Mar 31, 2022

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: Real-time travel, Seed crystals, 3D printer meat-“recipe & Fuel-free generators etc.) A Message From The Galactic Federation – March 31, 2022 (Rose Rambles) ~ | Blogger: Great uplifting message from Aurora Ray - Ambassador of the Galactic Federation... |

"We will be helping humanity through these challenging times by using highly advanced technologies that were once only available to us but which we have now adapted so that they can be used by people on your planet.

These technologies can transform your lives by providing new sources of clean energy, easing the strain on natural resources, eliminating poverty and hunger worldwide, and activating dormant DNA within all humans."
Ambassador of GFL

Dear beloved ones,

I am delighted to share the message from the Galactic Federation. The message is relayed by a multitude of light beings – some of whom have been with us for a long time, others are newly arrived, but all of them have a common goal – to help us:

“We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We are a collective of thousands of civilizations that exist on the outer edges of our Galaxy. We are contacting you to greet you on behalf of the collective consciousness of your planet.

We live in a universe of energy, frequency, and vibration. We are all connected via invisible energy lines that make up the grid. Our goal is to share our advanced technologies in order to elevate humanity to its true potential.

We have been observing Earth for many years, and we come to you now with great news. We will be working with you, the people of Earth, over the next few months to assist you in making positive changes on your planet.

The many challenges facing humanity at this time are causing pain and suffering for millions of people, and it is time for this to stop!

🙏 ~ 💝 (Meet the Fockers Fact-checking the fact-checkers that volunteered to get trapped on Earth) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: From the report: 👉" Russian troops found evidence in the Ukraine Bio-weapons labs that the CV-19 “virus” was manmade and created in those Ukraine Bio-weapon labs. Fauci, Joe Biden and Obama were among several global elites said to have received a cut in proceeds from the CV-19 vaccines. • Pfizer documents released by order of the Court on 1 March revealed 9 pages of adverse affects of the Vaccine including blood clots that had lead to frequent deaths of the newly vaccinated, while Fauci was still pushing genocide by vaccination especially for children. Fauci was said to have made billions off the sale of the vaccine."👈... Veeeeeeery important it is, that Putin sets ruble-for-gas payment deadline for April 1, 2022. Which means, that Russia, demanding "unfriendly countries", buyers open accounts in Russian banks to facilitate the payments or gas will be closed. Basically, who from Cabal / Rothschild Central banksters will be supporting BRIC countries for gold-backed currency aka QFS and who will refuse... |


👁️⃤🤘📐 ~ (Åh nej! 3 mio. konge-kroner og 5 års arbejde spildt!) Endnu en flok fra sandhedsbevægelsen må gå slukøret hjem efter at være blevet rusket på plads af retsstatens Frimurerkorps og tabt millioner (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Nej, nej, nej, vi gider ikke at høre om, at Dannevang, er styret af frimurerne. Jamen så tal du med Knud Jakobsen, fra partiet: Folkets Ret ( som har hjulpet hundredvis af alm. danskere, fra den rige Bøje Nielsen til alm. husmødre, siden 1975 indtil dato, klædt af til skindet, frataget alt, der udløste selvmord, mistet hus, værdier og børn, eftersom de gik op imod Frimurerne. Hædersmand, Orla Møller, 1916-1979 præst, S-justitsminister, Knud's gamle lærermester, som han tit snakkede med på Christiansborg om grusomhederne der fandt sted og han var rystede, også selvom han selv, var frimurer! Knud mistede selv alt eftersom han fik afsat flere dommere. Det var et decideret hævntogt, gennem 50 år, fra især Soro-klanen, som til sidst, fratog Knuds private ejendomsgård og nedlægge et erhverv, på en moms og gældsfri velplejet 15-20 mio. kroner stort og verdensanerkendt “hestestutteri” i Dianalund (heste prinser opkøbte) og efterlod Knud og hustru, uden en krone, med 2 sultne hunde, fordi, man var "imod", Den Danske Frimurerordenen... [LÆS VIDERE]... 🙅‍♀️PS: Det er ikke en aprilsnar: 1. april skal 46.200 virksomheder betale coronalån på 22 mia. kr. tilbage til staten. Knap 3000 virksomheder frygter konkurs! (watchmedier)... 🥳NOTE: Og til dig Ditte din 'Okinok' på B.T's Det, vi taler om, med millionhyre, luksus og jydejokes. Herunder burde være nok stof til eftertanke af de "rigtige nyheder", du burde sende i dit vulva-sladderprogram i morgen. I stedet for at gøre Sandhedsbevægelsen til grin, fordi, alle i panelet er Pro-vaxxere og beskytter rigmænd og adelsfolk, der babber på fars salonriffel og vandpibe, på 'Blue Oyster' Bar. Gør, din sure pligt, Ditte, og vær en rigtigt journalist og ikke lovprise, RØDE-Jim og alle frimurerne og den Israels efterretningstjeneste... |

Jeg selv på SoTW har kæmpet en hård kamp imod SU-styrrelsen da jeg var under uddannelse. Statsforvaltningen og fogedretten i 13 år mht. min datter og mit hus og lige nu, Gældstyrelsen og retssystemet, fordi, jeg var så forbandet fræk, at oprette et 1-kroners enkelmandsfirma, som aldrig blev taget i brug og er nu i dag, ulovligt, at eje. 

At gå op imod staten, og især, hvis det har noget med menneskerettigheder at gøre, eller ulovlig embedsførelse eller andet, som kan rettes mod én eller alle, af de 179 folkevalgte, er livsfarlig forretning og du taber - HVER gang, som "menigmand". 

