Aug 14, 2018

ZeroHedge \\ NN | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ Censorship Purge Signals Imminent False Flag Violence Before Mid-Term Elections... Bigger Than 9/11? (Inviting Chaos And Creating Martyrs: Alex Jones And Erdogan) ~ | .. Authored by Mike Adams via, For the last two months, I’ve been warning about the rising risk of a major false flag attack taking place before the mid-term elections .. The aggressive, unprecedented PURGE of Alex Jones / InfoWars underscores the desperation of the totalitarian deep state that’s about to make a move to eliminate President Trump and / or steal the elections. Anyone who believes that the sudden de-platforming of Alex Jones across over a dozen online services and platforms isn’t coordinated collusion is delusional. The coordinated de-platforming effort is clearly directed by the deep state to eliminate a prominent, dissenting voice in preparation for unleashing a history-shaping false flag attack that’s likely going to be bigger than 9/11. The radical Left is escalating its violence across America, and the tech giants are dramatically escalating their censorship actions to silence all independent voices that might question any “official” narrative. It all points to something big about to come down - something so big that only the official narrative can be allowed to be heard or spoken. We are living under an Orwellian totalitarian regime beyond any horrific imagination. Google, Apple, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other tech giants are engaged in the most criminal, malicious racketeering and tyranny imaginable. This is not sheer coincidence. They’ve all been ordered to censor the independent media in preparation for what’s coming next. As I explain in this video, the most likely false flag assault to be staged by the Left might be a “mass shooting” at CNN or another media giant, all staged with impressive theatrics to augment the real violence with a false narrative. Watch my entire warning, below | | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ ANTI-AGEING BREAKTHROUGH: Ageing process REVERSED in human cells for first time ~ | .. SCIENTISTS have successfully reversed the process of ageing in cells for the first time in a move which could help beat the likes of Alzheimer’s and dementia .. |


Galactic Heart \\ Ask the Angels with Melanie Beckler | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ How to Ascend Into A Higher Level of Conscious Awakening ~ |

What Is Ascension & How Does It Work? 

Have you ever wondered how to ascend? 

Let's look at what ascension actually is first…

Ascension in its simplest terms is altering consciousness from one level to another.

In other words, ascension is the process of expanding beliefs that make up the base level of consciousness, to the point that a new reality is manifest.

Consciousness is after all comprised of the beliefs, thoughts, actions, and choices that form the tapestry of reality. When consciousness expands, elevates, and changes, reality cannot help but change in response. Ascension is elevating consciousness into a new dimension of experience.

Ascension versus Spiritual Growth

Is there a difference between ascension and spiritual growth? Yes!

Ascension is different from spiritual growth, which is about tuning into the spiritual realms beyond the physical… Where Ascension is about consciously choosing to evolve, and by becoming more love and light filled by moving into higher vibrational dimensions.

Still, the question remains…

How Do We Ascend?

Ultimately, we are all one… We’re all one with each other, and one with the Divine. This is supreme consciousness…

Ascension is the process of clearing and releasing the emotional blockages, thoughts, and beliefs that limit us from experiencing the fullness of supreme consciousness. By transmuting lower vibrational expressions like anger, judgement, guilt, shame, and greed into compassion, we are able to balance the dense and shadow parts of ourselves.

We learn to appreciate and honor the role dense feelings, emotions, and even other people play in teaching us the lessons of duality. This awareness neutralizes the power of the dense, and empowers us to expand our individual base level of consciousness to a new height.

By clearing that which blocks us from realizing the full extent of love, oneness, and compassion that is supreme consciousness, we become more present, more aware, and more loving and compassionate ourselves. When this inner shift happens, outer reality shifts as well to reflect and mirror the inner base consciousness change.

Consciousness manifests across infinite multiple and parallel dimensions and when you shift your consciousness in the present (through beliefs, thoughts, and actions), a HUGE ripple of change and ascension mirrors out through everything.

By clearing blockages, integrating fears, and aligning with a new level of joy, love, compassion, and oneness, a shift in consciousness happens… Ascension happens.

For us each, mind, body, and spirit are interconnected, and so a change and action on one layer affects the others.

And as we are all interconnected through supreme consciousness, a change I make in my consciousness, impacts yours and vice versa.

