 10 Downing Street med involvering af den tidligere engelske PM, David Camerons, kontor. Her har en kendt pige, Alisa, fra denne kæmpemæssige seksuelle misbrugssag fra Hampstead prostitueret sig selv via en kendt Audi reklame (censureret) til Superbowl 2017 (en lille pædofili snack), der får Børnecenter Tullebølle, til at ligne et munkekloster... Nåååå... det må I ikke snakke om for Theresa May ... OKAY ... Normalt hører vi aldrig om pædofilisager som involvere verdens 'elite'. En undtagelse er Jimmy Savile som seksuelt misbrugte over 1000 børn, blot fordi BBC og dermed de vestlige medier, var tvungen til at skrive om emnet. Andet eksempel er Bill Cosby som blev anklaget for voldtægt af et hobetal af kvinder. Pædofiliskandaler er blevet en besættelse for medierne, men eksperterne er uenige om, hvad der forårsager pædofiliens dunkle begær – og om, hvor stor skade pædofiles sexovergreb overhovedet volder deres ofre (statsapparatet's benægtelse). Danske medier forholder sig kun til lokale håndgribelige sager, fx anklagemyndigheden eller kommuner går ind i sager om enkeltpersoner, ''kunne'' være en pædofil børneporno-deler, der afleder til en forvaringsdom eller fængselstraf for seksuelt overgreb mod et barn eller blot deler billeder hjemme fra stuen m.m. Hak ved det, bare vigtigt at forstå, det er langt, langt mere omfattende, end som så. Pludselig tager sagen om Edgar Welch en helt anden drejning. Vores nyhedssmedier, som TV2 NEWS og Berlingske, har rigtigt travlt med at dementere disse Comet Ping Pong Pizza(#PizzaGate) anklager mod Hillary Clinton, som falske, der tilsyneladende drev en satanistisk pædofili- og slavering. Ja, det er svært at tør tro på, at magtens 'elite' drives af et kæmpemæssigt verdensomspændende pædofilring, endda med satanistiske ritualer, hvor alle har en 'klemme' på hinanden og seksuelle afpresningsmetoder for, at forhindre nogen snakker over sig. Alle dækker over hinanden, selv domsmænd. Men Peter Madsen, kan man godt forholde sig til og 1970’er-instruktør: Der findes lykkelige incestforhold... Vi har kun set toppen af isbjerget endnu. FBI/WikiLeaks har allerede beviser mod John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, der deltog i sataniske events i de såkaldte 'Spirit Cooking' fester. Bill Clinton var ombord på den såkaldte Jeffrey Epsteins 'Lolita Express' rute, som også er bevist. Eller, Clinton Foundation's øverste CEO indrømmer at 'Pay-For-Play' findes. Den sataniske kæmpemæssige engelske pædofil kult - Hampstead - er også forsøgt, latterliggjort. Selv Disney-koncernen efter Walt Disneys, er også dybt involveret sammen med Hollywood. Seneste, har politiet afsløret en massiv stor verdensomspændende Norsk pædofilring og anholdelsen af 51 mænd der faktisk også er bindeleddet til en massiv anholdelse af 350 topfolk og 400 børn som blev løsladt af det canadiske politi med en international pædofil-børneporno ring med links til den jødiske mafia, organiseret kriminalitet. Vi kunne blive ved. Selvom de danske medier forsøger at dementere og latterliggøre emnet, er vi nødt til, at neutralt forholde os til, faktum. Hvis vi lader vores kognitiv dissonans blive forvirret og ego der fornægter, er vi ikke ærlige. Der sidder folk på aller højeste niveau, der bedst kendetegnes som en psykopat, sociopat der ser det som en naturlig nydelse, at udføre handlinger mod mennesker og især børn, der får os andre til at kaste op... Har kun opridset en lille bid og links er kun tilfældig udvalgte.. Søg selv viden og brug din egen dømmekraft ... |
Hun kan huske, hvordan hun lå på ryggen. Hun kan huske, at han lagde sig ovenpå. Hun var en skoleelev, hun var 15 år, og hun følte sig mærkelig inde i hovedet. Han var meget ældre, han var en taxachauffør, han lugtede af cigaretter, elpæren i loftet var nøgen, det var han også, han brugte ikke kondom, madrassen lå på gulvet, og der var et lagen for vinduet.
