Apr 27, 2020
※🔴Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Babylon has fallen as rent and debt payments stop while debt slaves are freed ~ | Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: [👉Sorry guys I'm not gonna show you these pics on verdensalt.dk. I have seen them, but I stand my ground. Very disturbing👈] ... Excerpts from the Full Report:..The first disturbing picture is of… an infant boy rescued in New York. The black eyes are the result of the trauma of being raped, and celebrities sometimes make fun of this phenomenon by making themselves up with “Panda eyes.” Here are two photographs of unknown date and origin of children in cages who our sources say have now been rescued. Hopefully, the sheeple will be forced to watch this just like the Germans were forced to after WWII to see what their Nazi rulers did. It is interesting that the U.S. and Russian governments issued... [READ MORE]... |
Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.
Babylon has fallen as rent and debt payments stop while debt slaves are freed
Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
The fall of Babylonian debt slavery in the United States is fully underway. A critical mass of about 30% of Americans are not paying auto loans, student loans, rent, mortgages, corporate loans, etc. This makes it a mathematical certainty that the Babylonian debt slavery system is insolvent and collapsing. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-20/subprime-car-buyers-skip-loan-payments-in-sign-of-trouble-ahead?srnd=markets-vp&sref=Fbhig0fX
The fact that the U.S. Treasury has started handing out money – not debt certificates – directly to the people is another sign the regime of debt slavery is ending.
There has also been a massive takedown of pedophiles. Pentagon sources say:
“It appears that the final batch of adrenochrome may have been spiked with potent coronavirus to kill the bloodthirsty cabal who drink this stuff, while the source, namely children trafficked, tortured, or bred for this evil purpose, have been liberated from tunnels.”For those of you who still cannot wrap your minds around this, the United States was taken over by a group of Satanists who, among other things, tortured children in order to extract a type of high inducing adrenaline known as adrenochrome.
Here is what Mark Zuckerberg (Rockefeller) had to say about this:
“Although many humans find participating in and observing sexual congress to be both pleasurable and fulfilling I sometimes find it challenging to observe the subsequent removal of adrenochrome from the smaller participants as illustrated in the photograph below. Ingesting the adrenochrome, however, is as enjoyable a human activity as any I have yet engaged in.”
🐇 ~ 💗 Hvorfor der sku have været coROna på…tallene fantastiske! 💕~ | Blogger: Mener det var Kisser Seniorkorrespondent fra Den Korte CoronAvis der under sidste podcast, sagde, at Dr. Manniche, har haft ret hele tiden... |
Kilde (vibekemanniche)
Corona-tallene er helt fantastisk i dag søndag d. 26.4. Ud af lidt over 10.000 testede var blot 130 smittet. Altså 1,28%. Det er jo helt fantastisk men viser også, at der INTET sundhedsfagligt belæg er for at holde landet lukket. Igår var cirka 2% af over 11.000 testede testet som værende smittet. For praktiske gøremål må vi jo sige, at problemet med corona er overstået for denne gang. Punktum og færdig!
Flere har spurgt mig – hvad ville der være sket hvis vi havde fulgt dine råd fra starten. Ja for det første ville vi jo have sikret at alvorligt syge fik deres nødvendige behandling og genoptræning, vi ville have undgået 35.000 operationer blev aflyst og så ville vi have sikret, at 9000 mennesker ikke døde alene eller skulle face-time med deres nærmeste. Jeg tør slet ikke tænke på det antal af mennesker i sorg – som ikke måtte være hos deres elskede døende. Hvorfor ikke? Ja, det er godt spørgsmål. Jeg kender IKKE svaret. Herudover ville landets økonomi ikke ligge i laser og mange virksomheder ville undgå konkurs. Børn ville have været blandt deres venner i dagpasningerne og børnene ville have passet deres skolegang. Udsatte børn ville ikke have befundet sig 24/7 i dysfunktionelle hjem og blevet udsat for mere vold og flere seksuelle krænkelser. Indespærring og meget andet. Listen er faktisk næsten uendelig over alle de katastrofale følger vi ville og kunne have undgået. Ja – hvis man havde lyttet til mig fra starten.
