Jun 13, 2021

💡🌿🛎️ ~ SoTW COVID Alert Tip #1 - My Daily Healthy Product Suggestions ~ | Blogger: [🧠As SoTW always says; Detox your HEART.. Detox your BRAIN.. Detox your BODY.. Detox is not just for CLEANSING!. It can be considered a SPIRITUAL therapy form - a daily ELIMINATION of Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, & Parasites. AND to completely STOP the spreading of CANCER⚕️] ...Verdensalt's recipe : ⇛ TAP WATER (countries who can) ⇛ NATRON (Bicarbonate) ⇛ MSM (Natural source of sulfur) ⇛ COLLOIDAL SILVER ("silver water" worlds best natural penicillin) ⇛ ORGANIC LEMON & GINGER (into tea etc.) ⇛ COCONUT OIL (Unrefined cold pressed organic virgin coconut oil) ⇛ VITAMIN (antioxidants like Omnimin Pure) ⇛ The OVERNIGHT (fungus) cancer cure: Sodium Bicarbonate, MMS, DMSO, MSM, Citric Acid, C60 ⇛ OTHER STUFF I DO EVERY DAY: Tea with lemon and ginger, lots of exercise, infrared sauna, meditation and holistic doctors assistance to cleanse and clear EGO and TRAUMAS etc... (the list goes on and on)... 💮 PS: The blue colloidal silver bottle with a 'spiritual flower of life' on it, was a gift. Many normal food and drink products has been poisoned by W.H.O.'s "Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)" Agenda... PS: How you can clean out (spike proteins) after getting the jabbed or vaxxers-vaccine-shedding is not part of this cleansing blogpost, but more and more are finding ways. But as my Higher Self and my ND says, if you have "allowed" the vaccine poison into your body, you could get in trouble, if not, you'll be okay! In other words, your DNA/Cellular Memory and Immune System will fight it and defeat it, if you refuse to take the shot - also by vaccine shedding!. On the other hand, when you say yes, the Defense System, Aura Energy Field and DNA Cells cannot fight something, you have "agreed" to. It's like if you "choose" to deactivate your Antivirus Protection on your windows computer. Does it make sense?... |


FRA VENSTRE: (in danish sorry) 

HERE on Verdensalt.dk everything is free! Also advice and guidance!💞 

  • Epsom salt magnesium sulfate compound - et naturligt forekommende mineral bestående af magnesium og sulfat, med et hav af anvendelsesmuligheder. 
  • Niacin er et B-vitamin, der aktivt bidrager til: Et normalt energigivende stofskifte, en normal hud og normale slimhinder
  • Økologisk citron og Ingefær - gode, naturlige slankemidler, samtidig med at de generelt forbedrer vores helbred.
  • Omnimin - er den ideelle multivitamin for alle, der ønsker et bredt tilskud af vitaminer, mineraler, antioxidanter og andre næringsstoffer
  • Lima Sel Marin - Salt fra Atlanterhavet anses af mange kokke for at være lige så vigtigt som frisk peber, når det gælder forberedelse af fin mad. Det betragtes endda som det bedste, i verden. Med mange mineraler og det MEGET vigtige livsnødvendigt JOD, er fjernet i bordsalt (syntetisk).
  • MSM - (methylsulfonylmethan) er en naturlig og organisk kilde til svovl. Der er overalt på planeten. I havet, luften, planter, træer, dyr og mennesker - bare ikke i  vores MAD! TIP: Der står på denne indpakning: Fodermiddel til hunde, katte æsler og heste - lad dig ikke nare, det er også for mennesker. Sælges via Solanum A/S
  • Kolloid Sølv (sølvvand) er et vandrensningsmiddel, eller og vandbehandlings-produkt, som har så sindsygt mange fordele. Kan dræbe bakterier, svampe, virus og encellede protozoer typen amøber og Plasmodium (malaria), Mononukleose, ADIS, paravirus hos hunde. Listen er ane lang