In this way, the ascension of an individual creates a ripple effect triggering awakening, a shift in consciousness and ascension that reaches everyone and everything.

This is where the tipping effect comes into play. As more and more individuals consciously ascend, and begin to create positive inner shifts that are mirrored in the physical… The ripple effect goes to work and begins awakens and trigger this shift in consciousness that is ascension for all.

Again, ascension is closely tied with clearing fears, limitations, and densities… This can be done consciously through ascension practices, commitment, and focus… Or the can be forced, and triggered by external factors, outside experiences, and events. But ultimately, the ascension path is one you must choose…

BREAKING | MIRROR | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ Genoa bridge collapse: Dozens of motorists feared dead after motorway falls away as cars drive across ~ | UPDATE: 18:00 PM CET -- 35 killed and 20 cars destroyed in Italy’s Genoa motorway bridge collapse – local media .. The Ponte Morandi A10 - also known as the Polcevera Viaduct - has collapsed in what a minister has described as 'an immense tragedy" .. | Blogger: My thoughts and prayers are with the families of those killed or affected by this bridge collapse... 🕯️💔😔... |


Ni News | 14. Aug 2018 | ~ Amerikanernes gæld er steget 2967 milliarder kroner på et år ~ | .. Ikke bare er USA's statsgæld hastigt stigende, også gælden hos private er i stor vækst, viser nye tal .. | Blogger: Kim Dotcom: Invest in Bitcoin Before U.S. Debt Spirals Out of Control ... |

Af: /ritzau/

Private amerikaneres gæld er steget betydeligt siden sidste år og er vokset konstant fire år i træk. Det viser nye tal fra New York Federal reserve ifølge Reuters.

Tallene viser, at private amerikaneres låntagning var på 13.290 milliarder dollar - 86.858 milliarder kroner - ved udgangen af andet kvartal, der slutter med juni.

Det er en stigning på 454 milliarder dollar eller 2967 milliarder kroner siden udgangen af andet kvartal 2017 og det 16. kvartal med stigning i låntagningen.

Ifølge Reuters er stigningen båret af lån til boliger, biler, uddannelse og forbrug. Det er igen udløst af et stærkt arbejdsmarked, der giver amerikanerne mod på at låne.

Stigningen har heller ikke betydet, at andelen af lån, der ikke bliver betalt af på, stiger. Den lå ved udgangen af juni stabilt på 2,3 procent.

The GoldFish Report | No. 260 | Aug 14, 2018 | WEEK 82 | ~ POTUS REPORT W/ THE FETZ: JFK's "The Plot" exposed by Q-Anon ~ | Blogger: The GoldFish Report has been censored / illegally deleted on YouTube, loss of 12.000 subscribers, 3 years of hard work and 200 reports ... BIO: -- JIM FETZER -- McKnight Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, University of Minnesota Duluth; Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth; Editor, Assassination Science; Co-Editor, Assassination Research ... |

On The GoldFish Report No. 260, Louisa opens by illustrating the "Plot" that JFK warned us about and who succeeded to infiltrate America in a Coup D'etat when he was murdered. They have been here ever since then, and even before then. JFK told the world in the 1961 speech included in the link below, but did America fall asleep in their mourning of the slain president? What distractions have the deep state created to distract us from this PLOT that has infiltrated American government and systems that has led us to this final battle with them? Q Anon has EVERYTHING to do with this as we will see. Jim reports on the latest unprecedented censorship of Alex Jones and what this means in terms of First Amendment violation and how Infowars is now the fourth top trending News APP, and surpasses CNN, and how this banning may be a possible signaling of an imminent False Flag and warns to stay vigilant. Jim continues to explain how the Democrats Fake Russian Collusion story benefits Israel and shows the REAL Russian Collusion is between Hillary and Russia, how the Neocons are demanding sanctions on Iran to provoke another world war for them to profit from to fund their illegal enslavement of this planet. Jim also discusses concerns about the integrity of the upcoming elections with their easy ability to be hacked, Rogue Neocons supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia who is using them in Yemen against children and families. Where is the outcry? Jim also discusses how the DNC lawsuits against Alex Jones and Wikileaks will incriminate the Dems through discovery of the evidence against them. And Q says, These people are stupid! An much Much more.

