Feb 9, 2015

Samsung: Don't discuss personal info in front of TV - February 9, 2015

Your SmartTV just might be smarter than you think.
Did you know someone might be listening on the other end of your TV?

Would you have guessed that many someones are indeed listening if you are using a voice-recognition SmartTV?

Convenience may come at the expense of privacy and security in the expanding world of interconnected devices and voice control recognition, cautions Samsung, which issues this warning on its SmartTVs: “Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party through your use of Voice Recognition.”

What do YOU think? Sound off on reports of your SmartTV spying on you. Take the WND Poll

But how many are reading the fine print?

More such products are coming online every day – like Amazon’s connected speaker with a Siri-style assistant that can perform a variety of tasks including adding items to your e-commerce shopping basket.

“The potential privacy intrusion of voice-activated services is massive,” reports TechCrunch.com.

Electronic privacy activists are apoplectic about what’s already here and what’s on the horizon – comparing it to George Orwell’s Big Brother world of “1984.”

Where does this all lead?

The TechCrunch report concludes with this question: “When all the objects in your home have networked ears that are fine-tuned for commercial intelligence gathering, where will you go to talk about ‘personal’ or ‘sensitive’ stuff?”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/02/samsung-dont-discuss-personal-info-in-front-of-tv/#eF0zcHbePDCPsCJU.99

Madonna’s Grammy Performance Was Basically An Illuminati Matador Orgy

Posted on February 9, 2015 by DEUS NEXUS

… and we have the GIFs to prove it!

Madonna seemed to pay tribute to a number of things during her 2015 Grammy Awards performance of “Living for Love” — the ancient Spanish tradition of bullfighting, the TV show “Hannibal,” Gaga’s 2009 VMAs performance — but all in all, we’re convinced that Madge’s show-stopping number was a full-on appreciation ritual for the Illuminati.

True, her video for “Living for Love” is remarkably similar to Sunday night’s (Feb. 8) Grammy performance, but seeing the larger-than-life, masked matadors kill the Queen of Pop — and watching her “dead” body ascend from the stage afterward — was undoubtedly stolen straight from the pages of the Illuminati how-to manual. (Because such a thing definitely exists.)
Don’t believe us? Check out the proof!

  1. She has Illuminati-level “bitches.”

    Miley and Nicki? Yeah, they’re definitely in.

Benjamin Fulford Update - February 9, 2015 CET (Once again, fingering and targeting Denmark supplying cash to ECB QE debt creation - February 17th would be the day that World War 3 starts according to complex cabalistic numerology - however Zionazi defeat now inevitable)

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007. 

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier. 

the Danish banking association says that it has so much cash which was given to the banks in the European Central Bank QE debt creation exercise, that it no longer needs retail deposits and will start charging depositors. It also does not need to make loans
Udgivet af Benjamin den 9. Februar 2015 CET (Full Story)

Zionazi defeat now inevitable, Pentagon to turn blind eye as Russia, Iran and Turkey take-out Saudi Arabia

The defeat of the international Zionazi* crime cabal is now inevitable due to rapidly unfolding events around the world, most notably in the Middle East and the Ukraine. The arrest by Germany last week (as reported in this blog) of a US government official carrying billions of dollars in forged US $100 bills destined for the Ukraine has had enormous and ongoing repercussions. The Pentagon contacted this writer to say this was “actionable intelligence.” Hopefully this action will include arrests of all top Zionazis starting with the Bush crime family. We have all waited too long for this to happen already. Remember, Washington D.C. is not actually part of the Republic of the United States of America but is rather a foreign enclave. It is time to remove that cancer from the Republic and restore American independence.

In any case, there are clear signs that this Zionazi cancer is being dealt with elsewhere already.
There is a G20 meeting going on in Turkey which, according to Russian sources, is part of a series of meetings aimed at being the equivalent of the 1945 Yalta conference held by Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. It was the Yalta conference that created the post-World War 2 order we still live under. So, the implication is that a series of ongoing meetings will herald the biggest changes in international architecture since the end of World War 2.

These meetings are discussing a total transformation of the current international architecture including the IMF, the World Bank and the UN. Some national boundaries may also be redrawn, notably in the Middle East, the Ukraine and Korea. There is also a determination to permanently end Zionazi mischief.

