Mar 2, 2022

🏴‍☠️⚔️💜 ~ (Virus, Ukraine, Taiwan: 'President Trump is the superpower right now in the world; he is behind the facade… ') Utsava Updates 2-27,28-22… “Biden is toast!” & “Everything is flipping right now…and will come to a standstill soon” (highlights) (KpBlog.Space) ~ | Blogger: Must-read - raw and unformatted at your service!... |

PS: As you know, let's call them the 'Dark Alliance' will fight to the death and take some of us, with them, if they can. Thus this Evil (Horrors of the 4th Dimension entities) of cosmic parasite's apparent script is to manipulate and mind-kontrol world leaders of the cabal, elites and media etc. to produce as much human suffering, shedding of blood and traumatic mass death as possible in order to extract negative energy from suffering humans and humans that are dying traumatically. Sick beyond words and yes, it's demonic and pure evil if true. 

But, at the very end, the light will prevail we know this outcome has been foreseen and the Dark Alliance, knows it too well. 

Please prepare and prep up! Small amount of cash is needed and 'survival food', candles etc. to last a few weeks! I'm not talking about Doomsday preppers stock up on luxury survival kits, emergency food supplies and million-dollar bunkers, but be prepared! Why? Fuel, higher gas prices, home heating oils and electricity also get more expensive. Foodstuffs are becoming more expensive and talks about cyberattacks has been going on forever and ever!. Expect mass outages at social media, internet, bank and mobile operator platforms. 

And please, do not trust A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G what your media and leaders are telling you right now!. Especially (western leaders) about number of civilian and soldiers of casualties in the "war", missiles and rockets attacks in the cities of Ukraine and stories about thousands upon thousands of civilians which was targeted by the Russian army. Nothing that comes out can be trusted from both sides. 

Reports suggest Belarusian president accidentally revealed that Moscow plans to invade Moldovan breakaway state Transnistria. And is expected, as Gali Lucy, just told us! I think we are seeing a war-machine, that will destroy EVERY SINGLE Cabal hideout in EU. Rumors of MAJOR D.U.M.B.s in Australia was taken down, recently, flooded. 

Genuine Military Surplus shops are experiencing dum-danes buying up all stock as of gas masks, radioactivity meters and iodine pills, because they think nuclear weapons will be used🤦‍♂️ Boys and girls, this is no laughing matter, but as crazy as it gets!...  ~ SoTW


 Posted on  by kauilapele2

These last two posts from Utsava I found very interesting.

Anyway, I suggest, take the best (what resonates) and leave the rest… follow that Higher Inner Discernment!

I’m only posting highlights. The full articles are available for those who subscribe to her Buymeacoffee page.


Biden is toast!

“At the world stage the Biden Regime is portrayed with the fake Russia invasion war, which is to blame on Biden, not Putin. The reason for this is because the bombings you are hearing or seeing in the news media are bombings of the Biden’s bio labs.

“Thanks to Trump we ‘only’ had the corona virus; they wanted to spread a much more sinister virus.

“…why Biden, Pelosi, Hillary, Obama, Romney etc. are so concerned about the Ukraine; it has nothing to do about the people there, it has everything to do with their territory and labs. The DNC has in the Ukraine everything you can imagine; tunnels, child trafficking, cloning centers; weapons of mass destruction, drug trafficking etc.

“We have predicted this emergency but also an emergency with China… I have received the information a while back that Taiwan is safe… the Deep state is now busy with the Ukraine invasion (fake war), we are getting the gold standards completed… it is just a matter of bringing things to the surface. It’s just a matter of completing the last pieces.

“Nesara/Gesara is world-wide and all about peace. There will be no more poverty in the world. President Trump is the Commander of Chief. Militaries world-wide are taking down the Deep state right now.

“The first public arrests will be Obama and Biden. We are hearing about the Russian hoax and Durham Probe. While Hillary Clinton played a large role in the Russian hoax as well as Obama, it was Biden who was the mastermind…”