Hun kan også huske, at han trak sig ud, han tog sit tøj på, og han gik sin vej; hun blev liggende, og hun er ikke nået videre....
The Washington Standard | Apr 1, 2018 | ~ Does This Stunning Email Indicate Parkland Shooting was Just Another FALSE FLAG Designed to Take YOUR Guns? ~ | .. evidence, supplied directly from a D.C. cop, that makes me believe, with 99.9% certainty, that this shooting was a false flag event designed to further destroy the 2nd amendment. I never believe anything 100%. I am a truth seeker and try to keep an open mind .. | Blogger: [would a D.C. cop from DHS Special Ops Center really dare to expose himself? 🤔] ... Real or Not - reports indicates, or a Freedom of Information (FOI) request reveals, that #MarchForOurLives was planned months before shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida ... you be the judge ... |
DW | Apr 1, 2018 | ~ Deutsche Post sold voter microtargeting data to CDU and FDP ~ | .. Deutsche Post sold client microtargeting data to the Christian Democrats and Free Democrats before the 2017 elections. Is this a scandal along the lines of Cambridge Analytica in the US? That depends on whom you ask .. | Blogger: [🔥This Is Not A Late April Fools' Joke: UK firm - Cambridge Analytica in Colombia: Uribe fuels speculation of election fraud with Facebook data and few million bucks .. Danish PM (DK government, CSC Danmark A/S, DXC Technology) buys from the GOP/Venezuela vote rigging company 'Smartmatic International Holding B.V.' (electronic voting technology) .. Merkel’s party bought voter data from Deutsche Post during 2017 election race 🔥] ... O-M-G! Over one billion data items collected by Deutsche Post from more than 34 million German households was reportedly made available to the two parties (Christian Democrats (CDU) and Free Democratic Party (FDP), which engaged in unsuccessful coalition talks in autumn last year. Citizens’ gender, family status, education, consumer habits and wealth, as well as their housing situation and car ownership were disclosed among around 100 data categories, which were to be used for insight into Germans’ potential voting habits. It is said that Deutsche Post did not disclose “specific” details about individuals (acc. to RT and GW) .. you be the judge ... | Update | 28. Marts 2018 | cand. jur. & markedsøkonom Lars Bjørknæs | ~ DR fortsætter med at ansætte uden jobopslag – sikrede gammel kollega studieværtsjob ~ | .. På P3 har studieværter i en længere periode ansat hinanden, uden at stillingerne er blevet stået op. Manglende offentliggørelse af en ledig stilling som studievært på P1 var også tilfældet, da den tidligere vært på TV-Avisen, Laura Larrain, kort efter nytår sikrede sit et nyt job hos Danmarks Radio .. |
RT - Today Russia | Apr 2, 2018 | ~ Yulia Skripal's social media page accessed while she was reportedly in critical condition ~ | ..With secrecy surrounding the condition of poisoned double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Russian bloggers noticed that somebody logged in to Yulia Skripal's social media page when she was reportedly in critical condition .. |
Wide Awake America | Apr 10, 2017 | ~ History of Easter and it's Traditions in 10 Minutes [FASCINATING DOCUMENTARY] ~ | Blogger: [Does the Truth Matter? - Did Jesus Die on Good Friday and Rise on Easter Sunday?] ... As always, please use your own spiritual discernment on ... |
The Rabbit, The Egg, The Tradition and the Trap. The Hidden History of Easter and it's Traditions. Have you ever wondered where the Easter rabbit came from or the egg? When you walk down the grocery isle do you recognize these symbols? This documentary goes in-depth into the esoteric origins of the traditions and symbols we celebrate in spring. Although it may seem harmless, the history behind the veil tells a much darker and deeper secret. Find out the true meaning of Easter and the hunt for fertility in the documentary below.
Cutting edge news, as featured on the governments news "do not read list", powered by citizen journalists and researchers of truth. American Intelligence Report airs live M-F 10AM CST
wakeup-world | April 2nd, 2018 | ~ Is Facebook Listening Through Your Smartphone Microphone? Whistleblower Says “Yes” ~ | Blogger: WHOA! - I'm not surprised ... when I buy stuff on Amazon or Amazon Echo is in listen mode, i get same results... |
A couple of years ago I had a pair of sunglasses stolen from my car when I forgot to take them with me when the car was being serviced. I complained to the garage and indignantly reported this important event to my wife. Spookily, the following day I started receiving ads in my Facebook feed for where I could buy exactly the same pair of sunglasses. I thought my natural gift of cynicism had turned into paranoia. As Joseph Heller said in Catch 22 – “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t.” In Facebook’s case – it turns out they are!
