Oct 27, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 (Children are our Future) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨"May all men, women, children, animals, and all elements of Earth be rescued, resolved, replenished, rehabilitated, reborn, and respected as the Divine I AM now.” ~ Matt Kahn✨] ... Children are our Future and just watch, how we are treating them under the "Corona-scare"... Imagine that every child has a cup that needs to be filled with affection, love, security and attention. Some seem to have a full cup most the time, or they good ways to get a refill. It's only natural for children to get nervous from time to time when their cup get near to empty, we just have to be there to support them... I have done E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G to my very best knowledge and understanding how to become a good loving FATHER to my DAUGHTER with 13 years of dog-fighting with The State Administration, my x-girlfriend (her mom), lawyers, child psychologists, schools and all sought of alternative folks, to keep her safe and protected for the most 'hateful' 'cunning' 'merciless' 'chilly' 'ruthless' woman, on Earth, but I lost her and for time to time, it really breaks my heart. My daughter chooses the (dark) of her mom's family side and are loyal and now stick to that part of her life and i can't do anything, about it... I need to remind myself, our "children" are only on loan - the greatest love of all, lies in letting go when the time is right... |
🌀 ~ 💗 FM 144: SITUATION UPDATE (26.10.2020)💕 ~ | Blogger: [🌠Teilen Is The Name: Starseed Support Channel for Terra Groundcrew🌌] ... {SoTW has been to COBRA SCHOOL} ... And, I would add, a Cobra-friendly site, like so may others, "respawning" or "recalibrating" some of the intel or esoteric spiritual informations given by Cobra, the only spokesperson for The Resistance Movement, in a more "lighter" way to swallow the red pill. That is how SoTW interpret this stuff, but I could be very wrong... This time, Teilen, is not so far from 'reality' in his presentation of world affairs, and shows us a 'cobra-styled' version blogpost of things, that goes on, right now... Highly recommended to read... PS: To the readers on verdensalt.dk (SoTW), please (always) use your own spiritual discernment... |
In the course of the COVID crisis (and from a physical point of view), they want to seal off the planet militarily and put it under total surveillance. The way to achieve this are massive testing to drive the numbers as high as possible to justify their actions, completely ignoring the serious effects of the number of false positives:
While the mask serves as an MK-Ultra instrument to make the population compliant:
Many governments act more and more totalitarian. It is also no longer so much about being afraid of the virus itself, but much more about being afraid of the punishments if the measures are not followed.
The population should be stirred up in such a way that they supervise themselves and rebuke all outliers (e.g. mask refusers) without questioning the sense behind it, which is very clearly presented in the following (whether actually performed or not) psychologic experiments:
The awakened part of the population who has recognized what is going on and is actively protesting against it is confronted with increasingly harsh police violence (whereby there are signs that the Cabal is bringing mercenaries into various police units to break resistance).
In addition from a non-physical point of view, be also aware that within the quarantine negative entities are entering the police forces (resulting in violence against peaceful protestants) and also normal citizens (resulting in attacking and denunciation of mask refusers in daily life) in order to defend the system.
