May 17, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [⭐JUTLAND II: Breath of the Seasons⭐] ... |

🥴♀️👩‍💻 ~ Danish Archetypical Feminist Activism Attacking SNL: From Runway Protests, #MeToo Blackout to Female Gangster Squad ~ | Blogger: [👉Oh, Hey Denmark. Hey, Norway. Wow! Look at the Coolest Hipster Boys!👈] ... (Danish) Jeg er sagt-suseme glad for, jeg ikke tilhører nogen former for politisk eller spiritual kult, som skal forsvare MAGA Trump's kvindelige Copycat Mini-Me, Landets Allesmoder Mette-Mus, efter hun bed Qvortrup's tunge af og udskammede hele journaliststanden. En 100% orkestrerede udkommendering af dæmoniserede S-partisoldater og troldehær på sociale medier, til forskrækkede tøsede (pride) mænd og alle magthavere og oppositionen af selvfede politikere, med forstenede journalister, som klapper sig selv på skulderen, fordi de føler sig som veldresserede hundehvalpe, som skal kæles med og er forelskede i vor almægtige leder af landet, der skuer hundene på hårene, hvis, de nu går hen og stiller kritiske spørgsmål... 🙄Danmark kåres som et af de mest usolidariske lande i Europa eftersom hjælpepakker og regeringen sender 261.000.000 kroner til selskaber i skattely, som Hr. og Fru Jensen, handler hos, hver dag... 🙄 DF vil redde erhvervsliv fra klimamål, mens de lader Morten Messerschmidt løbe frit rundt, selvom EU-myndighed har overdraget Meld- og Feld-sag til Bagmandspolitiet og #Stoejberggaten kører i fuld gear i Retsstaten, som kommer til at frifinde hende, som Teflon-pander, skyer olie og vand. Det kaldes 'Parlamentarisk immunitet' og alle racister, stemmer for hendes eksistens... 🙄 Danmark tilbyder EU at huse værnemidler, respiratorer og strategisk lager for medicinsk udstyr, mens medicinalfirmaet Bavarian Nordic, skal forske i alternativ Bill Gates CV19-vaccinen, som sikkert og vist lammer vores nervebaner og immunforsvar, inficerer os med virusser, aluminium og kivksølv m.m., men først når RFID-nanotek og mRNA, har re-programmeret vores DNA... 🙄 82 danskere er med i et 5380 stor gruppesøgsmål mod erhvervsdrivende og myndigheder i Østrig, men som jeg har sagt her på kanalen, at Cobra mener, det var Europæiske ledere, som holdt den italienske grænse åben med vilje, grundet en infight hos fraktioner af Black Nobility, for at ødelægge økonomien og sprede virussen (hvis man tror på det)... 🙄 Giftlinjen på Bispebjerg Hospital har modtaget rigtig mange opkald om forgiftede børn efter de har drukket håndsprit, som er smækfyldt med methanol og ethanol... 🙄 Imens har det kinesiske kommunistparti ødelagt alle beviser, der forbinder Wuhan Institute of Virology med coronavirus og Danmark er godt i gang med ødelægge landet og de 150.000 selvstændige erhvervsdrivende, for at efterabe Kinamodellen af Kontrol, Score System og Afhængighed af penge fra Staten... 🙄 Statsrevisorer udtrykker alvorlig kritik om persondata og Bettina er i selvvalgt isolation: 'Jeg lukker endnu mere ned nu, når samfundet åbner', mens SST bruger 135.000 kroner på Brostrøm-videoer, som er skattekroner... 💭 Som min mor siger til mig, hun er højtuddannet ligesom Verdensalt, med 50 års erhvervserfaring indenfor Hospitalsvæsenet; 'Jeg begriber ikke, at Danmark, er blevet så korrupt og fascistisk et land at være i'... Tja... Det handler ikke om børnene, de svage og fattige, men om staten. Om at sikre mere magt til staten. Og dermed til Mette-mus selv og hendes "skyggeregering". Fornægtelse af fattigdom, ledighed, omsorg for svage og syge breder sig. Dog omgiver Slotsholmen 1 af et selvbestaltede legitim magtenevælde, hvor man ulovligt har tilsidesat alle menneskerettigheder og demokrati overfor Folket... Hastelove er kun en ekstrem udgave af den nye "normal" i dansk politik, men det stopper ikke her!... Coronakrisen er LANGT fra færdig... |