The discovery that American State Department officials were supplying forged dollars to both sides of the battle in the Eastern Ukraine has already caused Germany and France to split with the Zionazi regime in Washington D.C. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande already met Russia’s Vladimir Putin last week without US approval and are planning on another meeting Wednesday. There is very little leaking in public about the talks but, according to Russian sources, France and Germany are seriously thinking of leaving NATO and creating alternative security arrangements with Russia.

The US official arrested by Germany has spilled the beans on exactly how the Zionazis were orchestrating the civil war in the Ukraine. The Vanguard Corporation, a front for the Federal Reserve Board (according to MI5) has paid mercenaries to kill people on both side of the conflict there so that they would blame it on each other. They also gave money to buy weapons to both sides of the conflict.

This is the same modus operandi they used to destroy Yugoslavia. It is the one also now in operation in Syria and Iraq.................

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author )

InRussiaNow - Le Pen says Washington attempting to start ‘war in Europe’ - February 9, 2015

The leader of France’s rightwing Front National (FN), Marine Le Pen, has called Brussels “American lackeys” regarding the Ukraine policy. She further accused Washington of attempting to start a “war in Europe” and expand NATO towards Russia’s borders. Via:: Le Pen says Washington attempting to start ‘war in Europe’

Continue reading...

Hilarion's Weekly Message - Become a Brilliant Incorruptible Light

Hilarion er Chohan af den femte stråle af healing, videnskab, vision og sandhed. Han er det hierarkiske niveau  af Sanhedens templet på det æteriske plan i nærheden Crete, Grækenland. Hilarion var ypperstepræst i "Templet af Sandhed" i Atlantis, og han transporterede flammens sandhed sammen med artefakter af templet til Grækenland kort tid før forliset af kontinentet. Han arbejder med sjæle til at beherske det tredje øje - chakra og grøn-ray kvaliteter, herunder healing og videnskaben om at holde den ubesmittede koncept. Hilarion har ikke kun indflydelse med healing, men også omfatter musik og videnskab og målrettet "vision" gennem opfattelser af tredje øje. En kilde tilføjer, at Hilarion arbejder ofte med Ærkeenglen Raphael, der ligeledes tjener på det femte-stråle.

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff 9. Feb 
© 2015 therainbowscribe

Beloved Ones,

Life upon the planet is quickening in its response to the cosmic energies that are pouring upon the surface and deep within its core.

There are myriad changes occurring within the energy fields of all living life forms. Everyone and everything is trying to adjust to the increased frequency level that now besets Earth and all her inhabitants, both seen and unseen.

These energies are now even more powerful than before, and are working to loosen and dissolve all blockages within each individual in a way that will enable a release from all restrictive patterns of the past.

It is a potent and oftentimes uncomfortable process, but be assured that the end result will be a good one for all.

There are many chaotic forces at work, and it seems as if the world and everyone in it have succumbed to madness. This too shall pass. Those who continue to resist surrender to the purging process are finding it more and more difficult to wield their agendas with the ease of accomplishment they were once privy to.

Must See! How The ILLUMINATI uses Television to Control Your Mind

Published on Sep 15, 2013
A breakdown of how Television and the entertainment industry have completely destroyed all morals in society worldwide by using puppet politicians, demonic Celebrities, and Media Puppets to achieve their goal of total mind control of the masses.

RT: Moscow & Cairo to drop USD, use national currencies in bilateral trade – Putin - February 9, 2015

Russia and Egypt might soon exclude the US dollar and use their national currencies in the settlement of accounts in bilateral trade, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview to Egyptian media ahead of his Monday visit to the country.

READ MORE: Iran moves away from US dollar in foreign trade

The issue of abandoning the dollar in trade is “being actively discussed,” Putin told Al-Ahram daily newspaper ahead of his two-day trip to Egypt. The Russian president was invited for a bilateral meeting by his Egyptian counterpart Abdul Fattah al-Sisi.

“This measure will open up new prospects for trade and investment cooperation between our countries, reduce its dependence on the current trends in the world markets,” Putin said.

