Kilde (
Feb 5, 2020
🦁 ~ Dansk toppolitiker i audiens hos kong Harald ~ | Blogger: [🤴Det er Kongehusets pligt at repræsentere den brede befolkning, rigsfællesskabet og Frederiks Kongerække - det er ikke politik. Heller ej hos norske kong Harald🤔] ... Vanvittigt at lade en jysk kommunist og Guldjydernes ven, valfarte til Norge og snakke om hemmelige doktriner og hvad ved jeg. Hvad har Kong Harald og Socialdemokraternes Henrik Dam Kristensen, med hinanden at gøre? Falske Greta Thunberg profetier, NATO's falske krige og udvidelse i Arktis mod et livsensfarlig Rusland og forfremmelse af Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsen? Er det Mettes kvinde-mafia opfindelse og hemmelige kammer fra vicestatsminister, Martin Rossen, som har sendt en 63 gammel olding op til en endnu ældre 83 årig og ærlig talt, ser Harald V fra Norge, godt nok slidt ud. Det eneste som skulle være aktuelt er Dronning Margrethes 80 års fødselsdag. Ellers kan jeg ikke se hvad Folketingets formand, skal i Norges land, med mindre de skal tigge om penge fra Norges 10.000 milliarder store oliefond og support til det socialakrobaternes totalitær kinesiske styre. Ja, så er det sagt... GUD BEVARE DE NYE KONGER AF RIGSFÆLLESSKABET... |
Kilde (
💧 ~ Mød de 230.000 danskere, der ikke drikker vand ~ | Blogger: [🙀GUD, skriver politiken noget rigtigt, ingen betalingsmuren går ned og der findes naturligvis, et lille Aber dabei på historien, som ikke fremgår🤔] ... Vi kan ikke undvære rent VAND og slet ikke postevand fra vandhanen. Men vi ved alle, farlige bakterier fra gylle, går direkte i grundvandet. Landmænd, sender pesticider eller sprøjtegifte i vores mad og ned i grundvandet. Alene i 2019, fandt man giftige stoffer i drikkevandet på 11 vandværker og mange renseanlæg er for gamle og uden filtre, undtagen Hillerød's nyeste skud, der fjerner al mikroplast og pesticider. Og, Bakterien Legionella trives i varmt og stillestående vand, og hvis man indånder den - for eksempel i badet - kan man blive ramt af den farlige lungesygdom legionær- syge... 🤲Men, men, men, man kan faktisk gøre meget selv... 🚰 På Krop-Sind-Ånd Helsemesse i Brøndby Hallen, kunne man bla. finde aQuator - det simple og mobile apparat til fremstilling af både sølvvand, alkalisk vand og surt vand og masser af andre titusinde kroner dyre apparater... Den billigste løsning spørger du om? Ganske simpel... ❄️Har du hørt om Dr. Masaru Emotos eksperimenter med vand? Efter at have afsendt positive bekræftelser afsted, lyttet til opløftende musik og sendt bønner til glasset med postevand, skabes der smukke krystaller i vandet (synlig gennem et mikroskop). Det er beviseligt... 🎶 Hvis man går lidt videre, så find noget musik som resonerer med Solfeggio 528 Hz via tibetanske krystalskåle og sæt hørebøffer på glasset med postevandet. Som biokemiker Steve Chemiski påpeger i Fork In the Road, vibrerer de pågældende vandklynger nøjagtigt 528 cyklusser i sekundet. Når vi udsætter normalt vand for 528 Hz, begynder det at vibrere i synkronitet og danner således de krystalformede, aktiverede vandklynger, der skaber DNA's beskyttelsesmatrix... 🤗OG, nu til det ultimative kick, som jeg selv benytter mig af: Struktureret vand - levende vand... 🙅♂️Har forsøgt mig med ioniseringsapparater og krystaller, øko citron og ingefær i vand, men det billigste og bedste, jeg har fundet ud af er en Vortex Magnetizer... ”Er vand ikke bare vand?” Sådan vil mange danskere i hvert fald tænke. Nej, det er levende. Vi er i Danmark er velsignet med noget af verdens bedste vand (med lidt pesticider, mikroplast og toksisk spor) og har måske derfor svært ved at forestille os, at noget vand kan være bedre - særligt end det gode danske postevand! ⛰️Men har du været i Norge, de tyrkiske bjerge eller Mt Shasta i Kalifornien, som jeg har været, og smagt rent bjerg vand fra naturlige kilder, er man ikke længere i tvivl om, at vand kan smage forskelligt og at vand kan komme i mange smagsvarianter... 