1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ ~ Helps you to Manifest what you Wish by sending the intention to the Source (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👨‍💻Denmark is a very small country... the world is very large...but, the TRUTH gets out in SECONDS around the GLOBE...👨‍💻] .. This is SoTW's 19111 blogpost, since 2014 when i started. Yes, over 10.000 posts and if it resonate with you, use my SEARCH button or TRANSLATOR. Now, a SSL friendly site and free 24/7 service... ❔Who am I: Lightworker, truth-seeking debater, conspiracy untamed truth-oracle, awakening soul, spiritual advisor. I am no fortune-teller, but I can spot bullshit from a blimp in a fog storm!. Self-driven-awake-soul who has always had a feeling, there is more than meets the eye and life offers. Awaken to some insight or opened my consciousness that's greater than myself to bring the message to others who wish to receive it... TRUTH is ONLY what you perceive in YOUR OWN SPACE. The person sitting NEXT to YOU, might have a different OPINION and should NOT be FORCED upon. EVERYONE have FREE WILL and having their own SPIRITUAL AWAKENING EXPERIENCE. In other WORDS, STICK to the INNER TRUTH from your HIGHER SELF, that will always LEAD YOU STRAIGHT home... 💭 PS: I never post anything that has not been researched and resonated with me. That means, all videos and articles has been skim through and sometimes read, studied and understood carefully. Yes i'm a follower of many highly spiritually people (not so many in Denmark, don't ask me why) and commenting on stuff sometimes, but hosting a serious blog is a full time job and i don't get paid a dime. It's all for you guys out there.. Always use your own spiritual discernment.. Research, Research, Research! .. Stay tuned! and thanks for reading on my blog... Namaste!🙏💟|

🌍'Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World'🌍

Former PM / Coordinator / Network / Technology
Specialist - Banking

 YOU are the salt of the world. WE are the salt of the world. WE live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity. is a nonprofit blog, no ads, no advertising and marketing, non governmental organization and no funding of any kind. It's meant as a Portal. Using symbolism, video or photos to create a good atmosphere. Do my own research, speak my mind, good friends giving me intel some times. I'm dyslexic, blogger spellcheck functions are working, even so, errors will appear. Important of all, ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS. Lost friends POSTING stuff which DIDN'T RESONATE with their 3D MATRIX OF ILLUSORY perception, gets me SAD sometimes, however TRUTH will always lead the way to another PATH and NEW FRIENDS.

👼 ~ 💕 Finding Love as we rebirth... (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Didn't manage to visit Ann Albers in Sedona of 2019 or Native American Shaman, Rahelio Rodriguez, but went to Sedona Sacred Rocks, A Metaphysical BnB, for a weeks time. Actually I was sick as a dog, properly, infected with Corona, who knows... Beneath the endless beauty beats a healing heart. Sedona has long been regarded as a place both sacred and powerful. It is a cathedral without walls. It is Stonehenge not yet assembled. People travel from all across the globe to experience the mysterious cosmic forces that are said to emanate from the red rocks, spiritual guides from native American ancestors and energy vortex... |

Photo by Ann Albers in Sedona, AZ

Find Your Happy Thought... Find Love

(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.

Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Sit for a moment in silence if you can. Listen to your heart beat. Notice your breath. Feel the temperature of your skin. You are here. You are now. That is the only moment you ever have. Why not make it beautiful?

👼 ~ 💗 Exit the Host System (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "Since 2012 the polarized matrix is breaking apart. The surge of Covid19 is affecting the Host System, in fact it is overloading the dying matrix. We have a rare opportunity to unlock from the parasitic Host System and migrate into the 5D field. "... |


Eternally trapped between opposing forces, earth-bound soul fragments became disconnected from Source and depleted of spiritual nourishment. Always recycling in the Matrix, they never evolved beyond earth’s astral plane…the unseen lower realm (4th dimension) beyond the physical world. For 26,000 years since the collapse of Atlantis, humans have incarnated into a planetary Host System.

Due to the galactic wars, the earthly entry gates were commandeered by invading ET races. The astral plane is home to many non-physical beings of various vibrations, some high, some low. Some beings are highly conscious and some beings are unconscious, responding to basic primal instincts like moths attracted to a flame. Due to living in the Host System, the astral plane is littered with a wide-range of parasitic entities.

