Jan 16, 2022
🔮🎴🌟 ~ (Soft expose:'G/NESARA at scrolling news bar. Mr. T said the C-word = Cabal) TAROT BY JANINE TAKES A CLOSER LOOK AT THE AZ TRUMP RALLY…🤔Jan. 16th 2022 (TBJ) ~ | Blogger: Ancient off-worlders white hat-handpicked Mr. T. He's 189 days older. True family = General Patton's Son (and JFK's Cousin) - WHAAAT!?. Anyway - that's the word on the street - and some of it part of Janine's card... |
🙏 ~ 💝 (Please pay attention) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: SoTW is here to remind you, that the first order of business is always to calm your mental / emotional state, to assure you that you are not alone, to remind you that you have journeyed through other challenging moments in this life, reincarnations and other realms and to move your entire vibration into a state of peacefulness. Source / God, will always support your choices and is amazed to see your spiritual progress, the ability to evolve, coexist with others. Remember, you are exquisite in every form. You possesses a ravishing inner and outer beuth, free yourself from self-doubt and activate self-love, that will knockout every naysayers or lost souls, who doubt your choices. Just, be truthful to yourself. I hereby present you with a Purple Heart for the Spiritual Warriors of Peace. Have (yourselves) a stunning day, enlighten ones, yours truly verdensalt.dk (SoTW)... |
"Pay attention: The work we do is strong and we need that time to recharge our energy to stay balanced. Many miracles are coming." ~ Roberto Nunez
🙏 ~ 💝 (Snøft - når sjælen kalder!) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [👉Den 'spirituelle lavalder', begynder først omkring 27-30 år, hvor man STOPPER OP, hvor ens Sind, Sjæl og Ånd, tager kampen op med Egoet, Forsvarsmekanisme og Samfundets Autoriteter. Her, hentes 'sindet' tilbage til rødderne af en ens egen barndom og miraklernes tid👈] ... Kan man manifestere sin datter hjem igen med loven om tiltrækning og kærlighedsenergier?. The Shawshank Redemption - var filmen - der ikke ville opgive håbet og SoTW sender da også glæde og ønsker ud til min datter, hun returnere hjem igen, en dag... |
Kære Isabella,
For 10 år siden forsvandt du uden ord, for at få fred, søgte hen hvor din mor og morbror bor.
Fortvivlelse, frustration, sorg og savn, ramte os alle ubemærket hårdt,
i hjertet vort.
Vi kunne alle rumme dig, selvom du hjemmefra kom vred og farvet,
var din frustration svær som far, at forstå og at arve.
stolt, i min arme.
Min familie skabte rammen om din barndom, den kærlige opdragelse
og omsorg, 'storesøster' for fasters børn, du var en ørn.
og omsorg, 'storesøster' for fasters børn, du var en ørn.
Husk nu på, intet er sort og hvidt, ingen andre især jeg,
ønsker, du skal have det skidt.
💚🍖🧔 ~ (Summer & GR is Coming: CO2-Neutrale Løsninger, CO3 Polish Meltdown & Power-to-X-Tek - Øøøøhh hva'ba?) Bøvser, prutter og kokasser: Elektrificering, Biokul, Hockeystav, Fatamorgana & Fugle på taget og Fremtiden ser SORTfossil ud (SoTW Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: 💍🙅♀️🏃♀️ SÅ GIK DEN ikke længere??? Alle de smukke kendis-kvins er gået fra deres respektive "MÆND"; fra 49-årige Lasse Rimmer og 27-årige Line Hoffmeyer, skal skilles. Dan Jørgensen, 46, og blogger og litteraturanmelder Katherine Diez, 33. 42-årrig Mascha Vang og Rasmus Jarlov, 44 er ikke længere kærester... VAR DET HELE “proforma-ægteskaber”? Mens alle ugeblade skriver om hvor fantastisk deres "forhold" stadigvæk er og de "elsker hinanden" også selvom de er gået fra hinanden... 🙄KENDER DU DET, når man sidder og glor på de stærke og grove pinagtigheder i 'Klovn', sådanne har jeg det med KlimaBaronen, der har været så presset, at han har parket stop for oliejagt til hjørne, for at redde, JORDEN, ligesom, ZULU Comedy Galla 2017 - CO3 feat. Josefine Frida Pettersen - POLEN SMELTER... [LÆS VIDERE]... |
Det smager af bondefangeri, molbohistorier og magtfuldkommenhed - men debattør, influencer-influenza og alvidende, Katherine-Hertuginde af bognørder, ønskede sig brændende at få en mand, med en ph.d. (som bare var falsk). Det blev altså til tidligere stripper, grønne slavehandler, hulemand og Wi-Fi selvfede radioaktiv strålende 5G klima-Dan...
Corona, Krigskasse eller Klima? Hvem skal nu betale - Coronakrisen og den falske klima-verdensorden, kommer til at efterlade en GIGANTISK milliardregning til den danske befolkning samt næste generation og regeringen er gået på pension i 2030 - men nåede at få godkendt WEF/DK-aftalen og "THE GREAT RESET." aka den "store nulstilling"...
🤥Han har i den korte ministerperiode, bedraget os alle med falske klimamål på 70 procent uden pricetag, blåstempling af 5G-netværket (TDC har lige meldt ud at 5G-mobilnettet på plads) og godkendelse af Energistyrelsens projekter på Barmarksværkerne, der har efterladt flere tusinde familier på fallittens rand med usælgelige huse og skyhøje varmeregninger...
🧊I min egen kommune, betaler jeg 200% i afgifter plus mit fjernevarmeforbrug plsu de nye voldsomme prisstigninger. Har regnet ud, med mit lille nye super energivenlige lejerækkehus på 70kvm betaler jeg mere i varme, end mit gamle 150kvm naturgas opvarmet parcelhus...
