Feb 23, 2023

🔴📢🚨 (BREAKING) House Subcommittee to Investigate #COVID19 #Vaccines and Side Effects - NTD Good Morning ~ Feb 23, 2023 (SoTW; I'll believe it when I see it) ~ |

(48) House Subcommittee to Investigate #COVID19 #Vaccines - NTD Good Morning - YouTube


🙏 ~ 💝 (Things authorities does not want you to see) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Feb 23, 2023 ~ |

🕺🤓💃 (Dansen med Corona) Dødsprøjte-kvaksinen, NB tjener ikke grundloven samt Rigsforstander i Statsrådet: Hvem pokker er internet trolden, vanvidsmennesket og manuskriptforfatteren, fra en helt almindelig Næstved-familie, kaldet "Søren Grinderslev Hansen"? ~ 23. Feb 2023 ~ |

DDFO-Daisy samt Fandens Karl solestrålehistorier om hvor elefantastisk deres operationer gik, mens 'maske' Dronning Camilla kæmper stadig med corona?

Editor's Note: SGH er censureret på Google Gestapo YT og alle vide vegne! Selvom, han er medlem af Stram Kurs og tro støtter af, Orange 33 Frihedslisten a.k.a. kontrolleret opposition (KO)?. Han findes dog på Fjæsen's støttegruppe og Teletubbies (Telegram) og 10 af mine egne Fjæs-mutual er venner med ham. Desværre optræder han med mason-symboler, selv hans billede på Teletubbies er et "Black Eye Club", men hvem kan man stole på mere? Per Brændgaard? Dan Johannesson? Flemming Blicher? Selv, Kathrine Krogh Hoffmann, står med mason-tegn og har, arkiveret sin Fjæsgruppe "Frimurersymboler og -loger i Danmark". Her på verdensalt.dk redaktionen, støttes ingen, af  de 179 folkevalgte frimurer, lokal politikere og partier. Men hans videoer sætter tanker i gang... |


🎴🔮💖 (Real Air Force One Trump April Fools' Day'. Putin is a WH asset. Biden's dead sold U.S. citizens to W.H.O.) TBJ: FEB 22nd 2023-WORLD NEWS! ~ Feb 23, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: B-E-A-utiful. Thx to Janine it was a VERY positive tarot card readouts. However, Arkansas plane crash + 2023 Ohio train derailment was a really bad Dark Hat event and could have been much worse, if not intervened, to some extent by WH. Pls. go and visit TBJ and listen to the video if I misunderstood something... | 

🏳️‍⚧️🌈(Worlds Trans-Agenda is YUUUGE) XANDREWX: OFFICIAL GOVT DOCS EXPOSE MICHELLE OBAMA’S 14 YEAR HISTORY AS A MAN - AND MORE ~ Feb 23, 2023 (SoTW; Rumors has it, they killed Joan Rivers, for saying those words) ~ |


The Michelle Obama Transgender Guide - Richard Saunders - Google Bøger
The Michelle Obama Transgender Guide – Vidensbanken om kønsidentitet (transviden.dk)
book The Michelle Obama Transgender Guide at DuckDuckGo

O-M-G!... THATS IMPOSSIBLE!... All men? was Janine 100% correct  about Denmark-Daisy? ... I'm getting sick!... My head is spinning like a screw!... I recall, that Kent Dunn told us, that JFK (was) once female and XtremeRealityCheck, says, Lady Di (was) once male (trans)... Obama called Michelle for "Michael"(transgender) + President Reagan called Princess Diana, for "David" (Elton Johns boy-toy David Furnish) 

Editor's Note: Quuen Daisy a man? I'm not sure, however, she was rumored a lesbian and Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark, was gay, 100% sure of that.. I don't care about anybody's gender - I just HATE to be lied to. Rumored a man to female transgender like, Brigitte Macron a.k.a. Jean-Michel Trogneux (President Macron's 'Gay Lover' since childhood), Michelle Obama a.k.a. "Big Mike or Michael", The Serena Williams sisters and Royals in EU monarchies etc. Graduate of the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders to become the country's youngest PM in more than 150 years... | 

 Official Govt Docs Expose Michelle Obama’s 14 Year History as a Man - and MORE (bitchute.com)

😁🔥😎 (Bidens America - a new Fresher, Younger Joe has just dropped) This American Woman is AMAZING! Govt and their Narcissists Handlers are Fast Tracking their 'Lost' Plans and all we can do is sit back and LAUGH at them - listen to the video-clip ~ Feb 23, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: Of course 9/11, Ohio toxic train wreck + fire in Florida + Tennessee uranium processing facility, and more. HAARP weather manipulations, Ukraine war, Vaksines, etc. etc., are very, very serious events and need our full attention and for us all, to sending Prayers, Love and Strength and Rejoice in (Hope) Wishes, to our beloved fellow Earthlings and Universe... |