Corona-tallene er helt fantastisk i dag søndag d. 26.4. Ud af lidt over 10.000 testede var blot 130 smittet. Altså 1,28%. Det er jo helt fantastisk men viser også, at der INTET sundhedsfagligt belæg er for at holde landet lukket. Igår var cirka 2% af over 11.000 testede testet som værende smittet. For praktiske gøremål må vi jo sige, at problemet med corona er overstået for denne gang. Punktum og færdig!
Flere har spurgt mig – hvad ville der være sket hvis vi havde fulgt dine råd fra starten. Ja for det første ville vi jo have sikret at alvorligt syge fik deres nødvendige behandling og genoptræning, vi ville have undgået 35.000 operationer blev aflyst og så ville vi have sikret, at 9000 mennesker ikke døde alene eller skulle face-time med deres nærmeste. Jeg tør slet ikke tænke på det antal af mennesker i sorg – som ikke måtte være hos deres elskede døende. Hvorfor ikke? Ja, det er godt spørgsmål. Jeg kender IKKE svaret. Herudover ville landets økonomi ikke ligge i laser og mange virksomheder ville undgå konkurs. Børn ville have været blandt deres venner i dagpasningerne og børnene ville have passet deres skolegang. Udsatte børn ville ikke have befundet sig 24/7 i dysfunktionelle hjem og blevet udsat for mere vold og flere seksuelle krænkelser. Indespærring og meget andet. Listen er faktisk næsten uendelig over alle de katastrofale følger vi ville og kunne have undgået. Ja – hvis man havde lyttet til mig fra starten.
⚰️🦠😷 ~ BREAKING: Nurse Claims Hospitals In Nyc "Killing" Covid-19 Patients; Uses The Word "Murder" (HAL Turner) ~ | Blogger: ⚠️DISCLAIMER: I don't want to raise the alarm, and I don't know if the nurses claim, is true or not, but we need to be calm & vigilant!... PS: We know that Wordpress suspended KP's blog (kauilapele) which means permanently gone (on that particular platform). Today I have seen that the canadian spiritual site called Golden Age Of Gaia, has been flagged as unsafe or (dangerous) as it says in my browser from Denmark. I will just let you know, that SoTW (verdensalt.dk) are not owned by anyone og anything, but of course part of 'Spiritual influencers' movement, so when the shit hits the fan, since the "Blogger service" is owned by Microsoft, the only thing Bill Gates has to do is calling and name dropping my blog to the Danish authorities and police can close my blog. Even if it's against any set of rules known to mankind... I Declare, Decree & Manifest; Let it be known, I SoTW, will not allow any harm to come to my blog and seek protection from any benevolent forces... So be it, and so it is!🙏... |
https://halturnerradioshow.com/ |
https://goldenageofgaia.com/category/news/ |
Claims are filtering out of hospitals in New York City claiming Doctors /Hospitals are "leaving patients to rot." The word "MURDER" is being used to describe what's being done!
According to a nurse practitioner, Doctors are deliberately failing to employ Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin medicines to severely ill COVID-19 patients, are failing to provide Vitamins, A, D or C as found successful in other parts of the world in fighting the disease and . . . worse.
According to reports coming out via the Internet, Hospitals are giving patients nasal cannula oxygen, and when the patient turns more serious and would NORMALLY be given a non-re-breather oxygen mask, instead the patients are intubated or "Trach'd" and given high pressure air by artificial means which burst parts of the lungs and kill the patient!