♻️Nu har Holland og Danmark indgået aftale om at etablere storskalaproduktion af brint og grønt brændstof - også kendt som Power-to-X - i Danmark, og Holland, betaler hele SKIDTET - meeeen, hjælper det Hr og Fru Jensen - neeeeej. Det BRINTANLÆG på i alt 100 MW, som koster danskere 210 mia. kr. at etablere, skal omdanne grøn strøm til grønne brændstoffer til lastbiler, skibe og fly - altså STATENS trafik, og Hollandsk (og EU?) ikke Hr. og Fru. Jensens...
🚆OG SAMTIDIGT, skal hele tognettet elektrificeres, men INGEN brinttoge, i 2024 eller altså igen, ud i fossil FREMTID og ELBILER bliver bare DYRERE og DYRERE, koster en formue at producere og er IKKE klimavenlige...
🌎ER DU IKKE bekendt med "NextGenerationEU og godkendelsen af de danske genopretnings- og resiliensplaner", så har det DIREKTE noget at gøre med UN Agenda 21 (2030), MMM samt Von Der Leyen, ansat af Kina, BIS og Verdensbanken, er DYBT involveret (Female illuminati).... |
🕉️ ~ 💗 (NEW COBRA UPDATE) Situation Update and a New Cobra Interview (Cobra2012) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Sometimes I think the spiritual leader behind "Cobra RM" is the only person who uses rare esotericism; metaphors or wordings, like "Invisibles" or "Chimera-group" or exotic weapons like "plasma strangelet and toplet bombs". And since he's deep mystery, no ones is allowed to say his real name out loud or where he lives, net worth in many millions, it's even more spooky about his secret American (witch) "spouse". Of course, I could answer all these questions, however, I will not deep dive into more bad experiences about this organization, have already done that on verdensalt.dk. Just stay grounded, only take in that resonates with your higher self, respecting others spiritual beliefs and look at, and treat all, our beautiful people around us, with unconditional love... PS: What is Cobra? COBRA is a codename for "co mpression br e a kthrough.". The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet... |
Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
The main focus now is the clearing of the primary anomaly on the lower mental plane and the so-called Invisibles. Invisibles are Archontic entities which inhabit the lower mental plane around the surface of the planet and are the ones creating and manifesting the false ideas matrix. They are the beings responsible for ideas such as karma, prime directive, purposeful suffering, omnipotent God, purposeful duality, flat Earth, second law of thermodynamics as the ultimate truth, speed of light as the maximum speed, monogamy as the only choice, global warming, woke ideology, critical race theory, etc.
Invisibles are entities that are almost transparent, creamy opaque blobs, and are almost undetectable even for advanced clairvoyants on the mental plane. Since the Archon invasion in 1996, they have managed to invade the auric field of the mental body of almost every incarnated being on the surface of this planet.
The Light forces are estimating there are about 500 humans currently incarnated on the planet with their mental body fully intact, without Invisibles infestation. Everybody else is at least partially mentally possessed, ranging from small areas of the mind where the person acts irrationally, to the full possession where the person has almost completely lost free will and ability for common sense and rational thinking. The key here is to acknowledge the possession, which will be extremely hard to do for most people, expel the entities with decrees, purify the mental body with the violet flame, and reclaim lost mental abilities and exercise common sense.
Clearing of Invisibles network will continue with full speed for another month or so, and peak stupidity on the global scale is expected in about two weeks:
😈😵💫 ~ (Tucker Carlson: Takes On The Satanic Temple) Let’s Do This Again! Telegram Photo Journal II – January 15, 2022 (ROSE RAMBLES) ~ | Blogger: Truth-Tucker is awesome, so the blog of RR... I AM really sorry, to be the one that show you "normal" people are worshipping Lucifer. Try not to get your morning coffee down the wrong pipe - these people are pure evil the rabbit hole goes deeper then Wayfair, PizzaGate, Pay-To-Play, Spirit Cooking, Extreme Snuff Film, Hollywood Blood-Harvesting (worst possibly imaginable thing). Ellen DeGeneres living at Courteney Cox's house is NOT "normal" people. Megan Fox and MGK have said and done way worse than drinking each other’s blood... |
https://www.instagram.com/p/CCfVhPhAJNj/?hl=en |
Let’s Do This Again! Telegram Photo Journal II – January 15, 2022
🆘⚠️🌊 ~ (Follow the water: 1-3 foot waves expected - thank god! Only boats confirmed drowning!) EMERGENCY ALERT!! MASSIVE UNDER WATER VOLCANO TRIGGERS TSUMANI OFF THE WEST COAST HITTING CALIFORNIA (Off Grid Desert Farming with Paul & Adrienne) ~ | Blogger: Weekend warnings about Tsunamis in several countries, including Fiji, Vanuatu, Chile, Samoa, Australia, Japan, Hawaii, California and Alaska in the United States... You gotta looove (NOOOT) YouTube and GoogleGöringGestapo for being so effective censoring everything. YouTube is censoring 'normal discourse' & punishing those who fight back - "Dangerous material", means that YouTube's overseers have, turned the knob on their censorship algorithms to high with world most advanced AI filters & AI algorithms. And guess what, ex-PM Danish Helle Thorning-Schmidt got herself a million dollar contract to be the general of monitoring of Facebook... YouTube link is still working if you wanna catch latest news... PS: Go to Jese Tuisinu's tweets to see more LIVE actions... |
https://www.fresnobee.com/latest-news/article257355602.html |
Acid rain could be the next threat Tongan 🇹🇴 residents face in the coming days after the volcanic eruption wreaked havoc on the island yesterday. pic.twitter.com/WiYGiRQUje
— Jese Tuisinu (@JTuisinu) January 15, 2022
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