PFC \\ Truthearth | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ The Final Battle IV 432Hz ~ | .. The Defeat Of The Arachnid Chimera Group is High .. | Blogger: Victory of The Light... 👹🕳️🛡️⚖️🌞😇💖... | Blogger: While we wait for Cobra's message... lots of clips from Babylon 5. Great Sci-Fi serie, show was soft Disclosure as the Matrix movies all the way to the finest details. The light forces have done a fantastic job using science fiction to wake up the population and to get them ready for what is coming (THE EVENT)... |

kristeligt-dagblad | 14. Aug 2018 | ~ Sag om misbrug i Tømmerup begynder igen ~ | .. Sidste år blev en tidligere sognepræst i Tømmerup ved Kalundborg idømt 10 års fængsel for overgreb på børn og unge. Sagen blev dengang anket og begynder i dag i landsretten i København .. | Blogger: [⛪Den globale pedogate ordenen - det som ingen taler om🤫] ... Vi har alle fulgt med, når tragedierne hobede sig op inden for Vatikanet og præsternes omgang af seksuelle overgreb med børn og unge. Danske og europæiske pædofiliringe er desværre ikke noget nyt fænomen, dog har vi aldrig set, at nyhedsmedierne bringer så betændte og grusomme informationer på et højt plan så som i England, USA, Italien og nu også Danmark. Det startede med den verdens- kendte, nu afdøde, engelske DJ Jimmy Savile, som havde misbrugt og haft seksuelle overgreb, med op imod 1.000 børn. Men det stopper jo ikke her, de kristne kirker, det Katolsk ordensfællesskab og andre religioner i Dannevang, er blever ramt i en årrække, med beskyldninger og straffesager, mod børn og unge mennesker... |

Tømmerup Sogn nær Kalundborg fik sidste år stor mediedækning under en retssag om misbrug af børn og unge, og i denne måned vil opmærksomheden igen være rettet mod det sjællandske sogn og dets tidligere præst, når ankesagen kører i Østre Landsret. Foto: Leif Tuxen

Sagens forløb: 
  • I juni 2017 blev daværende sognepræst i Tømmerup Sogn på Sjælland Dan Peschack anholdt, varetægtsfængslet og sigtet for seksuelle overgreb mod en 12-årig dreng.
  • I september ophævede politiet navneforbuddet på grund af mistanke om flere overgreb. 
  • Den 2. oktober begyndte retssagen, hvor den nu tidligere præst var tiltalt for overgreb og blufærdighedskrænkelser mod i alt 12 børn og unge i perioden 2006-2016. 
  • Den 15. november blev Dan Peschack kendt skyldig i 25 af anklageskriftets 30 kriminelle forhold. Ud over overgreb var der tale om besiddelse af børneporno og euforiserende stoffer i form af hash til eget brug. Sagen blev anket. 
  • I dag begynder ankesagen i Østre Landsret i København. Næste retsdag er i morgen. 

Øko ugebrev | 14. Aug, 2018 | ~ Finanshus: Knaphed på US dollar vil udløse næste megakrise ~ | .. Kommentar: Dette er en “must read” analyse, som man bør gemme under hovedpuden og læse een gang om ugen. Hold øje med US dollar index i 95 her, jvf analysen nedenfor by Neels Heyneke and Mehul Daya via Nedbank .. | Blogger: Lavrov: Excessive Use of Dollar Can Make Others Trade in National Currencies (sputniknews).. |

It’s not just Turkey, the dollar liquidity storm is ahead of us – buckle up.
Bottom line: Should Global $-Liquidity and Global financial conditions fail to improve or even contract further we can expect a deflationary environment to materialise. In this environment we prefer to maintain defensive investment portfolios i.e. Cash over bond over equities.
We cannot stress enough the importance of the 95 level on the US Dollar index. A confirmed break above this level will mark the beginning of the next risk-off phase. More importantly, it is not the value of the US Dollar Index per se that matters, but rather what it represents – i.e. expansion/contraction in the pool of money.
Astonishingly for us, there is a high correlation with causality in our opinion between every financial market cycle (VIX) and with the story count in which the world “DOLLAR LIQUIDITY” appears. This is another example of how the availability of US Dollars has a profound effect on financial markets.