Lower vibrational entities are attracted to fear, doubt, sadness, hatred, and other negative vibrations. In the past, the emotional energy would strengthen the matrix. But since 2012 the polarized matrix is breaking apart. The surge of Covid19 is affecting the Host System, in fact it is overloading the dying matrix. We have a rare opportunity to unlock from the parasitic Host System and migrate into the 5D field.

🦠😷🧼 ~ COVID-19 UPDATE: How About That ~ |

🔴RED PILL 🔵 BLUE PILL He's an ANON!! Look on the counter!! What it's like to live in F-R-E-E-D-O-M? This guy is a huge YT dude with his own take and perspective on the world. I'm sharing this because there is so much truth in this. He's an American, he has a different faith than me, He may not even like Trump or be affiliated with any political view, I can't be sure. My point in posting this is ALL WALKS OF LIFE ARE SAYING NO TO THIS LOCKDOWN MADNESS. For more on him he's on YT Awaken with JP. The New World Order us at the door! Wake up NOW. .. #quarintinelife #QUARINTINE #Digitalsoldiers #keyboardwarrior #maga2020 #COVID19 #HCQ #JOEBIDEN #DarkToLIGHT #QAnon #TheGREATAWAKENING #truth #releasethecures #hillaryclinton #UVLight #1a#2a#PatriotsAwakened #Nwo #SAVEAMERICA #wakeupAmerica #Freedom #UnitedNOTDivided #trumpstrong #inittogether #alonetogether #Coronavirus #Trump #Trump2020#woke
Et opslag delt af #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 #QANON (@ashlynn139) den

👯‍♀️ ~ Report: Gwyneth Paltrow, George Stephanopoulos Attended Jeffrey Epstein’s Star-Studded Party ~ | Blogger: [👉SoTW: Please don't get angry or shooting at the messenger👈] ... {Gwyneth Paltrow is very pretty so is her children, but...} ... In regards to Gwyneth Paltrow!... Her net worth of $100 million, her 'This Smells Like My Vagina' candle and affiliations to Jeffrey Epstein & Harvey Weinstein - whatever!... Take a look at the rare pictures of her children, and you will no longer be in doubt, that she BELONGS and is CHAINED to Disney, Hollywood, illuminati sex kitten industry.... Whatever you wanna call it - i just get sick but NOBODY want to listen.. Posing her own 16-year old daugher on Instagram like that in a skintight dress, no bra, showing her legs, is left very little to the imagination? and would be CENSORED on Facebook, within seconds!? No normal parent would EVER do that!!!... SoTW's own daughter (all female family members) are extremely beautiful and I would NEVER EVER allow her to pose like that... (something vigilantcitizen has talk about in years from analysing celebs:) -- Check out the middle picture - Gwyneth is wearing a illuminati/sobriety chain necklace, to indicate, she belongs to them... Her daughter shows her breast up front, wearing a ladies crop top or belly shirt with small hearts on to indicate that she is for sale for these INSANE 'Creepy Joe Biden' sex offenders... Both children depicted with 1 eye (All-Seeing Eye, Eye of Lucifer, Hidden Eye of Lucifer, Eye of Horus)... All signs are there - just look and see for yourselves... 🛑STOP all the sexualization of children, women and exploitation of all the weak in society and in the public space, as a hidden egocentric and powergreedy structure, which one tries to camouflage with a layer of "sugar-coated-care"... PS: How was SoTW even aware? Because our prurient tabloid newspaper, Ekstra Bladet, is KNOWN for this sexual obsession and addiction to get more and more clickbait dopamine-hungry people to sign-in... Just like Tennis star Genie Bouchard in shock as fan bids $85,000 for dinner date or Caroline Wozniacki (naked) Sports Illutrated Swimsuit, who earns millions... |