🌪️Jeg bruger med-uret (ALTID) vortex rotation til alt hvad jeg arbejder med og under meditation, reiki remote healing, på mine cintamani stones, renser huset og efter mange opskrifter, ligesom Chakraenergien spinder med urets retning, når den bevæger energien i vores krop... 🧾Normalt, vil jeg aldrig reklamere på bloggen, men det er svært, at lede efter de helt rigtige produkter. Køb denne (dims) med magneter... Du kan også lave en selv, men det bliver ikke helt, samme resultat, vil jeg påstå... 📍 PS: snak med James – EMR Labs, LLC fra USA. Han har sendt produkter til Danmark i 25 år... 📯For at undgå at ryge i Told & Skat samt PostNord helvedet, som jeg selv, sad i saksen, få det sendt som en gavepakke/brev uden prisansættelse... (dimsen) koster lidt, ja, men helt VILD elefantastisk oplevelse og kan bruges på alle sodavandsflaskers åbning... TAK verdensalt, du gør en forskel...😂 |
Kilde (
Nogle synes bare, det er kedeligt, andre, at det smager ubehageligt. En lille del af befolkningen drikker aldrig vand i løbet af en uge. Det er stort problem for folkesundheden, lyder advarslen fra eksperter.
Den sidste gang, Ingeborg Vernersdatter fik vand, var for en uge siden. Hun var ved at rydde ud på loftet, var ved at gå til af tørst, og så bad hun sin mand kaste en flaske vand op igennem loftslemmen (LÆS VIDERE).
Experiment with making your own "Structured Water" based on the
vortex and implosion research of Viktor Schauberger.
Sold as a "Science Experiment" only.
No health benefits are claimed or implied.
Great for energizing and imploding water for the Eagle Guardian
and Eagle Pro Remedy Maker vials and all homeopathic vials.
This is the "Original" structured water device that is
used by "Joe Cell" and "Moe-Joe Cell" inventors
to create highly energized water for their hydrogen cells.
🌩️ Schumann Resonance Update, Solar Geostorm & Plasma From Space ~ | Blogger: [〰️ The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like verdensalt! (SoTW)〰️] ... From Disclosure News Italy: " 2/5 09:00 UTC – Today’s image is very similar, visually speaking, to those of recent times, especially the amplitude graph. We can see that there have been about 13 hours of calm, from the last peak yesterday at Power 55 at 11 to 24 UTC when a serie of movements brought the Resonance to Power 23, these movements lasted about 1 hour. Now we are in a light background ‘buzz’ condition."...
🦠 ~ In explosive interview, author of Bioweapons Act Dr. Francis Boyle confirms coronavirus is an “offensive biological warfare weapon” ~ | Blogger: ["No sign of slowing down: Now almost 25,000 are officially infected with the new corona virus" ~] ...{O My Lord (H5N8) - Saudi Arabia reports outbreak of HIGHLY pathogenic bird flu virus} ... "Meanwhile in China, "residents forcibly taken away after refusing to be quarantined" ~ Zero Hedge... AND, Cruise ship under quarantine in Hong Kong, tests for coronavirus conducted as 30 crew members have fever with an disappearing act: Suspected coronavirus patient ESCAPED from quarantine in Salzburg... |
🔐 ~ US Government Wants to Ban Encryption in the Name of Protecting Children ~ |
Social media companies may soon be forced to allow backdoor government access to encrypted information.
(TMU) — In the name of protecting the children, U.S. lawmakers and the Department of Justice want to ban end-to-end encryption, opening Internet users to a host of attacks on their privacy by not only the government but also malicious hackers.
Attorney General William Barr is claiming he wants to protect the children but his former law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, protected Jeffrey Epstein—one of the most serial child sex traffickers. And it turns out Barr’s own father, Donald Barr, was the headmaster of an elite New York City school that hired college dropout Epstein to teach math and physics.