Stranger Than Fiction News | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ BREAKING: 5G TOWERS WILL DOUBLE CANCER RATES IN AMERICA ACCORDING TO SCIENTISTS ~ | Blogger: May 23, 2018 -- The Prime Ministers of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland have signed a Letter of Intent committing all five countries to creating the public sector conditions needed for 5G and digitalization to flourish in the Nordics (ericsson)... |

collective-evolution | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ Who Is Q? Mainstream Media Crashes The Party To Take Control Of The Narrative ~ | .. IN BRIEF -- The Facts:According to mainstream media, Qanon is a 'pro-Trump, alt-right conspiracy theory.' An all-out mainstream media slurry shares this same perspective, regardless of its lack of truth -- Reflect On:How can the mainstream media accurately report on something it inherently doesn't understand? Does mainstream media coverage of this show their lack of knowledge and understand on the subject? .. |


GAOG \\ Wes Annac | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ Pesticides in Cannabis: 5 Facts ~ |

Pesticide contamination in cannabis is a big problem.

Careless growing methods have been the norm for decades due to marijuana’s illegality, and sadly, this is just as much of a problem in legal U.S. states as it’s always been.

High-profile cannabis users are speaking out against the widespread use of pesticides to grow the plant, and laboratory studies on samples from legal states have produced unsettling results.

This is an unfortunate and unacceptable symptom of marijuana’s decades-long criminalization. Had it been legal for the past century, this would have likely stopped being a problem a long time ago.

Although its legalization in various U.S. states is a sign of much-needed change, there are growers who still aren’t subject to any federal regulation because the plant is still federally illegal.

It’s like the wild west in terms of what chemicals can and can’t be used to grow weed commercially.

This article scratches the surface of a problem that’s worse than we all thought. With that said, here are five facts about pesticide contamination in cannabis.
  • 69% of pesticide residues can remain in cannabis

Plymouth Fury \\ Conflict Radio 2 Official (terminated) | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ *BREAKING* Atlantis discovered! The Cabal Is Being Defeated! WE WIN! ~ | Blogger: 🖖〰️🖤 I think it's a hijacked video from FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ David Wilcock ..."Plymouth Fury: .. This is a long vid, but to say that it is important to watch it all is an understatement. "Author, lecturer, and researcher of ancient civilizations, David Wilcock joined Jimmy Church (Fade To Black) for a discussion on recent discoveries indicating Antarctica may actually have been Atlantis. Wilcock says he is in contact with at least two insiders who directly advise Presidents of the United States, who have been steadily feeding him 'Cosmic Top Secret' information for many years. He claimed that this information is not revealed to Presidents because they could slip up or be forced to tell the public what they know. He believes that there is a global power struggle going on that has reached a critical stage and made many elites start to scramble for safety.".. |

Sputniknews | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ Norwegian Minister Steps Down After Iran Holiday With Ex-Beauty Queen Girlfriend ~ | .. Norway's anti-immigrant Fisheries Minister Per Sandberg has taken angry flak for going on a romantic trip to Iran, who is regularly listed by Norwegian intelligence as one of the countries allegedly carrying out espionage against the Scandinavian country .. | Blogger: [👯 Greed. Money. Avarice. Lust. Want. Covetousness. It goes by many names...Per Sandberg’s girlfriend Bahareh Letnes, a 28-year-old former beauty queen who manages a fish export business, has Norwegian residency and has denied any links to the Iranian government 🐇] ... Do beautiful women realise the power they have over men? Over time, the responses given by the young and beautiful girls participating in Miss competitions became proverbial. Almost invariably, these girls claimed that the main motivation of their lives was to save the world or to make it better, thus prompting laughter from the audience, because it sounded at least hilarious. In a world of power and money held mainly by men, these ideas seem utopian, if not ridiculous. In any case, no one made light of such a statement said as a poem, coming from a beautiful girl.... |


Destroying the Illusion | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ SeaTac Stolen Plane Incident - A Covert White Hat Operation? ~ | Blogger: Seattle and Vicinity of Elite Pedogate - White Hat Payback!? -- New conspiracy theory claims Air Force one was targeted by a missile strike (dailydot)... A submarine launch from Whidbey Island!? City names like Clinton and Langley.. More strangeness about the plane crash at Ketron Island and Mcneil Island, elite pedogate hangout? or just holding area or housing for sexual predators and CLIP... hmm strange... |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics

BREAKING | RT - Russia Today | Aug 14, 2018 | ~ Several injured as car smashes into barriers near London’s Parliament - treated as terrorist incident – Met police (WATCH LIVE) ~ | .. Armed police officers stand at a cordon after a car crashed outside the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London, Britain .. | Blogger: [🌬️🏎️💨VEHICLE-RAMMING ATTACKS -- Charlottesville conspiracy theories spread, echoing ‘false flag’ claims. Sweden charges man with terrorism over hijacked truck attack in 2017] ... 🏴‍☠️FALSE FLAG IS UPON US AGAIN - TO LEAD US ASTRAY!?🏴‍☠️ .. (These following headlines are examples of strange, car accidents, not necessary related to FF ops:) ... AUGUST: Sweden, cars fire-bombed... Manchester Shooting That Injured at Least 10 Is Investigated as Attempted Murder... JULY: Car Plows into Pedestrians in Sochi, Killing 1, injuring Others... Car plows into Seekonk restaurant... MAY: Car plows into suburban pawn shop... Car plows into Brooklyn cafe, injures 4... APRIL: Car plows into pedestrians on sidewalk of busy DC intersection... Birmingham mosque hit and run sees two men injured by car... ⚠️ PS: ""Unavailable due to legal reasons"" -- Have you also notice that articles are inaccessible if you reside in a European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)???... ⚠️⚠️ PSS: April 7th was a tragic day in Sweden, not only because of the obvious FALSE FLAG / HOAX truck "terror attack" in Stockholm but also because this day "they" CHEMTRAiLED us heavily like cockroaches over southern Sweden... |

READ MORE: \\ | Aug 14 ,2018 | ~ Hundreds of school kids saw a UFO, and were ignored for 50 years ~ |

In 1966 over 300 children and staff from a Melbourne school reportedly witnessed multiple UFOs silently flying through the sky before landing in a nearby field.

It is the largest mass UFO sighting in Australia yet hardly anything was reported on it at the time.

Over the years there have been differing reports about the exact details of what happened on April 6 at Westall High School, such as people claiming there were three saucer-like objects, while some thought there was just one.

In the 52 years since the incident occurred, there has been worldwide speculation about what people saw, with some believing it was absolutely an alien encounter and others pointing the finger at the government testing new technology.

Throughout all the years of speculation, there has been one particularly interesting piece of audio that’s been greatly overlooked.

An American physicist known for his research into UFOs, Dr. James E. McDonald, conducted an interview with a science teacher from the Westall school, Andrew Greenwood, who witnessed the event.

McDonald then recorded himself describing their meeting and the creepy details Greenwood gave about his experience. “Greenwood told me the UFO was first brought to his attention by a hysterical child who ran into his classroom and told him there’s a flying saucer outside,” McDonald says on the recording.

“He thought this child had become deranged or something so he didn’t take any notice, but when the child insisted that this object was in the sky he decided to go out and have a look for himself.”

When Greenwood went outside he noticed a group of children looking towards the northeast area of the school grounds and as he approached them he claims he saw a UFO hovering close to the powerline.....
READ MORE: \\ Bø | 14. Aug 2018 | ~ Børsen: Löfven om svenske bilbrande: Hvad fanden har I gang i ~ | ~ METRO: Cars fire-bombed in several cities by gangs of masked youths across Sweden ~ | (In English:) - "What The Hell Are They Doing?" - It looks like it's very coordinated, as a military operation. - Those are the precise wordings from a ANGRY Prime minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven... |

READ MORE: | 14. Aug, 2018 | ~ Dugfrisk måling: Nu forlader titusindvis af kunder Danske Bank ~ | .. Ifølge Voxmeter har Danske Bank haft en accelererende kundeafgang i år og mistet 28.000 privatkunder. Danske Bank kan ikke genkende den udvikling .. |