Here is one video account of what's taking place in some New York City Hospitals:
🤣😑😒 ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci Cold Open - SNL ~ | Blogger: [👉Brad Pitt ‘Sickened’ by Angelina’s Hollywood Illuminati Rituals, but still Pays Tribute to One of Dr. Evil's Henchmen, Fauci, who sets stage for Global Mandatory -- Lucrative! -- Vaccine. Dr. Fauci also gave $3.7 Million to Wuhan Laboratory in 2015👈] ... Let's not forget that Bill Gates' are "literally" running his donated vaccine-factory in Denmark, the upcoming CV19-vaccine and Polio-vaccine with full support of the Danish Socialist / Communist controlled govt Denmark / W.H.O. / C.D.C. nightmare. I'm REALLY not kidding, look at the link below and now, every former danish minister and other "medical owned socially harmful cult" politicians (silence from ruling govt) are washing their hands in GMO-toxic-ethanol-alcohol-based hand sanitisers because they have stepped on a LANDMINE and allowed Bill Gates into a danish vaccine-factory in 2013, until today... Please look into EVENT 201, ID2020, AI2030, UN Agenda 21/2030 etc... |
Brad Pitt ‘Sickened’ By Angelina’s Hollywood Illuminati Rituals
Anthony Fauci sets stage for mandatory -- lucrative! -- vaccine
🥚🐣🤡 ~ BREAKING GOLDEN EGG: New evidence suggests that the Danish State, Bill Gates & Saudi-Sheik has played us all (SoTW) ~ |
Breakthrough in the Global Battle Against Polio: AJ Vaccines Granted WHO Prequalification for New Polio Vaccine
Sharia-sheiken: Corydon sender giftpil mod Mette
Dr. Fauci Gave $3.7 Million to Wuhan Laboratory… Something Is Going On” – Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci
🖖 ~ 💗 Update: Light-Forces – No. 2020/04 (PFC) 💕~ |
Source Galactic Federation – SaVi
Disclaimer: This message is only meant for those to whom the contents resonate, for everybody else you can read and then let it go.
In reality, the named corona pandemic is not as it seems, as more and more people on this planet are discovering.
The Light Forces ask you to remain relaxed and calm, but active in terms of attention, networking, inner work and following the mission in the liberation of this planet.
Although it is a virus, which was artificially produced in laboratories, it is a normal virus infection, like any other flu infection that has been active throughout all previous years. It is hardly different from the others. Those who are of the Dark are incarnated in human physical bodies. Therefore, to achieve their goals, they use strains from normal virus groups as otherwise it would also put their own health or life at great risk.
The real intention behind this pandemic includes the creation of a certain behavior pattern, acceptance for restrictions and complete cancellation of all rights permanently. A viral group made of a basic substance and which has existed for a long time and thus will continue to exist, is therefore now created as the latest form of faceless terrorist. So the next time it mutates and re-appears (which is already slowly being announced), an attempt will be made to use this as further reasoning to prolong the restrictions or to completely remove all rights until all those who are affected by the restrictions become accustom to them and accept it completely as the new normal..
This regular virus version is/was supposed to represent a permanent danger, according to the agenda of the Dark side, through an intensive manipulation and distribution of false information. As a consequence, this will/would lead to a total removal of all rights– as already described – and subsequent complete and total control by those in actual authority.
If it does not, then those with any remaining sense of responsibility would have to reverse any measures in place and lift all restrictions, i.e. return all rights to the population and face up to the fact that no serious pandemic exists or has existed. This would obviously cause a lot of uncomfortable questioning by the population including whether or not those in government and authority really have the best intentions of the people in mind.
Disclaimer: This message is only meant for those to whom the contents resonate, for everybody else you can read and then let it go.
Current View on the Corona Virus
In reality, the named corona pandemic is not as it seems, as more and more people on this planet are discovering.
The Light Forces ask you to remain relaxed and calm, but active in terms of attention, networking, inner work and following the mission in the liberation of this planet.
Although it is a virus, which was artificially produced in laboratories, it is a normal virus infection, like any other flu infection that has been active throughout all previous years. It is hardly different from the others. Those who are of the Dark are incarnated in human physical bodies. Therefore, to achieve their goals, they use strains from normal virus groups as otherwise it would also put their own health or life at great risk.
The real intention behind this pandemic includes the creation of a certain behavior pattern, acceptance for restrictions and complete cancellation of all rights permanently. A viral group made of a basic substance and which has existed for a long time and thus will continue to exist, is therefore now created as the latest form of faceless terrorist. So the next time it mutates and re-appears (which is already slowly being announced), an attempt will be made to use this as further reasoning to prolong the restrictions or to completely remove all rights until all those who are affected by the restrictions become accustom to them and accept it completely as the new normal..
This regular virus version is/was supposed to represent a permanent danger, according to the agenda of the Dark side, through an intensive manipulation and distribution of false information. As a consequence, this will/would lead to a total removal of all rights– as already described – and subsequent complete and total control by those in actual authority.