🦠😷🧼 ~ (Corona-udskamning, hypnose og samfundssind) Landsmoder Mette-mus' udskamning, lukkethed, og magtfuldkommenhed opererer nu på alle planer - helt af sig selv (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: SOM ET trylleslag, lukker skoleklasser eller skoler ned (igen) i Oktober 2020 i Hillerød, Aalborg og skole i Ringsted sender alle hjem efter smitteudbrud, uden at regeringenen, skal gøre NOGET SOME HELST - vi har alle lært lektien fra Aprils KRAV om nedlukning af dagtilbud, skoler og uddannelsesinstitutioner... Tæt på fordobling af ventetid fra 20,000 PANIK-ANGSTE danskere's tidsbestillinger til Corona-tests og mens man i belgien påstår, at hele hospitalsvæsenet bryder sammen - beder man smittede læger om at fortsætte arbejdet - som OVERHOVED ikke giver nogen mening... DOG SKAL INGEN fortvivle, Falck tilbyder hurtige Covid-19 tests til virksomheder og institutioner - og snart til privatpersoner, skriver Falck i en pressemeddelelse... SOM en selvfølge, forudser SSI stigning i smittekurven, siger Tyra Grove Krause, og 'diktatur og diktatoriske metoder udsættes landet for under påskud af corona. De indgreb og restriktioner, som regeringen både i foråret og nu igen krænger ned over befolkningen er helt ude af proportioner', siger Vibeke Manniche... MINKfarmere har fået nok og Fødevarestyrelsen er nu politianmeldt for smittespredning på minkfarm... Regeringen er fra flere sider blevet kritiseret for at indføre restriktioner, før der er forhandlet en aftale på plads om hjælp til virksomhederne som nu har fået Ronni Lundegaard, indehaver af Choicefood, til tasterne... Pokalfinalestævner i håndbold udskydes og idrætslivet et tæt på at lukke helt ned (igen)... MENS, Pave Frans kritiseres for ikke at gå nok med mundbind, melder Søren Brostrøm ud at ”Mundbind har en effekt”, og han ikke kender til mange negative reaktioner blandt befolkningen på gårsdagens pressemøde... Læge advarer om 100.000 smittede i Frankrig om dagen... Rusland indfører nye restriktioner... USA melder knap 70.000 nye smittetilfælde... Tyskland nærmer sig en halv million smittede... FN: Pandemi knuser udenlandske investeringer... "VERDEN ER AF LAVE"... 🍬PS: Jeg er en "sukkergris" og mens jeg var hos slik-father i går under nr 10.000 pressemøde i rækken på flow-tv "direkte?" kunne man mens man så "direkte" udsendelsen på mobilen, vælge "se forfra" knappen - så enten har DR produceret det i forvejen ellers så sender de direkte TV og optager det samtidigt direkte-streaming - anyways - vi grinte sgu lidt "slik-father" og undertegnede i butikken og han sagde til mig, tror ikke en skid på det her og viste mig en "live"-stream under DR's "live-udsendelse" og de mange kommentarer, som HELLER IKKE troede på hele det her, lockdown og restriktions-hoax... |
https://jyllands-posten.dk/debat/breve/ECE12511354/stop-coronahysteriet-og-smid-maskerne/?fbclid=IwAR3VG8j520a3tlMo6D-HIOnh8xzBl5UdwAqYxTjjOpvvPt8V96ZxzTCOdok |
https://www.berlingske.dk/samfund/13-rapporterede-doedsfald-efter-influenzavaccination?fbclid=IwAR06hBmYWd3SYHen-FpgvIX2Nzfu7UoVl40XbeJmhuioMeW42LJApYVJu5M |
Det ugentlige kontakttal er beregnet til 1,2. Dermed er smittekurven fortsat opadgående i samfundet. Det er en del af baggrunden for de nye restriktioner fra i fredags, vi må og skal have vendt udviklingen i Danmark. Vigtigt, at vi holder fast. #COVID19dk pic.twitter.com/A6SQIsPqjX
— Magnus Heunicke (@Heunicke) October 27, 2020
🌐 ~ 💗 (Stop planetary ‘déjà vu’ Atlantean extinction) Global Peace Movement (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"The past 4 years have revealed the most unconscious aspects of human nature and the subsequent destruction of the planet and its people. I ask my American friends…do we need another 4 years of destruction to reach spiritual enlightenment? Have you seen enough? Or have you adopted the Christian ‘End Times’ scenario of fire and brimstone? (..)" ~ Meg👈] ... |
We are in need of an ‘attitude adjustment’. Instead of seeing the world thru the divisive ‘lens’ of good guys vs. bad guys, how about we open to an entirely new perspective? Instead of energizing ‘us vs. them’ mentality, what if we accept all of existence ‘as is’ and select a different ‘lens’ of LOVE? Instead of hate in the heart, we heal our core wounds and radiate compassion to all! We do have the power to switch!