“I should note that we already use national currencies for trade with a number of the CIS [Commonwealth of Independent States] states, and China. This practice proves its worth; we are ready to adopt it in our relations with Egypt as well. This issue is being discussed in substance by relevant agencies of both countries.”

Egypt is a long-time and trusted partner of Russia and the relationship between the two countries has been rapidly developing, the Russian president said.

“The volume of bilateral trade has increased significantly over the past years: In 2014, it increased by almost half compared to the previous year and amounted to more than $4.5 billion,” he said urging for this trend to be strengthened.

READ MORE: Big investor interest in Russia, despite pressure - president of world’s largest aluminium producer

David Wilcock … “Secret Space Program Disclosure”… MP3s - January 9, 2015

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening. 


This, of course, relates to this prior post of David’s new article, about the Conscious Life Expo livestream held tonight. Another title of this (which David gave it) would be…

A Brief, Five Million Year History of the Colonization of Our Solar System

So I did watch this entire 3-hour presentation, and there was indeed some major disclosure from some newer (for David) intel sources which have come forward. I recorded the audio of this, and processed and pieced it into smaller MP3s (of course, much of David’s material was visual, so these do not carry the full impact of David’s Conscious Life Expo presentation).

I feel everyone should have the opportunity to hear this information (without having to pay any fees for it), so I am putting all of this here, now. And by putting out these audios, I feel it will help de-cloak all of the secrecy which the cabal has been trying to keep on this information.

A few key points I recall: Saturn’s rings were created from an original ring intended for use as galactic weapon, and were glass-enclosed living spaces; another galactic race came in and destroyed it, and the pieces from that (dust, etc.) formed the Saturn rings; almost all moons have been used as living quarters for galactic “visitors”; evidence for internal structures on several moons is present; these were inhabited by tall (up to 70 ft) beings; bones of “tall beings” have been documented; Smithsonian Institution was created as a place to hide these large bones from the public; we are getting full disclosure, a bit at a time; NASA was chartered as a defense agency of the US gov’t (and there’s a lot more…).

I have placed audio players below, but I suggest downloading the MP3s and storing them on your computer as well. All of this will help protect and move forward the disclosure process that David courageously “put out there” tonight.

The actual “new disclosure” begins at Part 3, and goes for the next 2 hours (Parts 3-6). Parts 1 and 2 are more background material. Note that I’ve arranged the players to start with the “new disclosure” material (Part 3).

MP3s (each part ~30 min., 14 MB)

Tom Heneghan Update - February 8, 2015 ( U.S. CIA-State Department coup against Ukraine was Financed directed by Hungarian, Danish and Japanese banks and George Soros)

Igen er Danmmark nævnt som værende led i dårlig kæde af fusk og marionetdukke for USA's Cabal/Illuminati orden. Sidste gang nævnte Tom Heneghan Spanien og Danmark og Den Europæiske Centralbank (ECB) for at misbruge finansielt instrument af derivater aka korte positioner i valuta på markederne af den japanske yen.

Læs også: Nationalbanken har sænket renten på indskudsbeviser tre gange på 11 dage. Nationalbankdirektør Lars Rohde optrapper kampen for at svække kronen. Konsekvenserne af Nationalbankens seneste udspil om at stoppe salg af statsobligationer kan ende med negative 10-årige renter



Sunday   February 8, 2015

Emergency Update

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande  source
UNITED States of America   -    It can now be reported that both Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande all agreed that the Western sanctions implemented versus the Russian Federation (mainly directed by the United States) are useless and self-destructive and must end immediately.
Merkel and Hollande, along with Russian Federal President Vladimir Putin, reviewed Russian, French and German intelligence agency documents that absolutely prove that a U.S. CIA-State Department coup was directed against the then duly elected pro Russian government of the Ukraine and was financed and directed by Hungarian, Danish and Japanese banks with command and control being financial terrorist George Soros.
P.S.  We can now divulge that the recent U.S. unemployment report is completely bogus and nothing but lies.  The structural U.S. unemployment remains at 13% with millions of Americans out of work.
Do not believe U.S. corporate media elites aka Bloomberg FBI Division 5 news.