If it does not, then those with any remaining sense of responsibility would have to reverse any measures in place and lift all restrictions, i.e. return all rights to the population and face up to the fact that no serious pandemic exists or has existed. This would obviously cause a lot of uncomfortable questioning by the population including whether or not those in government and authority really have the best intentions of the people in mind.
🌌 ~ 💗 Allison Coe: 2020 Update 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Please note that this short 14 minute interview aired on Jan 31, 2020👈] ... Wauuu! Wauuu! Wauuu!!!😊... Allison Coe is promoting stuff that 99.9 percent of her own family don't believe in and many naysayers are hitting her hard (but I think she's aaaaaamazing). However, Allison Coe, she's still a down to earth kinda girl/person - like you and me. At the same time, she's funny, lively and charismatic. My own mood barometer rose significantly, after this and other of Allison Coe' videos 🌡️🌡️🌡️+++... PS: Do you remember the now deceased, but amazing and well known Dolores Cannon? She also used Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and SoTW meet another amazing woman at Awake & Aware conference in London in 2018 (Simon Parkes, Project Camelot). Her name is Liz Vincent, Past Life and This life Hypnotherapy Regression Specialist. SoTW sad down on the english lawn and really listen to Liz and her life experiences with other people Quantum Healing sessions and she has a very deep understand and knowledge - and knows Allison Coe of course... ☝️ BTW, on a side note, as I have stated before, and Simon confirms this, black helicopters patrolled the area at Awake & Aware conference/venue in London. Simon and Kerry was warned beforehand on psychic attacks or EMF weapons happened. Simon lost his voice (so I didn't manage to talk to him). However, at the end of the conference, we had a great dinner and I personally had a chat with Peter Paget, who do briefings to the UK MP's, among many many things and meet some very spiritual enlightened people. Of course Kerry Cassidy was swamped with people, so I didn't manage to talk to her and Simon Parkes, had already left the party, very early in the conference... |
Allison Coe. My name is Allison and I'm a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner living in Portland, OR, USA. I do hypnosis and dream interpretations. I set up this channel to share portions of my QHHT sessions that I deem beneficial to the public, and dreams that are sent to me from all over the world that I have interpreted. For more information on Quantum Healing Hypnosis please visit my website at www.soulfocus-hypnosis.com - I'd love to answer any of your questions.
These are a series of clips put together from Allison Coe's interview by Candace Craw-Goldman from Quantum Healers. Allison shares client notes from her Quantum Healing sessions about the significant events that will happen and are already happening on 2020. The interview aired on Jan 31, 2020. Watch the full interview https://youtu.be/FS1B97EPA8k Allison Coe YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4AI...
These are a series of clips put together from Allison Coe's interview by Candace Craw-Goldman from Quantum Healers. Allison shares client notes from her Quantum Healing sessions about the significant events that will happen and are already happening on 2020. The interview aired on Jan 31, 2020. Watch the full interview https://youtu.be/FS1B97EPA8k Allison Coe YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4AI...
Liz Vincent is a Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy Expert based in Harley Street, London
🌎 ~ 💗 Mother Gaia through Galaxygirl - 4/13/2020 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Nova GAIA is being Created, Built, Prepared and Nurtured for the Ascending Ones👈] ... |
💌 ~ 💗 How things 'look' and how things 'are'.... (Matt Kahn) 💕 ~ |
Dear , How things look and how things are — are not one and the same. How things look is the evolution of life in progress. How things feel, when not interpreting judgments about how things look, reveals an evolution already in bloom. Instead of using feelings to interpret each judgment about how things look, dare to expand your perceptions by feeling into the truth of things — no matter how displaced, imbalanced, or incongruent anything seems to be. From this space of heart-centered awareness, you allow all imbalances and incongruences to be evened out and transformed just by daring to witness it through the light of your own loving presence. There will be those who insist this act of conscious witnessing is not enough to save the world. The world is not in need of 'saving'. To 'save a world' is an attempt to preserve the very patterning that was never a sustainable or equitable way for a species to evolve. Rather, it was a Divine set-up to inspire a global rebirthing that brings the truth of interconnected reality to the forefront of mass consciousness. Such a truth can only unravel injustices and uncertainties the more often the tendency of war is seen through the eyes of peace -- which gives rise to a more enlightened civilization. This is why love exists: to soothe your most innocent parts with remembrances of your unlimited Divine Nature, no matter how easy it is to give away your power by judging things in view. Please enjoy every section of this newsletter and know that my heart is with always with you. All For Love, |