From Canada’s National Post comes the report that one of their own citizens is testifying that exactly my sunglasses experience was indeed not paranoia but a matter of fact – Facebook did indeed have the capacity to listen in to my private conversations.
The report states “Facebook could be listening to its users’ conversations through smartphone microphones, Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie says. He appeared in front of a committee of British parliamentarians on Tuesday, and in his nearly four hours of testimony… addressed the longstanding theory that Facebook spies on its users to shape their advertising.”
🔴 Right Side Broadcasting Network | April 2, 2018 CET (Streamed live 2 hours ago) | by STEVE LOOKNER is the chief on-air news anchor at Right Side Broadcasting | ~ SUV Carrying Family Accelerated off Cliff - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE 🚨 ~ | Blogger: [ thoughts and prayers go out to all members of this family 🕯️😢💔 .. BUT ... My bullshit detector just went off - I'm just spitballing here - Don't shoot the messenger: .. Did someone hacked the SUV's hidden 'black box' and the wirelessly control of the car's brakes and steering via remote attacks (app UConnect) - in the name of 'Hatism' & 'Racism' - a False Flag ops??] ... (Last monday, a SUV carrying family was intentionally driven off California cliff, investigators say) - Veeeery strange and super weird twist - The NEW NEWS iiiisss, that the SUV came to a complete STOP, (no skid marks or brake marks) and THEN, accelerated STRAIGHT off the CLIFF, driving 90 mph (hmmm 🤥?) .. The crash killed Jennifer and Sarah Hart and three of their children -- their three other children are MISSING (What? were are the 3 missing children from the CRASH?) and feared dead (acc. to MSM news) ... PS: are just trying to break it down to get to the REAL TRUTH, like RSBN Network, but we must conclude, it's a very strange car accident, just like people still truly believe the (fake) story about Emma Gonzalez & David Hogg (they are actually cousins and “crisis actors”) ... Soooo... you might ask why is this a bizarre crash? Well, the authorities says the crash that killed lesbian couple along with their six BLACK adopted children, ONE of the missing children 'Devonte' has been seen in very emotional infamous picture from #BlackLivesMatter (Devonte, a young black boy, was photographed in 2014 crying in the arms of a white police officer during a protest in Oregon over police brutality in Ferguson, Missouri) .. [PS: According to - Hacked George Soros Memo: $650,000 to black lives matter] .. Autohories say (or MSM outlets), that speedometer shows lesbian couple were driving 90 mph when they went off a cliff, killing themselves and their six adopted children, court documents reveal (acc. to dailymail - PS: There's some discrepancy - Sheriff: ‘No Skid Marks’ At Scene Of Highway 1 Tragedy) .. Authorities said that while no suicide note had been found, neighbours has said that children was starving, begging for food (parents withholding food) and violence/abuse has been recorded at their schools etc. (lucky, death or missing people don't squeal - sorry not trying to be cruel🙏) .. BUT, all the children were teenagers, assumable living in their parents house, strange that they didn't speak up!? .. 'The family’s mixed races have fueled suspicion and anger about the crash, reflected in hundreds of comments left on Facebook postings mourning the family. Many of the comments questioned the motives of white women who adopted black children (WP)' .. 'Meanwhile, those who knew the Harts described them as inspiring and devoted parents who had been unfairly subjected to criticism and assumptions about their motives for adopting the children. Friends also said that the couple tried to keep their children insulated from death threats and hateful emails prompted by the viral picture of Devonte (WP)' ..PS: check out the video: 'Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It' (potion of these hackers code, was exploited at Black Hat USA 2015) ... Also, check out the t-shirts the kids are wearing, some say that 'The Goonies' IS About the Illuminati (And It’s a Rube Goldberg Machine) – Jay Dyer (link) .. Very recently, Corey Feldman, stabbed by knife-wielding thug in frenzied attempted murder attack (so he claim - some MSM media calls it: ‘World’s Smallest Knife Wound’, perhaps to ridicule him, for him to expose TheDeepState, #GlobalMovieIndustryPedoGate) ... |
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