Og jeg kom i det "fine" selskab, uddannet fra CBS, flere af mine klassekammerater har i dag gode stillinger, én i Mærsk HQ. Jeg har festet igennem på broderloge nr. 55 Pax I.O.O.F.. Logen. Min søsters soldaterven, har forsøgt erhvervet som "frimurer-soldat" et hav af gange, og jeg har været blandt bank-eliten i HQ, fra den største bank i Norden, samt IBM, hvor det var kendt, hvem som var frimurer af højere rang. 

Og i Sandhedsbevægelsen, siger man, vi har vundet, Cabal (Kabbalah, Den mørke stat, skyggeregeringen, Rothschild & Co, Blackrock og Vanguard) har ikke mere magt. Øhm. jeg kan ikke lige se det? Tarot by Janine siger at 38 lande, har overgivet sig til DeHvideHatte. Jeg tror næppe DK er iblandt. Desværre.  

Dannevang, er en af de aller STØRSTE og dødsensfarlige, af alle, som sidder i toppen af kranskagen. Det er, ALDRIG dem, som sidder på gulvet, ud af de ca. 100.000 frimurer og 1 mio. fra centraladmin. Det er dem, som sidder i toppen, som bestemmer og styrer landet. Det kunne være Kongehuset og Forsvarets topledelse, Rigspolitiet, PET og FE, samt de 423 fra StatsAdlen, VL-grupperne, og de CEO fra Guld1000 virksomhederne og naturligvis Overlæge Walter med-den-store Schwartz... |

🦠💉🧟‍♂️ ~ (Fully vaccinated? Plus Boosters?) This is the Real Deal! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Yes, there's maaany fake vaccine batches out there, but would you take the risk?. Look what happens when people faint or drop dead... I have warned you here on SoTW, that in the long run, people will get very sick. Not right away you get the jap, but after; 1 month, 6 months or 1 year. Now, some of the vaccine batches are 100% Booby trapped - full of HIV-virus, synthetic DNA Gene-Therapy and Black-Goo enabled AKA Graphene-Oxide and or, DARPA Hydrogel Crystals or living parasites etc. Others, are totally harmless saltwater or placebo... Join Greg Hunter as he talks to 25-year veteran Dr. Elizabeth Eads as she continues to highlight the real unreported effects of the CV19 bioweapons and the dangerous lies by Big Pharma the FDA and CDC... |

🦠😷🔬💉 ~ (Un-Freaking-Believable: Who let the dog out ho ho ho :p :p) Shanghai, Jilin and other regions. 37 Million Chinaman under new 2022 Covid-1984 Lockdown. Over 4.5 million residents of Jilin and Shanghai begins most extensive in two years. TK or Corona stormtroopers mass arresting and people are fighting over food shortages (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Jeez I'm glad that I'm no Chinese citizen!... A trip down memory lane?? China's largest city has begone the country's most-extensive lockdown since 2019 when the virus was first detected. Will EU, USA and Asia follow suit? I-don-t-think-sooooo... Perhaps this has NOTHING to do with Corona and EVERYTHING to do with The Greater Reset AKA GCR AKA QFS AKA G / NESARA. The Global Currency Reset (GCR) + Quantum Financial System (QFS) will established Gold Backed Currency system to allow a more even trading field among the nations of the world at eventually a 1:1 parity (i.e. 1 US Note = 1 Chinese Renminbi etc.)... I know noooothing ... I am from Barcelona... PS: Listen to Mel K and Dr. Charlie Ward I got a video clip from my friend, a second ago... |


🌌🔆〰️🌎 ~ (Something is Coming kek!) "Cannibal" Coronal Mass Ejection Detected By NASA, Hits Earth (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: 🤔What does it all mean? Do the solar flares affect the earth, technology, the body, human behavior, and people? 😴99% of HUmanity notice nothing, cause they're not looking and unaware and not to be bothered!... 👉So what are Solar Flares? A solar flare is a giant explosion on the surface of our Sun, which occurs when magnetic field lines from sunspots tangle and erupt. A solar flare is defined as a sudden, rapid, and intense variation in brightness. Whenever such changes happen, unprecedented changes happen in human consciousness. Since it is known that our Moon affects our emotions, can the Sun also affect our emotions? I think yes! The obvious for most - the Sun is not bad; we receive Vitamin D taken in through the skin from the Sun. Vitamin D is a hormone that harms your body if you are low in it. right?.. 👉 If we go more deep into some esoterically facts; Besides the sun flare, HUmans are also affected by tachyon / tachyons. What is that? Tachyons are subatomical particles containing the full spectrum of spiritual light. They were the very first particles created from the source, at the beginning of this universe. Therefore, they are a direct connection with the source, and they transfer the true original plan of creation. This includes the original drawing of each of us, from our soul (which is part of the source)... [READ MORE]... |

👉(SoTW) Etheric Archon Grid (the matrix): Some say, like Elena Denaan, that the so-called Matrix Grid is gone, removed from the dark side of the moon base operational computers and Saturn rings (this theory is well know to Simon Parkes, Alex Collier, David Wilcock and David Icke etc. etc.). 

"Archons have been sustaining their control with a special technology that is called the Veil. It is an electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 8.6 miles upwards and downwards from the surface ground level of our planet, that to a great extent prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth. The Veil is being operated by the non-physical archons. This technology could be best described as etheric HAARP. This technology distorts the time/space structure on quantum level and thus creates big difficulties for UFO propulsion systems of the positive ET forces. In the past, this has hindered the progress of the positive ET races towards this planet significantly. Apart from keeping the good ET’s at bay, the Veil has a function of programming / reprogramming the human population and keeping it in the reincarnation / cycling process. Astral/etheric programs for incarnated humans should be gone" (from Cobra School)... |