If we wait too much longer, the astrology will do it for us. While Pluto is nearing 27 degrees Capricorn, the US Pluto Return is triggering a structural, institutional, and constitutional crisis. 2020 has been a year of massive purging. No one is exempt. All unhealed shadow elements are coming up for review. We are being called to fill our healing hearts with more LOVE as we birth a new era.
The current ruling class acts as a mirror reflection of society’s historical shadow element – rampant greed, competition, lawlessness and the exclusion of a powerful few. As the US becomes more and more authoritarian, the ruling class clearly does not care if Covid decimates the population and economy as long as they continue to thrive and prosper.
✨ ~ 💓 (DNA Copy of 'You') Canada NWO plans, UK retaining DNA, Vietnam flood, priests charged, toxic deodorants & its solutions (3D to 5D Consciousness) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"Canada: NWO Agenda was originally a 16-years plan rollout with Hillary Clinton as President - now condensed to less than a year - that is why there's a MAD RUSH to get the vaccines ready and implement it! The Quebec City Medicago has teamed up with UK GlaxoSmithKline ~ Nyla Nguyen👈] ... IN EU, AstraZeneca, is leading with purchase of 300 million doses, on behalf of the EU countries with an option to purchase an additional 100 million doses and that includes, Denmark... WAUV! Something SoTW has said for the loongest time - when you are being tested for The "GHOST-VIRUS" (useless DNA not RNA) RT-PCR tests and Inoculation from the nose and throat, they actually gets your DNA Genetic Print... Nyla Nguyen goes much further by saying, that this DNA-hacking, is to create a COPY of you and your reincarnation "timelines and bloodlines" - I.e. compiling your DNA, fingerprint, Facial recognition, social media profile etc. etc. to make sure, they are able to STOP you as a lightworker to spread the light on Mother GAIA in this and next lifetimes (if you believe in that stuff)... 👼PS: There's a LIGHT FORCES TRANSMISSION (Galactic Federation) Narrated by Melanie at 29 minute marker -- and Nyla Nguyen says it's a FAKE transmission ("Michael Love"?)... Always use your own Spiritual Discernment... |
📰🚫🤐 ~ (The Fake News Industrial Complex) Shadow Gate 2.0 - Full Documentary (MM) ~ | Blogger: [🤜ShadowGate 2 is out. Exposing US Two Party Corruption. ShadowGate 1 is also reproduced again🤛] ... The latest, in a looong line of banned 'alternative news sources', for the lack of a better word, who has been removed by Google and all social platforms, is "collective-evolution" (CE)... |
🔭🛸🚀 ~ (Teaser) New Webinar – Kennedy’s Last Stand: UFO’s, MJ-12 & 4th Reich Links to JFK’s Assassination (Dr. Michael Salla exopolitics.org) ~ | Blogger: [👉The QAnon'ers, patriots and conspirators truly believe JFK Jr. is a live, protected and helping Trump to defeat [DS]👈] ... {Was JFK shot to stop him discovering the truth about UFOs?} ... WHAT I find so darn fascinating is the uncovered letter written by John F Kennedy, to the head of the CIA that shows, the president, DEMANDED to be shown highly confidential documents about UFOs 10 days before his assassination. The secret memo is one of two letters written by JFK asking for information about the paranormal on November 12 1963, which have been released by the CIA for the first time... Perhaps by now you understand SoTW (heavy) interest in the Secret Space Programs (SSP) that has all the necessary advanced Extraterrestrial Technologies to make Mother GAIA, great again, but refuse to do so... If you believe in Corey Goode, David Wilcock and others storytellings, the Cabal controlled ICC [Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate] Secret Space Program, remnants of the Dark Fleet (whatever) has it's alliances deep inside many major 'space forces' and was built by many countries' defense and aerospace manufacturer... It's so HUGE and Complex CIA Compartmentalized, that not many souls on Earth has the very top "Majestic" clearance to know it all... I.e. the 38th (or 46th) top level secret clearance of the US which is 21 level higher than the US president... I don't know - sometimes it also goes over my head and since "they" eliminate all the (troublemakers and traitors truth-seekers) whistleblowers - who knows... |
https://www.blackdiamondsocialclub.com/post/2017/03/11/above-top-secret-security-clearances |
In the final two weeks of his life President John F. Kennedy reached a momentous agreement with the leader of the Soviet Union, Nikita Krushchev, for joint missions to the Moon and for the open sharing of classified UFO files.