🛩️💣🔴 ~ (BREAKING NEWS) Selective Global Supplier To The F-35 Lightning II's GUN pods, Archangel Strike Aircraft's MASE Pods, and Baynunah-Class Corvette's SCANTER 2001 Radars, Terma A/S, Huge Danish Billion-Big Defense & Aerospace Manufacturer 1,500 People Worldwide with Subsidiaries In The U.S., Next to Pentagon and Other EU Countries, is Linked to War Crimes in 'The World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis' of Yemen (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉"Over 200,000 have died in fighting or as a result of the war, many millions are suffering from famine, 80 percent of the population of 28 million are in need of relief and more than two million children under five are suffering from acute malnutrition." ~ TV 2 NEWS👈] ... This revelations of Terma A/S as war criminals by arming and supplying United Arab Emirates with "Critical Infrastructure War Equipment", comes after deep investigations conducted by TV 2 DANMARK A/S, owned by the Danish state and the public service and in collaboration with investigative media Danwatch, Dutch Lighthouse Reports and NOIR - Nordic Reports... Sooo, it seems that without Terma A/S, a full blown war was NOT possible, leading to the "destruction" of Yemen by Saudi and UAE intervention in 2015... Terma A/S didn't act alone... The Obama administration initially backed the Saudis, but later regretted it as thousands died. But the fact is, that US presidents sees arms deals as jobs generators for firms like Raytheon, which has made billions in sales to the Saudi coalition.... |

Links at the end

👉THIS could be BIGGER than The Bush-Blair (Fogh) 2003 Iraq memo or Manning memo, and the execution of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. 

BIGGER than former danish PM, Poul Nyrup withheld and tightened information on the Kosovo war, and the secret CIA wars in Afghanistan. Nyrup, also knew the World Trade Center would collapse 5-10 minutes before. 

BIGGER than all Denmark's foreign Special Operations and NATO's secret armies: Operation GLADIO and terrorism in Western Europe... 



Esoterically, the Ankh Cross shows that mankind and all wildlife have stepped out of the divine spiritual circle and are immersed in the masculine & feminine polarization of the fabric of the lower worlds ...

STOP all the sexualization of children, women and exploitation of all the weak in society and in the public space, as a hidden egocentric and powergreedy structure, which one tries to camouflage with a layer of "sugar-coated-care" ...

Let us manifest that the State and Danish Wall Street banks, which are solely depended by Rothschild & Co, are relieved from their duties, like Russia and other 'free' countries, so we get everything into the sunlight to be shown, solved and forgiven ...

Let us STOP the massive buildup of 30 years of the Danish defenses, buying up billions of billions, surveillance, supporting mercenaries like BLACKWATER, inept fighters, drones, robots, tanks, etc. based on merciless WARS, from political 'ghosts' and 'fake terror'... 

Prevent DMI and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency from continuing to stamp and obtain great benefits for the U.S. Deep State, using CIA military aircrafts, torture prisons and over flights, and denying USAF to spray toxic aluminum and barium particles of Chemtrailing the land, to dumb down and makes people and animals, sick... 

Prevent the Fake Toxic Cancer Industry, Lying Healthcare and Artificial Enzymes and Chemical Processes from the Sugar and Food Industry, with microscopic doses of toxic substances that keep us sick, and in the long run, kill and mutilate, innocent, naive citizens who do not, know any better ...

Keep the groundwater intact, without pesticides, GMO waste, medicine residues, microplastic, nitrogen, etc. etc. The forests must be good habitats for animals and plants ...

Let us all stop the propagation of 5G, which is so harmful to health, with microwave energy, that books can be written in addition upon the topic, to aluminum based chemtrails boosting wifi anywhere on the globe or the whole climate hoax ...

Proclaim that we no longer allow Denmark, continue to help big brother USA, Israel, dictatorship states and Cabal countries, to spy and that Danish intelligence agents and top people, PET and FE-DDIS, have unrestrained long-range means to promote false flag terror and anti-Russian agendas (or any of today's enemy, that has been political handpicked) ...

We open up to anyone, who today, has parliamentary immunity can be prosecuted as Anders Fog of War' Rasmussen, who announced support for US invasion, a year before the Iraq war ...

The media are seen as an important piece in an open, democratic society called "the fourth state power" because they complement the three official state powers: the legislature, the judiciary and the executive. THIS IS NOT THE CASE ... These misleaders are the fake news, and the fake news problem has helped to ruin this country... Folketinget, is ready to 'expel' or  'dissolve' any negative political 'tabloid' press, who do not consent to political pressure ... So please REMOVE any of the FAKE CIA controlled MSM media agencies, who literally stigmatizes and create Fake News, to ensure we are dumbed down ... 

There are far more in debt secrets, swept under the carpet than you or I will ever discover, IN A LIFETIME, hidden, in plane sight or hidden in the Prime Minister's secret filing cabinet or vault, the Ministry of Defense and the National Archives ...

So be it and so it is!