Everything is flipping right now… and will come to a standstill soon

🆔🎖️🦨 ~ (Nøjjj hvor blev jeg sur på NemID supporten i dag!) Den digitale singularity black hole MitID(iot) app der har kostet 900 millioner at udvikle. Når maskinerne, kunstig intelligens (AI), digitalisering, robotisering bliver bedst, hvad gør de så med os? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: UNDSKYLD til den arme unge medarb. på NemID i dag. Jeg overfusede hende total og det ligner mig ikke! Mistede jordforbindelsen i et øjebliks frustration! Har skiftet telefon og det gør man ikke uden GIGANTISKE problemer! Måtte ringe til min bank mht. MitID, som havde TVUNGEN mig hen på platformen og det gik nogenlunde smertefrit, at konvertere, men også at få den nye Mobil til at virke med MitID! Der var dog den lille krølle, havde IKKE skrevet mit personlige Mit(ID) ned, måtte jeg bruge ½ time på. Det værste var dog NemID som overhoved ikke er nemt, når man skal skifte telefon! En gang til for prins Knud, tænkte jeg, var det mig som var en idiot! Havde slettet min telefon og eller NemID på den gamle og det skal man IKKE gøre! Yderligere smidt mit fysiske nøglekort ud, for hvorfor skal jeg beholde det, når jeg har min NemID app? Og så til sidst, har jeg, navne- og adressebeskyttelse og så var fanden, løs i Laksegade! INGEN kunne nu hjælpe mig uanset hvor mange kontrol spørgsmål som supporten på NemID spurgte til! Da hun så jeg var "anonym", så var jeg grim som en død rotte; fattig som en kirkerotte! Det eneste som var til rådighed, var, at stå nede i en Borgerservicekøen med pas og et sødt smil og "tigge" om et nyt nøglekort! GUDFADERBEVARE MIG VEL! Grunden til jeg var blevet så pissesur, var ikke NemID! Men flere års digitale tvang, fordi, det ønsker Big Tech, sammen med kunstig intelligensen og kontrol og transhumanisterne! Tusindevis af danskere har fået en advarsel netop nu, fra DK Hostmaster og ændringer af vilkår, for .dk-domænenavne, så de kan lukke ens webside med ny smart mulighed for suspension, som følge af en kendelse fra den danske Højesteret. Dvs. kan bestemme over du og jeg, og hvad vi skriver på vores blog og websider. Og vi har alle hørt om at Ane Halsbræk-Jørgensen og kommunisterne, vil stille bloggere og influencere til ansvar!. Og ja, så var jeg også irriteret over, at Molslinjen, tvinger folk til at registrere sig, SELVOM, de skanner ens bilnummer og kan søge ALT om dig, via Staten! Et nyt EU-direktivet for sørejser over 30 sømil kræver, at man registrerer fornavn, efternavn, fødselsdato, nationalitet og køn på en selv (og antal medpassagere) og klikker på bookningen, at man selv rejser med, frem og tilbage.! KONTROL KONTROL KONTROL SÅ SINDSYGT! (ingen NemID ingen færgeoverfart) ... Jeg har selv arbejdet med IT engang under danske storbanker og Goldman Slacks og Rotterne (Rothschild) i mere end 20 år... |


WEF og de Young Global Leaders Motto: Bliv 100% digital uden plastik, papirpenge og med digitale apps, der tænker for dig, ellers kommer Staten samt Tech-giganter efter alle dine værdier! Du må IKKE være anonym længere! 

Nægtes der, og uden kontanter på lommen, bliver man umyndiggjort og kommer under et såkaldt værgemål med fratagelse af den retlige handleevne! Lønkonto,  regninger og levevilkår er nu under supervision, og eksistere og ejes under statens ledelse, der bestemmer, om du skal leve eller dø! (er du digital eller analog)...

🙏 ~ 💝 (Jo-Anne Australian/Oceania /Asia Continent Coordinator Moderator: 'Our future looks great everyone - Gali’s predictions are so encouraging.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Jo-Anne is part of Simon Parkes & Becky 100K spiritual organization, wish she will forgive me for posting her comment. Anyways a loooot of great information from this video below. 40 minutes in, Gali Lucy, will discuss 2022 Russian "invasion" of Ukraine and "many other countries", she says. It will be a quick operation. They will hit only targets and "not citizens". The Ukraine will "surrender quickly without a war", she says. You have to understand, she says (as SoTW has told you) all nuclear war has been cut off, by the Aliens (I think she's saying, that since the 1970 or perhaps before, UFO's has been seen shutting down nuclear missile warheads). We are witnessing a "divine intervention", she says. The world is being cleaned from "human evil". After thousands of years- the "war of Light in the Dark". Citizens don't have to be afraid no more- please please unite, she says (since its a bad phone call / internet connection and bad English, sorry, go on and listen to more)... |


Ukraine = Freemasonry absolutely. Russia and after the "new" Putin - nope! Corruption yes, but Russia, they have kicked out every possible (foreign) Freemasonic Rothschilds and other evil players (SoTW strongly believe)...

🌌🌱🌎 ~ ('All timelines will lead into the Event.') SITUATION REPORT (25.02.2022) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Long time since we heard from "Teilen". And I would add a Cobra-friendly site, like so may others, "respawning" or "recalibrating" (only some) of the intel or esoteric information given by Cobra, the only (Pleiadean) spokesperson for The Resistance Movement, (so he claims) in a more "lighter" way to swallow the red pill. That is how SoTW interpret this stuff, but I could be very wrong... |

First of all, no matter what chaos is happening in the outside world, for Starseeds incarnated here on this planet it is important to remain calm, no matter what.

It has been apparent for some time that there will be a military escalation in Ukraine. Energetically, the land is covered with a huge amount of Anomaly and Darkness.

Nevertheless, this will not lead to a large-scale war in Europe or turn into a World War. In fact, it is more likely that this incident will do NATO more harm than good, as more and more people in the West are losing trust in this organization, especially through the whole Ukraine situation, even if the Western media are all gasping for breath right now.