Last week, Barr expressed at the White House Summit on Human Trafficking that encryption was aiding human traffickers. He said: (READ MORE)
👸 ~ Who Is Somerset Belenoff? ~ | Blogger: [🤘Illuminati Queen?: "I pull the strings, and the elite dance" - Somerset Belenoff, Countess of Banbury and Arran🧙♀️] ... {After authentication you may receive additional instruction. In the Upper Chamber we often say, “Debate is required, respectful dissent is allowed, and betrayal is death." ~ Somerset Belenoff} ... I have no idea who Somerset Belenoff is and her name does not popup anywhere, no official references at least, but in Denmark, everyone's attention is on celeb, Christiane Schaumburg-Müller's new lover, a Danish (unknown) billionaire, Daniel Åxman, who has ABSOLUTELY no pictures of him on the internet, or anywhere else. The tabloid newspapers with their journalists had already tried with no luck, he owns lots of important companies inside and outside the borders of Denmark, Switzerland, where The Crown Prince Couple has their rental vacation House. According to the Chinese newspaper South China Morning Post, this Dane, has bought Asia's most expensive apartment through he's former company 'Lead Connection Limited'. Price tag: just under Hong Kong $500 million... Very interesting report from the australian guy who runs the channel "thecrowhouse", in which he offers and collects evidence, which have all the signatures of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) that started these Australian fires. He also mentioned another website,, that connects all the monarchies, including Denmark and so many Houses involved in the 'Royal Almanach de Saxe Gotha'... According to, Somerset Belenoff, has closed down the website and Cold Silence is invoked until Heavensbreak, 2020. It goes on that you should contact Luxembourg Cathedral on Node 9 of Forgotten Frequency.... WEIRD STUFF GUYS!... | |
Glamis Calling: Who Is Somerset Belenoff? We Are The Shadow Watchers: Somerset Belenoff Original Source?: Кто есть кто во Всемирном совете управляющих?: The Earl of Banbury: House of Wettin: Almanac De Gotha Kingdom of Saxony, Königreich Sachsen, House of Wettin: WLA World Governing Council: Bohemian Grove: WHOIS Search: Wayback Machine: hhhps:// Generated Photos: This Person Does Not Exist: DeceptionBytes - The Most Important Thing You've (N)ever Heard:
👯♀️ ~ What They Secretly Told Us During the Halftime Show (2020) ~ | Blogger: [💬 J-lo and Shakira working for free right and made a political statement during the super bowl halftime show about women's empowerment and Lopez's daughter Emme Maribel Muniz sang “Let’s Get Loud” inside a cage-like dome with all the children has something to do with an allusion to the current border situation. Buuutt, that's ONLY a half TRUTH🙉] ... SoTW: First of all, i love Jennifer Lopez as an actor, and both singers music, I used to play american football myself and i do like a good show... Sorry guys! I must show you (a) TRUTH behind Super Bowl LIV and what's it all about... 📤Thanks to Louis for sharing the article from The Rutherford Institute: "The Super Bowl's Biggest Losers: The Boys and Girls Being Sold for Sex 20 Times a Day", By John W. Whitehead and I couldn't agree more with Kp Message's (Kauilapele's Blog) and I quote: “Yes, my dear. They were indeed attempting to mind program you during the 2020 Super Bowl halftime show…” (at least it appears that way to me)"... "Super Bowl halftime show was ‘sexual exploitation,’ evangelist Franklin Graham says to The Charlotte Observer... ⚠️It's actually very disturbing, you've been warned... |
J-Lo and Shakira made a political statement during the Super Bowl Halftime Show
Kp Message: “Yes, my dear. They were indeed attempting to mind program you during the 2020 Super Bowl halftime show…” (at least it appears that way to me)
Super Bowl halftime show was ‘sexual exploitation,’ evangelist Franklin Graham says
John Whitehead's Commentary: The Super Bowl’s Biggest Losers: The Boys and Girls Being Sold for Sex 20 Times a Day
What They Secretly Told Us During the Halftime Show (2020)