😴🥱⏰ ~ Wake Up! This Plandemic is Fake - Break the Lockdown NOW or Face Mass Famine Across The World ~ | Blogger: They might be able to fool other people, but not me. I know what their been doing this "fake normal" routine for years - posting about how world governments are helping and assisting us to solve the biggest crisis since scientists found alien code 'embedded' in human DNA, but they are the ones who has started CV19. It's all about decades of planned controlled lockdown of humanity, socializing at a distance, travel restrictions and what have you, that will basically destroys our immunsystem because we will not be exposed to any new bacteria, or vira and the global vaccination will not help, which is embedded with ID-chip and human modifications and the importance of socialization with other people, will break us down. etc. etc. However, there MUST be some benevolent aliens or humans out there that want to STOP it?... |
🧑⚕️ ~ 16-årig døde af meningitis: Nu får læge bødestraf ~ | Blogger: [👉Hvis det var min egen søn eller min nevø som har samme alder, ville jeg ha' gået spiritual amok, men det nytter jo heller ikke noget👈] ... {efter en million-milliard år, kan læger nu gøres ansvarlige for deres ugerninger. Skal vi vente endnu en million-milliard år, før de kan fængsles?} ... Bliver så trist når jeg hører om disse forfærdelige historier, jeg burde naturligvis ikke gå ind i dramaet, er ikke dum, men kan du se, hvad der er galt her? Min mor har ledet modtagelse / skadestue i 40 år, så jeg kender lidt til hvordan ting foregår på et sygehus. Kan du ikke se hvordan "systemet" omkring det medicinsk-industrielle kompleks lukker sig og beskytter alle læger og ansvarlige ledende sundhedspersonale, tandlæger er ikke bedre. I dette tilfælde, er én læge DIREKTE hovedansvarlig for behandlingen af den 16-årige Mathias Baadsgaard-Lund, som døde af meningitis for fire år siden, har nu erklæret sig skyldig i grov forsømmelse, med en sølle dom på 5.000 kroner... PS: vidste du, at Danmarks bedst betalte praktiserende læge tjener næsten 2,2 mio. kroner om året, og han tjener dermed langt mere end ministre, sygehusdirektører og departementschefer?... |
📉 ~ Man Who Predicted The Global Collapse Just Warned The Destiny Of The World Is Now In The Hands Of 6 Entities (KWN) ~ | Blogger: [👉Patience for the (Spiritual EVENT) is a virtue: Trump, Putin And QAnon or Not. 6 Entities Runs the Banking World or Not. MIC-SSP, NASA & Aliens Runs the Universe, or Not. I'm Tired, Frustrated and Concerned About Why We Are Stalling👈] ... Are you sick and tired like me, that N-O-T-H-I-N-G seems to happen with the Incredibly Evil Deep State, Rothschilds, Khazarian Mafia (KM) the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick? Be aware; these globalist Parasitecrats are described and qualified by names as; illuminati, insiders, the Deep State, Rothschild Khazarian Mafia – RKM, Cabal, elite, establishment, or Powers That Be – PTB, these run the (Masonic Jewish) central banking cartel, the CIA, MI-6, and Mossad; to destabilising government, corporations, law enforcement, education and the media in a plot to dispossess and enslave humanity... |
Source (KWN)
Today the man who predicted the global collapse just warned the destiny of the world is now in the hands of 6 entities.
Destiny Of The World Now In The Hands Of 6 Entities
These central banks have totally corrupted and destroyed the financial system by printing money and extending credit that doesn’t exist. Everyone knows that creating money out of thin air makes the money totally worthless. These bankers know that if you stand next to the printing press and get the money first, it does have some value before it circulates. And this is exactly what they have done. Once the money reaches the people, it devalues rapidly. As Mayer Amschel Rothschild said over 200 years ago: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”
The central banks are now panicking and are creating trillions of dollars, euros, etc. Add to that additional bank lending and government debt and we are in the tens of trillions of dollars…(READ MORE)
Source (SGTreport)
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