Of course, military escalations are never a good thing, but it must be said that it will also be a salvation for many people in Ukraine when the Cabal-controlled Nazi regime is removed from Kiev and a few significant "neuralgic points" inside the country gets cleaned up.

On the other hand, of course, this conflict also serves to distract people (from the crumbling Covid narrative) and to keep them panicking until the Cabal can save themselves into next autumn, with possible new virus variants appearing.

In the shadow of this conflict, the agenda continues to run in the background:

And other trouble spots continue to heat up:

🕉️ ~ 💗 (NEW COBRA UPDATE) War and Peace (Cobra2012) 💕 ~ |

Excerpts: Urgent meetings between the Pleiadians and top Russian military brass!.. There's many factions within Ukraine with strong Neonazi inclination that have committed heavy crimes, often with tacit approval from the Ukrainian government!.. Sources have confirmed that Russian military is not directly attacking civilians in this war, NOT to topple Zelensky, and that the Russian military will retreat as soon as the strategic goals listed above will be reached, which is in about two weeks as per their estimate!.. Positive sources have drafted a peace proposal that could work, if people on both sides use common sense and are willing to reach a rational compromise! ~ COBRA RM

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

You can read a little bit of a background explanation about the causes of the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine in my past articles

There were urgent meetings between the Pleiadians and top Russian military brass in the last few days before the war broke out and the Pleiadians have advised against a full scale Russian military operation in Ukraine. From their perspective, the main objectives could be reached by Russian peacekeeping forces in Lugansk and Donetsk and with refusing to react to Jesuit-backed provocations from the West, who want to create World war III to fulfill their end time prophecies:

Putin has succumbed to pressure from some of his Jesuit-controlled advisers in the Russian military and the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Jesuits got the war they wanted, but it will not go as they have planned.

Putin has chosen the moment of maximum weakness of the West at USA Pluto return to attack:

👁️⃤ 👴🥴~ (Biden calls Ukrainians ‘Iranians') Miscellaneous - Mostly About 2021–2022 Russo-Ukrainian Crisis (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: The Danish (C-A-B-A-L) govt are going nuts! Denmark to allow citizens to fight in Ukraine and to put up Ukrainian flag until and including March 16, 2022! (HINT - key date it all ends?).. Aarhus University demands Danish students who are in Russia, to come home!. It's so sad that Kids are calling (Children's Phone) because of the "war" and over Chernobyl get worried Danish citizens to call the National Board of Health up: Buy up all "Iodine tablets" (provide protection against radioactive iodine). Danfoss closes order book on Russian factories and send home 1300 employees.. PS: URGENT to watch John Lear describes advanced Holograms he saw demonstrated! Everyone is now realizing how fake Biden, Obama, Pope, Queen-Lizzie is - fact - actors or and holograms... |

🌪️⚡💟 ~ (An Energic Planetary Storm & Transformative Month! The Universe supports You!) March 2022 Energy, Astrology, Tarot & Arcturian Council Channeled Updates (SoTW) ~ |


👱👽🌌 ~ (Starseeds: James Gilliland - Leon. Janine - Panther. Megan abducted twice by malevolent extra-terrestrials and rescued by benevolent Nordic aliens) Tarot by Janine Chats with Megan Rose: Currents Events, Starseeds and Being a Spiritual Warrior (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Please, please don't get upset or discouraged about Dr. Salla & Elena Danaan has disconnected from Megan calling her a Black Hat operative or Janine are ditching Simon Parkes, Dr. Charlie Wards & Michelle Fielding. It's their own choice👈] ... O-M-God! My own mood barometer rose significantly, after this interview with Janine and Megan and their warrior spirit and unconditional love aura🌡️🌡️🌡️+++ I totally loooove these 3 woman (and James)!. Anyone that watched James latest videocast with Janine knows, that she literally saw him as an LEON! In below Interview with Megan Rose, Janine talks about that she was visited by panther-like creature as a young girl (maybe The Lyrans feline species?). SoTW strongly attached to the Pleiadeans! And who are they. Check out video by "Universe Inside You" made by an American woman and YT-channel which is extremely popular... PS: Which star system did YOU originate from SoTW? I "think" I belong to the Pleiadians, that is what my energy goes towards, known as elves Nordic aliens or Plejaren are humanoid aliens that come from the stellar systems surrounding the Pleiades stars, and they're really concerned about Earth and our future (but we're winning - dark knight do not always takes white pawn). NOTE: Please use AdBlock, almost impossible to watch without getting interrupted by (stupid ads)... |

OBS! The Russian Bear did a good counter move by taking out the Kyiv TV station brainwashing everyone - that is the word on the street! Don't be surprised if Russian special forces targets other strategic places in Ukraine & world of the MSM broadcasting!  Please notice, there has been much speculation over the destruction of 40 out of 49 Starlink microsatellites on February 8 that were shot down by the Deep State, according to information received by Elena Danaan, from her primary extraterrestrial contact Thor Han Eredyon. Was it to prevent emergence of Quantum Communications? 

Anyways, Elon Musk (off-worlders) are watching closely of the Starlink satellite terminals activated over Ukraine acc. to Megan!