🕵️ ~ Skat kræver millionerstatning af banker i udbyttesag, mens sagsøgte i udbyttesagen til modangreb på Skattestyrelsen ~ | Blogger: [💰Stor international afsløring: Svindel med udbytteskat breder sig over hele Europa og når et samlet beløb på 410 milliarder kroner💸] ... {Uha hvor er det bare en LÆKKER give away tænker SVINDLERNE, mens Fru Hyacinth, finder det FINE tøj frem til endnu engang ”Fint skal det være” og som navnet antyder, 'Keeping Up Appearances', skal det se FINT ud, men sagen er en anden} ... Millionejendom i London beslaglagt, siger regeringen og Skattestyrelsen har fået medhold i en prøvesag mod pensionsfonden KK Law Retirement Plan Trust... Ja de FORSØGER, at gøre det godt igen, er hvad jeg kalder Skat's idioti, så danskerne holder kaje og statsrevisorerne holder sig væk... Skat rejser nu erstatningskrav på 880 millioner kroner mod ni udenlandske banker i sag om svindel med udbytteskat, oplyser Skattestyrelsen på et pressemøde og ifølge finanswatch, som de absolut IKKE, kan vinde, efter min vurdering... Skattestyrelsen har også krævet 900 millioner kroner fra Nordea bankordningen i sag om udbytteskat via den såkaldte Hoopp-sag, men Nordea siger, at det skete gennem blanketordningen og bøjer HELT af, og de har overholdt Deres forpligtelser og ikke er ansvarlige, i sagen, hedder det sig... 🤪 Det mest morbide i hele denne sag er, at ikke nok med at Skattestyrelsen må betale milliarder i udgifter til udenlandske advokater og andre bedragere i jagten på svindelpenge, nu viser det sig også, storaktionærens bagmænd og alle deres fine advokater, kræver stadig penge retur fra 2015, inden Skattestyrelsen, lukkede kassen i... Samtidigt med alt dette sker, er der så vanvittige mange problemer i Skat, det nu koster 300 millioner årligt i advokatregninger og ikke blot ekstra medarbejdere og nye udgifter til it-systemer... JA, det er fuldstændig galimatias, forrykt og dybt stødende. DANMARK ER EN SVINDELRAMT BANANREPUBLIK. |
Kilde (
🎭 ~ Nancy Pelosi Tears Up State Of The Union Speech After Address: 'It Was The Courteous Thing To Do Considering The Alternatives' ~ | Blogger: [🧻Say whaaa❓ Epic or Fail - Trump didn't see that coming❓ Or did Q❓😮] ... {CONFUSED❓ Pelosi on Bush: “He’s not worth impeaching” but for the fifth time still calls Donald Trump "President Bush" and she's also been quoted in 2017 to say: I wish George W. Bush were president now! Well, just like the democratic-communist Danish PM, Mette Frederiksen, Nancy Pelosi has never been the sharpest tack on the bulletin board. But, as all Deep State actors, Nancy Pelosi is as corrupt as the Bush family, the Clintons and x-pres Obama and Paul Pelosi, Nancy 's husband: "Follow the money trail"} ... Monday’s Democratic caucus was fraught with chaos as the Iowa Democratic Party delayed releasing official results due to widespread reporting problems amid new rules and a new app and today, and i'm almost certain, that todays last day of Democrats and White House rest cases as impeachment sputters toward a verdict. GUESS WHAT - POTUS will win the battle, whether you like Him or Not!... 🗣️ PS: Trump's State of the Union speech is like New year's speeches by world leaders and actually very important to American people... Yes, President Trump framed his third year in office as an unmistakable success and his fourth as more of the same and just like the republican, former President Abraham Lincoln addressed the U.S. Congress back in December 1, 1862 and his Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that slaves in territories still in rebellion, would be free. In the mid-1930s, the Federal Writers’ Project interviewed thousands of former slaves, some of whom claimed the president came to their plantations disguised as a beggar or a peddler, telling them they’d soon be free. However, at April 15th, 1865, America's greatest President meets a tragic, violent end. Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth is known as the man who pulled the trigger - but who helped him, and what was the real motive❓... Is Trump to set the American people free again from the 'Deep State' shadow government and Drain the swamp❓. Some say, including the Goldfish report and InfoWars, in 2017, a vehicle unexpectedly drove towards Trump motorcade from the woods, marks the tenth attempt to assassinate Trump... The term "deep state" usually conjures a secretive illuminati that is the real power behind the curtains - made up of spies, criminals, military leaders and businessmen... |
Source (Newsweek)
Shortly after President Donald Trump finished delivering the State of the Union address Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped her copy of the speech in half.
As Trump closed the speech, saying "Thank you. God bless you. God bless America," Pelosi, a Democratic congresswoman from California, stood up directly behind the president. She then straightened her copy of the speech by tapping it on the desk, brought it up to chest-level and tore it in half. She continued to do the same with more papers—presumably the second half of the 90-minute-long speech.
When asked why she ripped up the speech, Pelosi replied, "Because it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternatives," according to a video posted by Fox News producer Jason Donner.(READ MORE)
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