The Kennedy-Khrushchev agreement was the culmination of a three-year struggle waged by Kennedy to gain access to this country’s classified UFO files. Kennedy’s bold plan was to publicly disclose the truth about extraterrestrial life and reveal the existence of a secret space program run out of Antarctica by a surviving Nazi group intent on ushering in a new Fourth Reich.
Majestic 12, a secret inter-agency committee appointed as the custodians of classified UFO files, were so threatened by the Kennedy-Khrushchev agreement that this powerful group issued an assassination directive. It was carried out to its bloody end by none other than the chief of the CIA’s counterintelligence division, James Jesus Angleton.
✌️👌🤘 ~ (Crooks and Liars) Sacha Baron Cohen Claps Back At Donald Trump’s Comments About ‘Borat’: ‘You’re A Racist Buffoon’ (hollywoodlife) ~ | Blogger: [👉Once you believe all politicians are crooks, it’s a lot easier to embrace the crook who says he’s on your side👈] ... I'm not gonna defend either Trump or Cohen, all i'm saying is, that there's a 'spiritual warfare' going on since, Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, taking 304 of the 538 electoral votes. MANY are saying that China will START the next "Civil War" in America, if Joe Biden loses the election, time will tell... I truly believe on verdensalt.dk that U.S. President Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. - not US first lady Melania's many ‘Body Doubles’ - not Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, are a MAJOR MAJOR threat to DS (Shadow Government), China, W.H.O., The Dark Suits of Washington DC, Bank Mafia Families, Secret Space Program Factions Breakaway Civilizations, The Secret Freemasonry Societies and illuminati Hollywood Occult (which Cohen and SNL entertainment industry is part of)... 👍👍PS: (Crooks and Liars) -- DID you know that "two thumbs up" is a illuminati sign?. Both Sacha Baron Cohen and Trump does it. Cohen "thanks" Trump for 'free publicity for Borat', but at the same time, signal, DEATH!. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator 2's T-800 thumbs up scene... ✌️Also "V for Victory" sign or "33 Nixon Peace Sign" that is used by Obama, WW2 Britain Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Rihanna, Hillary Clinton, Michael Moore, Mickey Mouse and many more, is in fact a ' Illuminati gesture'? It's not only, "Greeting and Sign of Victory"... 👩⚖️PSS: The Conservative and Christian judge Amy Coney Barrett has now been approved as the new Supreme Court judge - what it all means, I truly do not know but it's a huuuuge win for the republicans and Trump administration... |
Donald—I appreciate the free publicity for Borat! I admit, I don’t find you funny either. But yet the whole world laughs at you.
— Sacha Baron Cohen (@SachaBaronCohen) October 24, 2020
I’m always looking for people to play racist buffoons, and you’ll need a job after Jan. 20. Let’s talk!https://t.co/itWnhJ8TQF
Chinese hackers target U.S. defense, national security networks ahead of Election Day
Hackers linked to the Communist regime in China are once again targeting American military and security networks, according to a warning from the National Security Agency this week.
The warning comes just weeks ahead of Election Day which will either see President Donald Trump, who has been harder on China than any U.S. president in decades, reelected, or replaced by former Vice President Joe Biden, someone widely viewed as being too soft on Beijing because he and his son are financially compromised by the regime there.