LÆS VIDERE: \\ Radio24syv \\ 24 Morgen 8.00 - Det Røde Felt | ~ Demokratiske kortslutninger (1) ~ | 14. Aug 2018 | Blogger: [🎫 KAMPEN OM DEN RØDE KO - WAKE UP SHEEPLE -- Rationeringsmærker under krigen hvor sortbørshajer tjente milliarder, er nu om dage, blevet en moderniseret udgave af vejrderivater, som HAARP er for Vejrmanipulation - bevidst og målrettet, at ændre på klimaet. Derivater, er Satans lottokupon, et sandt onde skabt til Wall Street, klimalobbyister, landbruget og verdenseliten, for maximalt afkast 🌈] ... ⚠️ (STOP OG KIG OP I STEDET FOR AT KIGGE NED I MULDEN OG DU VIL FINDE UD AF MILI- TÆRET HAR SKABT ET VEJRMANIPULATIONSBLUEPRINT - CLOUD SEEDING, SKYPODNING - HVOR HAARP, EISCAT, ELEKTROMAGNETISKE VÅBEN SAMT CHEMTRAILS FRA NORGE, UDGØR DEN STØRSTE FARE FOR DESTABILISERING AF VEJRET, KLIMAFORANDRINGER, TOKSISK GIFTSTOFFER I DYR (FISKEDØD OG BIER M.V.) KRÆFT I MENNESKER OG BIODIVERSITETEN, I SKANDINAVIEN. DIRECTED-ENERGY WEAPON (DEW) - LASERSTRÅLER, ELEKTROMAGNETISKE KANONER OG KUG- LER, DER KAN SKIFTE RETNING. HAARP KAN OGSÅ SKABE VULKAN- UDBRUD, STYRE SUPERSTORME, JORDSKÆLV, TØRKE, STYRING AF SOLENS STRÅLER, SKYBRUD OG MEGET, MEGET MERE) 🐮 Velkommen til fagre nye verden: KLIMABELASTNINGER og CO2-belastninger 💨 Du skal spise mere kød, siger den bedst betalte lobbyist og hurtigsnakkende, aggressive og mundhykkende, Karen Hækkerup. Adm. direktør i Landbrug & Fødevarer, i 24 Morgen for at få proteiner, mineraler og aminosyrer og hun har "vanvittige?" gode argumenter!???? ... Nej, siger Oxford University og MASSER af eksperter og miljøsvineriet fortsætter når skovområder bliver fældet i Sydamerika til fordel for sojaproduktion, går det oftest ud over de steder, som har den rigeste biodiversitet og er tættest befolket... Lars Trier Mogensen har også taget kampen op og inviteret Pauline Sørensen Drasbæk og Mads Rahbek Hougaard om deres nye borgerforslag om klima-rationering. MEN DET ER IKKE, HR OG FRU JENSEN, SOM SKAL BETALE PRISEN og reducere CO2 - de 'såkaldte' menneskeskabte klima- forandringer...⚠️⚠️ PS: ALLE VIDEOER OM HAARP OG JESSE VENTURA: "HAARP – Weather Modification, Military Defence and Mind Control!" ER BLEVET SLETTET FRA INTERNETTET... | ⚠️⚠️⚠️ [🏦BORGERFORSLAG: Modernisere eller afskaf Nationalbanken, i sin nuværende form. Smid Rothschild ud af landet - statens suverænt største finansielle rådgiver og opret en "BorgerBank" - betal Borger-dividende og stop de private bankers- pensions samt realkredit- selskabers gebyrgribbe og plyndringer. De sidste 40 år har NB primært set sin rolle som fødselshjælper for de private bankers produktion af elektroniske kontopenge 💲] ... |

HAARP, & The EISCAT facility in Ramfjordmoen, near Tromsø, Norway is the heart in EISCAT'smainland system. System can even manipulate with the Fukushima radioactive winds..... (Dr. James Fetzer Interview with Leuren Moret (transcript)

HAARP has weaponized the weather, causing environmental disasters, destroying our planets wildlife to the verge of extinction.

Something has gone very wrong and has been killing our wildlife, all around the world. It's not just that these animals are dying, it's the mysterious way that they're dying. Ever heard of the US government project called HAARP? And what does the HAARP program have to do with the planets wildlife suddenly dying off?

In a remote military compound in the south-central Alaskan wilderness is the home of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). HAARP is so powerful, it can create an artificial aurora high in the sky. They claim that the program is to improve satellite communications and navigation... the military also uses it to study things they don't talk about...READ MORE...